2,180 research outputs found

    Output-feedback anti-disturbance predictor-based control for discrete-time systems with time-varying input delays

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    [EN] This paper investigates the robust stabilization of discrete-time systems with time-varying input delays and model uncertainties by predictor-based anti-disturbance output-feedback control strategies. Here, a novel predictor-feedback control combined with an extended state observer is proposed. The objective is to counteract the negative effects of input delays while actively rejecting disturbance signals typically encountered in engineering practice, such as steps or harmonics. Differently from previous approaches, unknown but bounded time-varying delays are taken into consideration. Moreover, the complexity of the algorithm for control synthesis is notably reduced. Finally, an illustrative example from the literature is provided to show that better robust performance can be achieved with the proposed method.This work was partially supported by projects TIN201786520C31R, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) , and PGC2018098719BI00, MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, and Group DGA T4517R, Spain. The material in this paper was not presented at any conference. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Bin Zhou under the direction of Editor Ian R. Petersen.González Sorribes, A.; García Gil, PJ. (2021). Output-feedback anti-disturbance predictor-based control for discrete-time systems with time-varying input delays. Automatica. 129:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109627S1812

    On receiver design for an unknown, rapidly time-varying, Rayleigh fading channel

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    Sequential predictors under time-varying feedback and measurement delays and sampling

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    We build sequential predictors for time-varying linear systems with time-varying input delays, outputs, sampling in the control, and time-varying measurement delays. We prove global exponential stability and robustness properties. We allow the sup norm of the input delay to be arbitrarily large and aperiodic sampling. We use a new set of dynamical extensions that contain output measurements, and whose advantages over existing methods include their lack of distributed terms

    Backstepping and Sequential Predictors for Control Systems

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    We provide new methods in mathematical control theory for two significant classes of control systems with time delays, based on backstepping and sequential prediction. Our bounded backstepping results ensure global asymptotic stability for partially linear systems with an arbitrarily large number of integrators. We also build sequential predictors for time-varying linear systems with time-varying delays in the control, sampling in the control, and time-varying measurement delays. Our bounded backstepping results are novel because of their use of converging-input-converging-state conditions, which make it possible to solve feedback stabilization problems under input delays and under boundedness conditions on the feedback control. Our sequential predictors work is novel in its ability to cover time-varying measurement delays and sampling which were beyond the scope of existing sequential predictor methods for time-varying linear systems, and in the fact that the feedback controls that we obtain from our sequential predictors do not contain any distributed terms

    Robust control strategies for unstable systems with input/output delays

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    Los sistemas con retardo temporal aparecen con frecuencia en el ámbito de la ingeniería, por ejemplo en transmisiones hidráulicas o mecánicas, procesos metalúrgicos o sistemas de control en red. Los retardos temporales han despertado el interés de los investigadores en el ámbito del control desde finales de los años 50. Se ha desarrollado una amplia gama de herramientas para el análisis de su estabilidad y prestaciones, especialmente durante las dos últimas décadas. Esta tesis se centra en la estabilización de sistemas afectados por retardos temporales en la actuación y/o la medida. Concretamente, las contribuciones que aquí se incluyen tienen por objetivo mejorar las prestaciones de los controladores existentes en presencia de perturbaciones. Los retardos temporales degradan, inevitablemente, el desempeño de un bucle de control. No es de extrañar que el rechazo de perturbaciones haya sido motivo de estudio desde que emergieron los primeros controladores predictivos para sistemas con retardo. Las estrategias presentadas en esta tesis se basan en la combinación de controladores predictivos y observadores de perturbaciones. Estos últimos han sido aplicados con éxito para mejorar el rechazo de perturbaciones de controladores convencionales. Sin embargo, la aplicación de esta metodología a sistemas con retardo es poco frecuente en la literatura, la cual se investiga exhaustivamente en esta tesis. Otro inconveniente de los controladores predictivos está relacionado con su implementación, que puede llevar a la inestabilidad si no se realiza cuidadosamente. Este fenómeno está relacionado con el hecho de que las leyes de control predictivas se expresan mediante una ecuación integral. En esta tesis se presenta una estructura de control alternativa que evita este problema, la cual utiliza un observador de dimensión infinita, gobernado por una ecuación en derivadas parciales de tipo hiperbólico.Time-delay systems are ubiquitous in many engineering applications, such as mechanical or fluid transmissions, metallurgical processes or networked control systems. Time-delay systems have attracted the interest of control researchers since the late 50's. A wide variety of tools for stability and performance analysis has been developed, specially over the past two decades. This thesis is focused on the problem of stabilizing systems that are affected by delays on the actuator and/or sensing paths. More specifically, the contributions herein reported aim at improving the performance of existing controllers in the presence of external disturbances. Time delays unavoidably degrade the control loop performance. Disturbance rejection has been a matter of concern since the first predictive controllers for time-delay systems emerged. The key idea of the strategies presented in this thesis is the combination of predictive controllers and disturbance observers. The latter have been successfully applied to improve the disturbance rejection capabilities of conventional controllers. However, the application of this methodology to time-delay systems is rarely found in the literature. This combination is extensively investigated in this thesis. Another handicap of predictive controllers has to do with their implementation, which can induce instability if not done carefully. This issue is related to the fact that predictive control laws take the form of integral equations. An alternative control structure that avoids this problem is also reported in this thesis, which employs an infinite-dimensional observer, governed by a hyperbolic partial differential equation.Sanz Díaz, R. (2018). Robust control strategies for unstable systems with input/output delays [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/111830TESI


