361 research outputs found

    Development of a sensor for microvibrations measurement in the AlbaSat CubeSat mission

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    openMicrovibrations on spacecraft represent an issue for payloads requiring high pointing accuracy and/or stability over time, and they might represent a particular concern for CubeSats and small satellites that, usually, are not equipped with very-high performance attitude control systems. Hence, collecting reliable measures of the vibration spectra during the operations of a CubeSat represents a significant research activity. This thesis presents the development of a sensor, configured as a payload within the AlbaSat mission, capable of accurately measuring the microvibrations in space, with particular focus on those produced by the Momentum Exchange Devices (MED), i.e., Reaction or Momentum Wheels, that represent one of the most important microvibrations sources. The thesis takes place in the framework of the AlbaSat mission. AlbaSat is a 2U CubeSat developed by a student team of the University of Padova under the “Fly Your Satellite! – Design Booster” programme promoted by the European Space Agency (ESA). The mission has four different objectives: (1) to collect measurements of the space debris environment in-situ, (2) to measure the microvibrations on board the CubeSat, (3) to precisely determine the position of the satellite through laser ranging and (4) to investigate alternative systems for possible Satellite Quantum Communication applications on nanosatellites. The requirements for the correct sizing of the sensor and the chosen physical and functional architecture are defined and presented in the thesis. A meticulous schedule for functional tests is finally outlined, aimed at verifying the correct functionality of the microvibration sensor. These tests serve as a starting point for the future development of the payload.Microvibrations on spacecraft represent an issue for payloads requiring high pointing accuracy and/or stability over time, and they might represent a particular concern for CubeSats and small satellites that, usually, are not equipped with very-high performance attitude control systems. Hence, collecting reliable measures of the vibration spectra during the operations of a CubeSat represents a significant research activity. This thesis presents the development of a sensor, configured as a payload within the AlbaSat mission, capable of accurately measuring the microvibrations in space, with particular focus on those produced by the Momentum Exchange Devices (MED), i.e., Reaction or Momentum Wheels, that represent one of the most important microvibrations sources. The thesis takes place in the framework of the AlbaSat mission. AlbaSat is a 2U CubeSat developed by a student team of the University of Padova under the “Fly Your Satellite! – Design Booster” programme promoted by the European Space Agency (ESA). The mission has four different objectives: (1) to collect measurements of the space debris environment in-situ, (2) to measure the microvibrations on board the CubeSat, (3) to precisely determine the position of the satellite through laser ranging and (4) to investigate alternative systems for possible Satellite Quantum Communication applications on nanosatellites. The requirements for the correct sizing of the sensor and the chosen physical and functional architecture are defined and presented in the thesis. A meticulous schedule for functional tests is finally outlined, aimed at verifying the correct functionality of the microvibration sensor. These tests serve as a starting point for the future development of the payload

    Proceedings of the NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications

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    The proceedings of the National Space Science Data Center Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications held July 23 through 25, 1991 at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center are presented. The program includes a keynote address, invited technical papers, and selected technical presentations to provide a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disk and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's

    Report on how EIONET and EEA can contribute to the urban in situ requirements of a future Copernicus anthropogenic CO2 observing system

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    This report provides a technical review of CO2 and CH4 emissions monitoring methods based on surface mixing ratio measurements, total column mixing ratio measurements and flux measurements. The review demonstrated that all these measurements would fulfil respective in situ requirements of the Copernicus CO2 MVS capacity, contributing to the validation of space observations in and around cities and/or the system’s city-scale emissions estimates. The review furthermore elaborated on the benefits to climate change mitigation monitoring in the respective cities and how these methods could be implemented to monitor local emissions.Negotiated procedure No EEA/IDM/R0/17/008. Services supporting the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) crosscutting coordination of the Copernicus In Situ Componen

    Design and evaluation of a portable frequency comb-referenced laser heterodyne radiometer

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    In this paper, we present the design of a laser heterodyne radiometry instrument that combines, for the first time, frequency comb calibration and a remarkably high level of portability. A design that can, therefore, be more than capable of addressing the current need for accurate ground-based greenhouse gases monitoring in urban areas and other emission hot spots. Indeed, the compact, battery-powered system allows the acquisition of atmospheric spectral characterizations, at any location, without restrictions. As its most prominent feature, the system is equipped with an electro-optic frequency comb reference that provides a set of calibration ticks from which an accurate characterization of the absorption line shape can be obtained. Besides this, the spectrometer has been designed to promptly switch between traditional operation and wavelength modulation, so the performance of future inversion models may benefit greatly by this complementary data. The system has been tested in different locations in the Madrid region (Spain), where measurements have been carried out under a wide variety of conditions. Here, a set of highly representative results is presented clearly illustrating the capabilities of the developed system.This project has received funding from the EU H2020 Consumerdriven demands to reframe farming systems project under Grant Agreement 101000216, and from the Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciÓn under Grant Project TED2021-131695B-100

