9 research outputs found

    Annual Report 1999 / Department for Computer Science

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    Selbstdarstellung des Instituts fĂŒr Informatik der BTU Cottbus und Berichte der LehrstĂŒhle fĂŒr das Jahr 1999.Presentation of the Department for Computer Science of the BTU Cottbus and reports of the chairs at the department for the year 1999

    Steuerung und Regelung des Lenkradmoments durch Nutzung radselektiver Frontantriebe

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    The use of wheel-individual drives on the steered axle simultaneously enables propulsion and implementation of steering assistance. This work presents a closed-loop and open-loop method for controlling wheel-selective drives with the aim of reducing the steering wheel torque. The proposed optimal linear-quadratic-integral controller achieves a high control quality while ensuring driving safety and reducing energy consumption

    Zeitgenössische muslimische Kritik am Salafismus: Eine Untersuchung ausgewÀhlter Dokumente

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    Analyse zeitgenössischer muslimischer Kritik am Salafismus anhand einer Diskursanalyse von schriftlichen und audiovisuellen Dokumenten verschiedener sunnitischer Strömungen

    Iranian Intellectuals’ Experience of Modern Science

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    This study examines the picture of European science as it appeared to Iranians’ eyes and their perception of the relationship between new European science and Iranian’s indigenous science. The period on which this dissertation focuses is between the establishment of the first academy in Iran (Dār ol-FonĆ«n in 1851) and the second one (Tehran University in 1934). The aim of this study is to find the key presuppositions and the elements of discourse created in this era and its development and maintenance in the course of time. With the critical analysis of the discourse in four books (MaktĆ«bāt-i Kamāl od-Dowle, 1862; Se MaktĆ«b va áčąad Khaáč­Äbe, (date of publication unknown); Kitāb-i AhÌŁmad, 1894; Maqālat-i JamālÄ«-yi, 1883) and three journals (Kāveh, 1916-1922; Forūgh-i Tarbiyat, 1921; Iranshahr, 1922-1927) the study outlines how Iranian intellectuals reacted to the European science. The study reveals that Iranians had considered the Western sciences as a developed version of the Islamic-Iranian sciences. This inevitably led to the conclusion that the epistemological differences between Western and Iranian sciences could not be recognized and considered. As a result, Iranian intellectuals did not discuss the principles and prerequisites of modern science. Because of this, they could not formulate the relationships between new and old sciences. As a central result, this study traces changes of discourse on new science over time; from 1866, when ĀkhĆ«ndzādeh admired European civilization, until 1932, when KasravÄ« accused Europeans of all the damage they had done to human societies. It shows that these intellectuals are on two extremes of a spectrum that started with a very positive assessment of Europeans and ended in denial. Inspired by Samuel Eisenstadt’s theory of multiple modernities, the dissertation concludes that Iranians, like other nations encountering modern European societies, made their own version of modernity, trying not to lose the core premise of their cultural program. In the continual construction of their new collective identities - their conception of “us” and the “other” - they selectively rejected many aspects of European modernity and instead created new hybrid forms of modernity

    In vitro Modelle oraler Biofilme

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    Biofilme sind strukturierte Gemeinschaften von Mikroorganismen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Modelle zur Untersuchung von Mono- und Di-Spezies Biofilmen physiologischer, Karies- und Parodontitis-assoziierter Bakterien etabliert und damit ein Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr weiterreichende Analysen hinsichtlich parodontaler Erkrankungen geschaffen. Neben einer antagonistischen Wirkung von S. mitis und S. salivarius gegenĂŒber den untersuchten oralen Pathogenen konnte die Bedeutung des zeitlichen und rĂ€umlichen Aufeinandertreffens der Mikroorganismen demonstriert werden.Biofilms are structured communities of microorganisms. In this PhD thesis, models for the investigation of mono- and di-species biofilms of physiological, caries- and periodontitis-associated bacteria were established. In addition to the antagonistic effect of S. mitis and S. salivarius against the analyzed oral pathogens, the significance of time and space regarding the interactions of microorganisms could be demonstrated in this work. In future experiments, the established models can serve as tools for further investigations of periodontal diseases

    Entwicklung einer CFD-Softwareumgebung fĂŒr die Modellierung und Simulation numerischer Strömungsakustik auf Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnern

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    Die Belastung des Menschen durch LĂ€rm nimmt stetig zu und hat sich in letzter Zeit zu einem massiven gesundheitsbelastenden und volkswirtschaftlichen Problem entwickelt. Technisch verursachte GerĂ€usche, allen voran der Straßen-, Schienen-, und FlugverkehrslĂ€rm haben einen sehr großen Anteil an der tĂ€glichen LĂ€rmbelastung. Gesetzesinitiativen, aber auch die wachsenden AnsprĂŒche hinsichtlich einer leiseren Umwelt machen die akustischen Eigen-schaften eines technischen Produktes zu einem marktentscheidenden qualitativen Merkmal. In der Produktentwicklung erfĂ€hrt die Akustik somit immer mehr eine wachsende Priorisierung. Durch messtechnische und experimentelle AnsĂ€tze können jedoch die akustischen Eigen-schaften eines technischen Produktes erst in sehr spĂ€ten Entwicklungsphasen ermittelt und verbessert werden. Numerische AnsĂ€tze dagegen ermöglichen bereits in der frĂŒhen, virtuellen Entwicklungsphase Aussagen ĂŒber die spĂ€tere FunktionalitĂ€t und technologische Eigenschaf-ten zu treffen. Turbulenzbedingte Strömungsereignisse sind hĂ€ufig die Ursache primĂ€rer Schallentwicklung. Eine intensive Betrachtung der aeroakustischen, aber auch der aerodynamischen Eigenschaf-ten eines technischen Produktes ist daher ausschlaggebend fĂŒr das Erreichen der QualitĂ€ts-ansprĂŒche. Dies erfordert jedoch eine intensive Erforschung entsprechender Grundlagen und Methoden im experimentellen und numerischen Bereich. Numerische strömungsmechanische und -akustische Applikationen im wissenschaftlichen und ingenieurstechnischen Bereich sind komplexer physikalischer Natur und bedĂŒrfen einer meist sehr aufwendigen und ressourcen-intensiven Betrachtungsweise. Die in dieser Arbeit verwendete Open Source Bibliothek OpenFOAM fĂŒr numerische strö-mungsmechanische Simulationen besitzt die FĂ€higkeit komplexe strömungsmechanische Problemstellungen parallelisiert in High Performance Computing (HPC)-Umgebungen zu lö-sen. Durch die in dieser Arbeit erfolgten Implementierung akustischer Analogien nach Lighthill und Curle wird OpenFOAM um die numerische Berechnung von turbulenzbedingtem Schall erweitert. Auf Basis dieser akustischen Analogien werden die turbulenzbedingten akus-tischen Quellen der Strömung berechnet. Davon ausgehend wird die Ausbreitung der akusti-schen StörgrĂ¶ĂŸen im akustischen Nahfeld auf ein und demselben strömungsmechanischen Netz berechnet und visualisiert. Die neuentwickelten Applikationslöser acousticFoam und acousticRhoFoam basieren auf den transienten Applikationslösern pisoFoam fĂŒr inkom-pressible und rhoPimpleFoam fĂŒr kompressible Strömungssimulationen. Die erarbeiteten und vorgestellten AnsĂ€tze werden hinsichtlich ihrer FunktionalitĂ€t und physi-kalischen Korrektheit mit Hilfe von allgemein bekannten aeroakustischen Benchmark-TestfĂ€l-len validiert und verifiziert. Anschließend werden an einem realitĂ€tsnahen ingenieurstechni-schen Anwendungsfall die Eigenschaften der entwickelten Methode aufgezeigt und erörtert. Diese numerischen Ergebnisse werden auch durch experimentelle Ergebnisse aus durchge-fĂŒhrten Messungen des StrömungsgerĂ€usches der Applikation abschließend verglichen und diskutiert.The human exposure to noise continues to grow and has recently developed into a massive problem adversely affecting health and economics. Man-made noise, especially road, rail and air traffic noise, make up a very large portion of the daily noise exposure. Legislative initiatives, as well as the growing demands regarding a quieter environment make the acoustic properties of a technical product into a market-critical qualitative characteristic. In product development, the acoustics are becoming a growing priority. The acoustic properties of a technological prod-uct, however can be determined and improved only at very late stages of development by measurements and experimental approaches. Numerical approaches, on the other hand, allow prediction about the future functionality and technological properties early in the virtual devel-opment phase. Turbulence induced flow events are often sources of primary sound emission. An intensive analysis of the aeroacoustic, but also aerodynamic properties of a technical product is there-fore critical for the achievement of quality standards. However, this requires intensive explora-tion of appropriate principles and methods in experimental and numerical range. Computa-tional fluid mechanics and computational aeroacoustic applications in scientific and engineer-ing fields are of complex physical nature and usually require a very complex and resource-intensive approach. The Open Source library framework OpenFOAM used in this work for computational fluid dynamic simulations has the ability to solve complex fluid dynamic problems in parallelized High Performance Computing (HPC) environments. By implementing the acoustic analogies of Lighthill and Curle OpenFOAM is extended to compute turbulence induced noise. Based on the computed values of the acoustic sources the propagation of the acoustic disturb-ances in the acoustic near field might be computed and visualized on one computation mesh only. The novel developed application solvers acousticFoam and acousticRhoFoam are based on the transient application solver pisoFoam for incompressible and rhoPimpleFoam for compressible fluid flow simulations. The approaches here developed and presented are validated and verified in terms of their functionality and physical correctness with the help of well-known aeroacoustic benchmark test cases. The properties of the developed method are then shown and discussed within a realistic engineering application. These numerical results are also finally compared with experimental results from measurements made of the flow noise of this application

