638 research outputs found

    Design and Dynamic Control of Heteropolar Inductor Machines

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    Англійська мова для студентів електромеханічних спеціальностей

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    Навчальний посібник розрахований на студентів напряму підготовки 6.050702 Електромеханіка. Містить уроки, що структуровані за тематичними розділами, граматичний коментар, короткі англо-український і українсько- англійський словники та додатки, які спрямовані на закріплення загальних навичок володіння англійською мовою. Акцентований на ɨсобливості термінології, що застосовується у науково-технічній галузі, зокрема, в електромеханіці та виконання запропонованих завдань, що буде сприяти формуванню навичок перекладу з англійської та української мов, сприйняттю письмової та усної англійської мови, вмінню письмового викладення англійською мовою науково-технічних та інших текстів під час професійної діяльності, спілкуванню з професійних та загальних питань тощо

    Um estudo sobre métodos de determinação de estados e parâmetros de máquinas síncronas de polos salientes

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    Orientador: Mateus GiesbrechtDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: As máquinas síncronas de polos salientes desempenham um papel fundamental na análise de estabilidade de sistemas elétricos de potência, especialmente em países cuja maior parte da energia gerada provém de fontes hidráulicas. Os modelos elétricos equivalentes que descrevem o comportamento dessas máquinas são compostos por diversos parâmetros, os quais são utilizados em uma ampla gama de estudos. No presente trabalho, estudam-se e propõem-se técnicas de estimação de estados e parâmetros de máquinas síncronas de polos salientes. A princípio, as equações de tensão, de fluxos concatenados, de potência e de movimento são desenvolvidas com as devidas unidades de medida, tanto em variáveis de máquina quanto em variáveis projetadas sobre um plano ortogonal que gira na velocidade elétrica do rotor. Na maior parte da literatura, essas unidades não são explicitadas no equacionamento. Dentre os parâmetros elétricos dos modelos das máquinas síncronas de polos salientes, as reatâncias de magnetização são os que mais influenciam o comportamento da máquina em condições de regime permanente senoidal. Desta forma, apresenta-se uma nova abordagem à estimação do ângulo de carga dessas máquinas e o subsequente cálculo das reatâncias de magnetização a partir de condições de carga específicas -- o desempenho do método proposto é avaliado em dados de simulação e em dados reais de operação de um gerador síncrono de grande porte. Algumas abordagens à determinação de parâmetros requerem que a máquina seja posta fora de operação para que ensaios específicos possam ser realizados. Dentre eles, um dos mais empregados na determinação de parâmetros transitórios e de regime permanente é o ensaio de rejeição de carga; assim, este ensaio também é analisado e aperfeiçoado por um método automatizado de separação de soma de exponenciais baseado em projeção de variáveis. Por tratar-se de um sistema multivariável e altamente não linear, diferentes observadores de estado também são utilizados para se determinarem estados e parâmetros de máquinas síncronas em tempo hábil e com precisão satisfatória. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem não linear recursivamente aplicável à estimação de fluxos concatenados, correntes de enrolamentos amortecedores, ângulo de carga e reatâncias de magnetização de máquinas síncronas de polos salientes por meio da filtragem de partículas. Um modelo não linear de oitava ordem é considerado e apenas as medições realizadas nos terminais da armadura e do campo durante regime permanente se fazem necessárias para estimar as referidas grandezasAbstract: Salient-pole synchronous machines play a fundamental role in the stability analysis of electrical power systems, especially in countries where most of the generated energy comes from hydraulic sources. The electrical equivalent models that describe the behavior of these machines are composed of several electrical parameters, which are used in a wide range of studies. In the present work, techniques for estimating states and parameters of salient-pole synchronous machines are studied and proposed. A priori, the voltage, flux linkage, power, and motion equations are developed with the appropriate units included, both in machine variables and in variables projected on an orthogonal plane rotating in the rotor's electrical speed. In most of the literature, these units are not explained in the equation process. Among the electrical parameters, the magnetizing reactances are the ones that most influence the machine behavior under transient and steady-state conditions. In this way, a new approach to estimate the load angle of these machines and the subsequent calculation of the magnetizing reactances from specific load conditions are presented -- the performance of the proposed method is evaluated by means of simulation data and by operating data of a large synchronous generator. Some approaches to determine parameters require the machine to be taken out of operation, so that specific tests may be performed. Among them, one of the most used to determine transient and steady-state parameters is the load rejection test; thus, this test is also analyzed and refined by an automated method based on variable projection for separating the resulting sum-of-exponentials. Since the machines are highly nonlinear, multivariate, dynamic systems, different state observers seek to solve the state estimation problem in a timely manner and with satisfactory accuracy. This work presents a nonlinear and recursive approach for the estimation of flux linkages per second, amortisseur winding currents, load angle, and magnetizing reactances of salient-pole synchronous machines by means of the particle filtering. An eighth-order nonlinear model is considered, and only measurements taken at the machine terminals are necessary to estimate these quantitiesMestradoAutomaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétrica162015/2018-6CNPq

