227 research outputs found


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    Computational Sustainability is an interdisciplinary field that aims to develop computational and mathematical models and methods for decision making concerning the management and allocation of resources in order to help solve environmental problems. This thesis deals with a broad spectrum of such problems (energy efficiency, water management, limiting greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption) giving a contribution towards their solution by means of Logic Programming (LP) and Constraint Programming (CP), declarative paradigms from Artificial Intelligence of proven solidity. The problems described in this thesis were proposed by experts of the respective domains and tested on the real data instances they provided. The results are encouraging and show the aptness of the chosen methodologies and approaches. The overall aim of this work is twofold: both to address real world problems in order to achieve practical results and to get, from the application of LP and CP technologies to complex scenarios, feedback and directions useful for their improvement

    Hyperbolic smoothing in nonsmooth optimization and applications

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    Nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems arise in many applications including economics, business and data mining. In these applications objective functions are not necessarily differentiable or convex. Many algorithms have been proposed over the past three decades to solve such problems. In spite of the significant growth in this field, the development of efficient algorithms for solving this kind of problem is still a challenging task. The subgradient method is one of the simplest methods developed for solving these problems. Its convergence was proved only for convex objective functions. This method does not involve any subproblems, neither for finding search directions nor for computation of step lengths, which are fixed ahead of time. Bundle methods and their various modifications are among the most efficient methods for solving nonsmooth optimization problems. These methods involve a quadratic programming subproblem to find search directions. The size of the subproblem may increase significantly with the number of variables, which makes the bundle-type methods unsuitable for large scale nonsmooth optimization problems. The implementation of bundle-type methods, which require the use of the quadratic programming solvers, is not as easy as the implementation of the subgradient methods. Therefore it is beneficial to develop algorithms for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization which are easy to implement and more efficient than the subgradient methods. In this thesis, we develop two new algorithms for solving nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems based on the use of the hyperbolic smoothing technique and apply them to solve the pumping cost minimization problem in water distribution. Both algorithms use smoothing techniques. The first algorithm is designed for solving finite minimax problems. In order to apply the hyperbolic smoothing we reformulate the objective function in the minimax problem and study the relationship between the original minimax and reformulated problems. We also study the main properties of the hyperbolic smoothing function. Based on these results an algorithm for solving the finite minimax problem is proposed and this algorithm is implemented in GAMS. We present preliminary results of numerical experiments with well-known nonsmooth optimization test problems. We also compare the proposed algorithm with the algorithm that uses the exponential smoothing function as well as with the algorithm based on nonlinear programming reformulation of the finite minimax problem. The second nonsmooth optimization algorithm we developed was used to demonstrate how smooth optimization methods can be applied to solve general nonsmooth (nonconvex) optimization problems. In order to do so we compute subgradients from some neighborhood of the current point and define a system of linear inequalities using these subgradients. Search directions are computed by solving this system. This system is solved by reducing it to the minimization of the convex piecewise linear function over the unit ball. Then the hyperbolic smoothing function is applied to approximate this minimization problem by a sequence of smooth problems which are solved by smooth optimization methods. Such an approach allows one to apply powerful smooth optimization algorithms for solving nonsmooth optimization problems and extend smoothing techniques for solving general nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems. The convergence of the algorithm based on this approach is studied. The proposed algorithm was implemented in Fortran 95. Preliminary results of numerical experiments are reported and the proposed algorithm is compared with an other five nonsmooth optimization algorithms. We also implement the algorithm in GAMS and compare it with GAMS solvers using results of numerical experiments.Doctor of Philosoph

    The Fair Value of Data Under Heterogeneous Privacy Constraints in Federated Learning

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    Modern data aggregation often involves a platform collecting data from a network of users with various privacy options. Platforms must solve the problem of how to allocate incentives to users to convince them to share their data. This paper puts forth an idea for a \textit{fair} amount to compensate users for their data at a given privacy level based on an axiomatic definition of fairness, along the lines of the celebrated Shapley value. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first fairness concepts for data that explicitly consider privacy constraints. We also formulate a heterogeneous federated learning problem for the platform with privacy level options for users. By studying this problem, we investigate the amount of compensation users receive under fair allocations with different privacy levels, amounts of data, and degrees of heterogeneity. We also discuss what happens when the platform is forced to design fair incentives. Under certain conditions we find that when privacy sensitivity is low, the platform will set incentives to ensure that it collects all the data with the lowest privacy options. When the privacy sensitivity is above a given threshold, the platform will provide no incentives to users. Between these two extremes, the platform will set the incentives so some fraction of the users chooses the higher privacy option and the others chooses the lower privacy option.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, Accepted to TML

    Principles of Security and Trust: 7th International Conference, POST 2018, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedings

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    authentication; computer science; computer software selection and evaluation; cryptography; data privacy; formal logic; formal methods; formal specification; internet; privacy; program compilers; programming languages; security analysis; security systems; semantics; separation logic; software engineering; specifications; verification; world wide we

