75 research outputs found

    Ant Colony Optimization With Local Search for Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problems

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    For a dynamic traveling salesman problem (DTSP), the weights (or traveling times) between two cities (or nodes) may be subject to changes. Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms have proved to be powerful methods to tackle such problems due to their adaptation capabilities. It has been shown that the integration of local search operators can significantly improve the performance of ACO. In this paper, a memetic ACO algorithm, where a local search operator (called unstring and string) is integrated into ACO, is proposed to address DTSPs. The best solution from ACO is passed to the local search operator, which removes and inserts cities in such a way that improves the solution quality. The proposed memetic ACO algorithm is designed to address both symmetric and asymmetric DTSPs. The experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed memetic algorithm for addressing DTSPs in comparison with other state-of-the-art algorithms

    A self-adaptive discrete PSO algorithm with Heterogeneous parameter

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    This paper presents a discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO) algorithm with heterogeneous (non-uniform) parameter values for solving the dynamic traveling salesman problem (DTSP). The DTSP can be modeled as a sequence of static sub-problems, each of which is an instance of the TSP. In the proposed DPSO algorithm, the information gathered while solving a sub-problem is retained in the form of a pheromone matrix and used by the algorithm while solving the next sub-problem. We present a method for automatically setting the values of the key DPSO parameters (except for the parameters directly related to the computation time and size of a problem).We show that the diversity of parameters values has a positive effect on the quality of the generated results. Furthermore, the population in the proposed algorithm has a higher level of entropy. We compare the performance of the proposed heterogeneous DPSO with two ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms. The proposed algorithm outperforms the base DPSO and is competitive with the ACO

    Metaheuristics and combinatorial optimization problems

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    This thesis will use the traveling salesman problem (TSP) as a tool to help present and investigate several new techniques that improve the overall performance of genetic algorithms (GA). Improvements include a new parent selection algorithm, harem select, that outperforms all other parent selection algorithms tested, some by up to 600%. Other techniques investigated include population seeding, random restart, heuristic crossovers, and hybrid genetic algorithms, all of which posted improvements in the range of 1% up to 1100%. Also studied will be a new algorithm, GRASP, that is just starting to enjoy a lot of interest in the research community and will also been applied to the traveling salesman problem (TSP). Given very little time to run, relative to other popular metaheuristic algorithms, GRASP was able to come within 5% of optimal on several of the TSPLIB maps used for testing. Both the GA and the GRASP algorithms will be compared with commonly used metaheuristic algorithms such as simulated annealing (SA) and reactive tabu search (RTS) as well as a simple neighborhood search - greedy search

    Parallel evolutionary algorithms for scheduling on heterogeneous computing and grid environments

