13 research outputs found

    Coordination using a Single-Writer Multiple-Reader Concurrent Logic Language

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    The principle behind concurrent logic programming is a set of processes which co-operate in monotonically constraining a global set of variables to particular values. Each process will have access to only some of the variables, and a process may bind a variable to a tuple containing further variables which may be bound later by other processes. This is a suitable model for a coordination language. In this paper we describe a type system which ensures the co-operation principle is never breached, and which makes clear through syntax the pattern of data flow in a concurrent logic program. This overcomes problems previously associated with the practical use of concurrent logic languages

    Minimizing the overheads of dependent {AND}-parallelism

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    Parallel implementations of programming languages need to control synchronization overheads. Synchronization is essential for ensuring the correctness of parallel code, yet it adds overheads that aren\u27t present in sequential programs. This is an important problem for parallel logic programming systems, because almost every action in such programs requires accessing variables, and the traditional approach of adding synchronization code to all such accesses is so prohibitively expensive that a parallel version of the program may run more slowly on four processors than a sequential version would run on one processor. We present a program transformation for implementing dependent AND-parallelism in logic programming languages that uses mode information to add synchronization code only to the variable accesses that actually need it

    Semantics-based analysis for optimizing compilation of concurrent programs

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2127号 ; 学位の種類:博士(情報科学) ; 授与年月日:2005/12/22 ; 早大学位記番号:新412

    Specifying and reasoning about concurrent systems in logic

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    Imperial Users onl

    Investigation of design and execution alternatives for the committed choice non-deterministic logic languages

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    The general area of developing, applying and studying new and parallel models of computation is motivated by a need to overcome the limits of current Von Neumann based architectures. A key area of research in understanding how new technology can be applied to Al problem solving is through using logic languages. Logic programming languages provide a procedural interpretation for sentences of first order logic, mainly using a class of sentence called Horn clauses. Horn clauses are open to a wide variety of parallel evaluation models, giving possible speed-ups and alternative parallel models of execution. The research in this thesis is concerned with investigating one class of parallel logic language known as Committed Choice Non-Deterministic languages. The investigation considers the inherent parallel behaviour of Al programs implemented in the CCND languages and the effect of various alternatives open to language implementors and designers. This is achieved by considering how various Al programming techniques map to alternative language designs and the behaviour of these Al programs on alternative implementations of these languages. The aim of this work is to investigate how Al programming techniques are affected (qualitatively and quantitatively) by particular language features. The qualitative evaluation is a consideration of how Al programs can be mapped to the various CCND languages. The applications considered are general search algorithms (which focuses on the committed choice nature of the languages); chart parsing (which focuses on the differences between safe and unsafe languages); and meta-level inference (which focuses on the difference between deep and flat languages). The quantitative evaluation considers the inherent parallel behaviour of the resulting programs and the effect of possible implementation alternatives on this inherent behaviour. To carry out this quantitative evaluation we have implemented a system which improves on the current interpreter based evaluation systems. The new system has an improved model of execution and allows severa

    Set based failure diagnosis for concurrent constraint programming

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    Oz is a recent high-level programming language, based on an extension of the concurrent constraint model by higher-order procedures and state. Oz is a dynamically typed language like Prolog, Scheme, or Smalltalk. We investigate two approaches of making static type analysis available for Oz: Set-based failure diagnosis and strong typing. We define a new system of set constraints over feature trees that is appropriate for the analysis of record structures, and we investigate its satisfiability, emptiness, and entailment problem. We present a set-based diagnosis for constraint logic programming and concurrent constraint programming as first-order fragments of Oz, and we prove that it correctly detects inevitable run-time errors. We also propose an analysis for a larger sublanguage of Oz. Complementarily, we define an Oz-style language called Plain that allows an expressive strong type system. We present such a type system and prove its soundness.Oz ist eine anwendungsnahe Programmiersprache, deren Grundlage eine Erweiterung des Modells nebenläufiger Constraintprogrammierung um Prozeduren höherer Stufe und Zustand ist. Oz ist eine Sprache mit dynamischer Typüberprüfung wie Prolog, Scheme oder Smalltalk. Wir untersuchen zwei Ansätze, statische Typüberprüfung für Oz zu ermöglichen: Mengenbasierte Fehlerdiagnose und Starke Typisierung. Wir definieren ein neues System von Mengenconstraints über Featurebäumen, das für die Analyse von Recordstrukturen geeignet ist, und wir untersuchen das Erfüllbarkeits-, das Leerheits- und das Subsumtionsproblem für dieses Constraintsystem. Wir präsentieren eine mengenbasierte Diagnose für Constraint-Logikprogrammierung und für nebenläufige Constraintprogrammierung als Teilsprachen von Oz, und wir beweisen, daß diese unvermeidliche Laufzeitfehler erkennt. Wir schlagen auch eine mengenbasierte Analyse für eine grössere Teilsprache von Oz vor. Komplementär dazu definieren wir eine Oz-artige Sprache genannt Plain, die ein expressives starkes Typsystem erlaubt. Wir stellen ein solches Typsystem vor und beweisen seine Korrektheit