    Small scale agriculture, marginal conditions and market access: impacts on natural resources and farmers' welfare

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    Keywords: small-scale farmers, food security, impact evaluation, Ecuador, Ethiopia, crop choice, social capital, crop genetic diversity, pesticides. Numerous are the obstacles and difficulties smallholder farmers from developing countries have to face to achieve food security or improve their wellbeing. Challenges and opportunities may vary dramatically from having to cope with harsh climatic and production conditions to having the option of entering the market, yet farming systems and production decisions are crucial elements to reduce poverty and improve wellbeing. This is particularly true in a time in which growing population, climate change and energy requirements pose increasing pressure on land and natural resources. In either context, the use and exploitation of natural resources is thus a key aspect to consider particularly with regard to the variety choices that can affect genetic diversity and to the use of pesticides that might be induced to achieve standards required by the market. This thesis attempts to address these elements by analysing how small-scale farmers deal with achieving food security and improving their wellbeing through crop production choices, farming technologies and strategies adopted to access the market in marginal but market-oriented conditions as opposed to manage production in harsh agro-ecological conditions. After analyzing in detail the role of agriculture, of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) and of agricultural markets and seed systems, the thesis is divided in two parts. The first part deals with analyzing how small-scale farmers from the Ecuadorian Sierra benefit from dynamic changes in the agricultural economy and what is the impact of their production choices on the use of pesticides and of potato varieties adopted. The second part examines how smallholder farmers from the Hararghe region of Ethiopia deal with frequent production difficulties and with production shocks mainly determined by drought through variety adoption choices and what are the impacts of these choices on production efficiency and genetic diversity. The importance of social capital, evident throughout the work presented, is specifically analyzed for the case of Ethiopia. By using different approaches, methodologies and data, among which rigorous impact assessment plays a key role, findings show the unequivocal importance of market access, seed sources, production technologies and social capital. The analysis undertaken demonstrates that programs and policies to be effective need to be implemented throughout the entire value chain: from input use to produce commercialization, whereas social capital might dramatically facilitate the successfulness of variety adoption, seed access and program implementation. Lastly, this work demonstrates that rigorous impact evaluation can help identify aspects of programs and policies crucial to suggest the way forward on achieving sustainable economic development. <br/

    Database machines in support of very large databases

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    Software database management systems were developed in response to the needs of early data processing applications. Database machine research developed as a result of certain performance deficiencies of these software systems. This thesis discusses the history of database machines designed to improve the performance of database processing and focuses primarily on the Teradata DBC/1012, the only successfully marketed database machine that supports very large databases today. Also reviewed is the response of IBM to the performance needs of its database customers; this response has been in terms of improvements in both software and hardware support for database processing. In conclusion, an analysis is made of the future of database machines, in particular the DBC/1012, in light of recent IBM enhancements and its immense customer base

    CO2: An operational anthropogenic CO2 emissions monitoring & verification support capacity

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    This is the third report form the CO2 Monitoring Task Force on the multiple input streams of in-situ observations that are requirement for the Copernicus CO2 Monitoring and Verification Support capacity to: (i) calibrated and validate the space component, (ii) assimilate data in the models and integrate information in the core of the system, and (iii) evaluate the output generated by the system for its end users. The availability of sustained in situ networks is currently a significant factor of risk that needs to be mitigated to establish a European CO 2 support capacity which is fit-for-purpose. The current status of existing networks may be the source of large uncertainties in anthropogenic CO2 emission estimates as well as limited capability in meeting the requirements for country, large city and point source scale assessments. This conclusion results from a risk analysis formulated for four scenarios: 1) maintaining the status quo, 2) assuring sustained funding for the status quo, 3) enhancing network capabilities at European scale with sustained funding and 4) with a significantly improved in situ infrastructure in Europe and beyond. This report substantiates the multifaceted needs and requirements of the European CO2 support capacity with respect to in situ observations. The analysis concerns all core elements of the envisaged integrated system with a particular attention on the impact of such observations in achieving the proposed objectives. The specific needs for the validation of products delivered by the space component that is, the Copernicus Sentinels CO2 monitoring constellation, are addressed as another prerequisite for the success of the CO2 support capacity. This European asset will represent a significant contribution to the virtual constellation proposed by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) and, accordingly, complementary requirements are elaborated in that international frame. The report highlights that although high measurement standards are present within existing networks such as ICOS, in the context of the needs for targeted in situ data for the realization of the operational system, these data are not fully fit-for-purpose. A fundamental prerequisite is to have a good geographical coverage over Europe for evaluating the data assimilation and modeling system over a large variety of environmental conditions such as, for instance, urban areas, agricultural regions, forested zones and industrial complexes. The in situ observations need to be extended under a coordinated European lead with sustained infrastructure and targeted additional and maintained long-term funding. It has been clearly understood from the onset that the international dimension of the European CO2 support capacity would be critical and that these aspects should be developed in parallel to, and in synergy with the definition and implementation of a European contributing system. It was also understood that this international dimension had both strategic, policy relevant and technical dimensions and the Commission and the relevant European institutional partners have started since several years to engage both bilaterally and multilaterally with the relevant stakeholders and counterparts to develop these relations. Specifically, CEOS will undertake, over the next few years, dedicated preparatory work in a coordinated international context, to provide cumulative added value to the specific programmatic activities of their member agencies. Concerted efforts have already begun in the context of the European Commission's Chairmanship of CEOS in 2018. It is recognized in the context of the European efforts, and increasingly by our international counterparts that a broad and holistic system approach is required to address the requirements which are represented by the climate policy, of which the satellite component, whilst important, cannot effectively be developed in isolation. This system indeed includes the satellite observing capability but in addition, the required modelling component and data integration elements, prior information, ancillary data and in situ observations delivered by essential networks. Acknowledging the need for an efficient coordination at international level for instance via the Global Atmosphere Watch programme of the World Meteorological Organisation is a key towards a successful implementation of appropriate actions to ensure the sustainability of essential networks, to enhance current network capabilities with new observations and to propose adequate governance schemes. Such actions to mitigate current network limitations are deemed critical to implementing the Copernicus CO 2 Monitoring & Verification Support capacity in its full strength.JRC.D.6-Knowledge for Sustainable Development and Food Securit

