50 research outputs found

    Measuring similarity between business process models

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    Quality aspects become increasingly important when business process modeling is used in a large-scale enterprise setting. In order to facilitate a storage without redundancy and an efficient retrieval of relevant process models in model databases it is required to develop a theoretical understanding of how a degree of behavioral similarity can be defined. In this paper we address this challenge in a novel way. We use causal footprints as an abstract representation of the behavior captured by a process model, since they allow us to compare models defined in both formal modeling languages like Petri nets and informal ones like EPCs. Based on the causal footprint derived from two models we calculate their similarity based on the established vector space model from information retrieval.We validate this concept with an experiment using the SAP Reference Model and an implementation in the ProM framework

    Measuring similarity between business process models. In:

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    Abstract. Quality aspects become increasingly important when business process modeling is used in a large-scale enterprise setting. In order to facilitate a storage without redundancy and an efficient retrieval of relevant process models in model databases it is required to develop a theoretical understanding of how a degree of behavioral similarity can be defined. In this paper we address this challenge in a novel way. We use causal footprints as an abstract representation of the behavior captured by a process model, since they allow us to compare models defined in both formal modeling languages like Petri nets and informal ones like EPCs. Based on the causal footprint derived from two models we calculate their similarity based on the established vector space model from information retrieval. We validate this concept with an experiment using the SAP Reference Model and an implementation in the ProM framework

    APQL: A process-model query language

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    As business process management technology matures, organisations acquire more and more business process models. The management of the resulting collections of process models poses real challenges. One of these challenges concerns model retrieval where support should be provided for the formulation and efficient execution of business process model queries. As queries based on only structural information cannot deal with all querying requirements in practice, there should be support for queries that require knowledge of process model semantics. In this paper we formally define a process model query language that is based on semantic relationships between tasks in process models and is independent of any particular process modelling notation

    An approach to measure similarity of business process models

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    At higher levels of BPM (Business Process Management) maturity, organizations tend to accumulate considerable amounts of business process models [1]. Thus, business process model repositories may contain hundreds or even thousands models, represented using various modeling notations [2]. Since business process modeling technique is used by organizations to describe knowledge about their activities, the problem of store, share, and reuse of organizational knowledge, represented using business process models, becomes relevant. In this paper a similarity measure, used to retrieve business process models from a repository in order to their further reuse in a business process continuous improvement cycle according to BPM concept, is proposed. The problem of similar business process models retrieving has been earlier considered in studies [1, 3, 4], which propose several measures, based on label similarity, structural similarity, behavioral similarity etc

    On Measures of Behavioral Distance between Business Processes

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    The desire to compute similarities or distances between business processes arises in numerous situations such as when comparing business processes with reference models or when integrating business processes. The objective of this paper is to develop an approach for measuring the distance between Business Processes Models (BPM) based on the behavior of the business process only while abstracting from any structural aspects of the actual model. Furthermore, the measure allows for assigning more weight to parts of a process which are executed more frequently and can thus be considered as more important. This is achieved by defining a probability distribution on the behavior allowing the computation of distance metrics from the field of statistics

    Pengelompokan Model Proses Berdasarkan Matrik Similaritas Dengan Pendekatan Semantik

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    Saat ini, pemanfaatan sebuah sistem informasi berorientasi proses pada sebuah organisasi sangat marak dilakukan. Sistem informasi berorientasi proses bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja sebuah organisasi. Dalam sebuah organisasi berskala besar, model proses yang digunakan untuk mendukung bisnis tidak berjumlah sedikit, melainkan dapat mencapai angka ratusan bahkan hingga ribuan. Repositori model proses adalah sebuah media untuk menyimpan model proses dalam sebuah organisasi. Terdapat permasalahan dalam pengelolaan repositori model proses, antara lain proses perhitungan kesamaan model proses yang masih menggunakan pendekatan kesamaan sintaktik. Pendekatan tersebut membuat proses pengelompokan model proses menjadi kurang optimal. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, pada penelitian ini dilakukan mekanisme pengelompokan model proses berdasarkan kedekatan derajat kesamaan yang dimiliki tiap model proses. Penghitungan derajat kesamaan dilakukan berdasarkan beberapa matrik kesamaan, antara lain kesamaan titik (node), kesamaan struktur, dan kesamaan perilaku (behavior). Serta perhitungan derajat kesamaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kesamaan arti (semantik). Penggunaan metode kesamaan arti dapat meningkatkan nilai compactness pada kelompok yang dihasilkan dari proses clustering

    Data protection risk modeling into business process analysis

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    We present a novel way to link business process model with data protection risk management. We use established body of knowledge regarding risk manager concepts and business process towards data protections. We try to contribute to the problems that today organizations should find a suitable data protection model that could be used in as a risk framework. The purpose of this document is to define a model to describe data protection in the context of risk. Our approach including the identification of the main concepts of data protection according to the scope of the with EU directive data protection regulation. We outline data protection model as a continuous way of protection valued organization information regarding personal identifiable information. Data protection encompass the preservation of personal data information from unauthorized access, use, modification, recording or destruction. Since this kind of service is offered in a continuous way, it is important to stablish a way to measure the effectiveness of awareness of data subject discloses regrading personal identifiable information.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Continuous Quality Improvement of IT Processes based on Reference Models and Process Mining

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    The inherent quality of business processes increasingly plays a significant role in the economic success of an organization. More and more business processes are supported through IT processes. In this contribution, we present a new approach which allows the continuous quality improvement of IT processes by the interconnection of IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) reference model and process mining. On the basis of the reference model, to-be processes are set and key indicators are determined. As-is processes and their key indicators derived by process mining are subsequently compared to the to-be processes. This new approach enables the design and control of ITIL based customer support processes which will be trialed in a practice case of a customer relationship management (CRM) system. The procedural models, as well as its results, are introduced in this publication


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    The EU-Service-Directive will lead to big challenges for public administrations. The administrations have to offer a point of single contact supporting the customer. This point of single contacts needs an overview of the administrational processes to perform his task. As processes from different organizations and organizational units are relevant for the EU-Service-Directive they can only be captured by using a distributed approach. The contribution of this paper is to present a domain specific distributed modeling method which allows a fast, efficient, and consistent capturing of the information needed for the point of single contact.


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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the semantic building block-based approach as a means for intra- and interorganizational business process modeling. It is described whether and why the semantic building block-based approach reduces the variations in distributed modeling projects in comparison to traditional modeling approaches. Our argumentation is grounded on the assumption that the specification of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) requires a detailed understanding of the intra- and interorganizational business processes. In order to enable the collaboration of services the underlying process structure must be explicated. In a laboratory experiment the variations of distributed process modeling in the traditional and the building block-based approach have been compared. It could be shown that the semantic building block-based approach leads to considerably fewer variations and, thus, to a more consistent view on the intra- and interorganizational process landscape