37,328 research outputs found

    The Sensorial Marketing Methods Employed by the UK Fashion Retail Industry

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    In this study, the leading fashion brand of the UK were investigated in terms of their use of sensorial marketing methods. The researcher used survey method in this research. The research was quantitative in nature; hence the quantitative data is collected by administering a questionnaire to the targeted population that is the customers of the leading brand store in the UK. The study’s main purpose was to assess their concerns about sensorial marketing and also to evaluate the consumers’ behaviour. The researcher has administered the questionnaire by a web link for Facebook and also by Google.docs which is a free service to develop, gather, collect and analyse data. The findings provide significant and appropriate data which is supported by several theories in the literature. Based on the results of the primary research the following two findings are evident: (1) sensorial marketing is not much adoptive technique in the fashion retail sector as it does not use sensorial marketing techniques in order to attract consumers (2) the techniques of sensorial marketing are not only efficient for clothing sector, but also considered as a key success factor for this sector. Keywords: Sensorial marketing, UK retail sector, consumer behaviou

    El marketing sensorial: una aproximación al mundo del retail español

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    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer la percepción de los decisores de los centros comerciales españoles sobre la aplicación de acciones de marketing sensorial y experiencial. Mediante una encuesta personal realizada en septiembre de 2014 a 171 profesionales del sector, el análisis empírico realizado sirve para responder a las siguientes preguntas ¿Qué grado de conocimiento tienen los gestores sobre el marketing sensorial? ¿Qué acciones se están utilizando en este ámbito con mayor frecuencia? ¿Se están midiendo sus efectos? ¿Con qué herramientas? ¿Qué impacto tienen sobre los resultados del negocio según los decisores? Entre los principales resultados obtenidos destaca el notable grado de conocimiento del concepto de marketing sensorial, si bien hay diferencias en cuanto a las acciones implantadas por tipo de empresa. Asimismo, los decisores valoran notablemente su impacto en los resultados. En definitiva, consideran que la inversión en marketing sensorial resulta rentable y eficaz.Plan Nacional de I+D+i ECO2012-31 51

    Investigating the Sensorial Marketing Methods in UK Clothing Retail Sector

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    It is essential to understand the customers’ sensory stimulation in the store’s environment. All the five senses of humans in which hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell are included play a very imperative role in human experiences and are associated with the human emotions and memories. In the clothing sector, the sensory experiences not only draw the attention of customers, but also stimulate positive, strong and distinctive feeling across all the human senses. Interior furnishings and fixtures, lighting, music, store’s temperature, fragrance in the store and display layout of the stores are the multiple sensory cues that are found in this case. All these cues play a vital role in arranging the inner side of the stores. In this study, the case study of New Look is selected. It was the only fashion store in the UK and with the passage of time; it has become one of the famous and leading fashion brand. New Look is a fashion brand that is using the most sophisticated sensorial marketing strategies in order to attract the customers. The researcher used survey method in this research and the questionnaire is utilised as a data collection tool. The research is quantitative in nature; hence the quantitative data is collected by administering a questionnaire to the targeted population that is the customers of the New Look store in the UK. The research’s main purpose is to assess their concerns about sensorial marketing and also to evaluate the consumers’ behaviour. The researcher is has administered the questionnaire by a web link for Facebook and also by Google.docs which is a free service to develop, gather, collect and analyse data. The findings provide significant and appropriate data which is supported by several theories in the literature. Based on the results of the primary research the following two findings are evident: (1) sensorial marketing is not much adoptive technique in the fashion retail sector as it does not use sensorial marketing techniques in order to attract consumers (2) the techniques of sensorial marketing are not only efficient for clothing sector, but also considered as a key success factor for this sector. Keywords: Sensorial marketing, UK retail sector, consumer behavio

    Sensory Marketing in the Quality of Service of the Hotel El Libertador in the City of Riobamba