    An abstract model for parallel execution of prolog

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    Logic programming has been used in a broad range of fields, from artifficial intelligence applications to general purpose applications, with great success. Through its declarative semantics, by making use of logical conjunctions and disjunctions, logic programming languages present two types of implicit parallelism: and-parallelism and or-parallelism. This thesis focuses mainly in Prolog as a logic programming language, bringing out an abstract model for parallel execution of Prolog programs, leveraging the Extended Andorra Model (EAM) proposed by David H.D. Warren, which exploits the implicit parallelism in the programming language. A meta-compiler implementation for an intermediate language for the proposed model is also presented. This work also presents a survey on the state of the art relating to implemented Prolog compilers, either sequential or parallel, along with a walk-through of the current parallel programming frameworks. The main used model for Prolog compiler implementation, the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) is also analyzed, as well as the WAM’s successor for supporting parallelism, the EAM; Sumário: Um Modelo Abstracto para Execução Paralela de Prolog A programação em lógica tem sido utilizada em diversas áreas, desde aplicações de inteligência artificial até aplicações de uso genérico, com grande sucesso. Pela sua semântica declarativa, fazendo uso de conjunções e disjunções lógicas, as linguagens de programação em lógica possuem dois tipos de paralelismo implícito: ou-paralelismo e e-paralelismo. Esta tese foca-se em particular no Prolog como linguagem de programação em lógica, apresentando um modelo abstracto para a execução paralela de programas em Prolog, partindo do Extended Andorra Model (EAM) proposto por David H.D. Warren, que tira partido do paralelismo implícito na linguagem. É apresentada uma implementação de um meta-compilador para uma linguagem intermédia para o modelo proposto. É feita uma revisão sobre o estado da arte em termos de implementações sequenciais e paralelas de compiladores de Prolog, em conjunto com uma visita pelas linguagens para implementação de sistemas paralelos. É feita uma análise ao modelo principal para implementação de compiladores de Prolog, a Warren Abstract Machine (WAM) e da sua evolução para suportar paralelismo, a EAM

    Set based failure diagnosis for concurrent constraint programming

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    Oz is a recent high-level programming language, based on an extension of the concurrent constraint model by higher-order procedures and state. Oz is a dynamically typed language like Prolog, Scheme, or Smalltalk. We investigate two approaches of making static type analysis available for Oz: Set-based failure diagnosis and strong typing. We define a new system of set constraints over feature trees that is appropriate for the analysis of record structures, and we investigate its satisfiability, emptiness, and entailment problem. We present a set-based diagnosis for constraint logic programming and concurrent constraint programming as first-order fragments of Oz, and we prove that it correctly detects inevitable run-time errors. We also propose an analysis for a larger sublanguage of Oz. Complementarily, we define an Oz-style language called Plain that allows an expressive strong type system. We present such a type system and prove its soundness.Oz ist eine anwendungsnahe Programmiersprache, deren Grundlage eine Erweiterung des Modells nebenläufiger Constraintprogrammierung um Prozeduren höherer Stufe und Zustand ist. Oz ist eine Sprache mit dynamischer Typüberprüfung wie Prolog, Scheme oder Smalltalk. Wir untersuchen zwei Ansätze, statische Typüberprüfung für Oz zu ermöglichen: Mengenbasierte Fehlerdiagnose und Starke Typisierung. Wir definieren ein neues System von Mengenconstraints über Featurebäumen, das für die Analyse von Recordstrukturen geeignet ist, und wir untersuchen das Erfüllbarkeits-, das Leerheits- und das Subsumtionsproblem für dieses Constraintsystem. Wir präsentieren eine mengenbasierte Diagnose für Constraint-Logikprogrammierung und für nebenläufige Constraintprogrammierung als Teilsprachen von Oz, und wir beweisen, daß diese unvermeidliche Laufzeitfehler erkennt. Wir schlagen auch eine mengenbasierte Analyse für eine grössere Teilsprache von Oz vor. Komplementär dazu definieren wir eine Oz-artige Sprache genannt Plain, die ein expressives starkes Typsystem erlaubt. Wir stellen ein solches Typsystem vor und beweisen seine Korrektheit

    Rule-Based Software Verification and Correction

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    The increasing complexity of software systems has led to the development of sophisticated formal Methodologies for verifying and correcting data and programs. In general, establishing whether a program behaves correctly w.r.t. the original programmer s intention or checking the consistency and the correctness of a large set of data are not trivial tasks as witnessed by many case studies which occur in the literature. In this dissertation, we face two challenging problems of verification and correction. Specifically, verification and correction of declarative programs, and the verification and correction of Web sites (i.e. large collections of semistructured data). Firstly, we propose a general correction scheme for automatically correcting declarative, rule-based programs which exploits a combination of bottom-up as well as topdown inductive learning techniques. Our hybrid hodology is able to infer program corrections that are hard, or even impossible, to obtain with a simpler,automatic top-down or bottom-up learner. Moreover, the scheme will be also particularized to some well-known declarative programming paradigm: that is, the functional logic and the functional programming paradigm. Secondly, we formalize a framework for the automated verification of Web sites which can be used to specify integrity conditions for a given Web site, and then automatically check whether these conditions are fulfilled. We provide a rule-based, formal specification language which allows us to define syntactic as well as semantic properties of the Web site. Then, we formalize a verification technique which detects both incorrect/forbidden patterns as well as lack of information, that is, incomplete/missing Web pages. Useful information is gathered during the verification process which can be used to repair the Web site. So, after a verification phase, one can also infer semi-automatically some possible corrections in order to fix theWeb site. The methodology is based on a novel rewritBallis, D. (2005). Rule-Based Software Verification and Correction [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/194

    5th SC@RUG 2008 proceedings:Student Colloquium 2007-2008

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