9,368 research outputs found

    Advanced optical smoke meters for jet engine exhaust measurement

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    Smoke meters with increased sensitivity, improved accuracy, and rapid response are needed to measure the smoke levels emitted by modern jet engines. The standard soiled tape meter in current use is based on filtering, which yields long term averages and is insensitive to low smoke levels. Two new optical smoke meter techniques that promise to overcome these difficulties have been experimentally evaluated: modulated transmission (MODTRAN) and photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). Both techniques are based on light absorption by smoke, which is closely related to smoke density. They are variations on direct transmission measurements which produce a modulated signal that can be easily measured with phase sensitive detection. The MODTRAN and PDS techniques were tested on low levels of smoke and diluted samples of NO2 in nitrogen, simulating light adsorption due to smoke. The results are evaluated against a set of ideal smoke meter criteria that include a desired smoke measurement range of 0.1 to 12 mg cu.m. (smoke numbers of 1 to 50) and a frequency response of 1 per second. The MODTRAN instrument is found to be inaccurate for smoke levels below 3 mg/cu.m. and is able to make a only about once every 20 seconds because of its large sample cell. The PDS instrument meets nearly all the characteristics of an ideal smoke meter: it has excellent sensitivity over a range of smoke levels from 0.1 to 20 mg/cu.m. (smoke numbers of 1 to 60) and good frequency response (1 per second)

    Quantitative measurement of combustion gases in harsh environments using NDIR spectroscopy

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    The global climate change calls for a more environmental friendly use of energy and has led to stricter limits and regulations for the emissions of various greenhouse gases. Consequently, there is nowadays an increasing need for the detection of exhaust and natural gases. This need leads to an ever-growing market for gas sensors, which, at the moment, is dominated by chemical sensors. Yet, the increasing demands to also measure under harsh environmental conditions pave the way for non-invasive measurements and thus to optical detection techniques. Here, we present the development of a non-dispersive infrared absorption spectroscopy (NDIR) method for application to optical detection systems operating under harsh environments.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Advanced smoke meter development survey and analysis

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    Ideal smoke meter characteristics are determined to provide a basis for evaluation of candidate systems. Five promising techniques are analyzed in detail to evaluate compilance with the practical smoke meter requirements. Four of the smoke measurement concepts are optical methods: Modulated Transmission (MODTRAN), Cross Beam Absorption Counter (CBAC), Laser Induced Incandescence (LIN), and Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (PAS). A rapid response filter instrument called a Taper Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) is also evaluated. For each technique, the theoretical principles are described, the expected performance is determined, and the advantages and disadvantages are discussed The expected performance is evaluated against each of the smoke meter specifications, and the key questions for further study are given. The most promising smoke meter technique analyzed was MODTRAN, which is a variation on a direct transmission measurement. The soot-laden gas is passed through a transmission cell, and the gas pressure is modulated by a speaker

    Application of a portable FTIR for measuring on-road emissions

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    The objective of this work was the development of an onroad in-vehicle emissions measurement technique utilizing a relatively new, commercial, portable Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectrometer capable of identifying and measuring (at approximately 3 second intervals) up to 51 different compounds. The FTIR was installed in a medium class EURO1 spark ignition passenger vehicle in order to measure on-road emissions. The vehicle was also instrumented to allow the logging of engine speed, road speed, global position, throttle position, air-fuel ratio, air flow and fuel flow in addition to engine, exhaust and catalyst temperatures. This instrumentation allowed the calculation of massbased emissions from the volume-based concentrations measured by the FTIR. To validate the FTIR data, the instrument was used to measure emissions from an engine subjected to a real-world drive cycle using an AC dynamometer. Standard analyzers were operated simultaneously for comparison with the FTIR and the standard analyzer results showed that most pollutants (NOx, CO2, CO) were within ~10% of a standard analyzer during steady state conditions and within 20% during transients. The exception to this was total HC which was generally 50% or less than actual total HC, but this was due to the limited number of hydrocarbons measured by the FTIR. In addition to the regulated emissions, five toxic hydrocarbon species were analyzed and found to be sensitive to cold starts in varying proportions. Finally, FTIR data was compared to results from a commercially available on-road measurement system (Horiba OBS- 1000), and there was good agreement

    Applications of aerospace technology in the public interest: Pollution measurement

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    This study of selected NASA contributions to the improvement of pollution measurement examines the pervasiveness and complexity of the economic, political, and social issues in the environmental field; provides a perspective on the relationship between the conduct of aerospace R and D and specific improvements in on site air pollution monitoring equipment now in use; describes the basic relationship between the development of satellite-based monitoring systems and their influence on long-term progress in improving environmental quality; and comments on how both instrumentation and satellite remote sensing are contributing to an improved environment. Examples of specific gains that have been made in applying aerospace R and D to environmental problem-solving are included

    An overview of in-flight plume diagnostics for rocket engines

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    An overview and progress report of the work performed or sponsored by LeRC toward the development of in-flight plume spectroscopy technology for health and performance monitoring of liquid propellant rocket engines are presented. The primary objective of this effort is to develop technology that can be utilized on any flight engine. This technology will be validated by a hardware demonstration of a system capable of being retrofitted onto the Space Shuttle Main Engines for spectroscopic measurements during flight. The philosophy on system definition and status on the development of instrumentation, optics, and signal processing with respect to implementation on a flight engine are discussed

    CO2 concentration measurements inside expansion-compression engine under high EGR conditions using an infrared absorption method

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    The purpose of this study is to measure the high concentrations of CO2 near a spark plug inside an internal combustion engine, and an infrared absorption method is used for the measurement. The spark plug sensor was adapted to a compression-expansion machine, and the CO2 concentration near the spark plug was measured by adding a gas mixture, including CO2 to imitate EGR. Next, the EGR ratio was changed from 10 to 40%, and the CO2 concentration was measured. The effect of the CO2 on the flame propagation was investigated by visualizing the bottom view of the compression-expansion machine. The measurements of CO2 mass concentration are in agreement with those predicted by direct-absorption spectroscopy fundamental theory from the crank angle −60 to −15 deg ATDC. The error was less than 20%, and under the conditions with an EGR ratio of 20–40%.The purpose of this study is to measure the high concentrations of CO2 near a spark plug inside an internal combustion engine, and an infrared absorption method is used for the measurement. The spark..
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