6 research outputs found

    Medians of discrete sets according to a linear distance

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    l'URL de l'article publié est http://www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=9rukhuabxp8abkweIn this paper, we present some results concerning the median points of a discrete set according to a distance defined by means of two directions p and q. We describe a local characterization of the median points and show how these points can be determined from the projections of the discrete set along directions p and q. We prove that the discrete sets having some connectivity properties have at most four median points according to a linear distance, and if there are four median points they form a parallelogram. Finally, we show that the 4-connected sets which are convex along the diagonal directions contain their median points along these directions

    Contributions Ă  l'analyse de figures discrĂštes en dimension quelconque

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    Les polyominos sont souvent reprĂ©sentĂ©s par des mots de quatre lettres ou des mots de changements de direction dĂ©crivant leur contour. La combinatoire des mots classique y joue donc un rĂŽle descriptif important, particuliĂšrement dans le choix d'un reprĂ©sentant canonique. Les mots de Lyndon fournissent, de façon naturelle, un tel reprĂ©sentant. Une approche systĂ©matique pour le calcul de propriĂ©tĂ©s des polyominos, basĂ©e sur une version originale d'une discrĂ©tisation du thĂ©orĂšme de Green classique en calcul bivariĂ©, est Ă©laborĂ©e. Ceci nous a naturellement amenĂ© Ă  analyser les propriĂ©tĂ©s gĂ©omĂ©triques d'ensembles du rĂ©seau discret de rondeur maximale. Pour une taille donnĂ©e, ces ensembles minimisent le moment d'inertie par rapport Ă  un axe passant par leur centre de gravitĂ©. Nous introduisons la notion de quasi-disque et montrons entre autres que ces ensembles minimaux sont des poIyominos\ud fortement-convexes. Nous dĂ©veloppons Ă©galement un algorithme permettant de les engendrer systĂ©matiquement. Un autre aspect concerne des propriĂ©tĂ©s sur les contours d'ensembles discrets donnant lieu Ă  une nouvelle dĂ©monstration d'un rĂ©sultat de Daurat et Nivat sur les points dits saillants et rentrants d'un polyomino. Nous prĂ©sentons Ă©galement une gĂ©nĂ©ralisation de ce rĂ©sultat aux rĂ©seaux hexagonaux et montrons que le rĂ©sultat est faux pour les autres rĂ©seaux semi-rĂ©guliers. Nous poursuivons par l'introduction d'opĂ©rations de mĂ©lange spĂ©ciaux sur des mots dĂ©crivant des chemins discrets selon la suite de leurs changements de direction. Ces opĂ©rations de mĂ©lange permettent d'engendrer des courbes fractales du type courbe de dragon et d'analyser\ud certains de leurs invariants. Finalement, une gĂ©nĂ©ralisation aux dimensions supĂ©rieures des algorithmes prĂ©cĂ©dents basĂ©s sur le thĂ©orĂšme de Green discret, est prĂ©sentĂ©e. Plus particuliĂšrement, nous dĂ©veloppons une version discrĂšte du thĂ©orĂšme de Stokes basĂ©e sur des familles de poids sur les hypercubes de dimension k dans l'espace discret Zn, k ≀ n. Quelques applications sont Ă©galement dĂ©crites. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : GĂ©omĂ©trie discrĂšte, Combinatoire des mots, Ensembles discrets, Polyominos, Quasi-disques, Chemins polygonaux, Courbes de dragon, ThĂ©orĂšme de Green discret, ThĂ©orĂšme de Stokes discret, Algorithmes