    New approach to steady-state and dynamic nonlinear modelling of laminated salient-pole alternator systems

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    A complete mathematical model for a generator system consisting of an isolated laminated salient-pole alternator, exciter and prime mover is presented, with emphasis on the inherent electromagnetic nonlinearities in the alternator and its exciter. An equivalent circuit, representing the rotor circuits accurately, has been adopted to model the al ternator in the dqo reference frame. A computer program has been developed to calculate the unsaturated parameters of the model using the machine design data. A new approach has been developed to account for the electromagnetic saturation effects on the model reactances. Consequently new saturation factors, based on the machine design particulars have been deri ved. The advantages of these saturation factors, compared with conventional factors, are that both mutual saturation effects between the main and leakage fluxes, and between the direct- and quadratureaxis fluxes are considered. A mathematical nonlinear model, utilising the new saturation factors, is presented for a system containing an isolated laminated salientpole alternator and a direct thyristor static exciter. A digital computer program has been developed to simulate the system. The predicted results, for some steady state and dynamic candi tions, showgood agreement with test results and clear improvement over those obtained if saturation is either neglected or considered using the conventional saturation factors. At high saturation levels, the conventional method of calculating the machine transformer voltages, using static saturated reactances, gives unacceptable errors. A method for calculating these voltages correctly, in models utilising the currents as state space variables, is presented using new derived dynamic saturated reactances. This dynamic reactance concept is presented in a generalised form so that it can be applied to any machine with different saturation factors. The previous mathematical model of the alternator system has been modified according to the dynamic reactance concept, and the computer program has been developed accordingly. The predicted results confirm the need to apply this concept especially to dynamic conditions characterised by high saturation levels. To extend the analysis to a wider range of loading conditions, the alternator has been modelled in the abc reference frame. The unsaturated, static and dynamic saturated reactances of the machine in this reference frame have been obtained using conventional dqo-abc transformation techniques. Starting from the fundamental machine relations, a new set of equations, in the phase reference frame, has been derived employing the new dynamic reactance concept. A comprehensive system consisting of an isolated laminated salientpole alternator, brushless exciter, thyristor divert automatic voltage regulator and a diesel prime mover has been studied. Both the alternator and the exciter have been modelled in the abc frame to comply with the nature of rectifier loading associated with the exci ter. A complete steady state and dynamic mathematical model is presented where the t~r technique has been applied to the dynamic variable topology of the system electrical circuits. The model presented covers all the possible modes of operation associated with the exciter rotating bridge rectifier circuit. A digital computer program has been developed to simUlate the system. The predicted results obtained using the new set of saturation factors in conjunction with the dynamic reactance concept show good agreement with the test results. The study presented confirms the validity of the mathematical models developed for the alternator systems. Also, it supports the metlxxi by which the electromagnetic nonlinearity has been accounted for