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    This research aimed to improve the perception of the quality of service of the Hotel El Libertador by means of sensory marketing elements to improve the tourist experience. The study variables were derived from the visual, auditory and kinesthetic perceptions related to the quality of service. In addition, an analysis was performed with the EEG MindWave Mobile 2 biometric equipment, to understand the levels of attention, meditation and blinking. In terms of visual perception, it was determined that attention should be paid to the clothing of the staff (27.6%) and signage (40.9%). The elements of the auditory perception of the hotel had low ratings because the hotel has not implemented elements of auditory sensory marketing in the facilities. Four of the seven elements of the kinesthetic perceptions were not attended and had a weight between 38.3% and 46.7%. As a result of these analyses, a sensory marketing proposal was suggested, which included visual, auditory and kinesthetic marketing strategies, to provide a solution to the existing problems with the hotel facilities. Based on the biometric equipment results, a proposal was made for sensory marketing strategies with elements of experiential communication to be used in the hotel’s facilities which would also improve the perception of service quality. Keywords: sensory marketing, perception, tourism, senses, quality of service, neuromarketing. Resumen La investigación tuvo como objetivo mejorar la percepción en la calidad de servicio del HOTEL EL LIBERTADOR, por medio de elementos de marketing sensorial mejorando la experiencia del turista. La investigación es de tipo correlacional, las variables de estudio se desprenden de la percepción visual, auditiva y kinestésica relacionada con la variable calidad del servicio, además se realizó un análisis con equipo biométrico EEG MindWave Mobile 2 en las instalaciones de la empresa para identificar los niveles de atención, meditación y parpadeo. En los elementos de percepción visual se determinó que se debe prestar atención a la vestimenta del personal que tiene un 27,6% y la señalética 40,9%. Los elementos de la percepción auditiva del hotel tienen una baja calificación porque el hotel no ha implementado elementos de marketing sensorial auditivo en las instalaciones, 4 de los 7 elementos de la percepción kinestésica no han sido atendidos y tienen una ponderación entre 38,3% a 46,7% Por medio de este análisis se planteó una propuesta de marketing sensorial para dar solución a la problemática existente en las instalaciones del hotel, la misma que contiene estrategias de marketing visual, auditivo y kinestésico. Mediante la obtención de resultados y análisis realizados con equipos biométricos, se pudo determinar estrategias de marketing sensorial con elementos de comunicación experiencial en las instalaciones de la empresa hotelera que permita mejorar la percepción de la calidad de servicio. Palabras clave: marketing sensorial, percepción, turísmo, sentidos, calidad de servicio, neuromarketing

    Odotipos, sus fortalezas y limitaciones

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    Dissetenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2012)Los consumidores son seres sensoriales que necesitan relacionarse con los productos desde ángulos innovadores, participar de la búsqueda y develación de la marca y la esencia de la misma. Por ello las marcas están dejando de ser un nombre que pretende evocar un producto y están convirtiéndose en promesas. Promesas de colores, formas, espacios, emociones, vivencias, status, experiencias, estilos de vida, sabores, olores, relaciones y otros elementos de reconocimiento diferencial. Estas promesas se basan en el conocimiento de que el ser humano posee la capacidad de asociar sensaciones procedentes de los cinco sentidos y relacionarlas con conceptos e ideas, que a su vez generan sentimientos y emociones. Ésta es la base del marketing sensorial; una forma alternativa de hacer marketing, que apela a los cinco sentidos, a las emociones y sentimientos; al intelecto; porque se experimenta el mundo a través de los sentidos y es a través de éstos que entra el conocimiento en nuestro cerebro. Dentro del marketing sensorial hay una rama que se encarga de trabajar con uno de los sentidos menos explotados por los profesionales del marketing: el olfato. De aquí surgen los odotipos; la identidad olfativa de las marcas. Este documento estudia brevemente su definición y función y hace un análisis de las principales fortalezas y limitaciones al momento de implementar esta estrategia de marketing sensorial

    Sensorial Marketing and the Ecuadorian Cuisine

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    The last few years the Ecuadorian cuisine has become more known. One of the reasons is the diversity of the local ingredients, another the fusion of ancestral heritage with the creativity of a new generation of chefs. For this study four in-depth interviews were held with chefs of Ecuadorian haute cuisine restaurants, three in Ecuador and one in Spain. While the restaurants all value the Ecuadorian heritage, they each choose a slightly different angle for the leading concept of their restaurants, culture, history, nature, and in the case of the Spanish restaurant reviving memories and a sense of “home away from home”. All four chefs present a remarkably strong narrative and they all consciously use sensory elements to support the harmony between this narrative and the dishes that they serve