    Scalable reconfigurable computing leveraging latency-insensitive channels

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 190-197).Traditionally, FPGAs have been confined to the limited role of small, low-volume ASIC replacements and as circuit emulators. However, continued Moore's law scaling has given FPGAs new life as accelerators for applications that map well to fine-grained parallel substrates. Examples of such applications include processor modelling, compression, and digital signal processing. Although FPGAs continue to increase in size, some interesting designs still fail to fit in to a single FPGA. Many tools exist that partition RTL descriptions across FPGAs. Unfortunately, existing tools have low performance due to the inefficiency of maintaining the cycle-by-cycle behavior of RTL among discrete FPGAs. These tools are unsuitable for use in FPGA program acceleration, as the purpose of an accelerator is to make applications run faster. This thesis presents latency-insensitive channels, a language-level mechanism by which programmers express points in their their design at which the cycle-by-cycle behavior of the design may be modified by the compiler. By decoupling the timing of portions of the RTL from the high-level function of the program, designs may be mapped to multiple FPGAs without suffering the performance degradation observed in existing tools. This thesis demonstrates, using a diverse set of large designs, that FPGA programs described in terms of latency-insensitive channels obtain significant gains in design feasibility, compilation time, and run-time when mapped to multiple FPGAs.by Kermin Elliott Fleming, Jr.Ph.D

    Mass Customization of Cloud Services - Engineering, Negotiation and Optimization

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    Several challenges hinder the entry of mass customization principles into Cloud computing: Firstly, the service engineering on provider side needs to be automated. Secondly, there has to be a suitable negotiation mechanism helping provider and consumer on finding an agreement on Quality-of-Service and price. Thirdly, finding the optimal configuration requires adequate and efficient optimization techniques. The work at hand addresses these challenges through technical and economic contributions

    Improvements to transmission expansion planning and implementation :treating uncertainty in commercial operation dates and increasing aunction efficiency

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    Three proposals contributing to the electricity transmission expansion planning and implementation process are presented in this thesis. The first proposal refers to the use of combinatorial and simultaneous descending auctions to treat the exposure problem and increase the efficiency of multi-item transmission auctions. A simulation framework to quantify potential benefits of using these auctions protocols, for transmission companies and grid users, is proposed. The second proposal refers to an expansion planning methodology that explicitly accounts for uncertainties in facility implementation times while determining the capacity additions and their optimal implementation schedule. In the third proposal, principal-agent theoretic concepts are applied to develop a methodology for the optimal design of winner-selection and risksharing mechanisms, with the goal of managing uncertainties in implementation times of transmission facilities, when competitive processes are used to select the agents to which concessions to implement and operate these facilities are awarded. Classical optimization approaches, notably mixed-integer linear programming, are used in the mathematical formulations that underlie the simulation and analyses carried out for all three proposals; and qualitative conclusions aiming at aiding planners and regulators are drawn from the quantitative results of case studies.Esta tese apresenta três contribuições ao planejamento e implantação da expansão da transmissão. Primeiro, propõe-se usar leilões combinatórios e leilões descendentes simultâneos para tratar o problema da exposição em leilões multi-itens de concessões de transmissão, aumentando a eficiência destes leilões, e apresenta-se um arcabouço de simulação para quantificar os benefícios potencias do uso de tais protocolos. Segundo, propõe-se uma metodologia de planejamento da expansão que considera explicitamente incertezas em tempos de implantação de instalações da transmissão ao determinar as adições de capacidade e as datas de início de implantação de ativos. Terceiro, aplica-se conceitos da teoria do agente-principal para propor uma abordagem para otimizar o desenho de mecanismos de seleção do vencedor e de partilha de riscos, de modo a gerir incertezas em tempos de implantação de ativos, no contexto em que mecanismos competitivos são utilizados para selecionar os agentes a que contratos de transmissão implantação são concedidos. Para todas as três propostas, utiliza-se abordagens de otimização clássica, notadamente programação inteira linear mista, para a formulação matemática que subsidia simulações e análises; e retira-se dos resultados numéricos de estudos de casos conclusões qualitativas que subsidiem planejadores e reguladores

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Workshop on Automating Software Design. Theme: Domain Specific Software Design

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    The goal of this workshop is to identify different architectural approaches to building domain-specific software design systems and to explore issues unique to domain-specific (vs. general-purpose) software design. Some general issues that cut across the particular software design domain include: (1) knowledge representation, acquisition, and maintenance; (2) specialized software design techniques; and (3) user interaction and user interface

    Profiling large-scale lazy functional programs

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    The LOLITA natural language processing system is an example of one of the ever increasing number of large-scale systems written entirely in a functional programming language. The system consists of over 50,000 lines of Haskell code and is able to perform a number of tasks such as semantic and pragmatic analysis of text, context scanning and query analysis. Such a system is more useful if the results are calculated in real-time, therefore the efficiency of such a system is paramount. For the past three years we have used profiling tools supplied with the Haskell compilers GHC and HBC to analyse and reason about our programming solutions and have achieved good results; however, our experience has shown that the profiling life-cycle is often too long to make a detailed analysis of a large system possible, and the profiling results are often misleading. A profiling system is developed which allows three types of functionality not previously found in a profiler for lazy functional programs. Firstly, the profiler is able to produce results based on an accurate method of cost inheritance. We have found that this reduces the possibility of the programmer obtaining misleading profiling results. Secondly, the programmer is able to explore the results after the execution of the program. This is done by selecting and deselecting parts of the program using a post-processor. This greatly reduces the analysis time as no further compilation, execution or profiling of the program is needed. Finally, the new profiling system allows the user to examine aspects of the run-time call structure of the program. This is useful in the analysis of the run-time behaviour of the program. Previous attempts at extending the results produced by a profiler in such a way have failed due to the exceptionally high overheads. Exploration of the overheads produced by the new profiling scheme show that typical overheads in profiling the LOLITA system are: a 10% increase in compilation time; a 7% increase in executable size and a 70% run-time overhead. These overheads mean a considerable saving in time in the detailed analysis of profiling a large, lazy functional program