710 research outputs found

    MPPT Schemes for PV System Under Normal and Partial Shading Condition: a Review

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    The photovoltaic system is one of the renewable energy device, which directly converts solar radiation into electricity. The I-V characteristics of PV system are nonlinear in nature and under variable Irradiance and temperature, PV system has a single operating point where the power output is maximum, known as Maximum Power Point (MPP) and the point varies on changes in atmospheric conditions and electrical load. Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) is used to track MPP of solar PV system for maximum efficiency operation. The various MPPT techniques together with implementation are reported in literature. In order to choose the best technique based upon the requirements, comprehensive and comparative study should be available. The aim of this paper is to present a comprehensive review of various MPPT techniques for uniform insolation and partial shading conditions. Furthermore, the comparison of practically accepted and widely used techniques has been made based on features, such as control strategy, type of circuitry, number of control variables and cost. This review work provides a quick analysis and design help for PV systems. Article History: Received March 14, 2016; Received in revised form June 26th 2016; Accepted July 1st 2016; Available online How to Cite This Article: Sameeullah, M. and Swarup, A. (2016). MPPT Schemes for PV System under Normal and Partial Shading Condition: A Review. Int. Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 5(2), 79-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.14710/ijred.5.2.79-9

    A Unified Approach to Maximum Power Point Tracking and I-V Curve Determination of Photovoltaic Arrays from Real-time Measurements

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    In recent years we have seen a considerable increase in the installed capacity of Photovoltaic (PV) power generating plants worldwide. This increase is primarily attributed to the decrease in the cost of installation and the awareness towards the sustainable power generation. However, the efficiency of the PV modules is still low. The Current vs. Voltage (I-V) characteristics of the PV generators is non-linear and changes with irradiance and temperature. For optimal utilization of PV sources, Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPTs) are used. When the array is under uniform illumination, there is a single peak on the Power vs. Voltage (P-V) curve of the PV array. This peak is easily tracked by conventional MPPTs. However, under Partial Shading Conditions (PSC), multiple peaks appear on the P-V curve. Out of these, there is one Global Peak (GP) while the others are Local Peaks (LP). When the MPPT algorithm is trapped at LP, considerable power loss occurs. Special MPPTs are designed for finding the GP when the array is under PSC. It is also important to periodically find the I-V curve of the array under the field conditions for monitoring and control of the PV generators. For this purpose, specialized tests are performed. During these tests, the generation of power from the PV arrays is halted. Similarly, the speed of performance of these tests is also important as the environmental conditions may change quickly during finding of the curve. Any change in the surroundings during the performance of finding the characteristic curve may affect the results. In this thesis, two algorithms are proposed that perform the MPP tracking and measurement of the I-V curve under any kind of irradiance. The first algorithm performs these tasks by using the module voltages as the parameter. In the second method, the input filter capacitor of buck or buck-boost converter is used. Simulation and experimental results confirm the performance of the proposed methods

    Development of Maximum Power Extraction Algorithms for PV system With Non-Uniform Solar Irradiances

