9 research outputs found


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    Internet of Things (IoT) age has now started and it'll very much change our way of life. The most important purpose for IoT is formation of smart environments using self-aware things like smart transport, smart city, etc. for novel and innovative applications. Internet of things allows us to control objects that we use distantly through the internet. Negative effects of IoT technology are defenseless against to attack. So, there is increase in possibility of privacy information leakage which is causing economical damage to individuals thus also causing social and political damage. To address this problem, many risk measurement methods for information Leakage in IoT have been proposed in the past years.This overview paper highlights possible application of the concept of IoT within smart city traffic surroundings that supported instance of carpooling system with utilization of a personal vehicle. It also discusses IoT security and privacy threats which cause information leakage. This paper presented and analyzed the IoT Security, Safety, and Privacy risks that provide a complete view of current issues due to the implementation of this technology

    Shifting of air pollutants distribution during car free day event

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    According to Decree of Semarang Mayor No. 22/2011, car free day activities si addressed to give clean air for facilitating citizens activities. This car free day event is helm every Sunday in the morning in the city center of Semarang i.e. located at Simpang Lima square. This research is aimed at identifying the shifting of pollutant during car fee day eventby comparing ambient air pollutant concentration represented by carbon monoxide during carfree day event and non-car free day event. About 14 streets had been measured its ambient CO concentration during Saturday (non-car free day event) and Sunday (car free day event). We also modeled (using Caline4) the CO dispersion at the certain area on those streets to know The spatial distribution of concentration during those two events. The ambient CO concentration, in general, during car free day event were somewhat increase for certain roads. The emission load of vehicles emission during CFD event was 1.37 times of non-CFD event. Nevertheless, based on spatial distribution of ambient CO concentration at the area of roads of interest, its concentrations were below the ambient CO concentration standard (PP.41/99)

    Plan de negocio para iniciativa de transporte basada en economía social, solidaria y colaborativa.

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    El crecimiento urbano desproporcionado agudiza la dependencia de aquellas comunidades alejadas del área metropolitana, pues la centralización de los factores productivos conduce, entre otros problemas, al congestionamiento y sus implicaciones; en este sentido, se presenta la economía social, solidaria y colaborativa1 como base para el desarrollo de modelos de transporte comunitario alterno. Se propone fomentar iniciativas comunitarias de Carpooling, basadas en ESSC, con el fin de concientizar a la población de su responsabilidad y papel en el sistema, dado que, el congestionamiento es producido por la población durante su traslado diario, se determina como público objetivo o grupo beneficiado de este proyecto los residentes de la Colonia Las Arboledas, municipio de Colón, lugar donde se prevé el lanzamiento de la prueba piloto de la iniciativa. Dichas plataformas, son utilizada por amigos, vecinos, compañeros, entre otros, desarrolladas a través de tecnología de combinación de viajes a tiempo real. Para registrarse en una plataforma, es necesaria cierta información personal, que permite mantener la seguridad, los usuarios de este tipo de iniciativas ingresan la ubicación de encuentro y destino, para recibir una lista de viajes similares, sin embargo, el punto de partida, se coordina entre ellos según sus conveniencias. El proyecto se encuentra en la fase de financiamiento, la inversión inicial asciende a una suma total de 16,571.29doˊlaresestadounidenses,cantidadquesesolventaconunpreˊstamobancarioyaportacionesdelossocios.Seesperaunagananciade 16,571.29 dólares estadounidenses, cantidad que se solventa con un préstamo bancario y aportaciones de los socios. Se espera una ganancia de 9,550 dólares estadounidenses para el primer año de operación. Según datos mostrados en el plan financiero, el emprendimiento es viable, funcional y operativo. Finalmente, se espera ejecutar de manera eficiente el proyecto desarrollando 3 fases de acción. inicial, operativa y final

    UNICAR: a vehicle share platform between UMA students and staff

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    Este trabajo fin de grado (TFG) titulado “UNICAR: Una plataforma para compartir vehículos entre alumnos y personal de la UMA” es una plataforma digital para compartir los trayectos que realizan los vehículos entre alumnos y personal de la UMA. Ofrece a los usuarios de la Universidad de Málaga (UMA) una aplicación en la que los conductores con destino a alguno de los emplazamientos universitarios de la UMA la oportunidad de ofrecer las plazas libres de su vehículo a otros usuarios en base a sus horarios y su ubicación, y a otros usuarios que no tengan vehículo y que tengan que ir a la UMA encontrar conductores que ofrezcan plazas libres. Este TFG se ha desarrollado pensando en la sostenibilidad y la reducción de emisiones de carbono poniendo en contacto a los usuarios de la UMA entre ellos, ofreciendo una aplicación multiplataforma. De esta forma se reduce la exposición de los usuarios al coronavirus al no utilizar el transporte público donde hay mayor probabilidad de contagio

    Minimizing CO2 emissions in a practical daily carpooling problem

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    Governments, as well as companies and individuals, are increasingly aware of the damages to the environment caused by human activities. In this sense, the reduction of CO2 emissions is an important topic that is pursued through a range of practices. A relevant example is carpooling, which is defined as the act of individuals sharing a single car. In this paper we approach a practical case found in an Italian service company. Our objective is to develop an integrated web application to be used by the employees of this company to organize carpooling crews on a daily basis, so as to reach a common destination. We look for possible crews by the use of mathematical formulations and heuristic algorithms. The heuristic algorithms are then embedded into the web application to provide users with carpooling solutions. Experimental results attest for a great potential in CO2 savings by the use of carpooling in the real-world scenario as well as in newly generated instances

    “A little less conversation, a little more action please” - Triggering greener travel behaviour in a music festival context: The case of Fuchsbau Festival, Germany

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    With growing awareness about their environmental impact, music festivals have increased their efforts to become greener since the 2000s. In line with this trend, the German Fuchsbau Festival developed a transport plan, taking into account that up to 80.0% of a festival’s emissions are produced through audience travel. Aiming at triggering a greener travel behaviour among its visitors, four measures were defined: the introduction of a parking fee, the promotion of car-pooling, the provision of free shuttle buses from the closest train station to the festival site, and the offer of coaches departing from three German cities. In this context, this thesis investigated two related topics: the potential of the transport plan to achieve its aim, and the perception the transport plan received. As the author was involved in the development, implementation and assessment of the transport plan, the thesis is considered an action research project. Following a mixed methods approach, both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. In an online survey and thirteen semi-structured interviews, members of the audience were asked about their travel preferences, habits and their perception of the described transport plan. The data was analysed utilising an adjusted Theory of Consumption Values. It was observed, that visitors attached particular importance to a trip’s functional and emotional aspects, including ‘price’, ‘time’, ‘storage room’, and ‘fun’. The means of transport promoted through the transport plan have been found to serve these needs to different extents. It is therefore concluded that the transport plan has the potential to trigger a greener travel behaviour. Yet, challenges remain in making green means of transport accessible to a wider audience. Furthermore, it was found that the transport plan was perceived well. This offers the festival’s organisational team room to manoeuvre should they wish to continue enhancing their sustainability-related efforts. Further research is suggested to test the thesis’ generalisability, and to develop supplementary suggestions which can help to improve the festival’s transport plan