2,585 research outputs found

    The study of probability model for compound similarity searching

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    Information Retrieval or IR system main task is to retrieve relevant documents according to the users query. One of IR most popular retrieval model is the Vector Space Model. This model assumes relevance based on similarity, which is defined as the distance between query and document in the concept space. All currently existing chemical compound database systems have adapt the vector space model to calculate the similarity of a database entry to a query compound. However, it assumes that fragments represented by the bits are independent of one another, which is not necessarily true. Hence, the possibility of applying another IR model is explored, which is the Probabilistic Model, for chemical compound searching. This model estimates the probabilities of a chemical structure to have the same bioactivity as a target compound. It is envisioned that by ranking chemical structures in decreasing order of their probability of relevance to the query structure, the effectiveness of a molecular similarity searching system can be increased. Both fragment dependencies and independencies assumption are taken into consideration in achieving improvement towards compound similarity searching system. After conducting a series of simulated similarity searching, it is concluded that PM approaches really did perform better than the existing similarity searching. It gave better result in all evaluation criteria to confirm this statement. In terms of which probability model performs better, the BD model shown improvement over the BIR model

    Chemoinformatics Research at the University of Sheffield: A History and Citation Analysis

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    This paper reviews the work of the Chemoinformatics Research Group in the Department of Information Studies at the University of Sheffield, focusing particularly on the work carried out in the period 1985-2002. Four major research areas are discussed, these involving the development of methods for: substructure searching in databases of three-dimensional structures, including both rigid and flexible molecules; the representation and searching of the Markush structures that occur in chemical patents; similarity searching in databases of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional structures; and compound selection and the design of combinatorial libraries. An analysis of citations to 321 publications from the Group shows that it attracted a total of 3725 residual citations during the period 1980-2002. These citations appeared in 411 different journals, and involved 910 different citing organizations from 54 different countries, thus demonstrating the widespread impact of the Group's work

    Ligand-based virtual screening using binary kernel discrimination

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    This paper discusses the use of a machine-learning technique called binary kernel discrimination (BKD) for virtual screening in drug- and pesticide-discovery programmes. BKD is compared with several other ligand-based tools for virtual screening in databases of 2D structures represented by fragment bit-strings, and is shown to provide an effective, and reasonably efficient, way of prioritising compounds for biological screening

    Similarity-based virtual screening using 2D fingerprints

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    This paper summarises recent work at the University of Sheffield on virtual screening methods that use 2D fingerprint measures of structural similarity. A detailed comparison of a large number of similarity coefficients demonstrates that the well-known Tanimoto coefficient remains the method of choice for the computation of fingerprint-based similarity, despite possessing some inherent biases related to the sizes of the molecules that are being sought. Group fusion involves combining the results of similarity searches based on multiple reference structures and a single similarity measure. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach to screening, and also describe an approximate form of group fusion, turbo similarity searching, that can be used when just a single reference structure is available

    Effectiveness of graph-based and fingerprint-based similarity measures for virtual screening of 2D chemical structure databases

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    This paper reports an evaluation of both graph-based and fingerprint-based measures of structural similarity, when used for virtual screening of sets of 2D molecules drawn from the MDDR and ID Alert databases. The graph-based measures employ a new maximum common edge subgraph isomorphism algorithm, called RASCAL, with several similarity coefficients described previously for quantifying the similarity between pairs of graphs. The effectiveness of these graph-based searches is compared with that resulting from similarity searches using BCI, Daylight and Unity 2D fingerprints. Our results suggest that graph-based approaches provide an effective complement to existing fingerprint-based approaches to virtual screening

    Clustering files of chemical structures using the Szekely-Rizzo generalization of Ward's method

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    Ward's method is extensively used for clustering chemical structures represented by 2D fingerprints. This paper compares Ward clusterings of 14 datasets (containing between 278 and 4332 molecules) with those obtained using the Szekely–Rizzo clustering method, a generalization of Ward's method. The clusters resulting from these two methods were evaluated by the extent to which the various classifications were able to group active molecules together, using a novel criterion of clustering effectiveness. Analysis of a total of 1400 classifications (Ward and Székely–Rizzo clustering methods, 14 different datasets, 5 different fingerprints and 10 different distance coefficients) demonstrated the general superiority of the Székely–Rizzo method. The distance coefficient first described by Soergel performed extremely well in these experiments, and this was also the case when it was used in simulated virtual screening experiments

    Evaluation of a Bayesian inference network for ligand-based virtual screening

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    Background Bayesian inference networks enable the computation of the probability that an event will occur. They have been used previously to rank textual documents in order of decreasing relevance to a user-defined query. Here, we modify the approach to enable a Bayesian inference network to be used for chemical similarity searching, where a database is ranked in order of decreasing probability of bioactivity. Results Bayesian inference networks were implemented using two different types of network and four different types of belief function. Experiments with the MDDR and WOMBAT databases show that a Bayesian inference network can be used to provide effective ligand-based screening, especially when the active molecules being sought have a high degree of structural homogeneity; in such cases, the network substantially out-performs a conventional, Tanimoto-based similarity searching system. However, the effectiveness of the network is much less when structurally heterogeneous sets of actives are being sought. Conclusion A Bayesian inference network provides an interesting alternative to existing tools for ligand-based virtual screening

    Enhancing the effectiveness of ligand-based virtual screening using data fusion

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    Data fusion is being increasingly used to combine the outputs of different types of sensor. This paper reviews the application of the approach to ligand-based virtual screening, where the sensors to be combined are functions that score molecules in a database on their likelihood of exhibiting some required biological activity. Much of the literature to date involves the combination of multiple similarity searches, although there is also increasing interest in the combination of multiple machine learning techniques. Both approaches are reviewed here, focusing on the extent to which fusion can improve the effectiveness of searching when compared with a single screening mechanism, and on the reasons that have been suggested for the observed performance enhancement
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