    Traction axial flux motor-generator for hybrid electric bus application

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    Tato dizertační práce se zabývá návrhem původního motor-generátoru s axiálním tokem a buzením permanetními magnety, zkonstruovaným specificky pro hybridní elektrický autobus. Návrhové zadání pro tento stroj přineslo požadavky, které vedly k této unikátní topologii tak, aby byl dosažen výkon, účinnost a rozměry stroje. Tato partikulární topologie motor-generátoru s axiálním tokem je výsledkem literární rešerše, kterou následoval výběr koncepce stroje s představeným návrhem jako výsledkem těchto procesů. Přístup k návrhu stroje s axiálním tokem sledoval „multi-fyzikální“ koncepci, která pracuje s návrhem elektromagnetickým, tepelným, mechanickým, včetně návrhu řízení, v jedné iteraci. Tím je v konečném návrhu zajištěna rovnováha mezi těmito inženýrskými disciplínami. Pro samotný návrh stroje byla vyvinuta sada výpočtových a analytických nástrojů, které byly podloženy metodou konečných prvků tak, aby samotný návrh stroje byl přesnější a spolehlivější. Modelování somtného elektrického stroje a celého pohonu poskytlo představu o výkonnosti a účinnosti celého subsytému v rozmanitých operačních podmínkách. Rovněž poukázal na optimizační potenciál pro návrh řízení subsystému ve smyslu maximalizace účinnosti celého pohonu. Bylo postaveno několik prototypů tohoto stroje, které prošly intensivním testováním jak na úrovni sybsytému, tak systému. Samotné výsledky testů jsou diskutovány a porovnány s analytickými výpočty parametrů stroje. Poznatky získané z prvního prototypu stroje pak sloužily k představení možností, jak zjednodušit výrobu a montáž stroje v příští generaci. Tato práce zaznamenává jednotlivé kroky během všech fází vývoje elektrického stroje s axiálním tokem, počínaje výběrem konceptu stroje, konče sumarizací zkušeností získaných z první generace prototypu tohoto stroje.This thesis deals with a design of a novel Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Motor-Generator for a hybrid electric bus application. Thus, the design specification represents a set of requirements, which leads toward a concept of a unique topology meeting performance, efficiency and dimensional targets. The particular topology of the Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Motor-Generator discussed in this work is an outcome of deep literature survey, followed by the concept selection stage with the layout of the machine as an outcome of this processes. The design approach behind this so-called Spoke Axial-Flux Machine follows an idea of multiphysics iterations, including electromagnetic, thermal, mechanical and controls design. Such a process behind the eventually proposed design ensured a right balance in between all of these engineering disciplines. A set of bespoke design and analysis tools was developed for that reason, and was backed up by extensive use of Finite-Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Therefore, the actual machine design gained higher level of confidence and fidelity. Modelling of the machine and its drive provided understanding of performance and efficiency of the whole subsystem at various operational conditions. Moreover, it has illustrated an optimization potential for the controls design, so that efficiency of the machine and power electronics might be maximized. Several prototypes of this machine have been built and passed through extensive testing both on the subsystem and system level. Actual test results are discussed, and compared to analytical predictions in terms of the machine's parameters. As a lesson learned from the first prototype of this machine, a set of redesign proposals aiming for simplification of manufacturing and assembly processes, are introduced. This work records steps behind all phases of development of the Axial Flux Machine from a basic idea as an outcome of concept selection stage, up to testing and wrap-up of experience gained from the first generation of the machine.

    Iron Loss Computation in a Synchronous Machine from a Static Field Solution

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    Owing to the increasing energy demand, a highly efficient synchronous machine can play a crucial role in energy saving by reducing energy consumption. An optimum machine design requires a good estimation of the power losses, particularly the iron loss due to the complexity involved with the accurate loss prediction. The prediction of iron loss in the synchronous machine has drawn massive attraction due to the extensive use in the power stations and other industrial applications. The conventional time-stepping method for iron loss calculation is computationally highly expensive and can be productive as long as the number of computations remains in a respectable range. However, the situation is different when an excessive number of computations are required, such as for machine optimization, which turns this method into unprofitable. The development of fast and computationally efficient static analysis in case of synchronous machine induce a thought of computing the iron loss using this method which can minimize the computation cost and substitute the time consuming traditional loss computation method. Based on this notion, an effective iron loss computation technique was developed from a single static field simulation which is much faster than the conventional time-stepping method and provide a fair accuracy. A two-dimensional Finite Element Method was used, and the model was integrated with the static FEM analysis program in the in-house software FCSMEK. The model was applied to a 12.5 MW salient pole synchronous machine, and the computational accuracy was validated with the conventional time-stepping simulation

