74 research outputs found

    An international review of laser Doppler vibrometry:Making light work of vibration measurement

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    © 2016 In 1964, just a few years after the invention of the laser, a fluid velocity measurement based on the frequency shift of scattered light was made and the laser Doppler technique was born. This comprehensive review paper charts advances in the development and applications of laser Doppler vibrometry (LDV) since those first pioneering experiments. Consideration is first given to the challenges that continue to be posed by laser speckle. Scanning LDV is introduced and its significant influence in the field of experimental modal analysis described. Applications in structural health monitoring and MEMS serve to demonstrate LDV's applicability on structures of all sizes. Rotor vibrations and hearing are explored as examples of the classic applications. Applications in acoustics recognise the versatility of LDV as demonstrated by visualisation of sound fields. The paper concludes with thoughts on future developments, using examples of new multi-component and multi-channel instruments

    Фізика з основами біофізики

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    The text-book "Physics with Fundamentals of Biophysics" published in English is intended for the students who attend the English-speaking lectures in educational institutions of Ukraine; it can be useful for the foreign students and post-graduate students, translators and everybody who is interested in English terminology in the field of physics and biophysics. The main objectives of the course “Physics with Fundamentals of Biophysics” is to expose principal laws and theses of physics which make it possible to study general regularities of natural phenomena; to apply the principles and methods of the physical sciences to biological problems; to consider the biophysical problems which are concerned with the viability of living objects (plants, animals, microorganisms) and their interaction with the environment; to elucidate possible application of physical instrumentation to agricultural, biological, ecological, and medical practice. The text-book is supplied with the examples of solutions of practical biophysical problems, control questions pertaining to those problems that require clarification. Rating system of estimation of students´ level of knowledge is offered also. Each text modulus contains the vocabulary of physical and biophysical terms. The informative material is given in appendix.Даний підручник виданий англійською мовою, призначений саме для підготовки студентів, що слухають лекції англійською мовою в навчальних закладах ІІІ-IV рівнів акредитації України. Він може бути корисним для іноземних студентів та аспірантів, перекладачів та всіх, хто цікавиться англомовною термінологією в галузі фізики та біофізики. Основна мета підручника - навести основні положення, закони та теорії з курсу загальної фізики; розглянути фізичні процеси та механізми, що складають основу життєдіяльності живих організмів – рослин, тварин, мікроорганізмів; викласти проблеми впливу зовнішніх фізичних факторів на живі організми та їх здатності реагувати на ці фактори; висвітлити принципи дії та можливі застосування сучасних фізичних методів та приладів у сільськогосподарській, біологічній, екологічній та медичній практиці. Підручник містить приклади розв’язання практичних біофізичних проблем, контрольні завдання для перевірки засвоєння матеріалу студентами та запитання, відповіді на які студенти зможуть дати у разі ознайомлення із відповідними розділами підручника. Для оцінки знань студентів пропонується рейтингова система. Кожний змістовний модуль має словник фізичних та біофізичних термінів. Інформативний матеріал представлений у додатку

    Development of Mathematical Models of a Human Virtual Ear

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    L’orecchio umano è un complesso sistema biomeccanico deputato alla ricezione e percezione del suono. Il presente lavoro di tesi verte sull’analisi delle parti esterna o media. Sono introdotti alcuni cenni di anatomia dell’orecchio esterno e medio ed una indagine di letteratura rivolta alla modellazione. È stato sviluppato un modello ad elementi finiti standard e generalizzati del canale uditivo e della membrana timpanica, a seguito di un approfondito confronto tra modelli di letteratura della membrana timpanica. Per la catena ossiculare, comprensiva di giunti, legamenti e tendini muscolari che la supportano, è stato adottato un approccio di tipo multibody. Il modello ad elementi finiti della membrana timpanica è stato combinato con il modello multibody della catena ossiculare al fine di ottenere un modello ibrido dell’orecchio medio. L’elaborazione dell’informazione nel sistema uditivo è un tema centrale della psicoacustica, una branca dell’acustica concernente la correlazione quantitativa delle grandezze fisiche e della percezione del suono. Un approccio psicoacustico è stato applicato in un’attività sperimentale e teorica per la valutazione del rumore da alzacristalli elettrici, nell’ambito di un progetto in collaborazione con un’azienda del territorio. The present thesis mainly focuses on the outer and middle parts of the human ear, which is a complex biomechanical system, devoted to sound reception and perception. The anatomy in brief and a model-oriented review of outer and middle ear are introduced. A model including the auditory canal and the tympanic membrane was developed applying standard and generalized finite element methods, following a thorough comparison between literature finite element models of the tympanic membrane. The multibody approach was adopted for the ossicular chain and supporting structures (joints, ligaments and muscle tendons). The tympanic membrane finite element model and the ossicular chain multibody model were combined in a hybrid finite element-multibody model of the middle ear. The information processing in the auditory system is a central issue of the psychoacoustics, a branch of acoustics concerning the quantitative correlation between the physical characteristics of sounds and their perceptual attributes. The psychoacoustic approach was applied in an experimental and theoretical activity on power window noise evaluation, within a project in collaboration with a local enterprise