    Autonomous Recovery Of Reconfigurable Logic Devices Using Priority Escalation Of Slack

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    Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices offer a suitable platform for survivable hardware architectures in mission-critical systems. In this dissertation, active dynamic redundancy-based fault-handling techniques are proposed which exploit the dynamic partial reconfiguration capability of SRAM-based FPGAs. Self-adaptation is realized by employing reconfiguration in detection, diagnosis, and recovery phases. To extend these concepts to semiconductor aging and process variation in the deep submicron era, resilient adaptable processing systems are sought to maintain quality and throughput requirements despite the vulnerabilities of the underlying computational devices. A new approach to autonomous fault-handling which addresses these goals is developed using only a uniplex hardware arrangement. It operates by observing a health metric to achieve Fault Demotion using Recon- figurable Slack (FaDReS). Here an autonomous fault isolation scheme is employed which neither requires test vectors nor suspends the computational throughput, but instead observes the value of a health metric based on runtime input. The deterministic flow of the fault isolation scheme guarantees success in a bounded number of reconfigurations of the FPGA fabric. FaDReS is then extended to the Priority Using Resource Escalation (PURE) online redundancy scheme which considers fault-isolation latency and throughput trade-offs under a dynamic spare arrangement. While deep-submicron designs introduce new challenges, use of adaptive techniques are seen to provide several promising avenues for improving resilience. The scheme developed is demonstrated by hardware design of various signal processing circuits and their implementation on a Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA device. These include a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) core, Motion Estimation (ME) engine, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) blocks in addition to MCNC benchmark circuits. A iii significant reduction in power consumption is achieved ranging from 83% for low motion-activity scenes to 12.5% for high motion activity video scenes in a novel ME engine configuration. For a typical benchmark video sequence, PURE is shown to maintain a PSNR baseline near 32dB. The diagnosability, reconfiguration latency, and resource overhead of each approach is analyzed. Compared to previous alternatives, PURE maintains a PSNR within a difference of 4.02dB to 6.67dB from the fault-free baseline by escalating healthy resources to higher-priority signal processing functions. The results indicate the benefits of priority-aware resiliency over conventional redundancy approaches in terms of fault-recovery, power consumption, and resource-area requirements. Together, these provide a broad range of strategies to achieve autonomous recovery of reconfigurable logic devices under a variety of constraints, operating conditions, and optimization criteria

    High Availability and Scalability of Mainframe Environments using System z and z/OS as example

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    Mainframe computers are the backbone of industrial and commercial computing, hosting the most relevant and critical data of businesses. One of the most important mainframe environments is IBM System z with the operating system z/OS. This book introduces mainframe technology of System z and z/OS with respect to high availability and scalability. It highlights their presence on different levels within the hardware and software stack to satisfy the needs for large IT organizations

    Progress in Hemodialysis

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    Hemodialysis (HD) represents the first successful long-term substitutive therapy with an artificial organ for severe failure of a vital organ. Because HD was started many decades ago, a book on HD may not appear to be up-to-date. Indeed, HD covers many basic and clinical aspects and this book reflects the rapid expansion of new and controversial aspects either in the biotechnological or in the clinical field. This book revises new technologies and therapeutic options to improve dialysis treatment of uremic patients. This book consists of three parts: modeling, methods and technique, prognosis and complications
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