240 research outputs found

    Wine communication in a global market: a study of metaphor through the genre of Australian wine reviews

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    This thesis is a report on wine communication focused on metaphoric language identified in the genre of wine reviews. Specifically, the research centred on Australian wine reviews written by Australian wine critics about Australian wines currently exported to the greater China region. In the genre of wine reviews, metaphoric expressions are frequently used to talk about wine (Caballero & Suárez-Toste, 2008). The thesis developed understanding of the influence of metaphoric language and its potential to constrain or motivate people’s sensory and affective responses to wine and highlighted the need to consider congruency of metaphoric language in terms of wine communication and education. The research was theoretically framed by the conceptual metaphor theory (CMT) of Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and took a cognitive linguistic perspective to metaphor analysis (Croft & Cruse, 2004). Wine appreciation was argued to be a social event in contrast to an observational event. From this perspective, wine appreciation is concerned with influencing audience perceptions in contrast to a spontaneous commentary of an event. The thesis presents the findings of two qualitative studies that used a corpus approach to metaphor use and understanding in the genre of wine reviews. The investigation identified metaphoric expressions in Australian wine reviews and went on to explore their understanding and transfer by wine educators in Australia and China. Metaphor identification used the Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit (Steen et al., 2010) and the UCREL Semantic Annotation System (Archer et al., 2004) for semantic and conceptual analysis. Results indicated six underpinning metaphoric themes (i.e., AN OBJECT, A THREE DIMENSIONAL ARTEFACT, AN INSTITUTIONAL ARTEFACT, A TEXTILE, A LIVING ORGANISM, and A PERSON) of which spatial and temporal properties were often integrated. A comparison of wine educator responses to interpretation and transmission tasks showed that anthropomorphic metaphor (i.e., WINE IS A PERSON) tended to be conceptualized similarly by participants more often than other metaphoric themes. In conclusion, the cultural artefact of language used in the genre of wine reviews and the metaphoric potential of linguistic choices on sensory and affective perceptions indicates a need for the consideration of congruency when wine communication crosses cultural and linguistic borders


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    Avanttítol: KEER2022. DiversitiesDescripció del recurs: 25 juliol 202

    Perspectives on Multisensory Human-Food Interaction

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    Multi-Sensory Interaction for Blind and Visually Impaired People

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    This book conveyed the visual elements of artwork to the visually impaired through various sensory elements to open a new perspective for appreciating visual artwork. In addition, the technique of expressing a color code by integrating patterns, temperatures, scents, music, and vibrations was explored, and future research topics were presented. A holistic experience using multi-sensory interaction acquired by people with visual impairment was provided to convey the meaning and contents of the work through rich multi-sensory appreciation. A method that allows people with visual impairments to engage in artwork using a variety of senses, including touch, temperature, tactile pattern, and sound, helps them to appreciate artwork at a deeper level than can be achieved with hearing or touch alone. The development of such art appreciation aids for the visually impaired will ultimately improve their cultural enjoyment and strengthen their access to culture and the arts. The development of this new concept aids ultimately expands opportunities for the non-visually impaired as well as the visually impaired to enjoy works of art and breaks down the boundaries between the disabled and the non-disabled in the field of culture and arts through continuous efforts to enhance accessibility. In addition, the developed multi-sensory expression and delivery tool can be used as an educational tool to increase product and artwork accessibility and usability through multi-modal interaction. Training the multi-sensory experiences introduced in this book may lead to more vivid visual imageries or seeing with the mind’s eye

    Sustainability and wine: an overview on the terminology in relation to consumers' preferences and producers' communication

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    openThe purpose of the work is to analyze sustainability-related attributes influencing the customer’s preferences towards natural wines and how producers should interpret these attributes in their communication strategy. The analysis is developed through data gathered from secondary sources, internet information as derived from the websites of 5 major wineries of the Veneto Region, and targeted questionnaires in place of face-to-face interviews.The purpose of the work is to analyze sustainability-related attributes influencing the customer’s preferences towards natural wines and how producers should interpret these attributes in their communication strategy. The analysis is developed through data gathered from secondary sources, internet information as derived from the websites of 5 major wineries of the Veneto Region, and targeted questionnaires in place of face-to-face interviews

