924 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Linear Reversible Circuits and EXOR-AND-based Circuits for Incompletely Specified Multi-Output Functions

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    At this time the synthesis of reversible circuits for quantum computing is an active area of research. In the most restrictive quantum computing models there are no ancilla lines and the quantum cost, or latency, of performing a reversible form of the AND gate, or Toffoli gate, increases exponentially with the number of input variables. In contrast, the quantum cost of performing any combination of reversible EXOR gates, or CNOT gates, on n input variables requires at most O(n2/log2n) gates. It was under these conditions that EXOR-AND-EXOR, or EPOE, synthesis was developed. In this work, the GF(2) logic theory used in EPOE is expanded and the concept of an EXOR-AND product transform is introduced. Because of the generality of this logic theory, it is adapted to EXOR-AND-OR, or SPOE, synthesis. Three heuristic spectral logic synthesis algorithms are introduced, implemented in a program called XAX, and compared with previous work in classical logic circuits of up to 26 inputs. Three linear reversible circuit methods are also introduced and compared with previous work in linear reversible logic circuits of up to 100 inputs

    Spectral Methods for Boolean and Multiple-Valued Input Logic Functions

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    Spectral techniques in digital logic design have been known for more than thirty years. They have been used for Boolean function classification, disjoint decomposition, parallel and serial linear decomposition, spectral translation synthesis (extraction of linear pre- and post-filters), multiplexer synthesis, prime implicant extraction by spectral summation, threshold logic synthesis, estimation of logic complexity, testing, and state assignment. This dissertation resolves many important issues concerning the efficient application of spectral methods used in the computer-aided design of digital circuits. The main obstacles in these applications were, up to now, memory requirements for computer systems and lack of the possibility of calculating spectra directly from Boolean equations. By using the algorithms presented here these obstacles have been overcome. Moreover, the methods presented in this dissertation can be regarded as representatives of a whole family of methods and the approach presented can be easily adapted to other orthogonal transforms used in digital logic design. Algorithms are shown for Adding, Arithmetic, and Reed-Muller transforms. However, the main focus of this dissertation is on the efficient computer calculation of Rademacher-Walsh spectra of Boolean functions, since this particular ordering of Walsh transforms is most frequently used in digital logic design. A theory has been developed to calculate the Rademacher-Walsh transform from a cube array specification of incompletely specified Boolean functions. The importance of representing Boolean functions as arrays of disjoint ON- and DC- cubes has been pointed out, and an efficient new algorithm to generate disjoint cubes from non-disjoint ones has been designed. The transform algorithm makes use of the properties of an array of disjoint cubes and allows the determination of the spectral coefficients in an independent way. By such an approach each spectral coefficient can be calculated separately or all the coefficients can be calculated in parallel. These advantages are absent in the existing methods. The possibility of calculating only some coefficients is very important since there are many spectral methods in digital logic design for which the values of only a few selected coefficients are needed. Most of the current methods used in the spectral domain deal only with completely specified Boolean functions. On the other hand, all of the algorithms introduced here are valid, not only for completely specified Boolean functions, but for functions with don\u27t cares. Don\u27t care minterms are simply represented in the form of disjoint cubes. The links between spectral and classical methods used for designing digital circuits are described. The real meaning of spectral coefficients from Walsh and other orthogonal spectra in classical logic terms is shown. The relations presented here can be used for the calculation of different transforms. The methods are based on direct manipulations on Karnaugh maps. The conversion start with Karnaugh maps and generate the spectral coefficients. The spectral representation of multiple-valued input binary functions is proposed here for the first time. Such a representation is composed of a vector of Walsh transforms each vector is defined for one pair of the input variables of the function. The new representation has the advantage of being real-valued, thus having an easy interpretation. Since two types of codings of values of binary functions are used, two different spectra are introduced. The meaning of each spectral coefficient in classical logic terms is discussed. The mathematical relationships between the number of true, false, and don\u27t care minterms and spectral coefficients are stated. These relationships can be used to calculate the spectral coefficients directly from the graphical representations of binary functions. Similarly to the spectral methods in classical logic design, the new spectral representation of binary functions can find applications in many problems of analysis, synthesis, and testing of circuits described by such functions. A new algorithm is shown that converts the disjoint cube representation of Boolean functions into fixed-polarity Generalized Reed-Muller Expansions (GRME). Since the known fast algorithm that generates the GRME, based on the factorization of the Reed-Muller transform matrix, always starts from the truth table (minterms) of a Boolean function, then the described method has advantages due to a smaller required computer memory. Moreover, for Boolean functions, described by only a few disjoint cubes, the method is much more efficient than the fast algorithm. By investigating a family of elementary second order matrices, new transforms of real vectors are introduced. When used for Boolean function transformations, these transforms are one-to-one mappings in a binary or ternary vector space. The concept of different polarities of the Arithmetic and Adding transforms has been introduced. New operations on matrices: horizontal, vertical, and vertical-horizontal joints (concatenations) are introduced. All previously known transforms, and those introduced in this dissertation can be characterized by two features: ordering and polarity . When a transform exists for all possible polarities then it is said to be generalized . For all of the transforms discussed, procedures are given for generalizing and defining for different orderings. The meaning of each spectral coefficient for a given transform is also presented in terms of standard logic gates. There exist six commonly used orderings of Walsh transforms: Hadamard, Rademacher, Kaczmarz, Paley, Cal-Sal, and X. By investigating the ways in which these known orderings are generated the author noticed that the same operations can be used to create some new orderings. The generation of two new Walsh transforms in Gray code orderings, from the straight binary code is shown. A recursive algorithm for the Gray code ordered Walsh transform is based on the new operator introduced in this presentation under the name of the bi-symmetrical pseudo Kronecker product . The recursive algorithm is the basis for the flow diagram of a constant geometry fast Walsh transform in Gray code ordering. The algorithm is fast (N 10g2N additions/subtractions), computer efficient, and is implemente

