93 research outputs found

    Knowledge Nodes: the Building Blocks of a Distributed Approach to Knowledge Management

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    Abstract: In this paper we criticise the objectivistic approach that underlies most current systems for Knowledge Management. We show that such an approach is incompatible with the very nature of what is to be managed (i.e., knowledge), and we argue that this may partially explain why most knowledge management systems are deserted by users. We propose a different approach - called distributed knowledge management - in which subjective and social (in a word, contextual) aspects of knowledge are seriously taken into account. Finally, we present a general technological architecture in which these ideas are implemented by introducing the concept of knowledge node

    Knowledge Nodes: the reification of organizational communities. A case study

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    In our work a new approach, the Distributed Knowledge Management (DKM) approach, is used and organizations are seen as constellations of communities, which \own" local knowledge and exchange it through meaning negotiation coordination processes. In order to reify communities within a DKM system, the concept of Knowledge Node (KN) is used and then applied in a case study: a complex Italian national firm, the Impresa Pizzarotti & C. S.p.A. All communities of practices are un-veiled and rei ed as KNs within a high level architecture of a DKM system. In this paper it is argued that, even if knowledge has to be organized and made useful to the whole organization, there are types of knowledge that must be managed in an autonomous way, and the DKM approach is a good system which to deal with coordination/negotiation processes

    A Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Distributed Knowledge Management.

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    Most of the knowledge management systems of complex organizations are based on technological architectures that are in contradiction with the social processes of knowledge creation. In particular, centralized architectures are adopted to manage a process that is intrinsically distributed. In this paper, assuming a Distributed approach to Knowledge Management (DKM), is proposed that technological and social architectures must be reciprocally consistent. Moreover, in the domain of Knowledge Management, technological architectures should be designed in order to support the interplay between two qualitatively different processes: the autonomous management of knowledge of individuals and groups - here called Knowledge Nodes (KNs) -, and the coordination required in order to exchange knowledge among them. Finally a peer to peer architecture to support knowledge exchange across distributed and autonomous KNs is presented

    Robust Geometry Estimation using the Generalized Voronoi Covariance Measure

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    The Voronoi Covariance Measure of a compact set K of R^d is a tensor-valued measure that encodes geometric information on K and which is known to be resilient to Hausdorff noise but sensitive to outliers. In this article, we generalize this notion to any distance-like function delta and define the delta-VCM. We show that the delta-VCM is resilient to Hausdorff noise and to outliers, thus providing a tool to estimate robustly normals from a point cloud approximation. We present experiments showing the robustness of our approach for normal and curvature estimation and sharp feature detection

    Alcances y limitaciones del Programa de Entramados Productivos Locales para la generación de condiciones para el Desarrollo Rural

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    Fil: Cuel, María Cecilia. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentin

