11 research outputs found

    Äriprotsessimudelite ĂŒhildamine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.EttevĂ”tted, kellel on aastatepikkune kogemus Ă€riprotsesside haldamises, omavad sageli protsesside repositooriumeid, mis vĂ”ivad endas sisaldada sadu vĂ”i isegi tuhandeid Ă€riprotsessimudeleid. Need mudelid pĂ€rinevad erinevatest allikatest ja need on loonud ning neid on muutnud erinevad osapooled, kellel on erinevad modelleerimise oskused ning praktikad. ĂŒheks sagedaseks praktikaks on uute mudelite loomine, kasutades olemasolevaid mudeleid, kopeerides neist fragmente ning neid seejĂ€rel muutes. See omakorda loob olukorra, kus protsessimudelite repositoorium sisaldab mudeleid, milles on identseid mudeli fragmente, mis viitavad samale alamprotsessile. Kui sellised fragmendid jĂ€tta konsolideerimata, siis vĂ”ib see pĂ”hjustada repositooriumis ebakĂ”lasid -- ĂŒks ja sama alamprotsess vĂ”ib olla erinevates protsessides erinevalt kirjeldatud. Sageli on ettevĂ”tetel mudelid, millel on sarnased eesmĂ€rgid, kuid mis on mĂ”eldud erinevate klientide, toodete, Ă€riĂŒksuste vĂ”i geograafiliste regioonide jaoks. NĂ€iteks on Ă€riprotsessid kodukindlustuse ja autokindlustuse jaoks sama Ă€rilise eesmĂ€rgiga. Loomulikult sisaldavad nende protsesside mudelid mitmeid identseid alamfragmente (nagu nĂ€iteks poliisi andmete kontrollimine), samas on need protsessid mitmes punktis erinevad. Nende protsesside eraldi haldamine on ebaefektiivne ning tekitab liiasusi. Doktoritöös otsisime vastust kĂŒsimusele: kuidas identifitseerida protsessimudelite repositooriumis korduvaid mudelite fragmente, ning ĂŒldisemalt -- kuidas leida ning konsolideerida sarnasusi suurtes Ă€riprotsessimudelite repositooriumites? Doktoritöös on sisse toodud kaks ĂŒksteist tĂ€iendavat meetodit Ă€riprotsessimudelite konsolideerimiseks, tĂ€psemalt protsessimudelite ĂŒhildamine ĂŒheks mudeliks ning mudelifragmentide ekstraktimine. Esimene neist vĂ”tab sisendiks kaks vĂ”i enam protsessimudelit ning konstrueerib neist ĂŒhe konsolideeritud protsessimudeli, mis sisaldab kĂ”ikide sisendmudelite kĂ€itumist. Selline lĂ€henemine vĂ”imaldab analĂŒĂŒtikutel hallata korraga tervet perekonda sarnaseid mudeleid ning neid muuta sĂŒnkroniseeritud viisil. Teine lĂ€henemine, alamprotsesside ekstraktimine, sisaldab endas sagedasti esinevate fragmentide identifitseerimist (protsessimudelites kloonide leidmist) ning nende kapseldamist alamprotsessideks

    Techniques for improving efficiency and scalability for the integration of information retrieval and databases

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    PhDThis thesis is on the topic of integration of Information Retrieval (IR) and Databases (DB), with particular focuses on improving efficiency and scalability of integrated IR and DB technology (IR+DB). The main purpose of this study is to develop efficient and scalable techniques for supporting integrated IR and DB technology, which is a popular approach today for handling complex queries over text and structured data. Our specific interest in this thesis is how to efficiently handle queries over large-scale text and structured data. The work is based on a technology that integrates probability theory and relational algebra, where retrievals for text and data are to be expressed in probabilistic logical programs such as probabilistic relational algebra or probabilistic Datalog. To support efficient processing of probabilistic logical programs, we proposed three optimization techniques that focus on aspects covered logical and physical layers, which include: scoring-driven query optimization using scoring expression, query processing with top-k incorporated pipeline, and indexing with relational inverted index. Specifically, scoring expressions are proposed for expressing the scoring or probabilistic semantics of implied scoring functions of PRA expressions, so that efficient query execution plan can be generated by rule-based scoring-driven optimizer. Secondly, to balance efficiency and effectiveness so that to improve query response time, we studied methods for incorporating topk algorithms into pipelined query execution engine for IR+DB systems. Thirdly, the proposed relational inverted index integrates IR-style inverted index and DB-style tuple-based index, which can be used to support efficient probability estimation and aggregation as well as conventional relational operations. Experiments were carried out to investigate the performances of proposed techniques. Experimental results showed that the efficiency and scalability of an IR+DB prototype have been improved, while the system can handle queries efficiently on considerable large data sets for a number of IR tasks

