510 research outputs found

    Transportation Optimization in Tactical and Operational Wood Procurement Planning

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    RÉSUMÉ : L'économie canadienne est dépendante du secteur forestier. Cependant, depuis quelques années, ce secteur fait face à de nouveaux défis, tels que la récession mondiale, un dollar canadien plus fort et une baisse significative de la demande de papier journal. Dans ce nouveau contexte, une planification plus efficace de la chaîne d'approvisionnement est devenue un élément essentiel pour assurer le succès et la pérennité du secteur. Les coûts de transport représentent une dépense importante pour les entreprises forestières. Ceci est dû aux grands volumes de produits qui doivent être transportés sur de grandes distances, en particulier dans le contexte géographique d'un grand pays comme le Canada. Même si les problèmes de tournée de véhicules sont bien couverts dans la littérature, le secteur forestier a beaucoup de caractéristiques uniques qui nécessitent de nouvelles formulations des problèmes et des algorithmes de résolution. À titre d’exemple, les volumes à transporter sont importants comparés à d’autres secteurs et il existe aussi des contraintes de synchronisation à prendre en compte pour planifier l'équipement qui effectue le chargement et le déchargement des véhicules. Cette thèse traite des problèmes de planification de la chaîne logistique d'approvisionnement en bois: récolter diverses variétés de bois en forêt et les transporter par camion aux usines et aux zones de stockage intermédiaire en respectant la demande pour les différents produits forestiers. Elle propose trois nouvelles formulations de ces problèmes. Ces problèmes sont différents les uns des autres dans des aspects tel que l'horizon de planification et des contraintes industrielles variées. Une autre contribution de cette thèse sont les méthodologies développées pour résoudre ces problèmes dans le but d’obtenir des calendriers d’approvisionnement applicables par l’industrie et qui minimisent les coûts de transport. Cette minimisation est le résultat d’allocations plus intelligentes des points d'approvisionnement aux points de demande, d’une tournée de véhicules qui minimise la distance parcourue à vide et de décisions d'ordonnancement de véhicules qui minimisent les files d’attentes des camions pour le chargement et le déchargement. Dans le chapitre 3 on considère un modèle de planification tactique de la récolte. Dans ce problème, on détermine la séquence de récolte pour un ensemble de sites forestiers, et on attribue des équipes de récolte à ces sites. La formulation en programme linéaire en nombres entiers (PLNE) de ce problème gère les décisions d'inventaire et alloue les flux de bois à des entrepreneurs de transport routier sur un horizon de planification annuel. La nouveauté de notre approche est d'intégrer les décisions de tournée des véhicules dans la PLNE. Cette méthode profite de la flexibilité du plan de récolte pour satisfaire les horaires des conducteurs dans le but de conserver une flotte constante de conducteurs permanents et également pour minimiser les coûts de transport. Une heuristique de génération de colonnes est créée pour résoudre ce problème avec un sous-problème qui consiste en un problème du plus court chemin avec capacités (PCCC) avec une solution qui représente une tournée de véhicule. Dans le chapitre 4, on suppose que le plan de récolte est fixé et on doit déterminer les allocations et les inventaires du modèle tactique précédent, avec aussi des décisions de tournée et d'ordonnancement de véhicules. On synchronise les véhicules avec les chargeuses dans les forêts et dans les usines. Les contraintes de synchronisation rendent le problème plus difficile. L’objectif est de déterminer la taille de la flotte de véhicules dans un modèle tactique et de satisfaire la demande des usines avec un coût minimum. Le PLNE est résolu par une heuristique de génération de colonnes. Le sous-problème consiste en un PCCC avec une solution qui représente une tournée et un horaire quotidien d'un véhicule. Dans le chapitre 5, on considère un PLNE du problème similaire à celui étudié dans le chapitre 4, mais dans un contexte plus opérationnel: un horizon de planification d'un mois. Contrairement aux horaires quotidiens de véhicules du problème précédent, on doit planifier les conducteurs par semaine pour gérer les situations dans lesquelles le déchargement d’un camion s’effectue le lendemain de la journée où le chargement a eu lieu. Cette situation se présente quand les conducteurs travaillent la nuit ou quand ils travaillent après les heures de fermeture de l'usine et doivent décharger leur camion au début de la journée suivante. Ceci permet aussi une gestion plus directe des exigences des horaires hebdomadaires. Les contraintes de synchronisation entre les véhicules et les chargeuses qui sont présentes dans le PLNE permettent de créer un horaire pour chaque opérateur de chargeuse. Les coûts de transport sont alors minimisés. On résout le problème à l’aide d’une heuristique de génération de colonnes. Le sous-problème consiste en un PCCC avec une solution qui représente une tournée et un horaire hebdomadaire d’un véhicule.