314 research outputs found

    Minimal external representations of tropical polyhedra

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    Tropical polyhedra are known to be representable externally, as intersections of finitely many tropical half-spaces. However, unlike in the classical case, the extreme rays of their polar cones provide external representations containing in general superfluous half-spaces. In this paper, we prove that any tropical polyhedral cone in R^n (also known as "tropical polytope" in the literature) admits an essentially unique minimal external representation. The result is obtained by establishing a (partial) anti-exchange property of half-spaces. Moreover, we show that the apices of the half-spaces appearing in such non-redundant external representations are vertices of the cell complex associated with the polyhedral cone. We also establish a necessary condition for a vertex of this cell complex to be the apex of a non-redundant half-space. It is shown that this condition is sufficient for a dense class of polyhedral cones having "generic extremities".Comment: v1: 32 pages, 10 figures; v2: minor revision, 34 pages, 10 figure

    Computing the vertices of tropical polyhedra using directed hypergraphs

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    We establish a characterization of the vertices of a tropical polyhedron defined as the intersection of finitely many half-spaces. We show that a point is a vertex if, and only if, a directed hypergraph, constructed from the subdifferentials of the active constraints at this point, admits a unique strongly connected component that is maximal with respect to the reachability relation (all the other strongly connected components have access to it). This property can be checked in almost linear-time. This allows us to develop a tropical analogue of the classical double description method, which computes a minimal internal representation (in terms of vertices) of a polyhedron defined externally (by half-spaces or hyperplanes). We provide theoretical worst case complexity bounds and report extensive experimental tests performed using the library TPLib, showing that this method outperforms the other existing approaches.Comment: 29 pages (A4), 10 figures, 1 table; v2: Improved algorithm in section 5 (using directed hypergraphs), detailed appendix; v3: major revision of the article (adding tropical hyperplanes, alternative method by arrangements, etc); v4: minor revisio

    The tropical double description method

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    We develop a tropical analogue of the classical double description method allowing one to compute an internal representation (in terms of vertices) of a polyhedron defined externally (by inequalities). The heart of the tropical algorithm is a characterization of the extreme points of a polyhedron in terms of a system of constraints which define it. We show that checking the extremality of a point reduces to checking whether there is only one minimal strongly connected component in an hypergraph. The latter problem can be solved in almost linear time, which allows us to eliminate quickly redundant generators. We report extensive tests (including benchmarks from an application to static analysis) showing that the method outperforms experimentally the previous ones by orders of magnitude. The present tools also lead to worst case bounds which improve the ones provided by previous methods.Comment: 12 pages, prepared for the Proceedings of the Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, 2010, Nancy, Franc

    Tropical polar cones, hypergraph transversals, and mean payoff games

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    We discuss the tropical analogues of several basic questions of convex duality. In particular, the polar of a tropical polyhedral cone represents the set of linear inequalities that its elements satisfy. We characterize the extreme rays of the polar in terms of certain minimal set covers which may be thought of as weighted generalizations of minimal transversals in hypergraphs. We also give a tropical analogue of Farkas lemma, which allows one to check whether a linear inequality is implied by a finite family of linear inequalities. Here, the certificate is a strategy of a mean payoff game. We discuss examples, showing that the number of extreme rays of the polar of the tropical cyclic polyhedral cone is polynomially bounded, and that there is no unique minimal system of inequalities defining a given tropical polyhedral cone.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, revised versio

    Tropicalizing the simplex algorithm

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    We develop a tropical analog of the simplex algorithm for linear programming. In particular, we obtain a combinatorial algorithm to perform one tropical pivoting step, including the computation of reduced costs, in O(n(m+n)) time, where m is the number of constraints and n is the dimension.Comment: v1: 35 pages, 7 figures, 4 algorithms; v2: improved presentation, 39 pages, 9 figures, 4 algorithm

    Reachability analysis for timed automata using max-plus algebra

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    International audienceWe show that max-plus polyhedra are usable as a data structure in reachability analysis of timed automata. Drawing inspiration from the extensive work that has been done on difference bound matrices, as well as previous work on max-plus polyhedra in other areas, we develop the algorithms needed to perform forward and backward reachability analysis using max-plus polyhedra. To show that the approach works in practice and theory alike, we have created a proof-of-concept implementation on top of the model checker opaal

    Tropical Fourier-Motzkin elimination, with an application to real-time verification

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    We introduce a generalization of tropical polyhedra able to express both strict and non-strict inequalities. Such inequalities are handled by means of a semiring of germs (encoding infinitesimal perturbations). We develop a tropical analogue of Fourier-Motzkin elimination from which we derive geometrical properties of these polyhedra. In particular, we show that they coincide with the tropically convex union of (non-necessarily closed) cells that are convex both classically and tropically. We also prove that the redundant inequalities produced when performing successive elimination steps can be dynamically deleted by reduction to mean payoff game problems. As a complement, we provide a coarser (polynomial time) deletion procedure which is enough to arrive at a simply exponential bound for the total execution time. These algorithms are illustrated by an application to real-time systems (reachability analysis of timed automata).Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure
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