257 research outputs found

    Tree model guided (TMG) enumeration as the basis for mining frequent patterns from XML documents

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Information Technology.Association mining consists of two important problems, namely frequent patterns discovery and rule construction. The former task is considered to be a more challenging problem to solve. Because of its importance and application in a number of data mining tasks, it has become the focus of many studies. A substantial amount of research has gone into the development of efficient algorithms for mining patterns from large structured or relational data. Compared with the fruitful achievements in mining structured data, mining in the semi-structured world still remains at a preliminary stage. The most popular representative of the semi-structured data is XML. Mining frequent patterns from XML poses more challenges in comparison to mining frequent patterns from relational data because XML is a tree-structured data and has an ordered data context. Moreover, XML data in general is larger in data size due to richer contents and more meta-data. Dealing with XML, thus involves greater unprecedented complexity in comparison to mining relational data. Mining frequent patterns from XML can be recast as mining frequent tree structures from a database of XML documents. The increase of XML data and the need for mining semi-structured data has sparked a lot of interest in finding frequent rooted trees in forests. In this thesis, we aim to develop a framework to mine frequent patterns from XML documents. The framework utilizes a structure-guided enumeration approach, Tree Model Guided (TMG), for efficient enumeration of tree structure and it makes use of novel structures for fast enumeration and frequency counting. By utilizing a novel array-based structure, an embedded list (EL), the framework offers a simple sequencelike tree enumeration technique. The effectiveness and extendibility of the framework is demonstrated in that it can be utilized not only for enumerating ordered subtrees but also for enumerating unordered subtrees and subsequences. Furthermore, the framework tackles the unprecedented complexity in mining frequent tree-structured patterns by generating only valid candidates with non-zero frequency count and employing a constraint-driven approach. Our experimental studies comparing the proposed framework with the state-of-the-art algorithms demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed framework

    Tree mining application to matching of hetereogeneous knowledge

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    Matching of heterogeneous knowledge sources is of increasing importance in areas such as scientific knowledge management, e-commerce, enterprise application integration, and many emerging Semantic Web applications. With the desire of knowledge sharing and reuse in these fields, it is common that the knowledge coming from different organizations from the same domain is to be matched. We propose a knowledge matching method based on our previously developed tree mining algorithms for extracting frequently occurring subtrees from a tree structured database such as XML. Using the method the common structure among the different representations can be automatically extracted. Our focus is on knowledge matching at the structural level and we use a set of example XML schema documents from the same domain to evaluate the method. We discuss some important issues that arise when applying tree mining algorithms for detection of common document structures. The experiments demonstrate the usefulness of the approach

    Razor: Mining distance-constrained embedded subtrees

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    Our work is focused on the task of mining frequent subtrees from a database of rooted ordered labelled subtrees. Previously we have developed an efficient algorithm, MB3 [12], for mining frequent embedded subtrees from a database of rooted labeled and ordered subtrees. The efficiency comes from the utilization of a novel Embedding List representation for Tree Model Guided (TMG) candidate generation. As an extension the IMB3 [13] algorithm introduces the Level of Embedding constraint. In this study we extend our past work by developing an algorithm, Razor, for mining embedded subtrees where the distance of nodes relative to the root of the subtree needs to be considered. This notion of distance constrained embedded tree mining will have important applications in web information systems, conceptual model analysis and more sophisticated ontology matching. Domains representing their knowledge in a tree structured form may require this additional distance information as it commonly indicates the amount of specific knowledge stored about a particular concept within the hierarchy. The structure based approaches for schema matching commonly take the distance among the concept nodes within a sub-structure into account when evaluating the concept similarity across different schemas. We present an encoding strategy to efficiently enumerate candidate subtrees taking the distance of nodes relative to the root of the subtree into account. The algorithm is applied to both synthetic and real-world datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed technique

    A survey of frequent subgraph mining algorithms

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    Mining complex structured data: Enhanced methods and applications

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    Conventional approaches to analysing complex business data typically rely on process models, which are difficult to construct and use. This thesis addresses this issue by converting semi-structured event logs to a simpler flat representation without any loss of information, which then enables direct applications of classical data mining methods. The thesis also proposes an effective and scalable classification method which can identify distinct characteristics of a business process for further improvements

    Mining user-generated comments

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    International audience—Social-media websites, such as newspapers, blogs, and forums, are the main places of generation and exchange of user-generated comments. These comments are viable sources for opinion mining, descriptive annotations and information extraction. User-generated comments are formatted using a HTML template, they are therefore entwined with the other information in the HTML document. Their unsupervised extraction is thus a taxing issue – even greater when considering the extraction of nested answers by different users. This paper presents a novel technique (CommentsMiner) for unsupervised users comments extraction. Our approach uses both the theoretical framework of frequent subtree mining and data extraction techniques. We demonstrate that the comment mining task can be modelled as a constrained closed induced subtree mining problem followed by a learning-to-rank problem. Our experimental evaluations show that CommentsMiner solves the plain comments and nested comments extraction problems for 84% of a representative and accessible dataset, while outperforming existing baselines techniques

    A Novel Coverage Pattern Mining Method for Unordered Tree

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    Adaptive Learning and Mining for Data Streams and Frequent Patterns