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    This thesis addresses the problem of extraction of maximum power from PV arrays subjected to non-uniform solar irradiances e.g partial shading. In the past, a number of maximum power point tracking algorithms (MPPTs) such as Perturb & Observe, Hill climbing, Incremental Conductance, etc. have been proposed. These are extensively used for obtaining maximum power from a PV module to maximize power yield from PV systems under uniform solar irradiance. However, these techniques have not considered partial shading conditions and the stochastic nature of solar insolation. In the event of non-uniform solar insolation, a number multiple maximum power points (MPPs) appear in the power-voltage characteristic of the PV module. In the present thesis, the stochastic nature of the solar insolation is considered to obtain the global MPP of a PV module with a focus on developing global optimization techniques for MPPT that would handle the multiple MPPs. Thus, the thesis will address the above problem by developing a number of global MPPT algorithms. In this thesis, an extensive review on MPPT algorithms for both uniform and non-uniform insolation levels is presented. Subsequently, an analysis with respect to their merits, demerits and applications have been provided in order to design new MPPTs to achieve higher MPPT efficiency under non-uniform solar irradiances. Firstly, PV modules are modelled with and without bypass diodes for handling Partial shading conditions (PSCs). Then, a new Ring pattern (RP) configuration has been proposed which is compared with different existing configurations such as Series parallel (SP), Total cross tied(TCT) and Bridge linked(BL) configurations on the basis of maximum power and fill factor. As described earlier, under non-uniform irradiances the MPPT problem boil down to determining the global MPP. Thus, the MPPT problem can be cast as a global optimization problem. It may be noted that evolutionary computing approaches are extensively used for obtaining global optimum solutions. One of the most recent evolutionary optimization techniques called grey wolf optimization technique has gained enormous popularity as an efficient global optimization approach. In view of this, Grey wolf optimization is employed to design a global MPPT such that maximum power from PV modules can be extracted which will work under partial shading conditions. Its performance has been compared with two existing MPPTs namely P&O and IPSO based MPPT methods. From the obtained simulation and experimental results, it was found that the GWO based MPPT exhibits superior MPPT performance as compared to both P&O and IPSO MPPTs on the basis of dynamic response, faster convergence to GP and higher tracking efficiency. Further, in order to scale down the search space of GWO which helps to speed up for achieving convergence towards the GP, a fusion of GWO-MPPT with P&O MPPT for obtaining maximum power from a PV system with different possible patterns is developed. An experimental setup of 600W solar simulator is used in the laboratory having characteristics of generating partial shading situation. Firstly, the developed algorithms were implemented for a PV system using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Subsequently, the aforesaid experimental setup is used to implement the proposed global MPPT algorithms. From the obtained simulation and experimental results it is observed that the Hybrid-MPPT converges to the GP with least time enabling highest possible maximum power from the solar PV system. In this thesis, analytical modeling of PV modules for handling non-uniform irradiances is pursued as well as a new RP configuration of PV modules is developed to achieve maximum power and fill factor. In order to extract maximum power from PV panels subjected to non-uniform solar irradiances, two new MPPT algorithms are developed namely Grey wolf optimization based MPPT (GWO-MPPT) and GWO assisted PO (GWO-PO)

    Fast spatially-resolved electrical modelling and quantitative characterisation of photovoltaic devices

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    An efficient and flexible modelling and simulation toolset for solving spatially-resolved models of photovoltaic (PV) devices is developed, and its application towards a quantitative description of localised electrical behaviour is given. A method for the extraction of local electrical device parameters is developed as a complementary approach to the conventional characterisation techniques based on lumped models to meet the emerging demands of quantitative spatially-resolved characterisation in the PV community. It allows better understanding of the effects of inhomogeneities on performance of PV devices. The simulation tool is named PV-Oriented Nodal Analysis (PVONA). This is achieved by integrating a specifically designed sparse data structure and a graphics processing unit (GPU)-based parallel conjugate gradient algorithm into a PV-oriented numerical solver. It allows more efficient high-resolution spatially-resolved modelling and simulations of PV devices than conventional approaches based on SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) tools in terms of computation time and memory usage. In tests, mega-sub-cell level test cases failed in the latest LTSpice version (v4.22) and a PSpice version (v16.6) on desktop PCs with mainstream hardware due to a memory shortage. PVONA efficiently managed to solve the models. Moreover, it required up to only 5% of the time comparing the two SPICE counterparts. This allows the investigation of inhomogeneities and fault mechanisms in PV devices with high resolution on common computing platforms. The PVONA-based spatially-resolved modelling and simulation is used in various purposes. As an example, it is utilised to evaluate the impacts of nonuniform illumination profiles in a concentrator PV unit. A joint optical and electrical modelling framework is presented. Simulation results suggest that uncertainties introduced during the manufacturing and assembly of the optical components can significantly affect the performance of the system in terms of local voltage and current distribution and global current-voltage characteristics. Significant series resistance and shunt resistance effects are found to be caused by non-uniformity irradiance profiles and design parameters of PV cells. The potential of utilising PVONA as a quality assessment tool for system design is discussed. To achieve quantitative characterisation, the PVONA toolset is then used for developing a 2-D iterative method for the extraction of local electrical parameters of spatially-resolved models of thin-film devices. The method employs PVONA to implement 2-D fitting to reproduce the lateral variations in electroluminescence (EL) images, and to match the dark current-voltage characteristic simultaneously to compensate the calibration factor in EL characterisations. It managed to separate the lateral resistance from the overall series resistance effects. The method is verified by simulations. Experimental results show that pixellation of EL images can be achieved. Effects of local shunts are accurately reproduced by a fitting algorithm. The outcomes of this thesis provide valuable tools that can be used as a complementary means of performance evaluation of PV devices. After proper optimisation, these tools can be used to assist various analysis tasks during the whole lifecycle of PV products

    Photovoltaic Emulation System and Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm Under Partial Shading Conditions

