429,026 research outputs found


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    The emergence of the Internet, the rise of technology and economic globalization stimulate changes in companies’ operations, including the inevitable changes in the marketing strategy. One of the main trends in modern marketing is focus on the Internet and social media as most significant tools for promotion. As in traditional marketing, in electronic marketing there are also internal and external factors that influence its implementation. The aim of this research is to analyse the various internal and external factors that influence the introduction of E-Marketing to companies’ operations. The sample includes 76 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from the agribusiness sector in North Macedonia, interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Four groups of factors were isolated, and a detailed explanation was provided of the various aspects that affect the implementation of E-Marketing within the companies. Results showed that the acceptance of E-marketing by agrobusiness SMEs in North Macedonia is significantly affected by the third parties, customers, competitors, and suppliers. Although some E-Marketing tools are already being continuously used, it was noticed a lack of IT capabilities and insufficient management support. Most respondents rated high the need for E-Marketing, with an emphasis on the significant online presence of buyers. The obtained results are especially important for companies that want to encourage an initiative for E-Marketing introduction. It is apparent that there is awareness of E-marketing, yet the companies have to direct their human, financial and technological resources to facilitate the introduction of new technologies and attain support by management and professional team

    Pengenalan Strategi Digital Marketing untuk Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di Kelurahan Situ Gede, Kecamatan Bogor Barat, Kota Bogor

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    The development of digital technology, and internet has brought considerable changes to marketing activities. The marketing trends have been shifted from conventional to digital marketing. A proper digital marketing can reach target customers effectively and efficiently. The purpose of this activity is to help and enrich knowledge MSEM and provide an introduction to maximize the effectivet strategy to use digital technology in marketing MSME products in Situ Gede Village, West Bogor Sub-district, Bogor City. The introduction of digital marketing strategies for 15 selected MSMEs was carried out in the form of workshops and mentoring. This community service activity was started with the presentation of important points on digital marketing, followed by motivation with success stories of digital marketing by MSMEs, identification of the current technology utilization and digital marketing activities that have been carried out by participants, identification of obstacles and challenges encountered, and steps that need to be taken to overcome them. The active and enthusiastic participation of the participants in the discussion and mentoring group activities show that the knowledge and motivation of participants in adopsing digital marketinghave been succeed.The development of digital technology, and internet has brought considerable changes to marketing activities. The marketing trends have been shifted from conventional to digital marketing. A proper digital marketing can reach target customers effectively and efficiently. The purpose of this activity is to help and enrich knowledge MSEM and provide an introduction to maximize the effectivet strategy to use digital technology in marketing MSME products in Situ Gede Village, West Bogor Sub-district, Bogor City. The introduction of digital marketing strategies for 15 selected MSMEs was carried out in the form of workshops and mentoring. This community service activity was started with the presentation of important points on digital marketing, followed by motivation with success stories of digital marketing by MSMEs, identification of the current technology utilization and digital marketing activities that have been carried out by participants, identification of obstacles and challenges encountered, and steps that need to be taken to overcome them. The active and enthusiastic participation of the participants in the discussion and mentoring group activities show that the knowledge and motivation of participants in adopsing digital marketinghave been succeed

    Virtual market meat

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    Lack of activity of the Russian wholesale and manufacturing companies operating in the market of meat food products results in a loss of profit on new market segments. The article discusses the prospects «Business to Business» on the Internet for these companies. The results show the willingness and the need for the introduction of Internet in business processes of interaction between those companies with customers and partners.agricultural economics, wholesale market, Milagro M, marketing in Russian, Business to Business, Internet, food companies, b2b, marketing

    Cayamo - A case study of a music themed cruise

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    Purpose - This paper aims to provide a look at an unusual emerging market though its main aim is to provide a rich and colourful exercise for teaching marketing. Rich in that the teacher has a variety of options, colourful in that the student will be engaged by the language and content. Design/methodology/approach - The case study focuses on an unusual and relatively new leisure product that combines two growing areas: cruise tourism and music festivals. The case is written in a narrative style to allow student interpretation of the material and application to a range of marketing concepts. The information within the case is derived from a number of published sources including market data, internet chatrooms, blogs and an interview with a customer. Findings - The case builds to provide a picture of an innovative niche product in an emerging growth market. In the introduction, it demonstrates that popular music is no longer limited to low-income youth. The sections that follow the introduction set the scene for a (variable) market definition. Next, the experiences revealed in the Sixthman Blog show their lack of understanding of this "new product". Whilst, the personal experience that follows highlights typical customer demographics and needs. The research from Mintel pulls much of this together before leaving some thoughts for the future in the final section. Originality/value - The case can be used for teaching in a number of ways, for example, relating to market development, segmentation, targeting and marketing communications. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Does ICT really matter? Preliminary evidence from the Premier Hotels case

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    ICT and particularly the Internet are increasingly affecting the way firms do their business. Marketing is not an exception. Web marketing is acquiring momentum even for firms with a solid tradition of off\u2010line marketing as their managers have realized the full potential of the World Wide Web in attracting a substantial amount of potential customers while keeping costs down. Overall, our findings seem to suggest that ICT (more specifically both the restructuring of the web site, and the introduction and effective implementation of Internet based revenue management techniques) did partially matter for the Premier Hotels. Indeed ICT has had a positive impact on the performance of Premier Hotels only when associated with the strategic marketing approach underlying revenue management techniques

