14,595 research outputs found

    Performance and scalability of indexed subgraph query processing methods

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    Graph data management systems have become very popular as graphs are the natural data model for many applications. One of the main problems addressed by these systems is subgraph query processing; i.e., given a query graph, return all graphs that contain the query. The naive method for processing such queries is to perform a subgraph isomorphism test against each graph in the dataset. This obviously does not scale, as subgraph isomorphism is NP-Complete. Thus, many indexing methods have been proposed to reduce the number of candidate graphs that have to underpass the subgraph isomorphism test. In this paper, we identify a set of key factors-parameters, that influence the performance of related methods: namely, the number of nodes per graph, the graph density, the number of distinct labels, the number of graphs in the dataset, and the query graph size. We then conduct comprehensive and systematic experiments that analyze the sensitivity of the various methods on the values of the key parameters. Our aims are twofold: first to derive conclusions about the algorithms’ relative performance, and, second, to stress-test all algorithms, deriving insights as to their scalability, and highlight how both performance and scalability depend on the above factors. We choose six wellestablished indexing methods, namely Grapes, CT-Index, GraphGrepSX, gIndex, Tree+∆, and gCode, as representative approaches of the overall design space, including the most recent and best performing methods. We report on their index construction time and index size, and on query processing performance in terms of time and false positive ratio. We employ both real and synthetic datasets. Specifi- cally, four real datasets of different characteristics are used: AIDS, PDBS, PCM, and PPI. In addition, we generate a large number of synthetic graph datasets, empowering us to systematically study the algorithms’ performance and scalability versus the aforementioned key parameters

    Analyze Large Multidimensional Datasets Using Algebraic Topology

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm to extract knowledge from high-dimensionality, high- complexity datasets using algebraic topology, namely simplicial complexes. Based on concept of isomorphism of relations, our method turn a relational table into a geometric object (a simplicial complex is a polyhedron). So, conceptually association rule searching is turned into a geometric traversal problem. By leveraging on the core concepts behind Simplicial Complex, we use a new technique (in computer science) that improves the performance over existing methods and uses far less memory. It was designed and developed with a strong emphasis on scalability, reliability, and extensibility. This paper also investigate the possibility of Hadoop integration and the challenges that come with the framework

    Sequence Classification Based on Delta-Free Sequential Pattern

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    International audienceSequential pattern mining is one of the most studied and challenging tasks in data mining. However, the extension of well-known methods from many other classical patterns to sequences is not a trivial task. In this paper we study the notion of δ-freeness for sequences. While this notion has extensively been discussed for itemsets, this work is the first to extend it to sequences. We define an efficient algorithm devoted to the extraction of δ-free sequential patterns. Furthermore, we show the advantage of the δ-free sequences and highlight their importance when building sequence classifiers, and we show how they can be used to address the feature selection problem in statistical classifiers, as well as to build symbolic classifiers which optimizes both accuracy and earliness of predictions

    Logical Linked Data Compression

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    Linked data has experienced accelerated growth in recent years. With the continuing proliferation of structured data, demand for RDF compression is becoming increasingly important. In this study, we introduce a novel lossless compression technique for RDF datasets, called Rule Based Compression (RB Compression) that compresses datasets by generating a set of new logical rules from the dataset and removing triples that can be inferred from these rules. Unlike other compression techniques, our approach not only takes advantage of syntactic verbosity and data redundancy but also utilizes semantic associations present in the RDF graph. Depending on the nature of the dataset, our system is able to prune more than 50% of the original triples without affecting data integrity

    Using Neural Networks for Pattern Association for the Online Purchase of Products

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    Abstract: Today, a huge percentage of all the business transactions that take place in the domain of e-commerce are dominated by online shopping after the virtual market conceptualization of the business. This paper focuses on how pattern association rules may be obtained from the dynamic databases generated during purchases in an e-Store to maximize the profit of the marketer. In this paper, ANN has been used as a tool for generating pattern association rules during online purchases of products to aid the cross-selling of products. For getting the rules, a methodology using artificial neural networks has been adapted for usage using an extended Delta rule for initial training of the network and a hetero-associative neural network for generating and storing the associative rules. Also, a methodology has been proposed to filter out all rules which do not add economic value to the firm and then select that rule which will meet the profit maximization objective of the marketer

