99 research outputs found

    Relative Convex Hull Determination from Convex Hulls in the Plane

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    A new algorithm for the determination of the relative convex hull in the plane of a simple polygon A with respect to another simple polygon B which contains A, is proposed. The relative convex hull is also known as geodesic convex hull, and the problem of its determination in the plane is equivalent to find the shortest curve among all Jordan curves lying in the difference set of B and A and encircling A. Algorithms solving this problem known from Computational Geometry are based on the triangulation or similar decomposition of that difference set. The algorithm presented here does not use such decomposition, but it supposes that A and B are given as ordered sequences of vertices. The algorithm is based on convex hull calculations of A and B and of smaller polygons and polylines, it produces the output list of vertices of the relative convex hull from the sequence of vertices of the convex hull of A.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Conference paper published. We corrected two typing errors in Definition 2: ISI_S has to be defined based on OSO_S, and IEI_E has to be defined based on OEO_E (not just using OO). These errors appeared in the text of the original conference paper, which also contained the pseudocode of an algorithm where ISI_S and IEI_E appeared as correctly define

    On the number of sides necessary for polygonal approximation of black-and-white figures in a plane

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    A bound on the number of extreme points or sides necessary to approximate a convex planar figure by an enclosing polygon is described. This number is found to be proportional to the fourth root of the figure's area divided by the square of a maximum Euclidean distance approximation parameter.An extension of this bound, preserving its fourth root quality, is made to general planar figures. This is done by decomposing the general figure into nearly convex sets defined by inflection points, cusps, and multiple windings.A procedure for performing actual encoding of this type is described. Comparisons of parsimony are made with contemporary figure encoding schemes

    The kynurenic acid analog SZR104 induces cytomorphological changes associated with the anti-inflammatory phenotype in cultured microglia

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    We previously showed the anti-inflammatory effects of kynurenic acid (KYNA) and its brain-penetrable analog N -(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl)-3-(morpholinomethyl)-4-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxamide (SZR104) both in vivo and in vitro. Here, we identified the cytomorphological effects of KYNA and SZR104 in secondary microglial cultures established from newborn rat forebrains. We quantitatively analyzed selected morphological aspects of microglia in control (unchallenged), lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated (challenged), KYNA- or SZR104-treated, and LPS + KYNA or LPS + SZR104-treated cultures. Multicolor immunofluorescence labeling followed by morphometric analysis (area, perimeter, transformation index, lacunarity, density, span ratio, maximum span across the convex hull, hull circularity, hull area, hull perimeter, max/min radii, mean radius, diameter of bounding circle, fractal dimension, roughness, circularity) on binary (digital) silhouettes of the microglia revealed their morphological plasticity under experimental conditions. SZR104 and, to a lesser degree, KYNA inhibited proinflammatory phenotypic changes. For example, SZR104 treatment resulted in hypertrophied microglia characterized by a swollen cell body, enlarged perimeter, increased transformation index/decreased circularity, increased convex hull values (area, perimeter, mean radius, maximum span, diameter of the bounding circle and hull circularity), altered box-counting parameters (such as fractal dimension), and increased roughness/decreased density. Taken together, analysis of cytomorphological features could contribute to the characterization of the anti-inflammatory activity of SZR104 on cultured microglia


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    Sistem temu kembali citra untuk aplikasi pengklasifikasian citra daun berdasarkan bentuk dan ruas daun sangat dibutuhkan dalam ilmu botani. Paper ini menjelaskan tentang suatu metode pengenalan jenis daun berdasarkan input berupa sketsa bentuk daun yang dibandingkan terhadap database sketsa daun yang ada. Sistem ini dapat dilakukan secara online sehingga dapat diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun user berada. Metode pengenalan ini meliputi Minimum Perimeter Polygon untuk ekstraksi fitur bentuk pada citra daun, Venation Mathing untuk ekstraksi fitur ruas daun pada citra daun. Untuk mendukung kinerja dua metode diatas, penulis memperkenalkan metode Windowing matrix untuk mendeteksi ujung dan pangkal ruas daun, Thinning Algorithm menjadikan ruas daun lebih sederhana (lining one pixel), dan Rotation Invariant untuk mengubah orientasi daun menjadi tegak lurus. Setelah melalui uji coba dan analisa, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil pencarian dengan menggunakan metode diatas mampu menghasilkan F1 Score atau tingkat akurasi 95.83%, Recall sebesar 100%, dan Precision sebesar 92.59%. Kata Kunci: Klasifikasi, online, system temu kembali, fitur bentuk daun, fitur ruas daun, Minimum Perimeter Polygon, Venation Matching, Windowing Matrix, Thinning Algorithm, Rotation Invariant

    Examining the Relationship between Stomiiform Fish Morphology and their Ecological Traits