    Competencias Ciudadanas y Filosofía

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    This article is part of a systematic review of citizenship skills and philosophy, which require reflection and criticism. The purpose was to carry out a search for topics related to civic competencies and philosophy, critical thinking and civic culture. To achieve this purpose, an analysis of 24 documentary sources located between 2002 and 2021, and one from 1979 was carried out due to the importance of their contributions, inquiring about the most recent and in accordance with the contextual reality, mostly Latin American sources. The methodology was based on documentary analysis. This allowed a binding contrast of concepts to be made. It is concluded that citizen training requires a reaffirmation of values ​​and the development of critical thinking to assume social reality in a reflective and critical way, on the importance of developing citizen skills through philosophy.El presente artículo se enmarca en una revisión sistemática sobre las competencias ciudadanas y la filosofía, como un conjunto de habilidades que requieren de la reflexión y la crítica. El propósito fue realizar una búsqueda de temas relacionados con las competencias ciudadanas y la filosofía, el pensamiento crítico y la cultura ciudadana. Para alcanzar este propósito, se realizó un análisis de 24 fuentes documentales ubicadas entre 2002 y 2021, y una de 1979 por la importancia de sus aportes, indagando sobre las más recientes y acordes a la realidad contextual, en su mayoría fuentes latinoamericanas. La metodología se fundamentó en el análisis documental. Esto permitió hacer una contrastación vinculante de conceptos. Se concluye que una formación ciudadana, requiere de una reafirmación de valores y desarrollar un pensamiento crítico para asumir la realidad social de manera reflexiva y crítica, sobre la importancia de desarrollar habilidades ciudadanas a través de la filosofía.   ABSTRACT This article is part of a systematic review of citizenship skills and philosophy, which require reflection and criticism. The purpose was to carry out a search for topics related to civic competencies and philosophy, critical thinking and civic culture. To achieve this purpose, an analysis of 24 documentary sources located between 2002 and 2021, and one from 1979 was carried out due to the importance of their contributions, inquiring about the most recent and in accordance with the contextual reality, mostly Latin American sources. The methodology was based on documentary analysis. This allowed a binding contrast of concepts to be made. It is concluded that citizen training requires a reaffirmation of values ​​and the development of critical thinking to assume social reality in a reflective and critical way, on the importance of developing citizen skills through philosophy. Key words: Citizen competencies, Philosophy, Citizen culture   RESUMO Este artigo é parte de uma revisão sistemática sobre competências e filosofia de cidadania, como um conjunto de habilidades que requerem reflexão e crítica. O objetivo foi realizar uma pesquisa de temas relacionados com competências cívicas e filosofia, pensamento crítico e cultura cívica. Para atingir esse propósito, foi realizada uma análise de 24 fontes documentais localizadas entre 2002 e 2021 e uma de 1979 devido à importância de suas contribuições, indagando sobre as mais recentes e de acordo com a realidade contextual, principalmente fontes latino-americanas. A metodologia baseou-se na análise documental. Isso permitiu que um contraste obrigatório de conceitos fosse feito. Conclui-se que uma formação cidadã requer uma reafirmação de valores e o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico para assumir a realidade social de forma reflexiva e crítica, sobre a importância de desenvolver competências cidadãs através da filosofia. Palavras-chave: Competências cívicas, Filosofia, Cultura cívica   RÉSUMÉ Cet article fait partie d'une revue systématique sur les compétences et la philosophie citoyennes, en tant qu'ensemble de compétences qui nécessitent réflexion et critique. L'objectif était d'effectuer une recherche de sujets liés aux compétences civiques et à la philosophie, à la pensée critique et à la culture civique. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une analyse de 24 sources documentaires situées entre 2002 et 2021, et une de 1979 a été réalisée en raison de l'importance de leurs contributions, en s'informant des plus récentes et en accord avec la réalité contextuelle, principalement des sources latino-américaines. La méthodologie était basée sur l'analyse documentaire. Cela a permis d'établir un contraste contraignant de concepts. Il est conclu qu'une formation citoyenne nécessite une réaffirmation des valeurs et le développement de l'esprit critique pour assumer la réalité sociale de manière réflexive et critique, sur l'importance de développer les compétences citoyennes à travers la philosophie. Mots clés: Compétences citoyennes, Philosophie, Culture citoyenn

    Gamification solutions for software acceptance: a comparative study of requirements engineering and organizational behavior techniques.

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    Gamificationis a powerful paradigm and a set of best practices used to motivate people carrying out a variety of ICT–mediated tasks. Designing gamification solutions and applying them to a given ICT system is a complex and expensive process (in time, competences and money) as software engineers have to cope with heterogeneous stakeholder requirements on one hand, and Acceptance Requirements on the other, that together ensure effective user participation and a high level of system utilization. As such, gamification solutions require significant analysis and design as well as suitable supporting tools and techniques. In this work, we compare concepts, tools and techniques for gamification design drawn from Software Engineering and Human and Organizational Behaviors. We conduct a comparison by applying both techniques to the specific Meeting Scheduling exemplar used extensively in the Requirements Engineering literature

    3D Geometric Analysis of Tubular Objects based on Surface Normal Accumulation

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    This paper proposes a simple and efficient method for the reconstruction and extraction of geometric parameters from 3D tubular objects. Our method constructs an image that accumulates surface normal information, then peaks within this image are located by tracking. Finally, the positions of these are optimized to lie precisely on the tubular shape centerline. This method is very versatile, and is able to process various input data types like full or partial mesh acquired from 3D laser scans, 3D height map or discrete volumetric images. The proposed algorithm is simple to implement, contains few parameters and can be computed in linear time with respect to the number of surface faces. Since the extracted tube centerline is accurate, we are able to decompose the tube into rectilinear parts and torus-like parts. This is done with a new linear time 3D torus detection algorithm, which follows the same principle of a previous work on 2D arc circle recognition. Detailed experiments show the versatility, accuracy and robustness of our new method.Comment: in 18th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Sep 2015, Genova, Italy. 201

    Piecewise smooth reconstruction of normal vector field on digital data

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    International audienceWe propose a novel method to regularize a normal vector field defined on a digital surface (boundary of a set of voxels). When the digital surface is a digitization of a piecewise smooth manifold, our method localizes sharp features (edges) while regularizing the input normal vector field at the same time. It relies on the optimisation of a variant of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional, originally defined for denoising and contour extraction in image processing [AT90]. We reformulate this functional to digital surface processing thanks to discrete calculus operators. Experiments show that the output normal field is very robust to digitization artifacts or noise, and also fairly independent of the sampling resolution. The method allows the user to choose independently the amount of smoothing and the length of the set of discontinuities. Sharp and vanishing features are correctly delineated even on extremely damaged data. Finally, our method can be used to enhance considerably the output of state-of- the-art normal field estimators like Voronoi Covariance Measure [MOG11] or Randomized Hough Transform [BM12]
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