492 research outputs found

    STaRS: A scalable task routing approach to distributed scheduling

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    La planificación de muchas tareas en entornos de millones de nodos no confiables representa un gran reto. Las plataformas de computación más conocidas normalmente confían en poder gestionar en un elemento centralizado todo el estado tanto de los nodos como de las aplicaciones. Esto limita su escalabilidad y capacidad para tolerar fallos. Un modelo descentralizado puede superar estos problemas pero, por lo que sabemos, ninguna solución propuesta hasta el momento ofrece resultados satisfactorios. En esta tesis, presentamos un modelo de planificación descentralizado con tres objetivos: que escale hasta millones de nodos, sin una pérdida de prestaciones que lo inhabilite; que tolere altas tasas de fallos; y que permita la implementación de varias políticas de planificación para diferentes situaciones. Nuestra propuesta consta de tres elementos principales: un modelo de datos genérico para representar la disponibilidad de los nodos de ejecución; un esquema de agregación que propaga esta información por una capa de red jerárquica; y un algoritmo de reexpedición que, usando la información agregada, encamina tareas hacia los nodos de ejecución más apropiados. Estos tres elementos son fácilmente extensibles para proporcionar diversas políticas de planificación. En concreto, nosotros hemos implementado cinco. Una política que simplemente asigna tareas a nodos desocupados; una política que minimiza el tiempo de finalización del trabajo global; una política que cumple con los requerimientos de fecha límite de aplicaciones tipo "saco de tareas"; una política que cumple con los requerimientos de fecha límite de aplicaciones tipo "workflow"; y una política que otorga una porción equitativa de la plataforma a cada aplicación. La escalabilidad se consigue a través del esquema de agregación, que provee de suficiente información de disponibilidad a los niveles altos de la jerarquía sin inundarlos, y el algoritmo de reexpedición, que busca nodos de ejecución en varias ramas de la jerarquía de manera concurrente. Como consecuencia, los costes de comunicación están acotados y los de asignación muestran un comportamiento casi logarítmico con el tamaño del sistema. Un millar de tareas se asignan en una red de 100.000 nodos en menos de 3,5 segundos, así que podemos plantearnos utilizar nuestro modelo incluso con tareas de tan solo unos minutos de duración. Por lo que sabemos, ningún trabajo similar ha sido probado con más de 10.000 nodos. Los fallos se gestionan con una estrategia de mejor esfuerzo. Cuando se detecta el fallo de un nodo, las tareas que estaba ejecutando son reenviadas por sus propietarios y la información de disponibilidad que gestionaba es reconstruida por sus vecinos. De esta manera, nuestro modelo es capaz de degradar sus prestaciones de manera proporcional al número de nodos fallidos y recuperar toda su funcionalidad. Para demostrarlo, hemos realizado pruebas de tasa media de fallos y de fallos catastróficos. Incluso con nodos fallando con un periodo mediano de solo 5 minutos, nuestro planificador es capaz de continuar dando servicio. Al mismo tiempo, es capaz de recuperarse del fallo de una fracción importante de los nodos, siempre que la capa de red jerárquico que sustenta el sistema pueda soportarlo. Después de comprobar que es factible implementar políticas con muy distintos objetivos usando nuestro modelo de planificación, también hemos probado sus prestaciones. Hemos comparado cada política con una versión centralizada que tiene pleno conocimiento del estado de cada nodo de ejecución. El resultado es que tienen unas prestaciones cercanas a las de una implementación centralizada, incluso en entornos de gran escala y con altas tasas de fallo

    A Survey of Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Embedded Systems from the Perspective of Power, Energy, and Thermal Issues