----------ABSTRACT : The Canadian economy is heavily dependent on the forestry industry; however in recent years, this industry has been adapting to new challenges including a worldwide economic downturn, a strengthening Canadian dollar relative to key competing nations, and a significant decline in newsprint demand. Therefore efficiency in supply chain planning is key for the industry to succeed in the future. Transportation costs in particular represent a significant expense to forestry companies. This is due to large volumes of product that must be transported over very large distances, especially in the geographic context of a country the size of Canada. While the field of vehicle routing problems has been heavily studied and applied to many industries for decades, the forestry industry has many unique attributes that necessitate new problem formulations and solution methodologies. These include, but are not limited to, very large (significantly higher than vehicle capacity) volumes to be transported and synchronization constraints to schedule the equipment that load and unload the vehicles. This thesis is set in the wood procurement supply chain of harvesting various assortments of wood in the forest, transporting by truck to mills and intermediate storage locations, while meeting mill demands of the multiple harvested products, and contributes three new problem formulations. These problems differ with respect to planning horizon and varied industrial constraints. Another contribution is the methodologies developed to resolve these problems to yield industrially applicable schedules that minimize vehicle costs: from smarter allocations of supply points to demand points, vehicle routing decisions that optimize the occurrence of backhaul savings, and vehicle scheduling decisions that minimize queues of trucks waiting for loading and unloading equipment. In Chapter 3, we consider a tactical harvest planning model. In this problem we determine the sequence of the harvest of various forest sites, and assign harvest teams to these sites. The MILP formulation of this problem makes inventory decisions and allocates wood flow to trucking contractors over the annual planning horizon, subject to demand constraints and trucking capacities. The novel aspect of our approach is to incorporate vehicle routing decisions into our MILP formulation. This takes advantage of the relatively higher flexibility of the harvest plan to ensure driver shifts of desired characteristics, which is important to retain a permanent driver fleet, and also prioritize the creation of backhaul opportunities in the schedule. A branch-and-price heuristic is developed to resolve this problem, with the subproblem being a vehicle routing problem that represents a geographical shift for a vehicle. In Chapter 4, we assume the harvest plan to be an input, and integrate the allocation and inventory variables of the previous tactical model with vehicle routing and scheduling decisions, synchronizing the vehicles with loaders in the forests and at the mills. The synchronization constraints make a considerably more difficult problem. We use this as a tactical planning model, with no specific driver constraints but a goal of determining vehicle fleet size to maximize their utilization. The objective is to meet mill demands over the planning horizon while minimizing transportation and inventory costs, subject to capacity, wood freshness, fleet balancing, and other industrial constraints. The MILP formulation of the problem is resolved via a column generation algorithm, with the subproblem being a daily vehicle routing and scheduling problem. In Chapter 5, we consider a similar problem formulation to that studied in Chapter 4, but set in a more operational context over a planning horizon of approximately one month. Unlike the daily vehicle schedules of the previous problem, we must schedule drivers by week to manage situations of picking up a load on one day and delivering on another day, which is necessary when drivers work overnight shifts or when they work later than mill closing hours and must unload their truck on the next day's shift. This also allows for more direct management of weekly schedule requirements. Loader synchronization constraints are present in the model which derives a schedule for each loader operator. Given mill demands, transportation costs are then minimized. We resolve the problem via a branch-and-price heuristic, with a subproblem of a weekly vehicle routing and scheduling problem. We also measure the benefits of applying interior point stabilization to the resource synchronization constraints in order to improve the column generation, a new application of the technique

    Supply Chain

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    Traditionally supply chain management has meant factories, assembly lines, warehouses, transportation vehicles, and time sheets. Modern supply chain management is a highly complex, multidimensional problem set with virtually endless number of variables for optimization. An Internet enabled supply chain may have just-in-time delivery, precise inventory visibility, and up-to-the-minute distribution-tracking capabilities. Technology advances have enabled supply chains to become strategic weapons that can help avoid disasters, lower costs, and make money. From internal enterprise processes to external business transactions with suppliers, transporters, channels and end-users marks the wide range of challenges researchers have to handle. The aim of this book is at revealing and illustrating this diversity in terms of scientific and theoretical fundamentals, prevailing concepts as well as current practical applications

    Modeling inventory and responsiveness costs in a supply chain

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    Evaluation of supply chain performance is often complicated by the various interrelationships that exist within the network of suppliers. Currently many supply chain metrics cannot be analytically determined. Instead, metrics are derived from monitoring historical data, which is commonly referred to as Supply Chain Analytics. With these analytics it is possible to answer questions such as: What is the inventory cost distribution across the chain? What is the actual inventory turnover ratio? What is the cost of demand changes to individual suppliers? However, this approach requires a significant amount of historical data which must be continuously extracted from the associated Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system. In this dissertation models are developed for evaluating two Supply Chain metrics, as an alternative to the use of Supply Chain Analytics. First, inventory costs are estimated by supplier in a deterministic (Q , R, δ )2 supply chain. In this arrangement each part has two sequential reorder (R) inventory locations: (i) on the output side of the seller and (ii) on the input side of the buyer. In most cases the inventory policies are not synchronized and as a result the inventory behavior is not easily characterized and tends to exhibit long cycles. This is primarily due to the difference in production rates ( δ), production batch sizes, and the selection of supply order quantities (Q) for logistics convenience. The (Q , R, δ )2 model that is developed is an extension of the joint economic lot size (JELS) model first proposed by Banerjee (1986). JELS is derived as a compromise between the seller\u27s and the buyer\u27s economic lot sizes and therefore attempts to synchronize the supply policy. The (Q , R, δ )2 model is an approximation since it approximates the average inventory behavior across a range of supply cycles. Several supply relationships are considered by capturing the inventory behavior for each supplier in that relationship. For several case studies the joint inventory cost for a supply pair tends to be a stepped convex function. Second, a measure is derived for responsiveness of a supply chain as a function of the expected annual cost of making inventory and production capacity adjustments to account for a series of significant demand change events. Modern supply chains are expected to use changes in production capacity (as opposed to inventory) to react to significant demand changes. Significant demand changes are defined as shifts in market conditions that cannot be buffered by finished product inventory alone and require adjustments in the supply policy. These changes could involve a ± 25% change in the uniform demand level. The research question is what these costs are and how they are being shared within the network of suppliers. The developed measure is applicable in a multi-product supply chain and considers both demand correlations and resource commonality. Finally, the behavior of the two developed metrics is studied as a function of key supply chain parameters (e.g., reorder levels, batch sizes, and demand rate changes). A deterministic simulation model and program was developed for this purpose


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    In the oil industry, there is a special class of pipelines used for the transportation of refined products. The problem of sequencing the inputs to be pumped through this type of pipeline seeks to generate the optimal sequence of batches of products and their destination as well as the amount of product to be pumped such that the total operational cost of the system, or another operational objective, is optimized while satisfying the product demands according to the requirements set by the customers. This dissertation introduces a new modeling approach and proposes a solution methodology for this problem capable of dealing with the topology of all the scenarios reported in the literature so far. The system representation is based on a 1-0 multi commodity network flow formulation that models the dynamics of the system, including aspects such as conservation of product flow constraints at the depots, travel time of products from the refinery to their depot destination and what happens upstream and downstream the line whenever a product is being received at a given depot while another one is being injected into the line at the refinery. It is assumed that the products are already available at the refinery and their demand at each depot is deterministic and known beforehand. The model provides the sequence, the amounts, the destination and the trazability of the shipped batches of different products from their sources to their destinations during the entire horizon planning period while seeking the optimization of pumping and inventory holding costs satisfying the time window constraints. A survey for the available literature is presented. Given the problem structure, a decomposition based solution procedure is explored with the intention of exploiting the network structure using the network simplex method. A branch and bound algorithm that exploits the dynamics of the system assigning priorities for branching to a selected set of variables is proposed and its computational results for the solution, obtained via GAMS/CPLEX, of the formulation for random instances of the problem of different sizes are presented. Future research directions on this field are proposed