    Musiquence – Design, Implementation and Validation of a Customizable Music and Reminiscence Cognitive Stimulation Platform for People with Dementia

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    Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide and is challenging to diagnose as symptoms may only perceivable decades later. The disease leads to a gradual loss of memory, learning, orientation, language, and comprehension skills, which compromises activities of daily living. Health-related costs caused by dementia will continue to increase over the next few years; between the years 2005 and 2009, an increase of 34% (from 315to315 to 422 billion worldwide) was observed in treating dementia-related issues. Pharmaceutical approaches have been developed to treat dementia symptoms; unfortunately, the risk of side effects is high. For this reason, nonpharmaceutical methods such as music and reminiscence therapies have gained acceptance as patients with dementia positively respond to such approaches even at later stages of the disease. Nevertheless, further research is needed to understand how music and reminiscence therapy should be used and to quantify their impact on individuals with dementia. The development of serious games has gained attention as an alternative approach to stimulate patients. However, the clinical impact that serious games have on individuals with dementia is still unclear. In this dissertation, we contribute with new knowledge regarding the usage of music and reminiscence approaches in people with dementia through a theoretical model. Based on Baddeley’s working memory model, our model aims to explain how the therapeutic properties of music and reminiscence can have a beneficial effect. To test our model, we developed a novel interactive platform called Musiquence, in which healthcare professionals can create music and reminiscence based cognitive activities to stimulate people with dementia. In this dissertation, we present the results from several studies about the usage and effects that music and reminiscence have on such a population. We performed two studies using Musiquence to study the feasibility of a novel learning method based on musical feedback to aid people with dementia during task performance in virtual reality settings. Results show that participants relied more on music-based feedback during the task performance of virtual reality activities than in other forms of feedback. Also, data suggest that the music-based feedback system can improve task performance, compensating for some dementia-related deficits. We also used Musiquence in a longitudinal one-month-long pilot study to assess its efficacy when used for a cognitive stimulation intervention in dementia patients. The results of the study are promising. The 3 participants showed improvements in terms of general cognition, quality of life, mood, and verbal fluency

    Translation, advertising and identity in Galicia(n): an analysis of the websites of companies certified by the brand Galicia Calidade

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    Advertisements vary in format and purpose, but they all share an ultimate goal: to convince a particular target audience. Language plays a crucial role in triggering a cognitive reaction that influences the audience. In the context of diglossic communities, the choice of words is as relevant as the choice of language. Focusing on Galicia, a diglossic community in north-western Spain, the asymmetrical relationship between Galician and Castilian is reflected in the dynamics of advertising and translation. Translators need to bridge the gaps between the cognitive values of audiences from different cultural backgrounds to prompt the same reaction. A bad quality translation will damage the image of the company and the brand Galicia. Galician advertisements contain cultural representations that can be easily decoded by the audience, but also reinforce existing stereotypes. These images play an influential role in the construction of the Galician identity. This study analyses advertising samples from websites of companies that bear the guarantee of “Galicia Calidade” and revolves around three strands: which language is preferred for advertising and in which context? What linguistic resources are used to advertise Galician products and how are they translated? Does advertising contribute to the construction and projection of the Galician identity

    Discourse Analysis and ADHD in the English as a Second Language teaching context

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    [ES] This thesis analyses the teaching practice of an English as a second language teacher in a Primary School. The aim of this inquiry is to revise the pedagogy used during the teaching practice regarding attention to diversity, more specifically about ADHD, and the elaboration of a proper plan to teach English to ADHD as a foreign language in inclusive classes. The study shows how to address the needs of ADHD children while they learn English as a second language under a discourse analysis scope. A large proportion of published material about the matter of study shows how to cope with the difficulties of ADHD individuals in the basic areas, literacy and Mathematics. The majority of these studies and research literature are based on the teaching of subjects in the L1 of students, that is, using their mother tongue. Teaching a second language to ADHD students is starting to gain importance in the field of language acquisition. The present thesis is a compilation of strategies, games and activities to make language learning possible and fun for hyperkinetic children. Under a desk research scope, discourse analysis, language acquisition and ESL (English as a Second Language), as well as ADHD have been studied and discussed to outline a realistic model in the paradigm of teaching and learning English as a second language with ADHD students in inclusive classrooms. These issues have been tackled over several sections. The teaching of second languages and an approximation of the definition of discourse analysis conform the theoretical framework on section four. A deeper investigation about discourse analysis can be found in section five, as a basis to the teaching of languages. An approach to the concept of ADHD is submitted in section six, while further explanations about the matter and considerations for teachers are to be found in section seven. Besides that, section eight shows a compilation of different techniques, implementations and activities suggested to teach ESL with ADHD students in inclusive classes. Finally, a case intervention is presented in section nine. Additionally, this thesis also presents two cognitive training self-instruction models for children, with and without ADHD, for oral and written activities in ESL

