466 research outputs found

    Magnetic resonance imaging compatible non-invasive fibre-optic sensors based on the Bragg gratings and interferometers in the application of monitoring heart and respiration rate of the human body: A comparative study

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    The publication presents a comparative study of two fibre-optic sensors in the application of heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) monitoring of the human body. After consultation with clinical practitioners, two types of non-invasive measuring and analysis systems based on fibre Bragg grating (FBG) and fibre-optic interferometer (FOI) have been designed and assembled. These systems use probes (both patent pending) that have been encapsulated in the bio-compatible polydimethylsiloxane (PMDS). The main advantage of PDMS is that it is electrically non-conductive and, as well as optical fibres, has low permeability. The initial verification measurement of the system designed was performed on four subjects in a harsh magnetic resonance (MR) environment under the supervision of a senior radiology assistant. A follow-up comparative study was conducted, upon a consent of twenty volunteers, in a laboratory environment with a minimum motion load and discussed with a head doctor of the Radiodiagnostic Institute. The goal of the laboratory study was to perform measurements that would simulate as closely as possible the environment of harsh MR or the environment of long-term health care facilities, hospitals and clinics. Conventional HR and RR measurement systems based on ECG measurements and changes in the thoracic circumference were used as references. The data acquired was compared by the objective Bland-Altman (B-A) method and discussed with practitioners. The results obtained confirmed the functionality of the designed probes, both in the case of RR and HR measurements (for both types of B-A, more than 95% of the values lie within the +/- 1.96 SD range), while demonstrating higher accuracy of the interferometric probe (in case of the RR determination, 95.66% for the FOI probe and 95.53% for the FBG probe, in case of the HR determination, 96.22% for the FOI probe and 95.23% for the FBG probe).Web of Science1811art. no. 371

