79,728 research outputs found

    Localización de algunas ciudades várdulas citadas por Mela y Ptolomeo

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    Ildefonso Gurruchaga se ocupa de las menciones al País Vasco contenidas en las obras de los geógrafos Mela (Chorografia, año 45 d.C.) y Ptolomeo (Geographia, mitad del siglo II d.C.).Ildefonso Gurruchagak antzinateko zenbait geograforen obretan Euskal Herriari buruz agerturiko aipamenak aztertzen ditu: Mela (Chorografia, K.o. 45. urtea) eta Ptolomeo (Geographia, K.o. II. mendearen erdia).Ildefonso Gurruchaga examine les références au Pays Basque contenues dans les oeuvres des géographes Mela (Chorografia, 45 après J.C.) et Ptolomeo (Geographia, milieu du IIe siècle après J.C.).Ildefonso Gurruchaga studies the mentions to the Basque Country contained in the works of the geographers Mela (Chorography, 45 A.D.) and Ptolomy (Geography, mid second century A.D.)

    Red clover grown in a mixture with grasses: yield, persistence and dynamics of quality characteristics

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    Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) was grown in mixtures with timothy and meadow fescue in field experiments at four sites in Finland to broaden knowledge on its potential as a forage crop. The effects of cutting frequency, nitrogen fertilization in the spring and sward density were investigated. Forage yield quality was analyzed using standard methods. Red clover produced well in all swards during the two first seasons. In the third summer the proportion of red clover was greatly diminished except on sandy soil at the northernmost locality (64°40'N) where it remained productive. Linear regression adequately described the dependence of crude fibre content and crude protein content in dry matter of the primary growth and regrowth, both of red clover and grass, on accumulated temperature sum. The contents of P, K, Ca and Mg in clover and grass are given as a function of accumulated temperature to describe their changes during crop growth. The results give new knowledge about possibilities to grow red clover in the northern livestock region of Finland. They proved that soil type is more important for good persistence of red clover than latitude

    Progresso e controle da mela-das-sementes (Claviceps maximensis) de Brachiaria brizantha.

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    Verificou- se a eficiência de uma ou duas aplicações de Pi raclostrobin + Epoxiconazole, Mancozeb, Triadimenol, Azoxistrobin + Ciproconazole, Trifloxistrobin + Ciproconazole ou Tebuconazole no controle da mela-das-sementes de Brachiaria brizantha cvs. Marandu e Xaraés, durante a safra 2004-05. Também foram avaliados os indutores de resistência Acibenzolar-S-Metil e Silicato de Potássio (via aérea ou solo). Triadimenol, com uma ou duas aplicações, Piraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole, Azoxistrobin + Ciproconazole, Trifloxistrobin + Ciproconazole ou Tebuconazole, com duas aplicações, foram promissores no controle da mela-das-sementes do capim-marandu. Já para a cv. Xaraés, melhor controle foi alcançado com o Piraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole, independente do número de aplicações, Triadimenol, Trif loxi strobin + Ciproconazole ou Tebuconazole, com duas aplicações. Não houve correlação entre os dados de produção de sementes puras e a intensidade da mela. Com relação ao progresso da mela-das-sementes de B. bri zantha cvs. Marandu e Xaraés, constatou-se que a doença manifestou-se em períodos frios associados à umidade relativa alta. Na cv. Marandu a doença ocorreu na fase final da cultura, enquanto que na cv. Xaraés, a mela foi detectada na fase de intenso florescimento. Foram constatados aumentos na intensidade da doença em ambas as cultivares. A mela-das-sementes ocorreu em 64% das panículas da cv. Marandu e em 81% das panículas da cv. Xaraés; cerca de 20% e 18% das flores/sementes, respectivamente, foram afetadas. Os resultados demonstraram existir correlação positiva entre os valores de incidência e severidade da mela

    Phono-semantically Motivated Lexical Patterns: Evidence from English and Modern Greek.

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    Generally, linguistic theory assumes that the association between sound and meaning is essentially arbitrary: a meaning can theoretically be represented by almost any set of sounds in a language. This study, however, will show that linguistic signs appear to be less arbitrary and their meaning highly motivated by their sound. In particular, of the sound-symbolic forms, as exposed in Hinton et al (1994), I will confine myself only to those referred to as phonaesthemes (Firth, 1930). In Mela-Athanasopoulou (2001), I argued that phonaesthemes do meet the criteria for being full morphemes, due to their ability to recur with the same meaning at the same position operating as root-forming elements. Here, I will provide a more detailed analysis of the multiple parameters of expressive elements in both English and Modern Greek and indicate that the semantic features of such forms are more evaluative and subjective as well as language specific

    Multi-expert learning of adaptive legged locomotion

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    Achieving versatile robot locomotion requires motor skills which can adapt to previously unseen situations. We propose a Multi-Expert Learning Architecture (MELA) that learns to generate adaptive skills from a group of representative expert skills. During training, MELA is first initialised by a distinct set of pre-trained experts, each in a separate deep neural network (DNN). Then by learning the combination of these DNNs using a Gating Neural Network (GNN), MELA can acquire more specialised experts and transitional skills across various locomotion modes. During runtime, MELA constantly blends multiple DNNs and dynamically synthesises a new DNN to produce adaptive behaviours in response to changing situations. This approach leverages the advantages of trained expert skills and the fast online synthesis of adaptive policies to generate responsive motor skills during the changing tasks. Using a unified MELA framework, we demonstrated successful multi-skill locomotion on a real quadruped robot that performed coherent trotting, steering, and fall recovery autonomously, and showed the merit of multi-expert learning generating behaviours which can adapt to unseen scenarios

    A bivariate chromatic polynomial for signed graphs

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    We study Dohmen--P\"onitz--Tittmann's bivariate chromatic polynomial cΓ(k,l)c_\Gamma(k,l) which counts all (k+l)(k+l)-colorings of a graph Γ\Gamma such that adjacent vertices get different colors if they are k\le k. Our first contribution is an extension of cΓ(k,l)c_\Gamma(k,l) to signed graphs, for which we obtain an inclusion--exclusion formula and several special evaluations giving rise, e.g., to polynomials that encode balanced subgraphs. Our second goal is to derive combinatorial reciprocity theorems for cΓ(k,l)c_\Gamma(k,l) and its signed-graph analogues, reminiscent of Stanley's reciprocity theorem linking chromatic polynomials to acyclic orientations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical properties of the Pascal adic transformation

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    We study the dynamics of a transformation that acts on infinite paths in the graph associated with Pascal's triangle. For each ergodic invariant measure the asymptotic law of the return time to cylinders is given by a step function. We construct a representation of the system by a subshift on a two-symbol alphabet and then prove that the complexity function of this subshift is asymptotic to a cubic, the frequencies of occurrence of blocks behave in a regular manner, and the subshift is topologically weak mixing