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    In this thesis, a novel photovoltaic (PV) emulator and the state-of-art learning–based real-time hybrid maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms have been presented. Real-time research on PV systems is a challenging task because it requires a precise PV emulator that can faithfully reproduce the nonlinear properties of a PV array. The prime objective of the constructed emulator based on integration of unilluminated solar panels with external current sources is to overcome the constraints such as the need for wide surrounding space, high installation cost, and lack of control over the environmental conditions. In addition, the proposed PV emulator is able to simulate the electrical characteristics of the PV system under uniform irradiation as well as partially shading conditions (PSC). Moreover, the application of MPPT technology in PV systems under PSC conditions is challenging. Under complex environmental conditions, the power-voltage (P-V) characteristic curve of a PV system is likely to contain both local global maximum power points (LMPPs) and global maximum power points (GMPP). The MPPT algorithm applied to a PV system should have minimal steady-state oscillations to reduce power losses while accurately searching for the GMPP. The proposed MPPT algorithms resolved the drawbacks of the conventional MPPT method that have poor transient response, high continuous steady-state oscillation, and inefficient tracking performance of maximum power point voltage in the presence of partial shading. The intended algorithms have been verified using MATLAB/Simulink and the proposed PV emulator by applying comparative analysis with the traditional MPPT algorithms. In addition, the performance of the proposed MPPT algorithms and control scheme is validated experimentally with the implementation of MATLAB/Simulink/Stateflow on dSPACE Real-Time-Interface (RTI) 1007 processor board and DS2004 A/D and CP4002 Digital I/O boards. The results indicate that the algorithm is effective in reducing power losses and faster in tracking the speed of the maximum power point with less oscillation under partial shading conditions. In addition, excellent dynamic characteristics of the proposed emulator have been proven to be an ideal tool for testing PV inverters and various maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms for commercial applications and university studies

    Modified adaptive perturb and observe maximum power point tracking algorithm for higher effiency in photovoltaic system

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    Due to the continuous variation in temperature and solar irradiance, P–V characteristics curve of a photovoltaic (PV) system exhibit a non-linear, time-varying Maximum Power Point (MPP). Furthermore, the tracking becomes more complicated when the PV array is partially shaded due to the presence of multiple peaks. This work proposes a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm named Modified Adaptive Perturb and Observe (MA-P&O) to address two main limitations of the conventional Perturb and Observe (P&O), namely the steady state oscillation and the divergence from the MPP. At the same time, it locates the global peak during partial shading. The MA-P&O is equipped with an intelligent mechanism to detect the steady state oscillation, and then deploy an adaptive perturbation procedure to reduce it to the minimum. Furthermore, to avoid operating voltage from diverging from its locus, a dynamic boundary condition is imposed. For partial shading, an effective checking mechanism to precisely detect partial shading occurrence is suggested. In addition, an improved set of equation is developed to detect the exact position of local peaks under partial shading. To assess its feasibility, the proposed ideas are simulated using comprehensive PV simulator. For practical validation, the algorithm is implemented in hardware using a buck-boost converter in conjunction with dSPACE DS1104 DSP board. It is demonstrated that under the dynamic irradiance and partial shading test, the MA-P&O ensures the MPPT efficiency is 99.5%. Furthermore, when evaluated against the European Standard EN 50530 test, the MA-P&O records a 98.6% efficiency; this is up to 18% higher than the conventional and other adaptive P&O. Finally, MA-P&O is tested with a tropical daily irradiance and temperature profile. It is found that MA-P&O successfully ensures 99.2%, which is on average 3% higher than the other P&O based algorithms

    real time fault detection in photovoltaic systems

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    Abstract In this paper, a method for real time monitoring and fault diagnosis in photovoltaic systems is proposed. This approach is based on a comparison between the performances of a faulty photovoltaic module, with its accurate model by quantifying the specific differential residue that will be associated with it. The electrical signature of each default will be fixed by considering the deformations induced on the I-V curves. Some faults, such as: interconnection resistance faults and different shading patterns are considered. The proposed technique can be generalized and extended to more types of faults. The fault diagnosis will be determined by fixing a normal and a fault threshold for each fault. These thresholds are calculated based on the Euclidean norm between ideal and normal measurement or between ideal and fault mode measurement. Each threshold is set in a range bounded by the minimum and maximum values of the differential residue obtained for the considered fault. The proposed approach provides identification of faults by calculating their specific threshold ranges. This method allows the instantaneous monitoring of the electrical power delivered by the photovoltaic system

    Accurate Maximum Power Tracking in Photovoltaic Systems Affected by Partial Shading