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    Network control systems (NCSs), as one of the most active research areas, are arousing comprehensive concerns along with the rapid development of network. This dissertation mainly discusses the stability and performance of NCSs into the following two parts. In the first part, a new approach is proposed to reduce the data transmitted in networked control systems (NCSs) via model reduction method. Up to our best knowledge, we are the first to propose this new approach in the scientific and engineering society. The "unimportant" information of system states vector is truncated by balanced truncation method (BTM) before sending to the networked controller via network based on the balance property of the remote controlled plant controllability and observability. Then, the exponential stability condition of the truncated NCSs is derived via linear matrix inequality (LMI) forms. This method of data truncation can usually reduce the time delay and further improve the performance of the NCSs. In addition, all the above results are extended to the switched NCSs. The second part presents a new robust sliding mode control (SMC) method for general uncertain time-varying delay stochastic systems with structural uncertainties and the Brownian noise (Wiener process). The key features of the proposed method are to apply singular value decomposition (SVD) to all structural uncertainties, to introduce adjustable parameters for control design along with the SMC method, and new Lyapunov-type functional. Then, a less-conservative condition for robust stability and a new robust controller for the general uncertain stochastic systems are derived via linear matrix inequality (LMI) forms. The system states are able to reach the SMC switching surface as guaranteed in probability 1 by the proposed control rule. Furthermore, the novel Lyapunov-type functional for the uncertain stochastic systems is used to design a new robust control for the general case where the derivative of time-varying delay can be any bounded value (e.g., greater than one). It is theoretically proved that the conservatism of the proposed method is less than the previous methods. All theoretical proofs are presented in the dissertation. The simulations validate the correctness of the theoretical results and have better performance than the existing results

    Techniques of linear prediction, with application to oceanic and atmospheric fields in the tropical Pacific

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    The problem of constructing optimal linear prediction models by multivariance regression methods is reviewed. It is well known that as the number of predictors in a model is increased, the skill of the prediction grows, but the statistical significance generally decreases. For predictions using a large number of candidate predictors, strategies are therefore needed to determine optimal prediction models which properly balance the competing requirements of skill and significance. The popular methods of coefficient screening or stepwise regression represent a posteriori predictor selection methods and therefore cannot be used to recover statistically significant models by truncation if the complete model, including all predictors, is statistically insignificant. Higher significance can be achieved only by a priori reduction of the predictor set. To determine the maximum number of predictors which may be meaningfully incorporated in a model, a model hierarchy can be used in which a series of best fit prediction models is constructed for a (prior defined) nested sequence of predictor sets, the sequence being terminated when the significance level either falls below a prescribed limit or reaches a maximum value. The method requires a reliable assessment of model significance. This is characterized by a quadratic statistic which is defined independently of the model skill or artificial skill. As an example, the method is applied to the prediction of sea surface temperature anomalies at Christmas Island (representative of sea surface temperatures in the central equatorial Pacific) and variations of the central and east Pacific Hadley circulation (characterized by the second empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of the meridional component of the trade wind anomaly field) using a general multiple‐time‐lag prediction matrix. The ordering of the predictors is based on an EOF sequence, defined formally as orthogonal variables in the composite space of all (normalized) predictors, irrespective of their different physical dimensions, time lag, and geographic position. The choice of a large set of 20 predictors at 12 time lags yields significant predictability only for forecast periods of 3 to 5 months. However, a prior reduction of the predictor set to 4 predictors at 10 time lags leads to 95% significant predictions with skill values of the order of 0.4 to 0.7 up to 6 or 8 months. For infinitely long time series the construction of optimal prediction models reduces essentially to the problem of linear system identification. However, the model hierarchies normally considered for the simulation of general linear systems differ in structure from the model hierarchies which appear to be most suitable for constructing pure prediction models. Thus the truncation imposed by statistical significance requirements can result in rather different models for the two cases. The relation between optimal prediction models and linear dynamical models is illustrated by the prediction of east‐west sea level changes in the equatorial Pacific from wind field anomalies. It is shown that the optimal empirical prediction is statistically consistent in this case with both the first‐order relaxation and damped oscillator models recently proposed by McWilliams and Gent (but with somewhat different model parameters than suggested by the authors). Thus the data do not allow a distinction between the two physical models; the simplest acceptable model is the first‐order damped response. Finally, the problem of estimating forecast skill is discussed. It is usually stated that the forecast skill is smaller than the true skill, which in turn is smaller than the hindcast skill, by an amount which in both cases is approximately equal to the artificial skill. However, this result applies to the mean skills averaged over the ensemble of all possible hindcast data sets, given the true model. Under the more appropriate side condition of a given hindcast data set and an unknown true model, the estimation of the forecast skill represents a problem of statistical inference and is dependent on the assumed prior probability distribution of true models. The Bayesian hypothesis of a uniform prior distribution yields an average forecast skill equal to the hindcast skill, but other (equally acceptable) assumptions yield lower forecast skills more compatible with the usual hindcast‐averaged expressio