    Smells, well-being and the built environment

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    In this Research Topic, we aimed to collect a range of contributions to understand the emotional and wellbeing responses resulting from smells in different public spaces (museums, highstreets, heritage buildings, food districts, neighborhoods, squares, etc.) to inform future spatial design and management. The articles in this Research Topic are presented according to three types of contributions: reviews and conceptual analyses, empirical research in fieldwork, in laboratory studies and technological applications. Reviews and Conceptual Analyses Xiao et al. reviewed smellscape research studies conducted in the past 10 years to identify the challenges and related areas of future research, namely smell archives and databases, social justice within odor control and management, and research into advanced building materials. Spence reviewed the changing role of smells in the built environment from negative associations with sanitation to meaningful personal and cultural associations with memories and experiences which led to an evaluation of different approaches in examining the impact of smells on people's mood or wellbeing and the challenges of researching smells in the multi-sensory environment. Moving from the sick building sydrome to sick transport sydrome, Spence further reviewed the smells in transport environments as aesthetic and functional, and suggests challenges for future transportation to produce a more tangible vision to integrate smells in the design process to achieve the right balance of olfactory stimulation. Looking backwards to scented past, Bembibre and Strlič make the case for the need of knowledge exchange and interdisciplinary interpretation of findings in the field of olfactory heritage, providing an overview of methodological and museal studies as well as challenges associated with historical scent reconstruction. Empirical Research - Fieldwork Pálsdóttir et al. carried out a field study with participants suffering from stress-related mental disorders and explored how they would describe their smellscape perception of a garden in the context of a nature-based rehabilitation intervention. In a different field study, de Groot investigated whether ambient scents could affect customers' subjective experience and spending behavior in an experiment with customers of a second-hand clothing store. The author concluded that for that to happen, the smellscape should have a meaningful link to the physical context. Masaoka et al. present the results of a study conducted to examine whether continuous odor stimuli associated with autobiographical memories could activate olfactory areas in the brain of older adults and assess whether this odor stimulation could have a protective effect against age-related cognitive decline. Empirical Research - Laboratory Studies and Technological Applications Masaoka et al. investigated the potential protective effect from age-related cognitive decline of continuous odor stimuli associated with autobiographical memories and whether those could activate the above olfactory areas in older adults. Jiang et al. used blood pressure, pulse rate, EEG, POMS, and SD data to examine the odor-visual effects of the Primula forbesii Franch compared with the non-fragrant Primula malacoides Franch on the physiological and psychological state of Chinese female college students in the indoor environment. Courrèges et al. examined the correlations between odor and texture in users' perceptions of cosmetic creams cross-culturally, in laboratory conditions, using questionnaires, minimizing the impacts of branded messages from the packing and retail spaces. Amores et al. discussed the design and technical implementation of Essence- a smartphone-controlled wearable device that monitors users' EEG and real-time sleep staging algorithm to release scents to interact with users- in home-based sleep environments. The articles included in this Research Topic represent a nice balance between the theoretical reviews, empirical studies and laboratory research, showing the vibrance and dynamic in this research field as well as new technological developments such as extended reality, emotional sensors (i.e. EEG, GSR) and odor monitoring devices. New insights are drawn into the theoretical frameworks to understand relationships between smells, wellbeing and emotions, behaviors and physiological aspects; methodological approaches to measure smell triggered emotions, experiences, and quality of life; practical explorations on the process and challenges of using smells to influence user experiences in the built environment