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    The relentless technology scaling has provided a significant increase in processor performance, but on the other hand, it has led to adverse impacts on system reliability. In particular, technology scaling increases the processor susceptibility to radiation-induced transient faults. Moreover, technology scaling with the discontinuation of Dennard scaling increases the power densities, thereby temperatures, on the chip. High temperature, in turn, accelerates transistor aging mechanisms, which may ultimately lead to permanent faults on the chip. To assure a reliable system operation, despite these potential reliability concerns, fault-tolerance techniques have emerged. Specifically, fault-tolerance techniques employ some kind of redundancies to satisfy specific reliability requirements. However, the integration of fault-tolerance techniques into real-time embedded systems complicates preserving timing constraints. As a remedy, many task mapping/scheduling policies have been proposed to consider the integration of fault-tolerance techniques and enforce both timing and reliability guarantees for real-time embedded systems. More advanced techniques aim additionally at minimizing power and energy while at the same time satisfying timing and reliability constraints. Recently, some scheduling techniques have started to tackle a new challenge, which is the temperature increase induced by employing fault-tolerance techniques. These emerging techniques aim at satisfying temperature constraints besides timing and reliability constraints. This paper provides an in-depth survey of the emerging research efforts that exploit fault-tolerance techniques while considering timing, power/energy, and temperature from the real-time embedded systems’ design perspective. In particular, the task mapping/scheduling policies for fault-tolerance real-time embedded systems are reviewed and classified according to their considered goals and constraints. Moreover, the employed fault-tolerance techniques, application models, and hardware models are considered as additional dimensions of the presented classification. Lastly, this survey gives deep insights into the main achievements and shortcomings of the existing approaches and highlights the most promising ones

    Securing Virtualized System via Active Protection

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    Virtualization is the predominant enabling technology of current cloud infrastructure

    A Framework for Approximate Optimization of BoT Application Deployment in Hybrid Cloud Environment

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    We adopt a systematic approach to investigate the efficiency of near-optimal deployment of large-scale CPU-intensive Bag-of-Task applications running on cloud resources with the non-proportional cost to performance ratios. Our analytical solutions perform in both known and unknown running time of the given application. It tries to optimize users' utility by choosing the most desirable tradeoff between the make-span and the total incurred expense. We propose a schema to provide a near-optimal deployment of BoT application regarding users' preferences. Our approach is to provide user with a set of Pareto-optimal solutions, and then she may select one of the possible scheduling points based on her internal utility function. Our framework can cope with uncertainty in the tasks' execution time using two methods, too. First, an estimation method based on a Monte Carlo sampling called AA algorithm is presented. It uses the minimum possible number of sampling to predict the average task running time. Second, assuming that we have access to some code analyzer, code profiling or estimation tools, a hybrid method to evaluate the accuracy of each estimation tool in certain interval times for improving resource allocation decision has been presented. We propose approximate deployment strategies that run on hybrid cloud. In essence, proposed strategies first determine either an estimated or an exact optimal schema based on the information provided from users' side and environmental parameters. Then, we exploit dynamic methods to assign tasks to resources to reach an optimal schema as close as possible by using two methods. A fast yet simple method based on First Fit Decreasing algorithm, and a more complex approach based on the approximation solution of the transformed problem into a subset sum problem. Extensive experiment results conducted on a hybrid cloud platform confirm that our framework can deliver a near optimal solution respecting user's utility function

    LCCC Workshop on Process Control

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    Decision Support Systems

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    Decision support systems (DSS) have evolved over the past four decades from theoretical concepts into real world computerized applications. DSS architecture contains three key components: knowledge base, computerized model, and user interface. DSS simulate cognitive decision-making functions of humans based on artificial intelligence methodologies (including expert systems, data mining, machine learning, connectionism, logistical reasoning, etc.) in order to perform decision support functions. The applications of DSS cover many domains, ranging from aviation monitoring, transportation safety, clinical diagnosis, weather forecast, business management to internet search strategy. By combining knowledge bases with inference rules, DSS are able to provide suggestions to end users to improve decisions and outcomes. This book is written as a textbook so that it can be used in formal courses examining decision support systems. It may be used by both undergraduate and graduate students from diverse computer-related fields. It will also be of value to established professionals as a text for self-study or for reference

    Technology and Management Applied in Construction Engineering Projects

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    This book focuses on fundamental and applied research on construction project management. It presents research papers and practice-oriented papers. The execution of construction projects is specific and particularly difficult because each implementation is a unique, complex, and dynamic process that consists of several or more subprocesses that are related to each other, in which various aspects of the investment process participate. Therefore, there is still a vital need to study, research, and conclude the engineering technology and management applied in construction projects. This book present unanimous research approach is a result of many years of studies, conducted by 35 well experienced authors. The common subject of research concerns the development of methods and tools for modeling multi-criteria processes in construction engineering