143 research outputs found

    Effect of curing conditions and harvesting stage of maturity on Ethiopian onion bulb drying properties

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    The study was conducted to investigate the impact of curing conditions and harvesting stageson the drying quality of onion bulbs. The onion bulbs (Bombay Red cultivar) were harvested at three harvesting stages (early, optimum, and late maturity) and cured at three different temperatures (30, 40 and 50 oC) and relative humidity (30, 50 and 70%). The results revealed that curing temperature, RH, and maturity stage had significant effects on all measuredattributesexcept total soluble solids

    Discrete element method simulation of packing and rheological properties of coke and coke/pitch mixtures

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    La production mondiale d’aluminium, produit via le procédé Hall Héroult, est actuellement autour de 60000 tonnes annuellement. Ce procédé a principalement conservé le concept original développé en 1886. Les anodes de carbone précuites utlisées dans ce procédé représentent une part importante du design des cellules d’électrolyse de l’aluminium. Les anodes font partie de la réaction chimique de la réduction de l’alumine et sont consommées lors du processus d’électrolyse. De ce fait, le niveau de consommation et la qualité des anodes ont un effet direct sur la performance des alumineries dans le marché extrêmement compétitif de la production d’aluminium. Bien que le processus et le design des anodes datent de 130 ans, l’effet des propriétés des matières premières sur la qualité finale des anodes n’est pas tout à fait maîtrisé, nécessitant ainsi des recherches approfondies. Les anodes de carbone sont composées de particules de coke, de pitch et de mégots d’anodes. Le pitch à la température de mélange et de formage est un liquide. Par conséquent, le mélange est une pâte de coke et des agrégats de mégots et pitch agissant comme liant. Le comportement de l'écoulement et du compactage de ce mélange en raison de la coexistence d'une variété de paramètres physiques, chimiques et mécaniques sont des phénomènes complexes. Compte tenu de l'importance des anodes de haute qualité et de longue durée en performance et donc l'économie des cellules de réduction, sous-estimer et prédire les propriétés finales des anodes sont très importantes pour les fonderies. La modélisation numérique dans des problèmes aussi complexes peut fournir un laboratoire virtuel où les effets de différents paramètres de processus ou des matériaux sur la qualité de l'anode peuvent être étudiés sans risquer la performance du pot. Toutefois, le choix de la méthode numérique est une décision critique qui doit être prise en fonction de la physique du problème et de l'échelle géométrique des problèmes étudiés. La méthode des éléments discrets (DEM) est utilisée dans ce travail de recherche pour modéliser les deux phases de la pâte d’anode; les agrégats de coke et le brai de pétrole. Dans cette partie du travail, les modèles DEM d’agrégats de coke sont utilisés pour simuler les tests de densité en vrac vibrée des particules de coke et pour révéler les paramètres impliqués. De par sa nature, la DEM est idéale pour étudier les contacts entre particules. Les résultats de ces travaux seront ensuite utilisés pour proposer de nouvelles recettes d’agrégats secs avec une densité en vrac supérieure. La résistivité électrique de lits de particules a été mesurée expérimentalement. Les informations sur les contacts entre particules obtenues à partir des modèles numériques ont été utilisées pour expliquer la résistivité électrique de lits de particules avec différentes distribution de tailles de particules. Les résultats ont montré que lorsque le nombre de contacts par unité de volume augmente dans un échantillon, la résistivité électrique augmente aussi. La densité compactée du lit de particules a aussi une influence sur le passage de courant dans les matériaux granulaires. D’après les résultats obtenus, conserver la densité de contacts aussi basse que possible est bénéfique pour la conductivité électrique s’il n’a pas d’impact négatif sur la densité compactée. Le brai de houille est un matériau viscoélastique à température élevée. Dans ce travail, les propriétés rhéologiques du brai et de la matrice liante (brai + particules fines de coke) ont été mesurées expérimentalement en utilisant un rhéomètre à cisaillement dynamique à 135, 140 145 et 150 °C. Le modèle de Burger à quatre éléments est alors utilisé pour modéliser le comportement mécanique du brai à 150 °C. Le modèle vérifié est alors utilisé pour étudier les propriétés rhéologiques du brai et du mélange coke /brai à 150 °C. Le modèle de Burger calibré démontre une bonne prédiction des propriétés viscoélastiques du brai et de la matrice liante à différentes températures. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, considérant la physique du problème, la méthode des éléments distincts est une technique de simulation numérique adaptée pour étudier les effets des matières premières sur les propriétés mécaniques et physiques des mélanges coke /brai.Global aluminum production now is around 60 000 metric tonnes, annually, which is produced by the Hall-Héroult process. The process has mostly kept the original concept developed in 1886. Pre-baked carbon anodes are an important part of the design of aluminum smelting cells. Anodes are part of the chemical reaction of alumina reduction and are consumed during the process. Thus, quality and properties of anodes have direct effects on the performance and economy of the aluminum production in today’s highly competitive market. Although the design of anodes goes back to 130 years ago, effects of raw materials properties on final quality of anodes still need to be investigated. Anodes are composed of granulated calcined coke, binder pitch and recycled anode butts. Pitch at temperatures of mixing and forming steps is a liquid. Hence the mixture is a paste of coke and butts aggregates with pitch acting as binder. Flow and compaction behavior of this mixture, because of the co-existence of a variety of physical, chemical and mechanical parameters are complicated phenomena. Given the importance of high quality and long lasting anodes in performance and so the economy of the reduction cells, understating and predicting the final properties of anodes are very important for smelters. Numerical modeling in such complicated problems can provide a virtual laboratory where effects of different materials or process parameters on anode quality index can be studied without risking the pot performance. However, the choice of the numerical framework is a critical decision which needs to be taken according to the physics of the problem and the geometrical scale of the investigated problems. Discrete Element Method (DEM) is used in this research work to model the anode paste. In the first step, DEM models of coke aggregates are used to simulate the vibrated bulk density test of coke particles and to reveal the parameters involved. As a micromechanical model, DEM provides a unique opportunity to investigate the particle-particle contacts. The developed DEM models of coke aggregates were then used to propose a new dry aggregates recipe exhibiting higher packing density. Packing density of coke aggregates has direct effect on the baked density of anodes. High density is a very favorable anode quality index as it has positive effects on mechanical strength, and consumption rate of anodes in the cell. Electrical resistivity of bed of particles was experimentally measured. Particle-particle contacts information obtained from numerical models were used to explain the electrical resistivity of samples with different size distribution. Results showed that the increase in the number of contacts in volume unit of a sample increases, the electrical resistivity of the particle bed. Packing density also influences the electrical current transfer in granular systems. According to the obtained results, keeping the contacts density as low as possible is beneficial for electrical conductivity if it does not have a negative effect on packing density. Pitch is a viscoelastic material at elevated temperatures. In the present work, rheological properties of pitch and binder matrix (pitch+fine coke particles) were experimentally measured using a dynamic shear rheometer at 135, 140, 145 and 150 ºC. Four-element Burger’s model is then used to model the mechanical behavior of pitch and binder matrix. The verified model is then used to investigate the rheological properties of pitch and coke/pitch mixtures at 150 ºC. Calibrated Burger’s model showed to have a good prediction of viscoelastic properties of pitch and binder matrix at different temperatures. Obtained numerical results showed that available empirical equations in the literature fail to predict the complex modulus of mixtures of pitch and coke particles. As pitch has viscoelastic response and coke particles have irregular shapes, rheology of this mixture is more complicated and needs well-tailored mathematical models. Complex modulus of pitch decreases by increasing the temperature from 135 to 150 ºC, this makes easier the coke/pitch mixtures to flow. DEM modeling showed that the mixture gets a better compaction and so lower porosity by vibro-compacting at higher temperatures. The ability of pitch to penetrate to inter-particle voids in the porous structure of bed of coke particles was also shown to be improved by temperature. Final anode structure with less porosity and so high density is favorable for its mechanical strength as well as its chemical reaction in the cell as Based on the obtained results and considering the physics of the problem, it can be said that discrete element method is an appropriate numerical simulation technique to study the effects of raw materials and the anode paste formulation on mechanical and physical properties of coke/pitch mixtures. The platform created in the course of this research effort, provides a unique opportunity to study a variety of parameters such as size distribution, shape and content of coke particles, content and rheological properties of pitch on densification of coke/pitch mixtures in vibro-compaction process. Outputs of this thesis provide a better understanding of complicated response of anode paste in the forming process