    Cell Compatible Electrospun Poly(vinyl alcohol) Fibers for Tissue Regeneration

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    Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is a well known biocompatible synthetic polymer. PVA is not cell compatible due to its high hydrophilicity. As prepared by electrospinning in the form of nanofibers, it is unstable in aqueous environments including cell culture media. For tissue regeneration applications, this study demonstrates the use of PVA scaffold utilizing electrospun nanofibers with aqueous stability and cell compatibility toward creating biomaterial-tissue hybrid based medical devices. Two different approaches: heat treatment and ion beam treatment were developed to improve aqueous stability and promote cell compatibility for PVA fibers. Using a thermal annealing method at elevated temperatures, the fibers became stable in water. This observation correlated closely to the change in the crystallinity of PVA. Elastic moduli of individual fibers were determined using a multi-points bending approach by atomic force microscopy. Elastic moduli of as-spun PVA fibers were determined to be a function of fiber diameter and humidity. Significant changes in the elastic modulus of the modified PVA fibers were also observed. To improve the cell compatibility, low energy N+ and He+ ion beams were used to introduce amine and carbonyl functional groups. Cell compatibility was assessed in vitro using primary human skin fibroblasts (hsF). Confocal microscopy confirmed the adhesion and proliferation of hsF on both the random and aligned PVA fibers after the ion beam treatment, while cells failed to adhere to the untreated fibers. Cell morphology was observed to align and elongate along the fiber axis on aligned PVA fibers. After 10 days of proliferation, cells were found to form confluent layers and even multiple layers on the N+treated fibers. Cell proliferation depends on ion species, ion dose and fiber alignment. With the two post-processing treatments, PVA fibrous scaffold showed the potential to become biomaterial-tissue hybrid based medical devices for tissue regeneration applications

    Ultrastructural analysis of odontocete cochlea

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    The morphological study of the Odontocete organ of Corti including possible pathological features resulting from sound over-exposure, represent a key conservation issue to assess the effects of acoustic pollution on marine ecosystems. Through the collaboration with stranding networks belonging to 26 countries, 150 ears from 13 species of Odontocetes were processed. In this dissertation, we present a standard protocol to 1) compare the ultrastructure of the cochlea in several Odontocete species and 2) investigate possible damage as a consequence of sound exposure, using scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry. In a preliminary study, computerized tomography scans were performed before decalcification with ears of 15 odontocete species, proposing a set of standard measurements which classified very well the species. In addition, the constant ratio between measurements of inner and middle ear structures contributed to confirm the active role of the odontocete middle ear in sound reception mechanism. We established a decalcification protocol using the fast commercial decalcifier RDO® and EDTA (Ethylendiaminetetraacetic acid). Although further experiments should be conducted to assess the suitability of using one or the other method (because the number of samples treated with EDTA was comparatively small), RDO® at specific dilutions decreased the decalcification time of cetacean ear bones with control of the decalcification endpoint, helping a faster access to inner structures. The complementary use of electron microscopy and immunofluorescence allowed the description in odontocetes of new morphological features of tectorial membrane, spiral limbus, spiral ligament, stria vascularis, hair cells and their innervation. Furthermore, this study revealed qualitative and quantitative morphological characteristics of the organ of Corti in high-frequency hearing species, including 1) an outer hair cell (OHC) small length, 2) a thick cuticular plate in OHC, and a thick reticular lamina, 3) robust cup formation of the Deiters cell body, 4) the high development of cytoskeleton in Deiters and pillar cells and 5) the basilar membrane high stiffness. Interestingly, all these features, including a common molecular design of prestin, are also shared by echolocating bats, suggesting a convergent evolution in echolocating species. The presence of scars among hair cell rows, the pattern of stereocilia imprints in the tectorial membrane and the condition of fibrocytes II and IV were criteria suitable to determine or discard possible acoustic trauma, despite the numerous artefacts that rapidly develop as a consequence of tissue autolysis. Consequently, matching the preliminary approximation of the cochlear frequency map with the damaged region would bring information on the sound source that would have triggered a possible lesion.Postprint (published version

    Measuring nanometer, three-dimensional motions with light microscopy

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (p. 173-182).by Charles Quentin Davis.Ph.D