7 research outputs found

    Modeling group assessments by means of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets

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    Hesitant linguistic term sets have been introduced to capture the human way of reasoning using linguistic expressions involving different levels of precision. In this paper, a lattice structure is provided to the set of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets by means of the operations intersection and connected union. In addition, in a group decision making framework, hesitant fuzzy linguistic descriptions are defined to manage situations in which decision makers are assessing different alternatives by means of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets. Based on the introduced lattice structure, two distances between hesitant fuzzy linguistic descriptions are defined. These metric structures allow distances between decision makers to be computed. A centroid of the decision making group is proposed for each distance to model group representatives in the considered group decision making framework.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Amalan tanggungjawab sosial korporat : kajian terhadap proses pembuatan keputusan dan akauntabiliti pelaksanaan rancangan 'Bersamamu' oleh Media Prima Berhad

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    The accountability of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation in influencing the targeted community and the decision approach of the meaning of CSR should be seen from the practical and theoretical perspectives. The objectives of this study were to know ways of the decision approach in terms of the meaning of CSR and ways the decision-making processes are being made in program ‘BersamaMu’ at Media Prima Berhad. Specifically, there are three main objectives. Firstly, to determine CSR concept in the context of BersamaMu program. Secondly, to determine the decision making process in BersamaMu program. Thirdly, to investigate stimulating factors of rational decision making process of BersamaMu program. A total of 14 respondents who were involved in the production process of the CSR TV program were interviewed for this study. Through thematic analysis, several basic themes were identified and they were categorized into seven main themes. Firstly, CSR concepts in the context of BersamaMu program are poverty, development and participation to the targeted communities. Secondly, there are three types of decision making process, namely consensus-of-round-table, level of decision stages and perspective of stakeholders. Thirdly, situational context of the targeted community stimulated rational decision making process of BersamaMu program. The findings may offer a new approach in understanding the definition and decision making process of CSR through a set of decision-makers’ input and potential decision behaviors

    Sistema recomanador amb ordres de magnitud

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    El món dels sistemes recomanadors necessita noves tècniques que ens permetin recomanar productes més complexos com els que ens trobem a la vida real. Per un altre costat, cal millorar la interacció amb l'usuari i crear sistemes capaços de captar opinions o coneixement. En el marc teòric per a la mesura del consens en grups, s'inclou la utilització d'ordres de magnitud absoluts. Aquests són eines que ens permeten copsar el sentit comú d'una persona davant una certa mesura. És a dir, el fet de treballar amb etiquetes qualitatives ens permet relacionar-nos amb els usuaris de la mateixa forma amb que aquests raonen, amb una manca d'informació quantitativa. Així doncs, gràcies a aquesta modelització matemàtica podrem copsar el nivell de precisió dels usuaris i el seu grau de coneixement

    A contribution to consensus modeling in decision-making by means of linguistic assessments

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    Decision-making is an active field of research. Specifically, in recent times, a lot of contributions have been presented on decision-making under linguistic assessments. To tackle this kind of processes, hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets have been introduced to grasp the uncertainty inherent in human reasoning when expressing preferences. This thesis introduces an extension of the set of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets to capture differences between non-compatible assessments. Based on this extension, a distance between linguistic assessments is defined to quantify differences between several opinions. This distance is used in turn to present a representative opinion from a group in a decision-making process. In addition, different consensus measures are introduced to determine the level of agreement or disagreement within a decision-making group and are used to define a decision maker’s profile to keep track of their dissension with respect to the group as well as their level of hesitancy. Furthermore, with the aim of allowing decision makers to choose the linguistic terms that they feel more comfortable with, the concept of free double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set is developed in this thesis. Finally, a new approach of the TOPSIS methodology for processes in which the assessments are given by means of free double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy information is presented to rank alternatives under these circumstances.Postprint (published version

    A contribution to consensus modeling in decision-making by means of linguistic assessments

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    Decision-making is an active field of research. Specifically, in recent times, a lot of contributions have been presented on decision-making under linguistic assessments. To tackle this kind of processes, hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets have been introduced to grasp the uncertainty inherent in human reasoning when expressing preferences. This thesis introduces an extension of the set of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets to capture differences between non-compatible assessments. Based on this extension, a distance between linguistic assessments is defined to quantify differences between several opinions. This distance is used in turn to present a representative opinion from a group in a decision-making process. In addition, different consensus measures are introduced to determine the level of agreement or disagreement within a decision-making group and are used to define a decision maker’s profile to keep track of their dissension with respect to the group as well as their level of hesitancy. Furthermore, with the aim of allowing decision makers to choose the linguistic terms that they feel more comfortable with, the concept of free double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set is developed in this thesis. Finally, a new approach of the TOPSIS methodology for processes in which the assessments are given by means of free double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy information is presented to rank alternatives under these circumstances

    Structuration des processus d'aide à la décision par analyse bipolaire

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    Le travail de recherche présenté dans ce mémoire s'inscrit dans le champ de l'aide à la décision multicritère. Ce champ aborde la décision dans un contexte où un groupe d'alternatives est évalué à travers un ensemble de critères (souvent contradictoires) afin d'estimer le potentiel de chacune à atteindre les objectifs fixés par un certain nombre de décideurs. La contribution de cette thèse concerne la structuration des problèmes d'aide à la décision par une approche bipolaire flexible qui permet d'évaluer les alternatives en distinguant leurs aspects positifs et négatifs vis-à-vis des objectifs à atteindre. Dans un premier temps, des modèles de structuration bipolaire sont proposés pour évaluer les problèmes de décision au niveau individuel. Les relations de synergie et les interactions potentielles entre les caractéristiques de la décision (attributs, alternatives, objectifs) sont modélisées dans un contexte bipolaire et intégrées à des approches de résolution tenant compte de l'environnement certain ou incertain dans lequel l'évaluation se déroule. Dans un deuxième temps, les décisions de groupe sont traitées en considérant l'impact du facteur humain (à travers les notions de peur, individualisme, influence, prudence, etc.) sur la capacité décisionnelle aux niveaux individuel et collectif. Des modèles d'évaluation et des techniques d'atteinte de consensus sont proposées pour deux catégories de problèmes relativement indépendants ; les problèmes de choix social et les jeux stratégiques.The research presented in this thesis concerns the multi-criteria decision support field. This field aims at helping decision makers (DM) to face decisions involving several conflicting objectives. To deals with this, decision is addressed in a context where a group of alternatives is evaluated through a set of criteria (often contradictory) to estimate the potential of each to achieve the goals. The main concern of this research is to propose flexible structuring decision problem support for evaluating alternatives distinguishing between positive and negative aspects they present with regard to objectives achievement. Bipolar structure models are proposed first to evaluate the decision problems at the individual level. The synergistic relationships and potential interactions between the decision characteristics (attributes, alternative objectives) are modeled in a bipolar context and integrated into resolution approaches taking account the certain or uncertain environment in which the evaluation takes place. In a second part, group decision problems are discussed taking into account the impact of human behaviour (influence, individualism, fear, caution, etc.) on decisional capacity at individual and collective levels. Valuation models and a consensus process are proposed in two relatively independent problem categories: social choice problems, and, strategic game problems