    XVIII International Coal Preparation Congress

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    Changes in economic and market conditions of mineral raw materials in recent years have greatly increased demands on the ef fi ciency of mining production. This is certainly true of the coal industry. World coal consumption is growing faster than other types of fuel and in the past year it exceeded 7.6 billion tons. Coal extraction and processing technology are continuously evolving, becoming more economical and environmentally friendly. “ Clean coal ” technology is becoming increasingly popular. Coal chemistry, production of new materials and pharmacology are now added to the traditional use areas — power industry and metallurgy. The leading role in the development of new areas of coal use belongs to preparation technology and advanced coal processing. Hi-tech modern technology and the increasing interna- tional demand for its effectiveness and ef fi ciency put completely new goals for the University. Our main task is to develop a new generation of workforce capacity and research in line with global trends in the development of science and technology to address critical industry issues. Today Russia, like the rest of the world faces rapid and profound changes affecting all spheres of life. The de fi ning feature of modern era has been a rapid development of high technology, intellectual capital being its main asset and resource. The dynamics of scienti fi c and technological development requires acti- vation of University research activities. The University must be a generator of ideas to meet the needs of the economy and national development. Due to the high intellectual potential, University expert mission becomes more and more called for and is capable of providing professional assessment and building science-based predictions in various fi elds. Coal industry, as well as the whole fuel and energy sector of the global economy is growing fast. Global multinational energy companies are less likely to be under state in fl uence and will soon become the main mechanism for the rapid spread of technologies based on new knowledge. Mineral resources will have an even greater impact on the stability of the economies of many countries. Current progress in the technology of coal-based gas synthesis is not just a change in the traditional energy markets, but the emergence of new products of direct consumption, obtained from coal, such as synthetic fuels, chemicals and agrochemical products. All this requires a revision of the value of coal in the modern world economy