    El marketing sensorial en la actualidad: análisis de campañas

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    La sociedad relaciona el marketing con la idea de vender, pero el marketing va mucho más allá. El marketing implica investigar el público al que se dirige la campaña, idear estrategias para atraer al cliente, etc. Entre las variantes de marketing existentes, podría decirse que el marketing sensorial es una de las más importantes, ya que implica a los sentidos. El marketing sensorial ofrece al público una nueva experiencia sensorial que no ha recibido con otras técnicas. Esto hace que le genere nuevas sensaciones desconocidas en el mercado. A pesar de todo esto, el marketing sensorial aún tiene que ser investigado más a fondo ya que ofrece una gran variedad de posibilidades.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Marketing sensorial y sus tendencias

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    Este trabajo pretende recolectar e integrar la información más importante relacionada con la nueva tendencia de mercadeo: el Marketing Sensorial, de tal manera que se desarrolle como una guía eficiente para que la comunidad educativa del Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración pueda conocer y documentarse acerca de cómo el mercadeo está teniendo en la actualidad un mayor impacto sobre los consumidores.Desarrollo. Evolución histórica. Qué es el marketing sensorial. Elementos fundamentales del marketing Sensorial. Cómo interactúan con los sentidos en el proceso de compra. Componentes del Marketing Sensorial. Implementación del Mercadeo Sensorial en una Compañía. Campañas Publicitarias y mecanismos que logran tocar los sentidos efectivamente. ConclusiónAdministrador de EmpresasPregrad

    O marketing sensorial e os panoramas de equivalências na área de secretariado executivo

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      Sensorial Marketing is established as non-verbal communicating instrument which uses the five human sensorial senses to influence the costumer behavior. Thus, it was observed some affinity aspects between the sensorial field and the executive secretariat; it brought us the interest about this study. This research aims to identify how sensory marketing is present in the daily lives of executive secretariat professionals. For achieving this objective, it was used a qualitative descriptive explanatory approach and field research with six executive secretariat professionals. As a result, it was understood that sensory marketing is a recent topic in the executive secretariat course. Few professionals know or develop actions related to it in their work routines. The operation of sensorial marketing developed by the executive secretaries professionals is supported by the elaboration of strategies aimed at offering satisfactory experiences to the consumer. The sensorial marketing and the executive secretariat field present matching knowledge and it brings opportunity to expand the secretary professional profile.As constantes transformações no contexto mercadológico revelam a importância de abordagens comerciais eficazes que correspondam às novas demandas. Nesse prisma, o marketing sensorial é destacado como uma estratégia de negócio promissora, uma vez que se fundamenta nos órgãos dos sentidos e nas subjetividades da mente humana. Frente a uma sondagem teórica, foram observados aspectos de afinidade entre o marketing sensorial e o secretariado executivo, despertando o interesse em explorar mais a fundo a sinergia entre os domínios. Definiu-se como objetivo geral identificar as percepções dos profissionais de secretariado executivo a respeito do marketing sensorial e como o incorporam em seus cotidianos de trabalho. O estudo utiliza a metodologia qualitativa, descritiva e explicativa, conduzindo uma pesquisa de campo com seis profissionais graduados no curso de bacharel em secretariado executivo. Os resultados indicam que o marketing sensorial está integrado às rotinas de trabalho dos secretários diante de estratégias que visam oferecer experiências satisfatórias e envolventes aos consumidores. Os secretários consideram o marketing sensorial como elementar para o sucesso de uma marca. No entanto, os conceitos relativos a esse segmento ainda são introdutórios nas realidades dos profissionais. O marketing sensorial e o secretariado executivo manifestam panoramas de equivalências, oportunizando o fortalecimento profissional dos secretários mediante a interseção de conhecimentos entre as duas áreas