805 research outputs found

    Online clustering on the line with square cost variable sized clusters

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    In the online clustering problems, the classification of points into sets (called clusters) is done in an online fashion. Points arrive one by one at arbitrary locations, to be assigned to clusters at the time of arrival without any information about the further points. A point can be assigned to an existing cluster, or a new cluster can be opened for it. Existing clusters cannot be merged or split. We study one-dimensional variants. The cost of a cluster is the sum of a fixed setup cost scaled to 1 and the square of the diameter of the cluster. The goal is to minimize the sum of costs of the clusters used by the algorithm. In this paper we investigate the problem on the line. We examine two versions, both maintaining the properties that a point which was assigned to a given cluster must remain assigned to this cluster, and clusters cannot be merged. In the strict variant, the size and the exact location of the cluster must be fixed when it is initialized. In the flexible variant, the algorithm can shift the cluster or expand it, as long as it contains all points assigned to it. We consider the online and the semi-online (the input is sorted according to their coordinates from smallest to largest i.e., from left to right) versions of the above two variants. We present the first online algorithms for the solution of the problem. We describe algorithms for the strict and the flexible variant both for the online and semi-online versions. We also give lower bounds on the possible competitive ratio in all of the cases

    Low- and High-Drag Intermittencies in Turbulent Channel Flows

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    Recent direct numerical simulations (DNS) and experiments in turbulent channel flow have found intermittent low- and high-drag events in Newtonian fluid flows, at Reτ=uτh/ν between 70 and 100, where uτ, h and ν are the friction velocity, channel half-height and kinematic viscosity, respectively. These intervals of low-drag and high-drag have been termed “hibernating” and “hyperactive”, respectively, and in this paper, a further investigation of these intermittent events is conducted using experimental and numerical techniques. For experiments, simultaneous measurements of wall shear stress and velocity are carried out in a channel flow facility using hot-film anemometry (HFA) and laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), respectively, for Reτ between 70 and 250. For numerical simulations, DNS of a channel flow is performed in an extended domain at Reτ = 70 and 85. These intermittent events are selected by carrying out conditional sampling of the wall shear stress data based on a combined threshold magnitude and time-duration criteria. The use of three different scalings (so-called outer, inner and mixed) for the time-duration criterion for the conditional events is explored. It is found that if the time-duration criterion is kept constant in inner units, the frequency of occurrence of these conditional events remain insensitive to Reynolds number. There exists an exponential distribution of frequency of occurrence of the conditional events with respect to their duration, implying a potentially memoryless process. An explanation for the presence of a spike (or dip) in the ensemble-averaged wall shear stress data before and after the low-drag (or high-drag) events is investigated. During the low-drag events, the conditionally-averaged streamwise velocities get closer to Virk’s maximum drag reduction (MDR) asymptote, near the wall, for all Reynolds numbers studied. Reynolds shear stress (RSS) characteristics during these conditional events are investigated for Reτ = 70 and 85. Except very close to the wall, the conditionally-averaged RSS is higher than the time-averaged value during the low-drag events.</jats:p

    Improving emergency departments: simulation-based optimization of patients waiting time and the number of staff present in a hospital

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    The emergency department (ED), operating around the clock every day of the year, serves a diverse range of patients with varying medical conditions, making it the vital core of a hospital. Consequently, optimizing and simulating the ED's processes becomes essential to enhance the quality of care provided. This study offers a case analysis employing simulation to assess patient flows in a hospital's emergency department. Our objective is to evaluate the impacts of system enhancements within the ED. This model aims to measure patients' time from their ED entry, determine daily patient numbers, and calculate the overall patient movement time within the department. If the patient's condition is serious, he will be presented immediately to the doctor without waiting. A doctor will be added to the unit if the number of patients exceeds the standard limit.</p

    Study and simulation of low rate video coding schemes

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    The semiannual report is included. Topics covered include communication, information science, data compression, remote sensing, color mapped images, robust coding scheme for packet video, recursively indexed differential pulse code modulation, image compression technique for use on token ring networks, and joint source/channel coder design

    The development of a novel modem structure for connection of rural to diginet

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    Includes bibliographical references.This thesis investigates the use of partial response signalling as a modulation scheme in a modem structure. The modem structure consists of transmitter modulation and receiver demodulation sections only. The modem is designed to operate at data rates of 2400, 4800 and 9600 bps. The signalling format replaces the CCITT Recommendation V.29 format. The transmitted signal is required to conform to the bandwidth limitations of CCITT Recommendation M.1020 leased telephone circuits

    A Tree Structure For Dynamic Facility Location

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    We study the metric facility location problem with client insertions and deletions. This setting differs from the classic dynamic facility location problem, where the set of clients remains the same, but the metric space can change over time. We show a deterministic algorithm that maintains a constant factor approximation to the optimal solution in worst-case time O~(2^{O(kappa^2)}) per client insertion or deletion in metric spaces while answering queries about the cost in O(1) time, where kappa denotes the doubling dimension of the metric. For metric spaces with bounded doubling dimension, the update time is polylogarithmic in the parameters of the problem

    A note on the R sub 0-parameter for discrete memoryless channels

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    An explicit class of discrete memoryless channels (q-ary erasure channels) is exhibited. Practical and explicit coded systems of rate R with R/R sub o as large as desired can be designed for this class

    The telecommunications and data acquisition

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    Radio astronomy and radio interferometry at microwave frequencies are discussed. Other topics concerning the Deep Space Network include program planning, planetary and interplanetary mission support, tracking and ground based navigation, communications, and station control and system technology

    The deep space network

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    The functions and facilities of the Deep Space Network are considered. Progress in flight project support, tracking and data acquisition research and technology, network engineering, hardware and software implementation, and operations is reported