    Visualizing Set Relations and Cardinalities Using Venn and Euler Diagrams

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    In medicine, genetics, criminology and various other areas, Venn and Euler diagrams are used to visualize data set relations and their cardinalities. The data sets are represented by closed curves and the data set relationships are depicted by the overlaps between these curves. Both the sets and their intersections are easily visible as the closed curves are preattentively processed and form common regions that have a strong perceptual grouping effect. Besides set relations such as intersection, containment and disjointness, the cardinality of the sets and their intersections can also be depicted in the same diagram (referred to as area-proportional) through the size of the curves and their overlaps. Size is a preattentive feature and so similarities, differences and trends are easily identified. Thus, such diagrams facilitate data analysis and reasoning about the sets. However, drawing these diagrams manually is difficult, often impossible, and current automatic drawing methods do not always produce appropriate diagrams. This dissertation presents novel automatic drawing methods for different types of Euler diagrams and a user study of how such diagrams can help probabilistic judgement. The main drawing algorithms are: eulerForce, which uses a force-directed approach to lay out Euler diagrams; eulerAPE, which draws area-proportional Venn diagrams with ellipses. The user study evaluated the effectiveness of area- proportional Euler diagrams, glyph representations, Euler diagrams with glyphs and text+visualization formats for Bayesian reasoning, and a method eulerGlyphs was devised to automatically and accurately draw the assessed visualizations for any Bayesian problem. Additionally, analytic algorithms that instantaneously compute the overlapping areas of three general intersecting ellipses are provided, together with an evaluation of the effectiveness of ellipses in drawing accurate area-proportional Venn diagrams for 3-set data and the characteristics of the data that can be depicted accurately with ellipses

    Analyse de quelques algorithmes probabilistes à délais aléatoires

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    Dans la premiĂšre partie de cette Ă©tude, nous proposons et analysons des algorithmes probabilistes d’élection uniforme dans des graphes de types arbres, les k-arbres et les polyominoĂŻdes. Ces algorithmes utilisent des durĂ©es de vie alĂ©atoires associĂ©es aux sommets dĂ©couverts (sommets feuilles ou simpliciaux). Ces durĂ©es sont des variables alĂ©atoires indĂ©pendantes et sont localement engendrĂ©es au fur et Ă  mesure que les sommets sont dĂ©couverts. Dans la seconde partie, nous analysons un algorithme probabiliste de synchronisation pour le problĂšme de rendez-vous avec agendas dynamiques. L’objectif est de trouver un couplage maximal dans un graphe donnĂ©. Ensuite, nous proposons et Ă©tudions un modĂšle de diffusion Ă  dĂ©lai alĂ©atoire pour la transmission d’un message dans un rĂ©seau. Finalement, dans la derniĂšre partie, nous exposons les outils utilisĂ©s pour implĂ©menter la simulation des algorithmes distribuĂ©s.In the first part of this study, we propose and analyze a probabilistic algorithms of uniform election in graphs of structures of the trees type, k-trees and polyominoids. These algorithms use random delay associated to discovered vertices (leaf vertices or simplicial vertices). These delays are independent random variables and are locally generated as and when the vertices are discovered. In the second part, we analyze a probabilistic algorithm of synchronization for the problem of rendezvous with dynamic agendas. The goal is to find a maximal matching in a given graph. Then, we propose and study a model of diffusion with random delay for the transmission of a message in a network. Finally, in the last part, we expose the tools used to implement the simulation of the distributed algorithms

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    Proceedings of the tenth international conference Models in developing mathematics education: September 11 - 17, 2009, Dresden, Saxony, Germany

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    This volume contains the papers presented at the International Conference on “Models in Developing Mathematics Education” held from September 11-17, 2009 at The University of Applied Sciences, Dresden, Germany. The Conference was organized jointly by The University of Applied Sciences and The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project - a non-commercial international educational project founded in 1986. The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project is dedicated to the improvement of mathematics education world-wide through the publication and dissemination of innovative ideas. Many prominent mathematics educators have supported and contributed to the project, including the late Hans Freudental, Andrejs Dunkels and Hilary Shuard, as well as Bruce Meserve and Marilyn Suydam, Alan Osborne and Margaret Kasten, Mogens Niss, Tibor Nemetz, Ubi D’Ambrosio, Brian Wilson, Tatsuro Miwa, Henry Pollack, Werner Blum, Roberto Baldino, Waclaw Zawadowski, and many others throughout the world. Information on our project and its future work can be found on Our Project Home Page http://math.unipa.it/~grim/21project.htm It has been our pleasure to edit all of the papers for these Proceedings. Not all papers are about research in mathematics education, a number of them report on innovative experiences in the classroom and on new technology. We believe that “mathematics education” is fundamentally a “practicum” and in order to be “successful” all new materials, new ideas and new research must be tested and implemented in the classroom, the real “chalk face” of our discipline, and of our profession as mathematics educators. These Proceedings begin with a Plenary Paper and then the contributions of the Principal Authors in alphabetical name order. We sincerely thank all of the contributors for their time and creative effort. It is clear from the variety and quality of the papers that the conference has attracted many innovative mathematics educators from around the world. These Proceedings will therefore be useful in reviewing past work and looking ahead to the future