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    Trait-based ecology characterizes individuals’ functional attributes to better understand and predict their interactions with other species and their environments. Utilizing morphological traits to describe functional groups has helped group species with similar ecological niches that are not necessarily taxonomically related. Within the deep-pelagic fishes, the Order Stomiiformes exhibits high morphological and species diversity, and many species undertake diel vertical migration (DVM). While the morphology and behavior of stomiiform fishes have been extensively studied and described through taxonomic assessments, the connection between their form and function regarding their DVM types, morphotypes, and daytime depth distributions is not well known. Here, three computer-aided morphometric techniques were used to analyze stomiiform fishes body shapes to examine the relationship between their morphology and established functional traits. Additionally, the feasibility of the three techniques to quantify preserved specimens’ shapes was assessed by measuring their ability to predict an individual\u27s taxonomic identity. In the present study, computer-aided morphometric techniques were relatively successful in distinguishing between some taxa. Still, the extent of its success varied according to the taxa and the technique used. Functional traits associated with DVM and vertical distributions were generally significant but showed similar variability across techniques and taxa. The results of this study showed that combining computer-aided morphometric techniques with taxonomic and traditional assessments can open a wide range of new potential applications to further understand deep-sea fish morphologies and how they relate to their functioning within the deep sea. Computer-aided morphometric techniques are considered suitable methods for exploring deep-sea fish morphology variability and for a rough assessment of ecological traits within and between individuals

    Two linear-time algorithms for computing the minimum length polygon of a digital contour

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    AbstractThe Minimum Length Polygon (MLP) is an interesting first order approximation of a digital contour. For instance, the convexity of the MLP is characteristic of the digital convexity of the shape, its perimeter is a good estimate of the perimeter of the digitized shape. We present here two novel equivalent definitions of MLP, one arithmetic, one combinatorial, and both definitions lead to two different linear time algorithms to compute them. This paper extends the work presented in Provençal and Lachaud (2009) [26], by detailing the algorithms and providing full proofs. It includes also a comparative experimental evaluation of both algorithms showing that the combinatorial algorithm is about 5 times faster than the other. We also checked the multigrid convergence of the length estimator based on the MLP

    Analysis of Digital Logic Schematics Using Image Recognition

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    This thesis presents the results of research in the area of automated recognition of digital logic schematics. The adaptation of a number of existing image processing techniques for use with this kind of image is discussed, and the concept of using sets of tokens to represent the overall drawing i s explained in detail. Methods are given for using tokens to describe schematic component shapes, to represent the connections between components, and to provide sufficient information to a parser so that an equation can be generated. A Microsoft Windows-based test program which runs under Windows 95 or Windows NT has been written to implement the ideas presented. This program accepts either scanned images of digital schematics, or computer-generated images in Microsoft Windows bitmap format as input. It analyzes the input schematic image for content, and produces a corresponding logical equation as output. It also provides the functionality necessary to build and maintain an image token library

    View generated database

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    This document represents the final report for the View Generated Database (VGD) project, NAS7-1066. It documents the work done on the project up to the point at which all project work was terminated due to lack of project funds. The VGD was to provide the capability to accurately represent any real-world object or scene as a computer model. Such models include both an accurate spatial/geometric representation of surfaces of the object or scene, as well as any surface detail present on the object. Applications of such models are numerous, including acquisition and maintenance of work models for tele-autonomous systems, generation of accurate 3-D geometric/photometric models for various 3-D vision systems, and graphical models for realistic rendering of 3-D scenes via computer graphics

    Computer aided process planning for multi-axis CNC machining using feature free polygonal CAD models

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    This dissertation provides new methods for the general area of Computer Aided Process Planning, often referred to as CAPP. It specifically focuses on 3 challenging problems in the area of multi-axis CNC machining process using feature free polygonal CAD models. The first research problem involves a new method for the rapid machining of Multi-Surface Parts. These types of parts typically have different requirements for each surface, for example, surface finish, accuracy, or functionality. The CAPP algorithms developed for this problem ensure the complete rapid machining of multi surface parts by providing better setup orientations to machine each surface. The second research problem is related to a new method for discrete multi-axis CNC machining of part models using feature free polygonal CAD models. This problem specifically considers a generic 3-axis CNC machining process for which CAPP algorithms are developed. These algorithms allow the rapid machining of a wide variety of parts with higher geometric accuracy by enabling access to visible surfaces through the choice of appropriate machine tool configurations (i.e. number of axes). The third research problem addresses challenges with geometric singularities that can occur when 2D slice models are used in process planning. The conversion from CAD to slice model results in the loss of model surface information, the consequence of which could be suboptimal or incorrect process planning. The algorithms developed here facilitate transfer of complete surface geometry information from CAD to slice models. The work of this dissertation will aid in developing the next generation of CAPP tools and result in lower cost and more accurately machined components
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