    Framing Threat, Mobilizing Violence. Micro-Mechanisms of Conflict Escalation in Yemen

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    Why do some opposition movements escalate into armed conflict while others perdure non-violently under very similar conditions? In order to account for this variance, the dissertation proposes to transcend the limitations of existing structural theories within civil war studies by including the ‘framing approach’ as developed in social movement studies. Focusing on the cognitive level, this approach accentuates and elucidates the agency component and the interactive dynamics of the construction and negotiation of meaning which remain a ‘black box’ in current models. Shared meaning, which is constructed by collective action frames (i.e. schemata of interpretation) ̶̔ so the core argument ̶̔ mediates between structural conditions and collective action. These frames are developed, communicated, and contested by leaders, and fulfil a diagnostic, a prognostic, and a motivational function: They define a problem, suggest a pathway towards a solution (i.e. violent or non-violent), and mobilize followers. Depending on their content and their successful resonance among movement adherents, corresponding strategies are taken up. Within a most-similar case design, the dissertation analyzes two political movements in contemporary Yemen: The so-called ‘Houthis’ in the North of the country, who led a rebellion between 2004 and 2015, and the ‘Hirak’ movement in Southern Yemen, which since 2006 has been pursuing a strategy of non-violence in its struggle for independence. Embedded in an in-depth contextualization of the respective movements’ origins and the general conditions, the dissertation identifies and describes the respective collective action frames, establishes why and how strategic movement actors constructed them in their specific particularity, and relates this to the question of why constituents take certain forms of action. The findings assert the theoretical contribution of an integrative approach: It could be established how under conditions which would have allowed for armed conflict in both cases, distinct collective action frames led to the observed differences in behavior between the two movements. Solely on the basis of established structural approaches of civil war studies, this variation would have remained obscure. The inclusion of a framing perspective into a model of conflict escalation therefore proves rewarding. The Digital Appendix can be requested from the author

    Mittelalter im Labor

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    Mit diesem Band prĂ€sentiert das Schwerpunktprogramm 1173 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft „Integration und Desintegration der Kulturen im europĂ€ischen Mittelalter“ erste Ergebnisse seiner Arbeit. Von Anfang an war ihm die Aufgabe gestellt, das mittelalterliche Europa in transkultureller Perspektive und auf Wegen einer transdisziplinĂ€ren Wissenschaft zu erforschen und zu begreifen. Immer ging es darum, die disziplinĂ€r verfassten Einzelwissenschaften durch transdisziplinĂ€re Arbeit zu ergĂ€nzen. Das wissenschaftliche Anliegen des Programms ist es, das europĂ€ische Mittelalter von seinen geografischen RĂ€ndern und seinen kulturellen Differenzen her zu erforschen und zu beschreiben. Der holistischen Frage nach der Einheit Europas wird die innere Vielfalt als gegenstĂ€ndlicher Ausgangspunkt entgegengesetzt. Europa wird nicht als abgeschlossenes, kohĂ€rentes Gebilde verstanden, sondern als ein Kontinent, dessen permanente Austausch- und Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den verschiedenen Regionen und Kulturen ĂŒberhaupt erst zur Ausbildung seiner charakteristischen Merkmale gefĂŒhrt haben