    Design of optical fiber sensors and interrogation schemes

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    [ES] Las fibras ópticas son dispositivos muy utilizados en el campo de las telecomunicaciones desde su descubrimiento. En las últimas décadas, las fibras ópticas comenzaron a utilizarse como sensores fotónicos. Los primeros trabajos se centraron en la medición de unas dimensiones físicas en un punto específico. Posteriormente, surgió la posibilidad de medir las propiedades de la fibra óptica en diferentes puntos a lo largo de la fibra. Este tipo de sensores se definen como sensores distribuidos. Los componentes optoelectrónicos fueron desarrollados e investigados para telecomunicaciones. Los avances en las telecomunicaciones hicieron posible el desarrollo de sistemas de interrogación para sensores de fibra óptica, creciendo en paralelo con los avances de las telecomunicaciones. Se desarrollaron sistemas de interrogación de fibra óptica que permiten el uso de una única fibra óptica monomodo estándar como sensor que puede monitorear decenas de miles de puntos de detección al mismo tiempo. Los métodos que extraen la información de detección de la señal reflejada en la fibra óptica son los más empleados debido a la facilidad de acceso al sensor y la flexibilidad de estos sistemas. Los más estudiados son la reflectometría en dominios de tiempo y frecuencia. La reflectometría óptica en el dominio del tiempo (OTDR) fue la primera técnica utilizada para detectar la posición de los fallos en las redes de comunica-ción de fibra óptica. El OTDR sensible a la fase hizo posible detectar la elongación y la temperatura en una posición específica. Paralelamente, los gratings de Bragg (FBG) se convirtieron en los dispositivos más utilizados para implementar sensores en fibra óptica discretos. Se desarrollaron técnicas de multiplexación para realizar la detección en múltiples puntos utilizando FGBs. La reflectometría realizada interrogando arrays de FBG débiles demuestra que mejora el rendimiento del sistema en comparación al uso de una fibra monomodo. Los sistemas de interrogatorio actuales tienen algunos inconvenientes. Algunos de ellos son velocidad de interrogatorio limitada, grandes dimensiones y alto costo. En esta tesis doctoral se desarrollaron nuevos sistemas de interrogación y sensores de fibra óptica para superar algunos de estos inconvenientes. Los sensores de fibra óptica de plástico demuestran ser una plataforma innovadora para desarrollar nuevos sensores y sistemas de interrogación de bajo costo y fáciles de implementar para fibras de plástico comerciales. Se investigó la reflectometría en el dominio del tiempo y las técnicas fotónicas de microondas para la interrogación de una matriz de rejillas débiles que permitieron simplificar el sistema de interrogación para la detección de temperatura y vibración.[CA] Les fibres òptiques són dispositius molt utilitzats en el camp de les telecomunica-cions des del seu descobriment. En les últimes dècades, les fibres òptiques van començar a utilitzar-se com a sensors fotònics. Els primers treballs es van centrar en el mesurament d'unes dimensions físiques en un punt específic. Posteriorment, va sorgir la possibilitat de mesurar les propietats de la fibra òptica en diferents punts al llarg de la fibra. Aquest tipus de sensors es defineixen com a sensors distribüits. Els components optoelectrònics van ser desenvolupats i investigats per a telecomunicacions. Els avanços en les telecomunicacions van fer possi-ble el desenvolupament de sistemes d'interrogació per a sensors de fibra òptica, creixent en paral·lel amb els avanços de les telecomunicacions. Es van desenvolupar sistemes d'interrogació de fibra òptica que permeten l'ús d'una única fibra òptica monomodo estàndard com a sensor que pot monitorar desenes de milers de punts de detecció al mateix temps. Els mètodes que extreuen la informació de detecció del senyal reflectit en la fibra òptica són els més utilitzats a causa de la facilitat d'accés al sensor i la flexibilitat d'aquests sistemes. Els més estudiats són la reflectometría en dominis de temps i freqüència. La reflectometría òptica en el domini del temps (OTDR) va ser la primera tècnica utilitzada per a detectar la posició de les fallades en les xarxes de comunicació de fibra òptica. El OTDR sensible a la fase va fer possible detectar l'elongació i la temperatura en una posició específica. Paral·lelament, els gratings de Bragg (FBG) es van convertir en els dispositius més utilitzats per a implementar sensors en fibra òptica discrets. Es van desenvolupar tècniques de multiplexació per a realitzar la detecció en múltiples punts utilitzant FGBs. La reflectometría realitzada interrogant arrays de FBG febles demostra que millora el rendiment del sistema en comparació a l'ús d'una fibra monomodo. Els sistemes d'interrogatori actuals tenen alguns inconvenients. Alguns d'ells són velocitat d'interrogatori limitada, voluminositat i alt cost. En aquesta tesi doctoral es van desenvolupar nous sistemes d'interrogació i sensors de fibra òptica per a superar alguns d'aquests inconvenients. Els sensors de fibra òptica de plàstic demostren ser una plataforma innovadora per a desenvolupar nous sensors i siste-mes d'interrogació de baix cost i fàcils d'implementar per a fibres de plàstic comercials. Es va investigar la reflectometría en el domini del temps i les tècniques fotòniques de microones per a la interrogació d'una matriu de reixetes febles que van permetre simplificar el sistema d'interrogació per a la detecció de temperatura i vibració.[EN] Optical fibers are devices largely used in telecommunication field since their discovery. In the last decades, optical fibers started to be used as photonic sensors. The first works were focused on the measurement of physical dimensions to a specific point. Afterward, emerged the possibility to measure the optical fiber properties at different locations along the fiber. These kinds of sensors are defined as distributed sensors. The optoelectronic components were developed and investigated for telecommunications. The progress in telecommunication made possible the development of optical fiber sensors interrogation systems, growing in parallel with the advances of telecommunications. Optical fiber interrogation systems were developed to use a single standard monomode optical fiber as a sensor that can monitor tens of thousands of sensing points at the same time. The methods that extract the sensing information from the backscattered signal in the optical fiber are widely employed because of the easiness of access to the sensor element and the flexibility of these systems. The most studied are the reflectometry in time and frequency domains. The optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) was the first technique used to detect the position of the failures in the optical fiber communication networks. Using phase sensitive OTDR it is possible to sense strain and temperature at a specific position. In parallel, fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) became the most widely used devices to implement discrete optical fiber sensors. Multiplexing techniques were developed to perform multi points sensing using these gratings. The reflectometry performed interrogating weak FBGs arrays demonstrate to improve the performance of the system employing a single mode fiber. The interrogation systems nowadays have some drawbacks. Some of them are limited speed of interrogation, bulkiness, and high cost. New interrogation systems and optical fiber sensors were developed in this doctoral thesis to overcome some of these drawbacks. Plastic optical fiber sensors demonstrate to be an innovative platform to develop both new sensors and low cost, easy to implement interrogation systems for commercial plastic fibers. Reflectometry in time domain and microwave photonic techniques were investigated for the interrogation of weak gratings array allowed to simplify the interrogation system for the sensing of temperature and vibration.I would like to greatly thank the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program that funded the research described in this thesis under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Grant Agreement 722509.Sartiano, D. (2021). Design of optical fiber sensors and interrogation schemes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/161357TESI

    Recent advances in biomedical photonic sensors: a focus on optical-fibre-based sensing