    Design and analysis of robust controllers for directional drilling tools

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    Directional drilling is a very important tool for the development of oil and gas deposits. Attitude control which enables directional drilling for the efficient placement of the directional drilling tools in petroleum producing zones is reviewed along with the various engineering requirements or constraints. This thesis explores a multivariable attitude governing plant model as formulated in Panchal et al. (2010) which is used for developing robust control techniques. An inherent input and measurement delay which accounts for the plant's dead-time is included in the design of the controllers. A Smith Predictor controller is developed for reducing the effect of this dead-time. The developed controllers are compared for performance and robustness using structured singular value analysis and also for their performance indicated by the transient response of the closed loop models. Results for the transient non-linear simulation of the proposed controllers are also presented. The results obtained indicate that the objectives are satisfactorily achieved

    Distributed Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems Under Detectability and Communication Constraints

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    Cooperative control of multi-agent systems has recently gained widespread attention from the scientific communities due to numerous applications in areas such as the formation control in unmanned vehicles, cooperative attitude control of spacecrafts, clustering of micro-satellites, environmental monitoring and exploration by mobile sensor networks, etc. The primary goal of a cooperative control problem for multi-agent systems is to design a decentralized control algorithm for each agent, relying on the local coordination of their actions to exhibit a collective behavior. Common challenges encountered in the study of cooperative control problems are unavailable group-level information, and limited bandwidth of the shared communication. In this dissertation, we investigate one of such cooperative control problems, namely cooperative output regulation, under various local and global level constraints coming from physical and communication limitations. The objective of the cooperative output regulation problem (CORP) for multi-agent systems is to design a distributed control strategy for the agents to synchronize their state with an external system, called the leader, in the presence of disturbance inputs. For the problem at hand, we additionally consider the scenario in which none of the agents can independently access the synchronization signal from their view of the leader, and therefore it is not possible for the agents to achieve the group objective by themselves unless they cooperate among members. To this end, we devise a novel distributed estimation algorithm to collectively gather the leader states under the discussed detectability constraint, and then use this estimation to synthesize a distributed control solution to the problem. Next, we extend our results in CORP to the case with uncertain agent dynamics arising from modeling errors. In addition to the detectability constraint, we also assumed that the local regulated error signals are not available to the agents for feedback, and thus none of the agents have all the required measurements to independently synthesize a control solution. By combining the distributed observer and a control law based on the internal model principle for the agents, we offer a solution to the robust CORP under these added constraints. In practical applications of multi-agent systems, it is difficult to consistently maintain a reliable communication between the agents. By considering such challenge in the communication, we study the CORP for the case when agents are connected through a time-varying communication topology. Due to the presence of the detectability constraint that none of the agents can independently access all the leader states at any switching instant, we devise a distributed estimation algorithm for the agents to collectively reconstruct the leader states. Then by using this estimation, a distributed dynamic control solution is offered to solve the CORP under the added communication constraint. Since the fixed communication network is a special case of this time-varying counterpart, the offered control solution can be viewed as a generalization of the former results. For effective validation of previous theoretical results, we apply the control algorithms to a practical case study problem on synchronizing the position of networked motors under time-varying communication. Based on our experimental results, we also demonstrate the uniqueness of derived control solutions. Another communication constraint affecting the cooperative control performance is the presence of network delays. To this regard, first we study the distributed state estimation problem of an autonomous plant by a network of observers under heterogeneous time-invariant delays and then extend to the time-varying counterpart. With the use of a low gain based estimation technique, we derive a sufficient stability condition in terms of the upper bound of the low gain parameter or the time delay to guarantee the convergence of estimation errors. Additionally, when the plant measurements are subject to bounded disturbances, we find that that the local estimation errors also remain bounded. Lastly, by using this estimation, we present a distributed control solution for a leader-follower synchronization problem of a multi-agent system. Next, we present another case study concerning a synchronization control problem of a group of distributed generators in an islanded microgrid under unknown time-varying latency. Similar to the case of delayed communication in aforementioned works, we offer a low gain based distributed control protocol to synchronize the terminal voltage and inverter operating frequency