    A study of arithmetic circuits and the effect of utilising Reed-Muller techniques

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    Reed-Muller algebraic techniques, as an alternative means in logic design, became more attractive recently, because of their compact representations of logic functions and yielding of easily testable circuits. It is claimed by some researchers that Reed-Muller algebraic techniques are particularly suitable for arithmetic circuits. In fact, no practical application in this field can be found in the open literature.This project investigates existing Reed-Muller algebraic techniques and explores their application in arithmetic circuits. The work described in this thesis is concerned with practical applications in arithmetic circuits, especially for minimizing logic circuits at the transistor level. These results are compared with those obtained using the conventional Boolean algebraic techniques. This work is also related to wider fields, from logic level design to layout level design in CMOS circuits, the current leading technology in VLSI. The emphasis is put on circuit level (transistor level) design. The results show that, although Boolean logic is believed to be a more general tool in logic design, it is not the best tool in all situations. Reed-Muller logic can generate good results which can't be easily obtained by using Boolean logic.F or testing purposes, a gate fault model is often used in the conventional implementation of Reed-Muller logic, which leads to Reed-Muller logic being restricted to using a small gate set. This usually leads to generating more complex circuits. When a cell fault model, which is more suitable for regular and iterative circuits, such as arithmetic circuits, is used instead of the gate fault model in Reed-Muller logic, a wider gate set can be employed to realize Reed-Muller functions. As a result, many circuits designed using Reed-Muller logic can be comparable to that designed using Boolean logic. This conclusion is demonstrated by testing many randomly generated functions.The main aim of this project is to develop arithmetic circuits for practical application. A number of practical arithmetic circuits are reported. The first one is a carry chain adder. Utilising the CMOS circuit characteristics, a simple and high speed carry chain is constructed to perform the carry operation. The proposed carry chain adder can be reconstructed to form a fast carry skip adder, and it is also found to be a good application for residue number adders. An algorithm for an on-line adder and its implementation are also developed. Another circuit is a parallel multiplier based on 5:3 counter. The simulations show that the proposed circuits are better than many previous designs, in terms of the number of transistors and speed. In addition, a 4:2 compressor for a carry free adder is investigated. It is shown that the two main schemes to construct the 4:2 compressor have a unified structure. A variant of the Baugh and Wooley algorithm is also studied and generalized in this work

    New Approaches to Column Compatibility Checking and Column-Based Input/Output Encoding for Curtis Decompositions of Completely or Incompletely Specified Switching Functions

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    Cube calculus is an algebraic model used to process boolean functions. Cube calculus operations are widely used in logic optimization, logic synthesis, image processing and recognition, machine learning, and other applications which require massive logic operations. The cube calculus operations can be carried out on general-purpose computers. Since these operations can involve several levels of nested loops, this approach has poor performance. A cube calculus machine which has a special data path designed to speed up cube calculus operations is presented in this thesis. This c-qbe calculus machine can execute cube calculus operations 10 to 25 times faster than the software approach on a general-purpose computer. This thesis proposes a complete design of the Cube Calculus Machine Version II (CCM2). In this design, the CCM acts as a coprocessor of the host computer; it accepts a set of instructions that let the CCM carry out cube calculus operations. This design is mapped on a reconfigurable hardware DEC PeRLe-1 board