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    A maximum power tracking algorithm exploiting operating point information gained on individual solar panels is presented. The proposed algorithm recognizes the presence of multiple local maxima in the power voltage curve of a shaded solar field and evaluates the coordinated of the absolute maximum. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is evidenced by means of circuit level simulation and experimental results. Experiments evidenced that, in comparison with a standard perturb and observe algorithm, we achieve faster convergence in normal operating conditions (when the solar field is uniformly illuminated) and we accurately locate the absolute maximum power point in partial shading conditions, thus avoiding the convergence on local maxima

    Effects of Partial Shading Conditions on Maximum Power Points and Mismatch Losses in Silicon-Based Photovoltaic Power Generators

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    Photovoltaic (PV) power generators can be used for converting the energy of solar radiation directly into electrical energy without any moving parts. The operation of the generators is highly affected by operating conditions, most importantly irradiances and temperatures of PV cells. PV power generators are prone to electrical losses if the operating conditions are non-uniform such as in a case where part of the modules of a generator are shaded while the rest are receiving the global solar radiation. These conditions are called partial shading conditions and they have been recognized as a major cause of energy losses in PV power generators. In this thesis, the operation of silicon-based PV power generators under partial shading conditions is studied using Matlab Simulink simulation model. The operation of the model has been verified by measurements of electrical characteristics of a PV module under several different operating conditions and also under partial shading conditions. A systematic approach to study the effects of partial shading conditions has been developed and used. In addition to the systematic approach, a vast amount of data measured from the Tampere University of Technology (TUT) Solar Photovoltaic Power Station Research Plant are analyzed and used as input for the simulation model to study operation of PV power generators under actual operating conditions. Partial shading conditions have severe effects on the electrical characteristics of PV power generators and can cause multiple maximum power points (MPPs) to the power-voltage curve of the generators. In most cases, partial shading conditions lead to the occurrence of multiple MPPs, but also only one MPP can be present despite of partial shading. Reasons for this phenomenon are presented and analyzed in this thesis. Because of multiple MPPs, a considerable amount of available electrical energy may be lost when the generator is operating at a local MPP with low power instead of the global MPP. In order to optimize the operation of PV power generators under partial shading conditions it is crucial to be familiar with the operation of the generators under these conditions. Results of a systematic study of the effects partial shading conditions on MPP characteristics are shown and a method to differentiate between local and global MPPs will be presented in this thesis. Partial shading conditions cause also mismatch losses when the individual PV cells are not operating at their own MPPs although the generator would operate at its own MPP. The amount of mismatch losses depends on the partial shading conditions but also on the electrical configuration of the PV power generator. In this thesis, different configurations are based on different inverter concepts such as central inverter, string inverter and multistring inverter. The mismatch losses under partial shading conditions of these different PV power generator configurations are studied. It is shown that long series connections of PV modules are most severely affected by partial shading conditions

    Analysis of maximum power point tracking data for obtaining photovoltaic parameters

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    As a standard, photovoltaic (PV) modules are rated by the use of standard test conditions (STC). Such details entail current and voltage (I-V) measurements for modules under an irradiance of 1000 W/m2 an air mass ration of 1.5 global spectrum and 25˚C cell temperature. Outdoor weather conditions continuously vary with time and from one location to the other. This further offset the expected operational power outputs as outdoor conditions are generally characterized by high cell temperatures. The technology one uses will also complicate the power output prediction since different module technologies respond to these outdoor conditions differently. I-V tracers are able to measure the full I-V curve of the module thus can give the operational PV parameters at any given time. However, these tracers are sold at exorbitant prices and they require skilled personnel in order to operate them. Most if not all tracers require isolation of the module under test thereby disrupting the power production function of the module._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this study a method to obtain photovoltaic (PV) parameters using the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) data is presented and tested under natural outdoor conditions. The method features a customized data acquisition system (DAS) designed for the measurement and storage of meteorological and MPPT data. The DAS is capable of extracting parameters from any combination of modules with an open circuit voltage 〖(V〗_oc) less than or equal to 120 Volts and a short circuit current 〖(I〗_sc) of 100 Amps. The system used is capable of extracting MPPT data using a reliable, improved storage and a programmable data logger. In order to match the sampling operational speeds of internal charge controller switches a computer interfaced Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) card was also used. Data collection and characterization of the MPPT data was done in such a way that the power generation process remained uninterrupted throughout the whole process. The regression nonlinear least squares method was used to fit MPPT crests and obtain the knee part of the I-V curve. This was then extrapolated to obtain the full I-V curve, which then produces the operational PV parameters. The resultant parameters from the characterization process were logged and accessible at any time. The end result was a method that can be incorporated within a charge controller for quick, hands-free PV parameter extraction, using only the MPPT scanned data