    Condition Monitoring System of Wind Turbine Generators

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    The development and implementation of the condition monitoring systems (CMS) play a significant role in overcoming the number of failures in the wind turbine generators that result from the harsh operation conditions, such as over temperature, particularly when turbines are deployed offshore. In order to increase the reliability of the wind energy industry, monitoring the operation conditions of wind generators is essential to detect the immediate faults rapidly and perform appropriate preventative maintenance. CMS helps to avoid failures, decrease the potential shutdowns while running, reduce the maintenance and operation costs and maintain wind turbines protected. The knowledge of wind turbine generators\u27 faults, such as stator and rotor inter-turn faults, is indispensable to perform the condition monitoring accurately, and assist with maintenance decision making. Many techniques are utilized to avoid the occurrence of failures in wind turbine generators. The majority of the previous techniques that are applied to monitor the wind generator conditions are based on electrical and mechanical concepts and theories. An advanced CMS can be implemented by using a variety of different techniques and methods to confirm the validity of the obtained electrical and mechanical condition monitoring algorithms. This thesis is focused on applying CMS on wind generators due to high temperature by contributing the statistical, thermal, mathematical, and reliability analyses, and mechanical concepts with the electrical methodology, instead of analyzing the electrical signal and frequencies trends only. The newly developed algorithms can be compared with previous condition monitoring methods, which use the electrical approach in order to establish their advantages and limitations. For example, the hazard reliability techniques of wind generators based on CMS are applied to develop a proper maintenance strategy, which aims to extend the system life-time and reduce the potential failures during operation due to high generator temperatures. In addition, the use of some advanced statistical techniques, such as regression models, is proposed to perform a CMS on wind generators. Further, the mechanical and thermal characteristics are employed to diagnose the faults that can occur in wind generators. The rate of change in the generator temperature with respect to the induced electrical torque; for instance is considered as an indicator to the occurrence of faults in the generators. The behavior of the driving torque of the rotating permanent magnet with respect to the permanent magnet temperature can also utilize to indicate the operation condition. The permanent magnet model describes the rotating permanent magnet condition during operation in the normal and abnormal situations. In this context, a set of partial differential equations is devolved for the characterization of the rotations of the permanent. Finally, heat transfer analysis and fluid mechanics methods are employed to develop a suitable CMS on the wind generators by analyzing the operation conditions of the generator\u27s heat exchanger. The proposed methods applied based on real data of different wind turbines, and the obtained results were very convincing

    Improved transistor-controlled and commutated brushless DC motors for electric vehicle propulsion

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    The development, design, construction, and testing processes of two electronically (transistor) controlled and commutated permanent magnet brushless dc machine systems, for propulsion of electric vehicles are detailed. One machine system was designed and constructed using samarium cobalt for permanent magnets, which supply the rotor (field) excitation. Meanwhile, the other machine system was designed and constructed with strontium ferrite permanent magnets as the source of rotor (field) excitation. These machine systems were designed for continuous rated power output of 15 hp (11.2 kw), and a peak one minute rated power output of 35 hp (26.1 kw). Both power ratings are for a rated voltage of 115 volts dc, assuming a voltage drop in the source (battery) of about 5 volts. That is, an internal source voltage of 120 volts dc. Machine-power conditioner system computer-aided simulations were used extensively in the design process. These simulations relied heavily on the magnetic field analysis in these machines using the method of finite elements, as well as methods of modeling of the machine power conditioner system dynamic interaction. These simulation processes are detailed. Testing revealed that typical machine system efficiencies at 15 hp (11.2 kw) were about 88% and 84% for the samarium cobalt and strontium ferrite based machine systems, respectively. Both systems met the peak one minute rating of 35 hp

    Design and Application of Electrical Machines

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    Electrical machines are one of the most important components of the industrial world. They are at the heart of the new industrial revolution, brought forth by the development of electromobility and renewable energy systems. Electric motors must meet the most stringent requirements of reliability, availability, and high efficiency in order, among other things, to match the useful lifetime of power electronics in complex system applications and compete in the market under ever-increasing pressure to deliver the highest performance criteria. Today, thanks to the application of highly efficient numerical algorithms running on high-performance computers, it is possible to design electric machines and very complex drive systems faster and at a lower cost. At the same time, progress in the field of material science and technology enables the development of increasingly complex motor designs and topologies. The purpose of this Special Issue is to contribute to this development of electric machines. The publication of this collection of scientific articles, dedicated to the topic of electric machine design and application, contributes to the dissemination of the above information among professionals dealing with electrical machines