    Logische Grundlagen von Datenbanktransformationen fĂŒr Datenbanken mit komplexen Typen

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    Database transformations consist of queries and updates which are two fundamental types of computations in any databases - the first provides the capability to retrieve data and the second is used to maintain databases in light of ever-changing application domains. With the rising popularity of web-based applications and service-oriented architectures, the development of database transformations must address new challenges, which frequently call for establishing a theoretical framework that unifies both queries and updates over complex-value databases. This dissertation aims to lay down the foundations for establishing a theoretical framework of database transformations in the context of complex-value databases. We shall use an approach that has successfully been used for the characterisation of sequential algorithms. The sequential Abstract State Machine (ASM) thesis captures semantics and behaviour of sequential algorithms. The thesis uses the similarity of general computations and database transformations for characterisation of the later by five postulates: sequential time postulate, abstract state postulate, bounded exploration postulate, background postulate, and the bounded non-determinism postulate. The last two postulates reflect the specific form of transformations for databases. The five postulates exactly capture database transformations. Furthermore, we provide a logical proof system for database transformations that is sound and complete.Datenbanktransformationen sind Anfragen an ein Datenbanksystem oder Modifikationen der Daten des Datenbanksystemes. Diese beiden grundlegenden Arten von Berechnungen auf Datenbanksystemen erlauben zum einem den Zugriff auf Daten und zum anderen die Pflege der Datenbank. Eine theoretische Fundierung von Datenbanktransformationen muss so flexibel sein, dass auch neue web-basierten Anwendungen und den neuen serviceorientierte Architekturen reflektiert sind, sowie auch die komplexeren Datenstrukturen. Diese Dissertation legt die Grundlagen fĂŒr eine Theoriefundierung durch Datenbanktransformationen, die auch komplexe Datenstrukturen unterstĂŒtzen. Wir greifen dabei auf einen Zugang zurĂŒck, der eine Theorie der sequentiellen Algorithmen bietet. Die sequentielle ASM-These (abstrakte Zustandsmaschinen) beschreibt die Semantik und das Verhalten sequentieller Algorithmen. Die Dissertation nutzt dabei die Gleichartigkeit von allgemeinen Berechnungen und Datenbanktransformationen zur Charakterisierung durch fĂŒnf Postulate bzw. Axiome: das Axiom der sequentiellen AusfĂŒhrung, das Axiom einer abstrakten Charakterisierbarkeit von ZustĂ€nden, das Axiom der Begrenzbarkeit von ZustandsĂ€nderungen und Zustandssicht, das Axiom der Strukturierung von Datenbanken und das Axiom der Begrenzbarkeit des Nichtdeterminismus. Die letzten beiden Axiome reflektieren die spezifische Seite der Datenbankberechnungen. Die fĂŒnf Axiome beschreiben vollstĂ€ndig das Verhalten von Datenbanktransformationen. Weiterhin wird eine BeweiskalkĂŒl fĂŒr Datenbanktransformationen entwickelt, der vollstĂ€ndig und korrekt ist

    The student-produced electronic portfolio in craft education

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    The authors studied primary school students’ experiences of using an electronic portfolio in their craft education over four years. A stimulated recall interview was applied to collect user experiences and qualitative content analysis to analyse the collected data. The results indicate that the electronic portfolio was experienced as a multipurpose tool to support learning. It makes the learning process visible and in that way helps focus on and improves the quality of learning. © ISLS.Peer reviewe

    Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth

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    In the last years sustainability has become a topic of global concern and a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities and organisations. Significant changes in business landscape, the emergence of new technology, including social media, the pressure of new social concerns, have called into question established conceptualizations of competitiveness, wealth creation and growth. New and unaddressed set of issues regarding how private and public organisations manage and invest their resources to create sustainable value have brought to light. In particular the increasing focus on environmental and social themes has suggested new dimensions to be taken into account in the value creation dynamics, both at organisations and communities level. For companies the need of integrating corporate social and environmental responsibility issues into strategy and daily business operations, pose profound challenges, which, in turn, involve numerous processes and complex decisions influenced by many stakeholders. Facing these challenges calls for the creation, use and exploitation of new knowledge as well as the development of proper management models, approaches and tools aimed to contribute to the development and realization of environmentally and socially sustainable business strategies and practices

    A Qualitative IPA of the Motivations of Retirees’ Transitions to ‘Retirement’ Social Identities and the Consequences on Retirement Adjustment Satisfaction

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    Retirement is a relatively new phenomenon in relation toshifting from being a privilege for the few to becoming anormative ‘third age’ of the life course. However, retirementrepresents one of the major life course transitions in late adultlife and associated with this transition is the question of howwell people adjust to retirement and the consequences of howwell people negotiate this adjustment on their sense of worthand well-being can be either negative or positive. This paperpresents a qualitative approach through Social Identity Theoryand Self-determination Theory to explore the underpinningmotivational processes of retirees in their transition to‘retirement’ social identities and the consequences onsatisfaction in retirement. Semi-structured interviews wereconducted with four white British participants includingthree males and one female ranging in age from sixty-fourto sixty-nine and having retired between fifteen months andfour years. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis ofthe transcribed interviews led to five main themes emerging,namely Strength of identity with working life; Significanceof non-work-related aspects of life; Psychologically preparingfor retirement; Process of shifting/adjusting to retirement;Meeting expectations of retirement. The study found thatretirement is not a formulaic process but people experienceadjusting to retirement differently based on their individualmotivations and resources for preparing for and facilitatingthe transition. The findings from the study has implicationsin relation to the provision of intervention in supportingindividuals psychologically preparing for retirement beyondfinancial planning along with those experiencing negativeconsequences in transitioning to retirement

    Pilot study for subgroup classification for autism spectrum disorder based on dysmorphology and physical measurements in Chinese children

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    Poster Sessions: 157 - Comorbid Medical Conditions: abstract 157.058 58BACKGROUND: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder affecting individuals along a continuum of severity in communication, social interaction and behaviour. The impact of ASD significantly varies amongst individuals, and the cause of ASD can originate broadly between genetic and environmental factors. Objectives: Previous ASD researches indicate that early identification combined with a targeted treatment plan involving behavioural interventions and multidisciplinary therapies can provide substantial improvement for ASD patients. Currently there is no cure for ASD, and the clinical variability and uncertainty of the disorder still remains. Hence, the search to unravel heterogeneity within ASD by subgroup classification may provide clinicians with a better understanding of ASD and to work towards a more definitive course of action. METHODS: In this study, a norm of physical measurements including height, weight, head circumference, ear length, outer and inner canthi, interpupillary distance, philtrum, hand and foot length was collected from 658 Typical Developing (TD) Chinese children aged 1 to 7 years (mean age of 4.19 years). The norm collected was compared against 80 ASD Chinese children aged 1 to 12 years (mean age of 4.36 years). We then further attempted to find subgroups within ASD based on identifying physical abnormalities; individuals were classified as (non) dysmorphic with the Autism Dysmorphology Measure (ADM) from physical examinations of 12 body regions. RESULTS: Our results show that there were significant differences between ASD and TD children for measurements in: head circumference (p=0.009), outer (p=0.021) and inner (p=0.021) canthus, philtrum length (p=0.003), right (p=0.023) and left (p=0.20) foot length. Within the 80 ASD patients, 37(46%) were classified as dysmorphic (p=0.00). CONCLUSIONS: This study attempts to identify subgroups within ASD based on physical measurements and dysmorphology examinations. The information from this study seeks to benefit ASD community by identifying possible subtypes of ASD in Chinese population; in seek for a more definitive diagnosis, referral and treatment plan.published_or_final_versio