    From Network to Web dimension in supply chain management

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    Cette thèse soutient que la dimension réseau, étant actuellement la portée du domaine de la gestion de chaîne logistique, contraint l’avancement de ce domaine et restreint des innovations conceptuelles et fondamentales capables d’adresser les grands défis économiques, environnementaux et sociaux. Les concepts de chaîne et de réseau ne reflètent pas la complexité des flux physiques, informationnels et financiers générés par les interactions qui ont lieu dans des réseaux interconnectés. Ces concepts n’offrent pas les fondations théoriques pour supporter des interventions allant au-delà d’un seul réseau et laissent échapper des opportunités nécessitant une vision multi-réseau. Ainsi, la dimension “web”, celle des réseaux de réseaux, est proposée comme une extension de la dimension réseau. Cette extension peut être vue comme l’étape naturelle suivante dans la progression qui a commencé par le niveau de gestion des opérations internes, est passée au niveau de la chaîne logistique et se trouve actuellement au niveau du réseau logistique. Après l’investigation théorique des raisons et de la façon d’intégrer la dimension web dans le domaine de la gestion de la chaîne logistique, la thèse étudie des implications importantes de cette intégration sur la collaboration inter-organisationnelle et le processus de prise de décision dans des environnements de webs logistiques. Elle démontre, en exploitant l’exemple des réseaux interconnectés ouverts, des potentialités inimaginables sans une vision web. Une méthodologie de conception d’un modèle de simulation permettant l’évaluation et la comparaison des webs ouverts par rapport aux webs existants est proposée. Puisque l’aide à la décision est une composante importante de la gestion de la chaîne logistique, la thèse contribue à déterminer les besoins des gestionnaires et à identifier les lignes directrices de la conception des outils d’aide à la décision offrant le support adéquat pour faire face aux défis et à la complexité des webs logistiques. Ces lignes directrices ont été compilées dans un cadre de conception des logiciels d’aide à la décision supportant la dimension web. Ce cadre est exploité pour développer quatre applications logicielles offrant aux praticiens et aux chercheurs des outils nécessaires pour étudier, analyser et démêler la complexité des webs logistiques.This thesis argues that the network dimension as the current scope of supply chain management is confining the evolution of this field and restricting the conceptual and fundamental innovations required for addressing the major challenges imposed by the evolution of markets and the increased intricacies of business relationships. The concepts of chain and network are limitative when attempting to represent the complexity of physical, informational and financial flows resulting from the interactions occurring in overlapping networks. They lack the theoretical foundations necessary to explain and encompass initiatives that go beyond a single chain or network. They also lead to overlook substantial opportunities that require beyond a network vision. Therefore, the “web” dimension, as networks of networks, is proposed as an extension to the network dimension in supply chain management. This new scope is the natural next step in the progression from the internal operations management level to the supply chain level and then to the supply network level. After a theoretical investigation of why and how the web dimension should be integrated into the supply chain management field, the thesis studies and discusses important implications of this integration on inter-organisational collaboration and of the decision-making processes in the logistic web environments. It demonstrates through the example of open interconnected logistic webs some of the potentials that cannot be imagined without a web vision. A methodology for designing a simulation model to assess the impact of such open webs versus existing webs is proposed. Since decision support is a key element in supply chain management, the thesis contributes to determine the needs of supply chain managers and identify the important axes for designing decision support systems that provide adequate assistance in dealing with the challenges and complexity presented by logistic web environments. The identified elements result in the establishment of a foundation for designing software solutions required to handle the challenges revealed by the web dimension. This conceptual framework is applied to the prototyping of four applications that have the potential of providing practitioners and researchers with the appropriate understanding and necessary tools to deal with the complexity of logistics webs

    Autonomous support for microorganism research in space

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    A preliminary design for performing on orbit, autonomous research on microorganisms and cultured cells/tissues is presented. An understanding of gravity and its effects on cells is crucial for space exploration as well as for terrestrial applications. The payload is designed to be compatible with the Commercial Experiment Transporter (COMET) launch vehicle, an orbiter middeck locker interface, and with Space Station Freedom. Uplink/downlink capabilities and sample return through controlled reentry are available for all carriers. Autonomous testing activities are preprogrammed with in-flight reprogrammability. Sensors for monitoring temperature, pH, light, gravity levels, vibrations, and radiation are provided for environmental regulation and experimental data collection. Additional experimental data acquisition includes optical density measurement, microscopy, video, and film photography. On-board full data storage capabilities are provided. A fluid transfer mechanism is utilized for inoculation, sampling, and nutrient replenishment of experiment cultures. In addition to payload design, representative experiments were developed to ensure scientific objectives remained compatible with hardware capabilities. The project is defined to provide biological data pertinent to extended duration crewed space flight including crew health issues and development of a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS). In addition, opportunities are opened for investigations leading to commercial applications of space, such as pharmaceutical development, modeling of terrestrial diseases, and material processing

    Off the record - LSP Green Transports - Exploring differences in and monitoring of environmental demands in the purchasing process of transport services

