3,026 research outputs found

    Affine Subspace Representation for Feature Description

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    This paper proposes a novel Affine Subspace Representation (ASR) descriptor to deal with affine distortions induced by viewpoint changes. Unlike the traditional local descriptors such as SIFT, ASR inherently encodes local information of multi-view patches, making it robust to affine distortions while maintaining a high discriminative ability. To this end, PCA is used to represent affine-warped patches as PCA-patch vectors for its compactness and efficiency. Then according to the subspace assumption, which implies that the PCA-patch vectors of various affine-warped patches of the same keypoint can be represented by a low-dimensional linear subspace, the ASR descriptor is obtained by using a simple subspace-to-point mapping. Such a linear subspace representation could accurately capture the underlying information of a keypoint (local structure) under multiple views without sacrificing its distinctiveness. To accelerate the computation of ASR descriptor, a fast approximate algorithm is proposed by moving the most computational part (ie, warp patch under various affine transformations) to an offline training stage. Experimental results show that ASR is not only better than the state-of-the-art descriptors under various image transformations, but also performs well without a dedicated affine invariant detector when dealing with viewpoint changes.Comment: To Appear in the 2014 European Conference on Computer Visio

    Clique descriptor of affine invariant regions for robust wide baseline image matching

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    Assuming that the image distortion between corresponding regions of a stereo pair of images with wide baseline can be approximated as an affine transformation if the regions are reasonably small, recent image matching algorithms have focused on affine invariant region (IR) detection and its description to increase the robustness in matching. However, the distinctiveness of an intensity-based region descriptor tends to deteriorate when an image includes homogeneous texture or repetitive pattern. To address this problem, we investigated the geometry of a local IR cluster (also called a clique) and propose a new clique-based image matching method. In the proposed method, the clique of an IR is estimated by Delaunay triangulation in a local affine frame and the Hausdorff distance is adopted for matching an inexact number of multiple descriptor vectors. We also introduce two adaptively weighted clique distances, where the neighbour distance in a clique is appropriately weighted according to characteristics of the local feature distribution. Experimental results show the clique-based matching method produces more tentative correspondences than variants of the SIFT-based method

    Selecting surface features for accurate multi-camera surface reconstruction

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    This paper proposes a novel feature detector for selecting local textures that are suitable for accurate multi-camera surface reconstruction, and in particular planar patch fitting techniques. This approach is in contrast to conventional feature detectors, which focus on repeatability under scale and affine transformations rather than suitability for multi-camera reconstruction techniques. The proposed detector selects local textures that are sensitive to affine transformations, which is a fundamental requirement for accurate patch fitting. The proposed detector is evaluated against the SIFT detector on a synthetic dataset and the fitted patches are compared against ground truth. The experiments show that patches originating from the proposed detector are fitted more accurately to the visible surfaces than those originating from SIFT keypoints. In addition, the detector is evaluated on a performance capture studio dataset to show the real-world application of the proposed detector

    Selecting surface features for accurate multi-camera surface reconstruction

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    This paper proposes a novel feature detector for selecting local textures that are suitable for accurate multi-camera surface reconstruction, and in particular planar patch fitting techniques. This approach is in contrast to conventional feature detectors, which focus on repeatability under scale and affine transformations rather than suitability for multi-camera reconstruction techniques. The proposed detector selects local textures that are sensitive to affine transformations, which is a fundamental requirement for accurate patch fitting. The proposed detector is evaluated against the SIFT detector on a synthetic dataset and the fitted patches are compared against ground truth. The experiments show that patches originating from the proposed detector are fitted more accurately to the visible surfaces than those originating from SIFT keypoints. In addition, the detector is evaluated on a performance capture studio dataset to show the real-world application of the proposed detector

    Large scale evaluation of local image feature detectors on homography datasets

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    We present a large scale benchmark for the evaluation of local feature detectors. Our key innovation is the introduction of a new evaluation protocol which extends and improves the standard detection repeatability measure. The new protocol is better for assessment on a large number of images and reduces the dependency of the results on unwanted distractors such as the number of detected features and the feature magnification factor. Additionally, our protocol provides a comprehensive assessment of the expected performance of detectors under several practical scenarios. Using images from the recently-introduced HPatches dataset, we evaluate a range of state-of-the-art local feature detectors on two main tasks: viewpoint and illumination invariant detection. Contrary to previous detector evaluations, our study contains an order of magnitude more image sequences, resulting in a quantitative evaluation significantly more robust to over-fitting. We also show that traditional detectors are still very competitive when compared to recent deep-learning alternatives.Comment: Accepted to BMVC 201

    Class-Based Feature Matching Across Unrestricted Transformations

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    We develop a novel method for class-based feature matching across large changes in viewing conditions. The method is based on the property that when objects share a similar part, the similarity is preserved across viewing conditions. Given a feature and a training set of object images, we first identify the subset of objects that share this feature. The transformation of the feature's appearance across viewing conditions is determined mainly by properties of the feature, rather than of the object in which it is embedded. Therefore, the transformed feature will be shared by approximately the same set of objects. Based on this consistency requirement, corresponding features can be reliably identified from a set of candidate matches. Unlike previous approaches, the proposed scheme compares feature appearances only in similar viewing conditions, rather than across different viewing conditions. As a result, the scheme is not restricted to locally planar objects or affine transformations. The approach also does not require examples of correct matches. We show that by using the proposed method, a dense set of accurate correspondences can be obtained. Experimental comparisons demonstrate that matching accuracy is significantly improved over previous schemes. Finally, we show that the scheme can be successfully used for invariant object recognition

    Rapid Online Analysis of Local Feature Detectors and Their Complementarity

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    A vision system that can assess its own performance and take appropriate actions online to maximize its effectiveness would be a step towards achieving the long-cherished goal of imitating humans. This paper proposes a method for performing an online performance analysis of local feature detectors, the primary stage of many practical vision systems. It advocates the spatial distribution of local image features as a good performance indicator and presents a metric that can be calculated rapidly, concurs with human visual assessments and is complementary to existing offline measures such as repeatability. The metric is shown to provide a measure of complementarity for combinations of detectors, correctly reflecting the underlying principles of individual detectors. Qualitative results on well-established datasets for several state-of-the-art detectors are presented based on the proposed measure. Using a hypothesis testing approach and a newly-acquired, larger image database, statistically-significant performance differences are identified. Different detector pairs and triplets are examined quantitatively and the results provide a useful guideline for combining detectors in applications that require a reasonable spatial distribution of image features. A principled framework for combining feature detectors in these applications is also presented. Timing results reveal the potential of the metric for online applications. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Matching Local Invariant Features with Contextual Information : an Experimental Evaluation

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    The main advantage of using local invariant features is their local character which yields robustness to occlusion and varying background. Therefore, local features have proved to be a powerful tool for finding correspondences between images, and have been employed in many applications. However, the local character limits the descriptive capability of features descriptors, and local features fail to resolve ambiguities that can occur when an image shows multiple similar regions. Considering some global information will clearly help to achieve better performances. The question is which information to use and how to use it. Context can be used to enrich the description of the features, or used in the matching step to filter out mismatches. In this paper, we compare different recent methods which use context for matching and show that better results are obtained if contextual information is used during the matching process. We evaluate the methods in two applications: wide baseline matching and object recognition, and it appears that a relaxation based approach gives the best results