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL

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    The overall goal of this book is to fill a void that has appeared in the instruction of digital circuits over the past decade due to the rapid abstraction of system design. Up until the mid-1980s, digital circuits were designed using classical techniques. Classical techniques relied heavily on manual design practices for the synthesis, minimization, and interfacing of digital systems. Corresponding to this design style, academic textbooks were developed that taught classical digital design techniques. Around 1990, large-scale digital systems began being designed using hardware description languages (HDL) and automated synthesis tools. Broad-scale adoption of this modern design approach spread through the industry during this decade. Around 2000, hardware description languages and the modern digital design approach began to be taught in universities, mainly at the senior and graduate level. There were a variety of reasons that the modern digital design approach did not penetrate the lower levels of academia during this time. First, the design and simulation tools were difficult to use and overwhelmed freshman and sophomore students. Second, the ability to implement the designs in a laboratory setting was infeasible. The modern design tools at the time were targeted at custom integrated circuits, which are cost- and time-prohibitive to implement in a university setting. Between 2000 and 2005, rapid advances in programmable logic and design tools allowed the modern digital design approach to be implemented in a university setting, even in lower-level courses. This allowed students to learn the modern design approach based on HDLs and prototype their designs in real hardware, mainly field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This spurred an abundance of textbooks to be authored teaching hardware description languages and higher levels of design abstraction. This trend has continued until today. While abstraction is a critical tool for engineering design, the rapid movement toward teaching only the modern digital design techniques has left a void for freshman- and sophomore-level courses in digital circuitry. Legacy textbooks that teach the classical design approach are outdated and do not contain sufficient coverage of HDLs to prepare the students for follow-on classes. Newer textbooks that teach the modern digital design approach move immediately into high-level behavioral modeling with minimal or no coverage of the underlying hardware used to implement the systems. As a result, students are not being provided the resources to understand the fundamental hardware theory that lies beneath the modern abstraction such as interfacing, gate-level implementation, and technology optimization. Students moving too rapidly into high levels of abstraction have little understanding of what is going on when they click the “compile and synthesize” button of their design tool. This leads to graduates who can model a breadth of different systems in an HDL but have no depth into how the system is implemented in hardware. This becomes problematic when an issue arises in a real design and there is no foundational knowledge for the students to fall back on in order to debug the problem

    Logic Synthesis for Established and Emerging Computing

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    Logic synthesis is an enabling technology to realize integrated computing systems, and it entails solving computationally intractable problems through a plurality of heuristic techniques. A recent push toward further formalization of synthesis problems has shown to be very useful toward both attempting to solve some logic problems exactly--which is computationally possible for instances of limited size today--as well as creating new and more powerful heuristics based on problem decomposition. Moreover, technological advances including nanodevices, optical computing, and quantum and quantum cellular computing require new and specific synthesis flows to assess feasibility and scalability. This review highlights recent progress in logic synthesis and optimization, describing models, data structures, and algorithms, with specific emphasis on both design quality and emerging technologies. Example applications and results of novel techniques to established and emerging technologies are reported

    Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with Verilog

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    The overall goal of this book is to fill a void that has appeared in the instruction of digital circuits over the past decade due to the rapid abstraction of system design. Up until the mid-1980s, digital circuits were designed using classical techniques. Classical techniques relied heavily on manual design practices for the synthesis, minimization, and interfacing of digital systems. Corresponding to this design style, academic textbooks were developed that taught classical digital design techniques. Around 1990, large-scale digital systems began being designed using hardware description languages (HDL) and automated synthesis tools. Broad-scale adoption of this modern design approach spread through the industry during this decade. Around 2000, hardware description languages and the modern digital design approach began to be taught in universities, mainly at the senior and graduate level. There were a variety of reasons that the modern digital design approach did not penetrate the lower levels of academia during this time. First, the design and simulation tools were difficult to use and overwhelmed freshman and sophomore students. Second, the ability to implement the designs in a laboratory setting was infeasible. The modern design tools at the time were targeted at custom integrated circuits, which are cost- and time-prohibitive to implement in a university setting. Between 2000 and 2005, rapid advances in programmable logic and design tools allowed the modern digital design approach to be implemented in a university setting, even in lower-level courses. This allowed students to learn the modern design approach based on HDLs and prototype their designs in real hardware, mainly fieldprogrammable gate arrays (FPGAs). This spurred an abundance of textbooks to be authored, teaching hardware description languages and higher levels of design abstraction. This trend has continued until today. While abstraction is a critical tool for engineering design, the rapid movement toward teaching only the modern digital design techniques has left a void for freshman- and sophomore-level courses in digital circuitry. Legacy textbooks that teach the classical design approach are outdated and do not contain sufficient coverage of HDLs to prepare the students for follow-on classes. Newer textbooks that teach the modern digital design approach move immediately into high-level behavioral modeling with minimal or no coverage of the underlying hardware used to implement the systems. As a result, students are not being provided the resources to understand the fundamental hardware theory that lies beneath the modern abstraction such as interfacing, gate-level implementation, and technology optimization. Students moving too rapidly into high levels of abstraction have little understanding of what is going on when they click the “compile and synthesize” button of their design tool. This leads to graduates who can model a breadth of different systems in an HDL but have no depth into how the system is implemented in hardware. This becomes problematic when an issue arises in a real design and there is no foundational knowledge for the students to fall back on in order to debug the problem

    Serial-data computation in VLSI

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