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    Effective freight transportation is a central part of the modern society, creating social and economic benefits. Nevertheless, the logistics industry is facing substantial sustainability challenges, where freight transports have been identified as the main environmental hazard. Scholars have previously highlighted the centrality of the purchasing process for reducing the environmental impact of the industry; however a limited amount of research tackles the LSP-LSC relation and the stipulated environmental demands in a detailed and practical manner, leaving the research stage highly premature. The purpose of this study is to explore the environmental demands stipulated in the purchasing process of transport services by investigating differences in characteristics of green demands emerging from two industries of LSCs, exploring how the stipulated demands affect the price of the required solutions, and examining how LSCs monitor compliance of the demands. The research questions are undertaken by a case study approach, combining analysis of corporate documentation and interviews with industrial experts. The study finds that the environmental demands vary greatly in consistency, ambition and focus between the investigated industries concluding that the food retailers demonstrate high ambition in demanding environmental considerations, while any real environmental interest among the construction materialist is limited when negatively affecting price. Furthermore, the study discovers that it is not possible to accurately distinguish how the environmental demands affect the price of the transport solutions due to the attitude of the LSP, the markets character and the conditions given the author. Concerning the monitoring process, the findings point out that LSCs monitor compliance mainly via environmental reports provided by the LSP, signifying a profound faith in the rightness of the provider. Additionally, some LSCs conduct complementary follow ups by spot-checks, assemblies and audits but strains that 100% environmental compliance is not feasible to assure.Godstransporter fyller en central roll i det industrialiserade och globaliserade samhället. I takt med att den globala handeln har ökat har en ökad efterfråga på transporter drivits fram. Trots att transporter bidrar till ekonomiska och sociala fördelar världen över står transportbranschen inför flertalet hållbarhetsrelaterade problem där godstransporter har identifierats som ett av de största hoten för miljön. Den svenska utsläppsstatistiken bekräftar expansionen och vittnar om att utsläppen av växthusgaser från godstransporter har ökat med 8 % de senaste 15 åren varvid 10-20 % av de totala nationella växthusgasutsläppen beräknas generera från transportbranschen, som nästintill uteslutande domineras av fossila bränslen. – En utveckling som inte är förenlig med uppsatta globala eller nationella miljö- och klimatmål. Insikten har resulterat i ett förstärkt verksamhetsfokus i branschen där transporttjänster har identifierats som ett centralt område för att uppnå miljömässig optimering. Tidigare forskning belyser två centrala strategier för att reducera miljöpåverkan från transportindustrin, nämligen tekniska optimeringar och förändringar i applicerade processer. Dock tyder forskningen på att tekniska optimeringar inte kommer att räcka till, vilket innebär att förändringar i befintliga processer och strategier kommer vara nödvändigt för att reducera branschens miljöpåverkan. Denna studie behandlar en sådan strategi, nämligen upphandlingsprocessen av transporttjänster där miljömässiga krav och förväntningar på transportörer specificeras. Stora transportföretag spelar en central roll för miljöoptimeringen av industrin då de behandlar resurser som är direkt kopplade till miljöpåverkan, men samtidigt är företagen förmedlare till transportköparna vars krav till stor del formar hur transportverksamheterna utformar sina transporter. Trots att kundkrav har identifierats som essentiella för att uppnå logistisk optimering och miljömässiga krav har mycket lite forskning genomförts på området och en begränsad mängd litteratur behandlar miljökrav som ställs vid köp av transporttjänster. Denna studie syftar till att bidra till forskningsområdet genom att undersöka miljökrav som ställs i upphandlingsfasen av transporttjänster genom att granska hur miljökraven skiljer sig mellan transportköpare från två olika industrier (livsmedel & byggmaterial), undersöka hur miljökraven påverkar priset på transportlösningen samt utreda hur transportköpare kontrollerar att miljökraven som ställs på transportören uppfylls. Forskningsfrågorna utreds genom en fallstudie där intervjuer och dokumentstudier har genomförts. Studiens resultat visar att miljökraven skiljer sig mycket mellan transportköpare från livsmedelsbranschen och byggmaterialindustrin där livsmedelsföretagen är mycket ambitiösa i att ställa miljökrav medan byggmaterialföretagen tycks visa begränsat intresse för miljökrav om kraven påverkar priset på transportlösningen. Vidare visar studien att det inte går att säkerställa exakt hur miljökrav påverkar priset på transporter, men fynden tyder på att miljökrav generellt leder till en viss prisökning gentemot kunden. Angående uppföljningsprocessen tyder resultatet på att transportköparna främst kontrollerar kravuppfyllelse genom regelbundna miljörapporter från transportföretaget medan livsmedelsföretagen även genomför regelbundna möten, stickprov och revisioner. Dock tyder resultatet på att 100 % uppfyllelse av miljökraven inte är möjligt att säkerställa

    Automatic vehicle identification:a common approach

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    A systems approach to manufacturing science

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