12 research outputs found

    Investigating attributes affecting the performance of WBI users

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Computers and Education. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.Numerous research studies have explored the effect of hypermedia on learners' performance using Web Based Instruction (WBI). A learner's performance is determined by their varying skills and abilities as well as various differences such as gender, cognitive style and prior knowledge. In this paper, we investigate how differences between individuals influenced learner's performance using a hypermedia system to accommodate an individual's preferences. The effect of learning performance is investigated to explore relationships between measurement attributes including gain scores (post-test minus pre-test), number of pages visited in a WBI program, and time spent on such pages. A data mining approach was used to analyze the results by comparing two clustering algorithms (K-Means and Hierarchical) with two different numbers of clusters. Individual differences had a significant impact on learner behavior in our WBI program. Additionally, we found that the relationship between attributes that measure performance played an influential role in exploring performance level; the relationship between such attributes induced rules in measuring level of a learners' performance

    O estilo cognitivo e a fixação de metasde aprendizagem em ambientes computacionais

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    Objective. To explore the influence of cognitive style, in the field dependence - independence dimension, on the setting, fixing and accuracy of learning goals, and at the same time to determine this influence on high school students’ expected learning achievement during their interaction with a hypermedia environment –called “Softri”– designed for solving problems related to rectangular triangles. Method. 85 tenth grade students from a state school in Bogotá, Colombia, took part in the study. The EFT (Embedded Figures Test) was used to measure cognitive style. Academic achievement was indicated by evaluations administered by the computational environment, and the goals selected by the students were registered by the software “Softri”. An Anova analysis was carried out to establish the presence of significant differences between academic achievement and goal setting for different groups of students, according to their cognitive style. Results. The results showed that independent field students set higher goals and are more accurate with respect to their expected learning achievements. Conclusion. It is possible to establish that independent field students have higher beliefs of control over their own learning process. They probably have higher internal locus of control. It is also possible for these students to have higher levels of academic self-efficacy since they set more demanding goals. These behaviors may be associated to a greater capacity for self-regulated learning.Objetivo. Explorar la influencia que ejerce el estilo cognitivo en la dimensión dependencia - independencia de campo sobre la fijación, ajuste y precisión de metas de aprendizaje. De igual manera, explorar dicha influencia en el logro de aprendizaje esperado en estudiantes de secundaria, durante su interacción en la resolución de problemas de triángulos rectángulos a través de un ambiente hipermedial denominado “Softri”. Método. En la investigación participaron 85 estudiantes del grado décimo de un colegio oficial de Bogotá. Se utilizó el EFT para medir el estilo cognitivo. El logro académico se obtuvo a través de evaluaciones realizadas en el escenario computacional. De igual forma, las metas seleccionadas por los sujetos eran registradas por el software ”Softri”. Para el tratamiento de los datos se realizó un análisis Anova, el cual permite establecer la existencia de diferencias significativas en cuanto a las medias del logro de aprendizaje y la formulación de metas entre los diferentes grupos de estudiantes de acuerdo con su estilo cognitivo. Resultados. Se mostró que los estudiantes independientes de campo se fijan metas más altas, siendo más precisos con respecto al logro de aprendizajes esperados. Conclusión. Es posible establecer que los estudiantes independientes de campo poseen altas creencias de control sobre su propio proceso de aprendizaje. Probablemente, poseen un locus de control interno alto. También es viable pensar que estos sujetos, poseen altos niveles de autoeficacia académica atendiendo a que se formulan metas más exigentes. Estas conductas pueden estar asociadas a una mayor capacidad de autorregulación del aprendizaje.Escopo. Explorar a influência que exerce o estilo cognitivo na dimensão dependência - independência de campo sobre a fixação, ajuste e precisão de metas de aprendizagem. Igualmente, explorar dita influencia no logro de aprendizagem esperado em estudantes de secundaria, durante sua interação na resolução de problemas de triângulos retângulos através de um ambiente hipermídia denominado “Softri”. Metodologia. Na pesquisa participaram 85 estudiantes do segundo ano de ensino médio de uma escola oficial de Bogotá. Foi utilizado o EFT para medir o estilo cognitivo. O logro acadêmico foi obtido através de avaliações feitas no cenário computacional. Do mesmo jeito, as metas selecionadas pelos sujeitos foram registradas pelo software “Softri”. Para o tratamento dos dados foi feita uma análise Anova, a qual permite estabelecer a existência de diferencias significativas em quanto às medidas do logro de aprendizagem e a formulação de metas entre os diferentes grupos de estudantes de acordo com seu estilo cognitivo. Resultados. Foi mostrado que os estudantes independentes de campo fixam metas mais altas, sendo mais precisos com respeito ao logro de aprendizagem esperado. Conclusão. É possível estabelecer que os estudantes independentes de campo têm altas crenças de controle sobre seu próprio processo de aprendizagem. Provavelmente, têm um locus de controle interno alto. Também é viável pensar que estes sujeitos têm altos níveis de autoeficácia acadêmica atendendo a que formulam metas mais exigentes. Estas condutas podem ser associadas a uma maior capacidade de autorregulação da aprendizagem

    Evaluating student levelling based on machine learning model’s performance

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    In this paper, a novel application of machine learning algorithms is presented for student levelling. In multicultural countries such as UAE, there are various education curriculums where the sector of private schools and quality assurance is supervising various private schools for many nationalities. As there are various education curriculums in United Arab Emirates, specifically Abu Dhabi, to meet expats’ needs, there are different requirements for registration and success. In addition, there are different age groups for starting education in each curriculum. Every curriculum follows different education methods such as assessment techniques, reassessment rules, and exam boards. Currently, students who transfer to other curriculums are not correctly placed to their appropriate year group as a result of the start and end dates of each academic year as well as due to their date of birth, in which students who are either younger or older for that year group can create gaps in their learning and performance. In addition, pupils’ academic journeys are not stored which create a gap for the schools to track their learning process. In this paper, we propose a computational framework applicable in multicultural countries such as United Arab Emirates in which multi-education systems are implemented. Machine Learning are used to provide the appropriate student’ level aiding schools to provide a smooth transition when assigning students to their year groups and provide levelling and differentiation information of pupils for a smooth transition between one education curriculums to another, in which retrieval of their progress is possible. For classification and discriminant analysis of pupils levelling, three machine learning classifiers are utilised including random forest classifier, Artificial Neural Network, and combined classifiers. The simulation results indicated that the proposed machine learning classifiers generated effective performance in terms of accuracy

    Influence of Field Dependence / Independence, Gender, and Experience on Navigational Behavior and Configurational Knowledge Acquisition in a Desktop Virtual Reality Environment

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    Little is known about the influence of individual learner differences on navigational behaviors and learning within a desktop virtual reality environment (VE). This mixed-methods exploratory study used orienting, navigating, and wayfinding theory, digital performance-recording technology, and expert judges to examine the influences of the individual characteristics of field dependent/field independent cognitive style, gender, and prior domain knowledge or experience on navigation behaviors and survey knowledge acquisition of 30 police officers in a virtual crime scene created for the study. Detailed analyses were made of navigational moves and post-VE-treatment drawings of the virtual crime scene. Based on descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests, analysis of variance, qualitative data, inter-judge reliability coefficients, and rating scores on post-treatment drawings, several conclusions were drawn: 1. Navigational behaviors in a desktop VE is individualistic rather than occupational. 2. IdentificaSchool of Teaching and Curriculum Leadershi