4,643 research outputs found

    Optimization of net power density in Reverse Electrodialysis

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    Reverse Electrodialysis (RED) extracts electrical energy from the salinity difference between two solutions using selective ion exchange membranes. In RED, conditions yielding a large net power density (NPD) are generally desired, due to the still large cost of the membranes. NPD depends on a large number of physical and geometric parameters. Some of these, for example the inlet concentrations of concentrate and diluate, can be regarded as “scenario” variables, imposed by external constraints (e.g., availability) or chosen by different criteria than NPD maximization. Others, namely the thicknesses HCONC, HDIL and the velocities UCONC, UDIL in the concentrate and diluate channels, can be regarded as free design parameters and can be chosen so as to maximize NPD. In the present study, a simplified model of a RED stack was coupled with an optimization algorithm in order to determine the conditions of maximum NPD in the space of the variables HCONC, HDIL,UCONC, UDIL for different sets of “scenario” variables. The study shows that an optimal choice of the free design parameters for any given scenario, as opposed to the adoption of standard fixed values for the same parameters, may provide significant improvements in NPD

    Англійська мова для студентів електромеханічних спеціальностей

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    Навчальний посібник розрахований на студентів напряму підготовки 6.050702 Електромеханіка. Містить уроки, що структуровані за тематичними розділами, граматичний коментар, короткі англо-український і українсько- англійський словники та додатки, які спрямовані на закріплення загальних навичок володіння англійською мовою. Акцентований на ɨсобливості термінології, що застосовується у науково-технічній галузі, зокрема, в електромеханіці та виконання запропонованих завдань, що буде сприяти формуванню навичок перекладу з англійської та української мов, сприйняттю письмової та усної англійської мови, вмінню письмового викладення англійською мовою науково-технічних та інших текстів під час професійної діяльності, спілкуванню з професійних та загальних питань тощо

    Feasibility study on lengthening the high-voltage cable section and reducing the number of cable joints via alternative bonding methods

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    The mesosphere is perhaps the least explored region in the atmosphere with very few methods of observing. This thesis will primarily be exploring a new technique for measuring the distribution of kinetic energy in the mesosphere across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The method being used relies on correlation functions between pairs of meteor measurements. These measurements are made using a network of specular meteor radars located in Northern Norway. This network produced 32 million meteor measurements over a 2 year period. The correlation function estimation method has been previously used on a smaller data set, but has so far not been used for a longer data set and at high latitudes. The main advantage of the new technique is that by studying the second order statistics of the wind field, we can obtain significantly better temporal and spatial resolution than before. Such a large data set allows for great resolution for both spatial and temporal correlation functions. By using temporal correlation functions and the kinetic energy spectrum, different atmospheric wave phenomena can be studied. These include diurnal and semi diurnal tides. The horizontal and vertical correlation functions will be used to verify that the kinetic energy follows a power law, as theoretically expected by the Kolmogorov theory for turbulence. This was done by using a second order structure function applied to correlation functions. The temporal and horizontal correlation functions were used to study the summer-winter variation in kinetic energy, some variation in the temporal domain is the impact from large scale waves as well as in the power spectra were there is a steeper power law slope during the winter. As for the horizontal domain there are differences in kinetic energy in the zonal and meridional direction for both large and small scale waves. The dataset in this thesis a lot more can be found out about the mesosphere, in this thesis only a few of the possibilities are explored. The results are in agreement with earlier work, confirming the results obtained by the earlier study

    Development of a Modeling Capability for Energy Harvesting Modules in Electrodynamic Tether Systems

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90615/1/AIAA-2011-7323-271.pd

    Pyroelectric response of ferroelectric nanoparticles: size effect and electric energy harvesting

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    The size effect on pyroelectric response of ferroelectric nanowires and nanotubes is analyzed. The pyroelectric coefficient strongly increases with the wire radius decrease and diverges at critical radius Rcr corresponding to the size-driven transition into paraelectric phase. Size-driven enhancement of pyroelectric coupling leads to the giant pyroelectric current and voltage generation by the polarized ferroelectric nanoparticles in response to the temperature fluctuation. The maximum efficiency of the pyroelectric energy harvesting and bolometric detection is derived, and is shown to approach the Carnot limit for low temperatures.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 1 Appendi

    Determination of railway rolling stock optimal movement modes

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    Purpose. To develop a methodology for simulating of an electromotive railway rolling stock in terms of power-optimal modes on a track with a given profile and a set motion graph. Methodology. We have used combined genetic algorithm to determine optimum modes of an electromotive railway rolling stock motion: a global search is performed by a genetic algorithm with a one-point crossover and roulette selection. At the final stage of the optimization procedure we have used Nelder-Mead method for the refinement of the optimum. Results. We have obtained that traction motor on a tramcar, while driving on a fixed site, has an excessive power of the cooling system. Its using only in the considered area allows to modernize the cooling system in the way of its power reducing, which in turn provides an opportunity to increase the overall efficiency of the electromotive railway rolling stock. Originality. For the first time, we have obtained the train motion equation in the program oriented form. This allows to use it for determination of electromotive railway rolling stock optimal control laws according to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman method. Practical value. We have made the computer program to determine optimum modes of an electromotive railway rolling stock motion. The experimental studies of program results for the track section have confirmed the adequacy of the model, which allows to solve the traffic modes optimization problem for the tram track sections and increase the overall efficiency of the electromotive railway rolling stock.Разработана методика моделирования движения асинхронного тягового двигателя при движении электроподвижного состава по энергооптимальным режимам на участке пути с заданным профилем и установленным графиком движения. Определены оптимальные режимы движения электроподвижного состава на основе метода Гамильтона-Якоби-Беллмана. Определение режимов работы тягового привода предложено проводить заранее на основании решения задачи условной оптимизации его режимов. Определение оптимальных режимов работы тягового привода было проведено на основе комбинированных методов условной минимизации функции. Использование предлагаемой методики позволяет повысить общий КПД электроподвижного состава

    Development of an Efficient Propulsion System for a Battery Electric Shell Eco Marathon Prototype Vehicle

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    For the participation of the Aero@UBI team in Shell Eco-Marathon competition an in-wheel electric, ironless brushless permanent magnet motor was designed and build, this type of motors is characterized by very inductance and a very low resistance between phases which leads to current ripple, to solve this problem, and also, as Shell Eco-marathon competition requirements, a controller must be developed. In this case a controller with a 60-degree commutation was implemented and tested

    Theoretical fundamentals of electrical engineering. Laboratory works. Part 1

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    Схвалено й рекомендовано до друку методичною радою факультету прикладних інформаційних технологій та електроінженерії Тернопільського національного технічного університету імені Івана Пулюя. Протокол № 6 від 26 березня 2019 року.1. Laboratory work 1 …3 Investigation of energy transfer from source to consumer …3 Work execution order …6 2. Laboratory work 2 ...9 Experimental verification of DC circuits calculation …9 Work execution order …15 3. Laboratory work 3 …17 Investigation of coil and capacitor serial connection …17 Work execution order …19 4. Laboratory work 4 …21 Investigation of coil and capacitor parallel connection …21 Work execution order …24 5. Laboratory work 5 …26 Transformer …26 Work execution order …31 6. Laboratory work 6 …34 Investigation of WYE connection of three-phase circuit …34 Work execution order …37 Attachment …4