    Cognitive Psychology to Enhance Internet Marketing Website

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    In this new era, people need money for continuous of life. This has force people to work and gain money for themselves and also for house-hold income. When both parents are working, sometimes problem such as child care problem arise. One of the alternatives to avoid this problem is by earning income from home, which is through home-based business. The introduction of Internet has helped people those involve in home basedbusiness. They started to sell the product world-widely through Internet and has their own virtual shop in the Internet. Cognitive Psychology is one of the methods that can be used to enhance Internet marketing website. The main objective of this project is to develop an Internet marketing website that fully implemented Cognitive Psychology elements. There are a lot of online shopping websites nowadays but some of them failed to attract customer which lead to fail in internet marketing. The approach proposes for development of the project is prototyping methodology. A chosen product, which is ladies dress, will be sold through the website. This project also will provide guidelines for future use regarding the website development; the architecture of the website by taking into consideration about Cognitive Psychology

    A Systematic Review on Marketing Strategies of China’s Import Cross-border E-commerce B2C Platforms

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    With the continuous progress of Internet information technology and the further strengthening of Internet popularity in China, the evolving circumstance of its cross-border e-commerce platforms is presently fully operating. In particular, the B2C platforms for import cross-border e-commerce are developing rapidly. This article first provides a brief introduction to the development status of China's import cross-border e-commerce. It then reviews and synthesizes relevant literature about imported cross-border e-commerce. Based on the collation of literature, this article analyses existing marketing strategies of B2C platforms within the import cross-border e-commerce industry and comprehends the relevant marketing problems generated by these platform providers via two identified case analyses. Finally, combined with the current status of international trade procedures and cross-border e-commerce development trends, the corresponding marketing strategy improvement is proposed

    Internet Marketing as a Tool for the Development of Industrial Enterprises in Modern Economic Conditions

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    The article highlights the values and the main role of Internet marketing in the activities of an industrial enterprise. The main advantages, composition and segments of Internet marketing are defined. It was determined how the features of the activity in the industrial consumer market influence the development of the Internet marketing strategy. Identified specific aspects of the strategy of Internet marketing, which should be taken into account by enterprises in its development. The key trends in the environment of industrial consumers, formed under the influence of the development and penetration of Internet technologies into the business environment, are investigated. It is proved that the introduction of individual activities of Internet marketing, there is a saving on the marketing costs of the enterprise. The composition and tools of Internet marketing of industrial enterprises of Ukraine are proposed, which should be involved in the Internet marketing strategy of industrial enterprises and ways to use them to improve the efficiency of enterprises: a marketing automation system, a CRM system, a website, search marketing, an online marketplace. content marketing.У статті висвітлено значення та основна роль Інтернет-маркетингу у діяльності промислового підприємства. Визначено основні переваги, складові та сегменти Інтернет-маркетингу. Визначено, яким чином особливості діяльності на ринку промислових споживачів впливають на розробку стратегії Інтернет-маркетингу. Виявлено особливі аспекти стратегії Інтернет-маркетингу, які мають бути враховані підприємствами при її розробці. Досліджено ключові тенденції у середовищі промислових споживачів, сформовані під впливом розвитку та проникнення Інтернет-технологій у бізнес-середовище. Доведено, що при впровадженні індивідуальних заходів Інтернет-маркетингу спостерігається економія на маркетингових витратах підприємства. Запропоновано складові та інструменти Інтернет-маркетингу промислових підприємств України, які мають бути задіяні у стратегії Інтернет-маркетингу промислових підприємств та шляхи їх використання для підвищення ефективності діяльності підприємств: система автоматизації маркетингу, CRM-система, веб-сайт, пошуковий маркетинг, онлайн-маркетплейси, контент-маркетинг.В статье освящены значения и основная роль Интернет-маркетинга в деятельности промышленного предприятия. Определены основные преимущества, состав и сегменты Интернет-маркетинга. Определено, каким образом особенности деятельности на рынке промышленных потребителей влияют на разработку стратегии Интернет-маркетинга. Выявлены особые аспекты стратегии Интернет-маркетинга, которые должны быть учтены предприятиями при ее разработке. Исследованы ключевые тенденции в среде промышленных потребителей, сформированные под влиянием развития и проникновения Интернет-технологий в бизнес-среду. Доказано, что при внедрении индивидуальных мероприятий Интернет-маркетинга наблюдается экономия на маркетинговых затратах предприятия. Предложено состав и инструменты Интернет-маркетинга промышленных предприятий Украины, которые должны быть задействованы в стратегии Интернет-маркетинга промышленных предприятий та пути их использования для повышения эффективности деятельности предприятий: система автоматизации маркетинга, CRM-система, веб-сайт, поисковый маркетинг, онлайн-маркетплейси, контент-маркетинг

    Challenges to digital marketing in multi-screen environment

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    The development of information and communication technologies alters the habits and behavior of modern consumers, who are using increasingly a larger number of portable devices with an Internet connection. According to a number of studies, users spend more than seven hours a day, distributed across multiple screens, and the multi-screenenvironment provides new challenges to digital marketing. Digital channels provide more ways to communicate with potential users and new opportunities for tracking user behavior, but at the same time they risk an intrusion into the privacy of the individual user. The article discusses the issues of digital marketing in social media, the role of visual content marketing to keep consumers' attention, the use of influencer marketing for message transmission, as well the impact on marketing after introduction of the EU Data Protection Regulation