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    In this invited review, we provide an overview of the recent advances in biomedical pho tonic sensors within the last five years. This review is focused on works using optical-fibre technology, employing diverse optical fibres, sensing techniques, and configurations applied in several medical fields. We identified technical innovations and advancements with increased implementations of optical-fibre sensors, multiparameter sensors, and control systems in real applications. Examples of outstanding optical-fibre sensor performances for physical and biochemical parameters are covered, including diverse sensing strategies and fibre-optical probes for integration into medical instruments such as catheters, needles, or endoscopes.This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-107270RB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and TeDFeS Project (RTC-2017- 6321-1) co-funded by European FEDER funds. M.O. and J.F.A. received funding from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain under Juan de la Cierva-Formación and Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación grants, respectively. P.R-V. received funding from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain under PhD grant FPU2018/02797

    Progress in Probe-Based Sensing Techniques for In Vivo Diagnosis

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    Advancements in robotic surgery help to improve the endoluminal diagnosis and treatment with minimally invasive or non-invasive intervention in a precise and safe manner. Miniaturized probe-based sensors can be used to obtain information about endoluminal anatomy, and they can be integrated with medical robots to augment the convenience of robotic operations. The tremendous benefit of having this physiological information during the intervention has led to the development of a variety of in vivo sensing technologies over the past decades. In this paper, we review the probe-based sensing techniques for the in vivo physical and biochemical sensing in China in recent years, especially on in vivo force sensing, temperature sensing, optical coherence tomography/photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging, chemical sensing, and biomarker sensing

    Sensores de fibra ótica como tecnologia não-invasiva para avaliação da pressão arterial central

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia FísicaCom o presente trabalho pretendeu-se explorar soluções de fibra ótica na aquisição da onda de pulso na artéria carótida, para análise da sua morfologia e cálculo da pressão arterial central. Foram desenvolvidos três sistemas, dois baseados em redes de Bragg, gravadas em fibra de sílica, e outro em modulação de intensidade, usando fibra ótica de plástico. O primeiro sensor foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de testar a exequibilidade da utilização de fibra ótica nesta aplicação. Após resultados promissores da sua caracterização e testes em sujeitos, o desenvolvimento dos dois sensores consequentes teve por objetivo o aumento da sensibilidade e facilidade de utilização das sondas, pela melhoria da sua forma, portabilidade e autonomia. A solução baseada em intensidade mostrou-se ainda como um sistema que coligava desempenho a baixo custo, tendo por isso sido submetida a um estudo pré-clínico, comparando o seu desempenho ao de um dispositivo comercial, de natureza eletromecânica, numa pequena coorte de indivíduos saudáveis. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a correlação dos resultados obtidos com a sonda de fibra ótica e o dispositivo comercial. Tendo-se obtido uma correlação muito forte entre as duas técnicas, o dispositivo foi proposto para avaliação clínica. O desempenho da sonda foi assim comparado a um dispositivo comercial, numa coorte de indivíduos hipertensos. Foram também levados a cabo testes invasivos, usando como referência ondas de pressão obtidas no lúmen da artéria aorta em contexto de cateterismo cardíaco. Em ambos os estudos clínicos foram obtidos coeficientes de correlação muito fortes e diferenças de pressão média na gama obtida para dispositivos comerciais. Conclui-se assim que o dispositivo baseado em modulação de intensidade surge como uma promissora alternativa de baixo custo aos dispositivos eletromecânicos de avaliação de pressão arterial central disponíveis no mercado.The present study aimed to explore fibre optic solutions in the acquisition of the pulse wave in the carotid artery, to its morphology analysis and central arterial pressure calculation. Three systems were developed, two based on Bragg gratings, engraved in silica fibre, and another on intensity modulation, using plastic optical fibre. The first sensor was developed in order to test the feasibility of the fibre optics use in this application. After promising results in the characterization and small tests in subjects, the development of the consequent two sensors had as main goals increasing the probes sensitivity and user-friendliness, by improving its shape, portability and autonomy. The intensity-based solution proved to be the system that best combined performance to low cost, and thus was subjected to a pre-clinical study, comparing its performance to a commercial device in a small cohort of healthy individuals. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between the results obtained with the fibre optic probe and the commercial device. Having been obtained a very strong correlation between the two techniques, the device was proposed for clinical evaluation. The probe’s performance was therefore compared to a non-invasive commercial device, in a cohort of hypertensive individuals. Invasive testing was also performed, using as reference pressure waves obtained in the lumen of the aortic artery in cardiac catheterization context. In both trials very strong correlation coefficients were obtained, as well as medium pressure differences in the range verified for commercial devices. It is concluded that the device based on intensity modulation arises as promising low cost alternative to central arterial pressure assessment electromechanical devices available in the market

