20 research outputs found

    The ITALK project : A developmental robotics approach to the study of individual, social, and linguistic learning

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Frank Broz et al, “The ITALK Project: A Developmental Robotics Approach to the Study of Individual, Social, and Linguistic Learning”, Topics in Cognitive Science, Vol 6(3): 534-544, June 2014, which has been published in final form at doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tops.12099 This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving." Copyright © 2014 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.This article presents results from a multidisciplinary research project on the integration and transfer of language knowledge into robots as an empirical paradigm for the study of language development in both humans and humanoid robots. Within the framework of human linguistic and cognitive development, we focus on how three central types of learning interact and co-develop: individual learning about one's own embodiment and the environment, social learning (learning from others), and learning of linguistic capability. Our primary concern is how these capabilities can scaffold each other's development in a continuous feedback cycle as their interactions yield increasingly sophisticated competencies in the agent's capacity to interact with others and manipulate its world. Experimental results are summarized in relation to milestones in human linguistic and cognitive development and show that the mutual scaffolding of social learning, individual learning, and linguistic capabilities creates the context, conditions, and requisites for learning in each domain. Challenges and insights identified as a result of this research program are discussed with regard to possible and actual contributions to cognitive science and language ontogeny. In conclusion, directions for future work are suggested that continue to develop this approach toward an integrated framework for understanding these mutually scaffolding processes as a basis for language development in humans and robots.Peer reviewe

    Motor contagion during human-human and human-robot interaction.

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    Motor resonance mechanisms are known to affect humans' ability to interact with others, yielding the kind of "mutual understanding" that is the basis of social interaction. However, it remains unclear how the partner's action features combine or compete to promote or prevent motor resonance during interaction. To clarify this point, the present study tested whether and how the nature of the visual stimulus and the properties of the observed actions influence observer's motor response, being motor contagion one of the behavioral manifestations of motor resonance. Participants observed a humanoid robot and a human agent move their hands into a pre-specified final position or put an object into a container at various velocities. Their movements, both in the object- and non-object- directed conditions, were characterized by either a smooth/curvilinear or a jerky/segmented trajectory. These trajectories were covered with biological or non-biological kinematics (the latter only by the humanoid robot). After action observation, participants were requested to either reach the indicated final position or to transport a similar object into another container. Results showed that motor contagion appeared for both the interactive partner except when the humanoid robot violated the biological laws of motion. These findings suggest that the observer may transiently match his/her own motor repertoire to that of the observed agent. This matching might mediate the activation of motor resonance, and modulate the spontaneity and the pleasantness of the interaction, whatever the nature of the communication partner

    Nanotechnology for Humans and Humanoids A vision of the use of nanotechnology in future robotics

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    Humanoids will soon co-exist with humans, helping us at home and at work, assisting elder people, replacing us in dangerous environments and somewhat adding to our personal communication devices the capability to actuate motion. In order for humanoids to be compatible with our everyday tools and our lifestyle it is however mandatory to reproduce (at least partially) the body-mind nexus that makes humans so superior to machines. This requires a totally new approach to humanoid technologies, combining new responsive and soft materials, bioinspired sensors, high efficiency power sources and cognition/intelligence of low computational cost: in other words, an unprecedented merge of nanotechnology, cognition and mechatronics

    Comparison of Human Social Brain Activity During Eye-Contact With Another Human and a Humanoid Robot

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    Robot design to simulate interpersonal social interaction is an active area of research with applications in therapy and companionship. Neural responses to eye-to-eye contact in humans have recently been employed to determine the neural systems that are active during social interactions. Whether eye-contact with a social robot engages the same neural system remains to be seen. Here, we employ a similar approach to compare human-human and human-robot social interactions. We assume that if human-human and human-robot eye-contact elicit similar neural activity in the human, then the perceptual and cognitive processing is also the same for human and robot. That is, the robot is processed similar to the human. However, if neural effects are different, then perceptual and cognitive processing is assumed to be different. In this study neural activity was compared for human-to-human and human-to-robot conditions using near infrared spectroscopy for neural imaging, and a robot (Maki) with eyes that blink and move right and left. Eye-contact was confirmed by eye-tracking for both conditions. Increased neural activity was observed in human social systems including the right temporal parietal junction and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during human-human eye contact but not human-robot eye-contact. This suggests that the type of human-robot eye-contact used here is not sufficient to engage the right temporoparietal junction in the human. This study establishes a foundation for future research into human-robot eye-contact to determine how elements of robot design and behavior impact human social processing within this type of interaction and may offer a method for capturing difficult to quantify components of human-robot interaction, such as social engagement

    The perception of a robot partner’s effort elicits a sense of commitment to human-robot interaction

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    Previous research has shown that the perception that one’s partner is investing effort in a joint action can generate a sense of commitment, leading participants to persist longer despite increasing boredom. The current research extends this finding to human-robot interaction. We implemented a 2-player version of the classic snake game which became increasingly boring over the course of each round, and operationalized commitment in terms of how long participants persisted before pressing a ‘finish’ button to conclude each round. Participants were informed that they would be linked via internet with their partner, a humanoid robot. Our results reveal that participants persisted longer when they perceived what they believed to be cues of their robot partner’s effortful contribution to the joint action. This provides evidence that the perception of a robot partner’s effort can elicit a sense of commitment to human-robot interaction

    Mouse tracking to explore motor inhibition processes in go/no-go and stop signal tasks

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    Response inhibition relies on both proactive and reactive mechanisms that exert a synergic control on goal-directed actions. It is typically evaluated by the go/no-go (GNG) and the stop signal task (SST) with response recording based on the key-press method. However, the analysis of discrete variables (i.e., present or absent responses) registered by key-press could be insufficient to capture dynamic aspects of inhibitory control. Trying to overcome this limitation, in the present study we used a mouse tracking procedure to characterize movement profiles related to proactive and reactive inhibition. A total of fifty-three participants performed a cued GNG and an SST. The cued GNG mainly involves proactive control whereas the reactive component is mainly engaged in the SST. We evaluated the velocity profile from mouse trajectories both for responses obtained in the Go conditions and for inhibitory failures. Movements were classified as one-shot when no corrections were observed. Multi-peaked velocity profiles were classified as non-one-shot. A higher proportion of one-shot movements was found in the SST compared to the cued GNG when subjects failed to inhibit responses. This result suggests that proactive control may be responsible for unsmooth profiles in inhibition failures, supporting a differentiation between these tasks

    An adaptive robot teacher boosts a human partner’s learning performance in joint action

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    One important challenge for roboticists in the coming years will be to design robots to teach humans new skills or to lead humans in activities which require sustained motivation (e.g. physiotherapy, skills training). In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that if a robot teacher invests physical effort in adapting to a human learner in a context in which the robot is teaching the human a new skill, this would facilitate the human's learning. We also hypothesized that the robot teacher's effortful adaptation would lead the human learner to experience greater rapport in the interaction. To this end, we devised a scenario in which the iCub and a human participant alternated in teaching each other new skills. In the high effort condition, the iCub slowed down his movements when repeating a demonstration for the human learner, whereas in the low effort condition he sped the movements up when repeating the demonstration. The results indicate that participants indeed learned more effectively when the iCub adapted its demonstrations, and that the iCub's apparently effortful adaptation led participants to experience him as more helpful