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    Aquesta tesi està dedicada al disseny d'algorismes de mineria de dades per fluxos de dades que evolucionen en el temps i per l'extracció d'arbres freqüents tancats. Primer ens ocupem de cadascuna d'aquestes tasques per separat i, a continuació, ens ocupem d'elles conjuntament, desenvolupant mètodes de classificació de fluxos de dades que contenen elements que són arbres. En el model de flux de dades, les dades arriben a gran velocitat, i els algorismes que els han de processar tenen limitacions estrictes de temps i espai. En la primera part d'aquesta tesi proposem i mostrem un marc per desenvolupar algorismes que aprenen de forma adaptativa dels fluxos de dades que canvien en el temps. Els nostres mètodes es basen en l'ús de mòduls detectors de canvi i estimadors en els llocs correctes. Proposem ADWIN, un algorisme de finestra lliscant adaptativa, per la detecció de canvi i manteniment d'estadístiques actualitzades, i proposem utilitzar-lo com a caixa negra substituint els comptadors en algorismes inicialment no dissenyats per a dades que varien en el temps. Com ADWIN té garanties teòriques de funcionament, això obre la possibilitat d'ampliar aquestes garanties als algorismes d'aprenentatge i de mineria de dades que l'usin. Provem la nostre metodologia amb diversos mètodes d'aprenentatge com el Naïve Bayes, partició, arbres de decisió i conjunt de classificadors. Construïm un marc experimental per fer mineria amb fluxos de dades que varien en el temps, basat en el programari MOA, similar al programari WEKA, de manera que sigui fàcil pels investigadors de realitzar-hi proves experimentals. Els arbres són grafs acíclics connectats i són estudiats com vincles en molts casos. En la segona part d'aquesta tesi, descrivim un estudi formal dels arbres des del punt de vista de mineria de dades basada en tancats. A més, presentem algorismes eficients per fer tests de subarbres i per fer mineria d'arbres freqüents tancats ordenats i no ordenats. S'inclou una anàlisi de l'extracció de regles d'associació de confiança plena dels conjunts d'arbres tancats, on hem trobat un fenomen interessant: les regles que la seva contrapart proposicional és no trivial, són sempre certes en els arbres a causa de la seva peculiar combinatòria. I finalment, usant aquests resultats en fluxos de dades evolutius i la mineria d'arbres tancats freqüents, hem presentat algorismes d'alt rendiment per fer mineria d'arbres freqüents tancats de manera adaptativa en fluxos de dades que evolucionen en el temps. Introduïm una metodologia general per identificar patrons tancats en un flux de dades, utilitzant la Teoria de Reticles de Galois. Usant aquesta metodologia, desenvolupem un algorisme incremental, un basat en finestra lliscant, i finalment un que troba arbres freqüents tancats de manera adaptativa en fluxos de dades. Finalment usem aquests mètodes per a desenvolupar mètodes de classificació per a fluxos de dades d'arbres.This thesis is devoted to the design of data mining algorithms for evolving data streams and for the extraction of closed frequent trees. First, we deal with each of these tasks separately, and then we deal with them together, developing classification methods for data streams containing items that are trees. In the data stream model, data arrive at high speed, and the algorithms that must process them have very strict constraints of space and time. In the first part of this thesis we propose and illustrate a framework for developing algorithms that can adaptively learn from data streams that change over time. Our methods are based on using change detectors and estimator modules at the right places. We propose an adaptive sliding window algorithm ADWIN for detecting change and keeping updated statistics from a data stream, and use it as a black-box in place or counters or accumulators in algorithms initially not designed for drifting data. Since ADWIN has rigorous performance guarantees, this opens the possibility of extending such guarantees to learning and mining algorithms. We test our methodology with several learning methods as Naïve Bayes, clustering, decision trees and ensemble methods. We build an experimental framework for data stream mining with concept drift, based on the MOA framework, similar to WEKA, so that it will be easy for researchers to run experimental data stream benchmarks. Trees are connected acyclic graphs and they are studied as link-based structures in many cases. In the second part of this thesis, we describe a rather formal study of trees from the point of view of closure-based mining. Moreover, we present efficient algorithms for subtree testing and for mining ordered and unordered frequent closed trees. We include an analysis of the extraction of association rules of full confidence out of the closed sets of trees, and we have found there an interesting phenomenon: rules whose propositional counterpart is nontrivial are, however, always implicitly true in trees due to the peculiar combinatorics of the structures. And finally, using these results on evolving data streams mining and closed frequent tree mining, we present high performance algorithms for mining closed unlabeled rooted trees adaptively from data streams that change over time. We introduce a general methodology to identify closed patterns in a data stream, using Galois Lattice Theory. Using this methodology, we then develop an incremental one, a sliding-window based one, and finally one that mines closed trees adaptively from data streams. We use these methods to develop classification methods for tree data streams.Postprint (published version

    An Algebraic View of the Relation between Largest Common Subtrees and Smallest Common Supertrees

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    The relationship between two important problems in tree pattern matching, the largest common subtree and the smallest common supertree problems, is established by means of simple constructions, which allow one to obtain a largest common subtree of two trees from a smallest common supertree of them, and vice versa. These constructions are the same for isomorphic, homeomorphic, topological, and minor embeddings, they take only time linear in the size of the trees, and they turn out to have a clear algebraic meaning.Comment: 32 page
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