    Discovering Knowledge from Local Patterns with Global Constraints

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    It is well known that local patterns are at the core of a lot of knowledge which may be discovered from data. Nevertheless, use of local patterns is limited by their huge number and computational costs. Several approaches (e.g., condensed representations, pattern set discovery) aim at grouping or synthesizing local patterns to provide a global view of the data. A global pattern is a pattern which is a set or a synthesis of local patterns coming from the data. In this paper, we propose the idea of global constraints to write queries addressing global patterns. A key point is the ability to bias the designing of global patterns according to the expectation of the user. For instance, a global pattern can be oriented towards the search of exceptions or a clustering. It requires to write queries taking into account such biases. Open issues are to design a generic framework to express powerful global constraints and solvers to mine them. We think that global constraints are a promising way to discover relevant global patterns

    Data analytics 2016: proceedings of the fifth international conference on data analytics

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    The {RDF}-3X Engine for Scalable Management of {RDF} Data

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    RDF is a data model for schema-free structured information that is gaining momentum in the context of Semantic-Web data, life sciences, and also Web 2.0 platforms. The ``pay-as-you-go'' nature of RDF and the flexible pattern-matching capabilities of its query language SPARQL entail efficiency and scalability challenges for complex queries including long join paths. This paper presents the RDF-3X engine, an implementation of SPARQL that achieves excellent performance by pursuing a RISC-style architecture with streamlined indexing and query processing. The physical design is identical for all RDF-3X databases regardless of their workloads, and completely eliminates the need for index tuning by exhaustive indexes for all permutations of subject-property-object triples and their binary and unary projections. These indexes are highly compressed, and the query processor can aggressively leverage fast merge joins with excellent performance of processor caches. The query optimizer is able to choose optimal join orders even for complex queries, with a cost model that includes statistical synopses for entire join paths. Although RDF-3X is optimized for queries, it also provides good support for efficient online updates by means of a staging architecture: direct updates to the main database indexes are deferred, and instead applied to compact differential indexes which are later merged into the main indexes in a batched manner. Experimental studies with several large-scale datasets with more than 50 million RDF triples and benchmark queries that include pattern matching, manyway star-joins, and long path-joins demonstrate that RDF-3X can outperform the previously best alternatives by one or two orders of magnitude

    21st Century Simulation: Exploiting High Performance Computing and Data Analysis

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    This paper identifies, defines, and analyzes the limitations imposed on Modeling and Simulation by outmoded paradigms in computer utilization and data analysis. The authors then discuss two emerging capabilities to overcome these limitations: High Performance Parallel Computing and Advanced Data Analysis. First, parallel computing, in supercomputers and Linux clusters, has proven effective by providing users an advantage in computing power. This has been characterized as a ten-year lead over the use of single-processor computers. Second, advanced data analysis techniques are both necessitated and enabled by this leap in computing power. JFCOM's JESPP project is one of the few simulation initiatives to effectively embrace these concepts. The challenges facing the defense analyst today have grown to include the need to consider operations among non-combatant populations, to focus on impacts to civilian infrastructure, to differentiate combatants from non-combatants, and to understand non-linear, asymmetric warfare. These requirements stretch both current computational techniques and data analysis methodologies. In this paper, documented examples and potential solutions will be advanced. The authors discuss the paths to successful implementation based on their experience. Reviewed technologies include parallel computing, cluster computing, grid computing, data logging, OpsResearch, database advances, data mining, evolutionary computing, genetic algorithms, and Monte Carlo sensitivity analyses. The modeling and simulation community has significant potential to provide more opportunities for training and analysis. Simulations must include increasingly sophisticated environments, better emulations of foes, and more realistic civilian populations. Overcoming the implementation challenges will produce dramatically better insights, for trainees and analysts. High Performance Parallel Computing and Advanced Data Analysis promise increased understanding of future vulnerabilities to help avoid unneeded mission failures and unacceptable personnel losses. The authors set forth road maps for rapid prototyping and adoption of advanced capabilities. They discuss the beneficial impact of embracing these technologies, as well as risk mitigation required to ensure success
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