    Optical Fiber Interferometric Sensors

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    The contributions presented in this book series portray the advances of the research in the field of interferometric photonic technology and its novel applications. The wide scope explored by the range of different contributions intends to provide a synopsis of the current research trends and the state of the art in this field, covering recent technological improvements, new production methodologies and emerging applications, for researchers coming from different fields of science and industry. The manuscripts published in the Special issue, and re-printed in this book series, report on topics that range from interferometric sensors for thickness and dynamic displacement measurement, up to pulse wave and spirometry applications

    Time-Domain Fiber Loop Ringdown Sensor and Sensor Network

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    Optical fibers have been mostly used in fiber optic communications, imaging optics, sensing technology, etc. Fiber optic sensors have gained increasing attention for scientific and structural health monitoring (SHM) applications. In this study, fiber loop ringdown (FLRD) sensors were fabricated for scientific, SHM, and sensor networking applications. FLRD biosensors were fabricated for both bulk refractive index (RI)- and surface RI-based DNA sensing and one type of bacteria sensing. Furthermore, the effect of glucose oxidase (GOD) immobilization at the sensor head on sensor performance was evaluated for both glucose and synthetic urine solutions with glucose concentration between 0.1% and 10%. Detection sensitivities of the glucose sensors were achieved as low as 0.05%. For chemical sensing, heavy water, ranging from 97% to 10%, and several elemental solutions were monitored by using the FLRD chemical sensors. Bulk indexbased FLRD sensing showed that trace elements can be detected in deionized water. For physical sensing, water and cracking sensors were fabricated and embedded into concrete. A partially-etched single-mode fiber (SMF) was embedded into a concrete bar for water monitoring while a bare SMF without any treatment was directly embedded into another concrete bar for monitoring cracks. Furthermore, detection sensitivities of water and crack sensors were investigated as 10 ml water and 0.5 mm surface crack width, respectively Additionally fiber loop ringdowniber Bragg grating temperature sensors were developed in the laboratory; two sensor units for water, crack, and temperature sensing were deployed into a concrete cube in a US Department of Energy test bed (Miami, FL). Multi-sensor applications in a real concrete structure were accomplished by testing the six FLRD sensors. As a final stage, a sensor network was assembled by multiplexing two or three FLRD sensors in series and parallel. Additionally, two FLRD sensors were combined in series and parallel by using a 2×1 micro-electromechanical system optical switch to control sensors individually. For both configurations, contributions of each sensor to two or three coupled signals were simulated theoretically. Results show that numerous FLRD sensors can be connected in different configurations, and a sensor network can be built up for multiunction sensing applications

    Vital sign monitoring and cardiac triggering at 1.5 Tesla: A practical solution by an MR-ballistocardiography fiber-optic sensor

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    This article presents a solution for continuous monitoring of both respiratory rate (RR) and heart rate (HR) inside Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) environments by a novel ballistocardiography (BCG) fiber-optic sensor. We designed and created a sensor based on the Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) probe encapsulated inside fiberglass (fiberglass is a composite material made up of glass fiber, fabric, and cured synthetic resin). Due to this, the encapsulation sensor is characterized by very small dimensions (30 x 10 x 0.8 mm) and low weight (2 g). We present original results of real MRI measurements (conventionally most used 1.5 T MR scanner) involving ten volunteers (six men and four women) by performing conventional electrocardiography (ECG) to measure the HR and using a Pneumatic Respiratory Transducer (PRT) for RR monitoring. The acquired sensor data were compared against real measurements using the objective Bland-Altman method, and the functionality of the sensor was validated (95.36% of the sensed values were within the +/- 1.96 SD range for the RR determination and 95.13% of the values were within the +/- 1.96 SD range for the HR determination) by this means. The accuracy of this sensor was further characterized by a relative error below 5% (4.64% for RR and 4.87% for HR measurements). The tests carried out in an MRI environment demonstrated that the presence of the FBG sensor in the MRI scanner does not affect the quality of this imaging modality. The results also confirmed the possibility of using the sensor for cardiac triggering at 1.5 T (for synchronization and gating of cardiovascular magnetic resonance) and for cardiac triggering when a Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) is used.Web of Science193art. no. 47

    Smart Technical Textiles Based on Fiber Optic Sensors

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    FBG Sensors for Environmental and Biochemical Applications - A Review

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