47 research outputs found

    TIKTOK กับผู้เรียนประถมศึกษา

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    TikTok เป็นแอปพลิเคชันยอดนิยมทั่วโลกในหมู่คนรุ่นใหม่รวมถึงนักเรียนประถมศึกษา ซึ่งมีจุดเด่นในการสร้างคลิปวิดีโอสั้น มีเนื้อหาที่หลากหลาย และกลายเป็นช่องทางในการสร้างพื้นที่สื่อที่ได้รับความนิยมเป็นอย่างมากในขณะนี้ มีการนำ TikTok มาใช้ในหลากหลายแง่มุมในปัจจุบัน รวมไปถึงในแง่ของการศึกษา อีกทั้งผู้เรียนในปัจจุบันซึ่งอยู่ในช่วงเจนเนอเรชันเเอลฟ่า (Generation Alpha) มีรูปแบบการเรียนรู้ที่เปลี่ยนไปคือจะเรียนรู้จากเรื่องที่ตนเองสนใจและตอบสนองต่อได้ดีผ่านการเรียนรู้ด้วยเทคโนโลยี อย่างไรก็ตามหากไม่ระมัดระวังในการใช้งาน อาจเกิดผลเสียต่อผู้เรียนประถมศึกษาได้ เช่น (1) ผลเสียต่อสุขภาพจิตของผู้เรียน (2) ความเข้าใจที่ถูกต้อง (3) ผลเสียต่อร่างกาย (4) ผลเสียต่อด้านสมาธิในการเรียนรู้ ดังนั้นผู้ที่มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องกับผู้เรียนประถมศึกษาทั้งผู้บริหาร ครูผู้สอน และผู้ปกครอง จึงควรช่วยกันดูแลผู้เรียนประถมศึกษาให้มีการใช้ TikTok รวมไปถึงโซเชียลมีเดียอื่น ๆ อย่างเหมาะสมตามวัยของผู้เรีย

    Two birds with one stone: The use of screen-time multitasking and its effect on attention and comprehension scores in college students

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    In today’s world, the use of media outlets has become an essential facet of daily life. One of the largest forms of media is distributed through the television streaming company Netflix. Netflix has become the world’s central line for screen-time entertainment, with over 62 million subscribers utilizing its streaming services (Mander, 2015). The present study asked whether screen-time multitasking affects attention and retention abilities in academic performance. In order to examine the main effect of media multitasking, I conducted a randomly assigned, single blind between groups study that manipulated the use of media multitasking and comprehension testing. An experimental group of undergraduate students (N=10) were told to complete a reading passage and follow-up comprehension questions while having a comedic five minute segment of “The Office” play in the background. The control group of undergraduate students (N=10) read the passage and took the comprehension test in a silent setting, without media influence. The results indicated that the experimental group required significantly longer times to complete the reading and comprehension questions (p\u3c.013) In addition, the group exposed to media multitasking scored significantly lower on the comprehension questions (p\u3c.035) and reported lower levels of confidence in relation to overall comprehension of the reading passage (p\u3c.04)

    The impact of internet technology on the cognitive activities of students

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    The article explores the main approaches to researching the impact of Internet technologies, including the features of modern online education, on the cognitive activities of young students. The dynamics of cognitive processes: attention and memory are analyzed in students, which are the active Internet users, as well as the impact of the online environment on social cognitive responseВ статье рассмотрены основные подходы к исследованию влияния интернет-технологий, включая особенности современного онлайн-образования, на когнитивную деятельность учащейся молодежи. Проанализирована динамика когнитивных процессов: внимания и памяти у студентов и учащихся — активных пользователей Интернета, а также влияние онлайн-среды на социальное когнитивное реагирование

    Influencer marketing as a method of solving the crisis of trust in digital content marketing

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to present to what extent does influencer marketing solves the problems of modern content marketing. This consists of decreasing the credibility of published information on the web, which was in the first place, caused by the weak barrier of information entering into the internet, as well as the increase in the user competence in the implementation of, so called, active trust.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: In order to verify the hypothesis, various studies from the areas of literature, as well as empirical methods based on survey, have been used.FINDINGS: The results of the study showcases that respondents tend to trust more the information published on the internet by the sources that they are somehow connected to.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results of the presented study can be used in building content marketing strategies that are based on categories related with trust, thus actions that will be more effective.ORIGINALITY/VIEW: The new quality brought by this article is the empirical verification of the impact of persuasive tools such as influencer marketing, on consumer attitude within the internet.peer-reviewe

    Distracted in a Hyperconnected World: a Literature Review of Social Media and Distraction.

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    openSocial media platforms have become an omnipresent force in contemporary society, fundamentally transforming communication and information access. However, accumulating evidence suggests that excessive social media usage can detrimentally impact attention and contribute to distraction, thereby compromising productivity and affecting various domains such as academics, professional engagements, and social interactions. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between social media and distraction, this dissertation conducted a systematic literature review to identify pertinent articles exploring the effects of social media on distraction. The primary objective of this research is to investigate the interplay between social media and distraction across cognitive, behavioral, and emotional dimensions. Findings pertaining to the cognitive dimension elucidate the impact of social media on the ability to sustain focus, as evidenced by an eye-tracking study. The behavioral dimension reveals that frequent switching between social media and other cognitive tasks incurs a cost of divided attention, resulting in compromised performance and reduced productivity. Moreover, the emotional dimension encompasses phenomena such as Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) and social comparison, which contribute to the emotional aspects of distraction. In conclusion, the utilization of social media exerts a negative influence on the cognitive, behavioral, and affective components of attention, thereby engendering disruptive consequences for productivity, academic achievements, professional endeavors, and social interactions. By shedding light on these dynamics, this research underscores the significance of cultivating mindful social media habits and developing strategies to mitigate distraction, fostering healthier and more focused engagement with digital platforms.Social media platforms have become an omnipresent force in contemporary society, fundamentally transforming communication and information access. However, accumulating evidence suggests that excessive social media usage can detrimentally impact attention and contribute to distraction, thereby compromising productivity and affecting various domains such as academics, professional engagements, and social interactions. To provide a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between social media and distraction, this dissertation conducted a systematic literature review to identify pertinent articles exploring the effects of social media on distraction. The primary objective of this research is to investigate the interplay between social media and distraction across cognitive, behavioral, and emotional dimensions. Findings pertaining to the cognitive dimension elucidate the impact of social media on the ability to sustain focus, as evidenced by an eye-tracking study. The behavioral dimension reveals that frequent switching between social media and other cognitive tasks incurs a cost of divided attention, resulting in compromised performance and reduced productivity. Moreover, the emotional dimension encompasses phenomena such as Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) and social comparison, which contribute to the emotional aspects of distraction. In conclusion, the utilization of social media exerts a negative influence on the cognitive, behavioral, and affective components of attention, thereby engendering disruptive consequences for productivity, academic achievements, professional endeavors, and social interactions. By shedding light on these dynamics, this research underscores the significance of cultivating mindful social media habits and developing strategies to mitigate distraction, fostering healthier and more focused engagement with digital platforms

    Lasten ja nuorten netti- ja peliriippuvuus: pitääkö olla huolissaan?

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    VertaisarvioituÄlypuhelinten yleistyminen on tuonut netin peleineen lähes kaikkien yli 7-vuotiaiden suomalaisten ulottuville. Runsas älylaitteiden käyttö ei tarkoita riippuvuutta, ellei se haittaa muuta toimintakykyä. Puhelimen alituinen läsnäolo ja sovellusten algoritmit tekevät älypuhelimesta koukuttavamman kuin mikään tietokoneohjelma nettiaikakauden alussa. Peli- ja someriippuvuus ovat yhteydessä lisääntyneeseen ahdistukseen, masennukseen ja uniongelmiin sekä heikompaan koulumenestykseen. Kaikki nettiriippuvuuden hoitomuodot ovat toistaiseksi kokeellisia.Peer reviewe

    Médiahasználat – kognitív és érzelmi hatások

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    Media multitaskingin vaikutus aikuisten keskittymiskykyyn

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    Tiivistelmä. Useiden mediavirtojen käyttäminen yhtä aikaa eli media multitasking on tullut osaksi ihmisten arkipäivää. Media multitaskingille ei vielä yleistä suomennosta löydy, joten tutkielmassa käytetään englanninkielistä termiä. Tämä tutkielma selvittää, onko media multitaskingillä vaikutusta aikuisten keskittymiskykyyn. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltaville 18–64 -vuotiaille aikuisille keskittyminen on tärkeä osa niin opiskelu- ja työelämää, kuin vapaa-aikaakin. Tutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena, joka aiemman tutkimuksen avulla pohtii tämänhetkistä tilannetta aiheesta. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on vastata tutkimuskysymykseen: Miten media multitasking vaikuttaa aikuisten keskittymiskykyyn? Tavoitteena on tarjota tilannekatsaus aiheen tutkimustuloksiin, jotta tutkimustyötä voidaan jatkaa oikeaan suuntaan. Aiempien tutkimusten tulokset ovat jonkin verran vaihtelevia. Tutkimuksissa näkyi kahdenlaisia tuloksia: media multitasking vaikutti keskittymiseen negatiivisesti tai yhteyttä ei löytynyt. Aiheesta löytyy hyvin uutta tutkimustietoa, mutta silti tulokset ovat vielä vaihtelevia

    Effects of Media Multitasking and Video Gaming on Cognitive Functions and Their Neural Bases in Adolescents and Young Adults

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    The increasing use of digital technology among adolescents and young adults has led to concerns about possible detrimental effects on cognitive and brain functions. Indeed, as reviewed here, according to behavioral and brain-imaging studies, excessive media multitasking (i.e., using different digital media in parallel) may lead to enhanced distractibility and problems in maintaining attention. However, frequent video gaming may be beneficial for the development of working memory, task switching, and attention skills. All these cognitive skills depend on executive cognitive functions. Stitt scant but gradually cumulating brain-imaging results suggest that the negative effects of frequent media multitasking and the positive effects of frequent video gaming on cognitive skills in adolescents and young adults are mediated by effects on the frontal lobes, implicated in executive cognitive functions and still developing even through early adulthood.Peer reviewe