    The Development and Application of Microwave Heating

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    Microwave heating has found many applications ranging from the microwave ovens in kitchen to heat food, to a sterilization apparatus for medical treatment, to materials processing in the various fields. In those applications, microwave heating demonstrates significant advantages over conventional methods in reduced processing time and less environmental impacts. This book is comprised of eight chapters within three parts highlighting different aspects covering both the basic understandings and the advanced applications. The included discussion on the application of microwave heating in the field of food-, chemical engineering-, agricultural-, forestry- and mineral processing industry will provide a passage for future research. As a monograph, it is designed to be a fundamental reference book, aiming to help the readers to concentrate on the key aspects behind the success in microwave heating

    Advances in Pyrometallurgy

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    There are several major megatrends having an impact on pyrometallurgical metal processing. The steadily growing demand for all metals is strengthened by the emergence of electrical vehicles (EV), which brings a high need for battery metals, but additionally, a significant increase in copper consumption. Even if only moderate forecasts for the number of the EVs become true, production of the base metals must increase by tens of percentages, or even more than double. At the same time, pyrometallurgical processes have to produce fewer side products, such as slag, and maintain the quality level of the primary product, although raw material mixtures are increasingly complex and new elements are entering the processes in secondary raw materials. Therefore, it is imperative to continue the development of pyrometallurgical processes more efficiently and productively, while still improving their selectivity regarding slagging the unwanted material and recovering the desired elements. This Special Issue is for current advances in the pyrometallurgical processing of metals, including all aspects, namely, the basic unit processes and operations in a smelter, metallurgical engineering, furnace integrity, cooling systems, modelling, slag and offgas handling, to name a few. A collection of 13 papers deal with ferrous and ferroalloy development, and the processing of different raw materials for metal production

    Development of water-based core technology for light alloys

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    This thesis describes, in a manufacturing context, the development of new waterbased core technology for light alloys. Cores used for steel casting are made from fused silica and are removed using hot sodium hydroxide under refluxing (pressurising hot acids). However, aluminium and other light alloys are attacked by sodium hydroxide. Currently there is no good core system for aluminium and other light alloys. It is therefore desirable to find an alternative material/leaching agent combination for casting aluminium and other light alloys. The recent research review has shown that ceramic cores are mostly made by fused silica with different additives. The previous research has suggested using fused silica (different mesh size) as filling material and using magnesium oxide to control the slurry working life of core mixes. Calcium silicate assists core leaching in dilute acid. The plaster (calcium sulphate) in the form of proprietary plasters (Crystcal R, Fine Casting Plaster) is used to create bond and gives strength to the core. Lithium carbonate acts has an accelerator, improving the strengthening effect of the plaster in the cores. The binder (Ludox® AM) and water act (as added materials) to bind the composition Core compositions were made with different core trials to produce a core, which records suitable strength and quick leaching properties for light alloys. Core trials were individually mixed and poured into a wooden core box. Cores were pre-dried for twenty-four hours. Cores were fired to different temperatures for two hours, followed by two hours cooling. The cores were subjected to computerised three-point bend test to record the Modulus of rupture (MOR). The plain strain fracture toughness and Weibull parameters were calculated. The Weibull parameter was plotted using Minitab analysis software. Using the cores, gravity die casting process were carried out. The subsequent castings was dipped in diluted nitric, citric and acetic acid to leach out the core. Using different core compositions, core trials were mixed, poured, dried, tested and leached. The high amount of plaster in core trials records high MOR when cores were fired between 200°- 400° C and the opposite result when fired between 600°- 800° C. The different grade of plasters(CRP,FCP) do not influence the strength. One percent of magnesium oxide gives a very short working life. High amount of binder(Ludox® AM) in core produce strong cores. Workable MOR results can be obtained depending on composition allowing manual handling or a waxing process. The fracture toughness is typical of a brittle material, with matching Weibull parameters. The casting process suggests that the new materials are sufficiently refractory. The cores are leached out using diluted nitric, acetic and citric acid at rates compatible with commercial manufacture. This methodology has successfully produced a core using fused silica with plaster and magnesium oxide for aluminium and possibly for light alloys. Different core trials can be used depending on the specific industrial application relating to strength and removal with acid attacking the metal. Further work is needed to fine tune optimum leaching conditions.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo