460 research outputs found

    Geometry, Topology and Simplicial Synchronization

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    Simplicial synchronization reveals the role that topology and geometry have in determining the dynamical properties of simplicial complexes. Simplicial network geometry and topology are naturally encoded in the spectral properties of the graph Laplacian and of the higher-order Laplacians of simplicial complexes. Here we show how the geometry of simplicial complexes induces spectral dimensions of the simplicial complex Laplacians that are responsible for changing the phase diagram of the Kuramoto model. In particular, simplicial complexes displaying a non-trivial simplicial network geometry cannot sustain a synchronized state in the infinite network limit if their spectral dimension is smaller or equal to four. This theoretical result is here verified on the Network Geometry with Flavor simplicial complex generative model displaying emergent hyperbolic geometry. On its turn simplicial topology is shown to determine the dynamical properties of the higher- order Kuramoto model. The higher-order Kuramoto model describes synchronization of topological signals, i.e. phases not only associated to the nodes of a simplicial complexes but associated also to higher-order simplices, including links, triangles and so on

    Coxeter group in Hilbert geometry

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    A theorem of Tits - Vinberg allows to build an action of a Coxeter group Γ\Gamma on a properly convex open set Ω\Omega of the real projective space, thanks to the data PP of a polytope and reflection across its facets. We give sufficient conditions for such action to be of finite covolume, convex-cocompact or geometrically finite. We describe an hypothesis that make those conditions necessary. Under this hypothesis, we describe the Zariski closure of Γ\Gamma, find the maximal Γ\Gamma-invariant convex, when there is a unique Γ\Gamma-invariant convex, when the convex Ω\Omega is strictly convex, when we can find a Γ\Gamma-invariant convex Ω′\Omega' which is strictly convex.Comment: 48

    Trace formula for dielectric cavities II: Regular, pseudo-integrable, and chaotic examples

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    Dielectric resonators are open systems particularly interesting due to their wide range of applications in optics and photonics. In a recent paper [PRE, vol. 78, 056202 (2008)] the trace formula for both the smooth and the oscillating parts of the resonance density was proposed and checked for the circular cavity. The present paper deals with numerous shapes which would be integrable (square, rectangle, and ellipse), pseudo-integrable (pentagon) and chaotic (stadium), if the cavities were closed (billiard case). A good agreement is found between the theoretical predictions, the numerical simulations, and experiments based on organic micro-lasers.Comment: 18 pages, 32 figure

    Piecewise smooth reconstruction of normal vector field on digital data

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    International audienceWe propose a novel method to regularize a normal vector field defined on a digital surface (boundary of a set of voxels). When the digital surface is a digitization of a piecewise smooth manifold, our method localizes sharp features (edges) while regularizing the input normal vector field at the same time. It relies on the optimisation of a variant of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional, originally defined for denoising and contour extraction in image processing [AT90]. We reformulate this functional to digital surface processing thanks to discrete calculus operators. Experiments show that the output normal field is very robust to digitization artifacts or noise, and also fairly independent of the sampling resolution. The method allows the user to choose independently the amount of smoothing and the length of the set of discontinuities. Sharp and vanishing features are correctly delineated even on extremely damaged data. Finally, our method can be used to enhance considerably the output of state-of- the-art normal field estimators like Voronoi Covariance Measure [MOG11] or Randomized Hough Transform [BM12]

    ICASE/LaRC Workshop on Adaptive Grid Methods

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    Solution-adaptive grid techniques are essential to the attainment of practical, user friendly, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications. In this three-day workshop, experts gathered together to describe state-of-the-art methods in solution-adaptive grid refinement, analysis, and implementation; to assess the current practice; and to discuss future needs and directions for research. This was accomplished through a series of invited and contributed papers. The workshop focused on a set of two-dimensional test cases designed by the organizers to aid in assessing the current state of development of adaptive grid technology. In addition, a panel of experts from universities, industry, and government research laboratories discussed their views of needs and future directions in this field

    A PDE-regularized smoothing method for space-time data over manifolds with application to medical data

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    We propose an innovative statistical-numerical method to model spatio- temporal data, observed over a generic two-dimensional Riemanian manifold. The proposed approach consists of a regression model completed with a regu- larizing term based on the heat equation. The model is discretized through a finite element scheme set on the manifold, and solved by resorting to a fixed point-based iterative algorithm. This choice leads to a procedure which is highly efficient when compared with a monolithic approach, and which allows us to deal with massive datasets. After a preliminary assessment on simulation study cases, we investigate the performance of the new estimation tool in prac- tical contexts, by dealing with neuroimaging and hemodynamic data

    Non-acyclicity of coset lattices and generation of finite groups

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