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    This thesis studies the application of sequential and parallel evolutionary algorithms to the scheduling problem in heterogeneous computing and grid environments, a key problem when executing tasks in distributed computing systems. Since the 1990's, this class of systems has been increasingly employed to provide support for solving complex problems using high-performance computing techniques. The scheduling problem in heterogeneous computing systems is an NP-hard optimization problem, which has been tackled using several optimization methods in the past. Among many new techniques for optimization, evolutionary computing methods have been successfully applied to this class of problems. In this work, several evolutionary algorithms in their sequential and parallel variants are specically designed to provide accurate solutions for the problem, allowing to compute an eficient planning for heterogeneous computing and grid environments. New problem instances, far more complex than those existing in the related literature, are introduced in this thesis in order to study the scalability of the presented parallel evolutionary algorithms. In addition, a new parallel micro-CHC algorithm is developed, inspired by useful ideas from the multiobjective optimization field. Eficient numerical results of this algorithm are reported in the experimental analysis performed on both well-known problem instances and the large instances specially designed in this work. The comparative study including traditional methods and evolutionary algorithms shows that the new parallel micro-CHC is able to achieve a high problem solving eficacy, outperforming previous results already reported for the problem and also having a good scalability behavior when solving high dimension problem instances.In addition, two variants of the scheduling problem in heterogeneous environments are also tackled, showing the versatility of the proposed approach using parallel evolutionary algorithms to deal with both dynamic and multi-objective scenarios.Esta tesis estudia la aplicación de algoritmos evolutivos secuenciales y paralelos para el problema de planicación de tareas en entornos de cómputo heterogéneos y de computación grid. Desde la década de 1990, estos sistemas computacionales han sido utilizados con éxito para resolver problemas complejos utilizando técnicas de computación de alto desempeo. El problema de planificación de tareas en entornos heterogéneos es un problema de optimización NP-difícil que ha sido abordado utilizando diversas técnicas. Entre las técnicas emergentes para optimización combinatoria, los algoritmos evolutivos han sido aplicados con éxito a esta clase de problemas. En este trabajo, varios algoritmos evolutivos en sus versiones secuenciales y paralelas han sido especificamente diseados para alcanzar soluciones precisas para el problema de planicación de tareas en entornos de heterogéneos, permitiendo calcular planificaciones eficientes para entornos que modelan clusters de computadores y plataformas de computación grid. Nuevas instancias del problema, con una complejidad mucho mayor que las previamente existentes en la literatura relacionada, son presentadas en esta tesis con el objetivo de analizar la escalabilidad de los algoritmos evolutivos propuestos. Complementariamente, un nuevo método, el micro-CHC paralelo es desarrollado, inspirado en ideas ítiles provenientes del área de optimización multiobjetivo. Resultados numéricos precisos y eficientes se reportan en el análisis experimental realizado sobre instancias estándar del problema y sobre las nuevas instancias especificamente diseñadas en este trabajo.El estudio comparativo que incluye a métodos tradicionales para planificación de tareas, los nuevos métodos propuestos y algoritmos evolutivos previamente aplicados al problema, demuestra que el nuevo micro-CHC paralelo es capaz de alcanzar altos valores de eficacia, superando a los mejores resultados previamente reportados en la literatura del área y mostrando un buen comportamiento de escalabilidad para resolver las instancias de gran dimensión. Además, dos variantes del problema de planificación de tareas en entornos heterogéneos han sido inicialmente estudiadas, comprobándose la versatilidad del enfoque propuesto para resolver las variantes dinámica y multiobjetivo del problema

    Pre-scheduled colony size variation in dynamic environments

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The performance of the MAX -MIN ant system (MMAS) in dynamic optimization problems (DOPs) is sensitive to the colony size. In particular, a large colony size may waste computational resources whereas a small colony size may restrict the searching capabilities of the algorithm. There is a trade off in the behaviour of the algorithm between the early and later stages of the optimization process. A smaller colony size leads to better performance on shorter runs whereas a larger colony size leads to better performance on longer runs. In this paper, pre-scheduling of varying the colony size of MMAS is investigated in dynamic environments

    Evolutionary computation applied to combinatorial optimisation problems

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    This thesis addresses the issues associated with conventional genetic algorithms (GA) when applied to hard optimisation problems. In particular it examines the problem of selecting and implementing appropriate genetic operators in order to meet the validity constraints for constrained optimisation problems. The problem selected is the travelling salesman problem (TSP), a well known NP-hard problem. Following a review of conventional genetic algorithms, this thesis advocates the use of a repair technique for genetic algorithms: GeneRepair. We evaluate the effectiveness of this operator against a wide range of benchmark problems and compare these results with conventional genetic algorithm approaches. A comparison between GeneRepair and the conventional GA approaches is made in two forms: firstly a handcrafted approach compares GAs without repair against those using GeneRepair. A second automated approach is then presented. This meta-genetic algorithm examines different configurations of operators and parameters. Through the use of a cost/benefit (Quality-Time Tradeoff) function, the user can balance the computational effort against the quality of the solution and thus allow the user to specify exactly what the cost benefit point should be for the search. Results have identified the optimal configuration settings for solving selected TSP problems. These results show that GeneRepair when used consistently generates very good TSP solutions for 50, 70 and 100 city problems. GeneRepair assists in finding TSP solutions in an extremely efficient manner, in both time and number of evaluations required