1,941 research outputs found

    Text mining with the WEBSOM

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    The emerging field of text mining applies methods from data mining and exploratory data analysis to analyzing text collections and to conveying information to the user in an intuitive manner. Visual, map-like displays provide a powerful and fast medium for portraying information about large collections of text. Relationships between text items and collections, such as similarity, clusters, gaps and outliers can be communicated naturally using spatial relationships, shading, and colors. In the WEBSOM method the self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm is used to automatically organize very large and high-dimensional collections of text documents onto two-dimensional map displays. The map forms a document landscape where similar documents appear close to each other at points of the regular map grid. The landscape can be labeled with automatically identified descriptive words that convey properties of each area and also act as landmarks during exploration. With the help of an HTML-based interactive tool the ordered landscape can be used in browsing the document collection and in performing searches on the map. An organized map offers an overview of an unknown document collection helping the user in familiarizing herself with the domain. Map displays that are already familiar can be used as visual frames of reference for conveying properties of unknown text items. Static, thematically arranged document landscapes provide meaningful backgrounds for dynamic visualizations of for example time-related properties of the data. Search results can be visualized in the context of related documents. Experiments on document collections of various sizes, text types, and languages show that the WEBSOM method is scalable and generally applicable. Preliminary results in a text retrieval experiment indicate that even when the additional value provided by the visualization is disregarded the document maps perform at least comparably with more conventional retrieval methods.reviewe

    The state of the art in integrating machine learning into visual analytics

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    Visual analytics systems combine machine learning or other analytic techniques with interactive data visualization to promote sensemaking and analytical reasoning. It is through such techniques that people can make sense of large, complex data. While progress has been made, the tactful combination of machine learning and data visualization is still under-explored. This state-of-the-art report presents a summary of the progress that has been made by highlighting and synthesizing select research advances. Further, it presents opportunities and challenges to enhance the synergy between machine learning and visual analytics for impactful future research directions

    Interactive Visual Analysis of Translations

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    This thesis is the result of a collaboration with the College of Arts and Humanities at Swansea University. The goal of this collaboration is to design novel visualization techniques to enable digital humanities scholars to explore and analyze parallel translations. To this end, chapter 2 introduces the first survey of surveys on text visualization which reviews all of the surveys and state-of-the-art reports on text visualization techniques, classifies them, provides recommendations, and discusses reported challenges.Following this, we present three visual interactive designs that support the typical digital humanities scholars workflow. In Chapter 4, we present VNLP, a visual, interactive design that enables users to explicitly observe the NLP pipeline processes and update the parameters at each processing stage. Chapter 5 presents AlignVis, a visual tool that provides a semi-automatic alignment framework to build a correspondence between multiple translations. It presents the results of using text similarity measurements and enables the user to create, verify, and edit alignments using a novel visual interface. Chapter 6 introduce TransVis, a novel visual design that supports comparison of multiple parallel translations. It incorporates customized mechanisms for rapid and interactive filtering and selection of a large number of German translations of Shakespeare’s Othello. All of the visual designs are evaluated using examples, detailed observations, case studies, and/or domain expert feedback from a specialist in modern and contemporary German literature and culture.Chapter 7 reports our collaborative experience and proposes a methodological workflow to guide such interdisciplinary research projects. This chapter also includes a summary of outcomes and lessons learned from our collaboration with the domain expert. Finally, Chapter 8 presents a summary of the thesis and future work directions

    Visualization and analytics of codicological data of Hebrew books

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    The goal is to provide a proper data model, using a common vocabulary, to decrease the heterogenous nature of these datasets as well as its inherent uncertainty caused by the descriptive nature of the field of Codicology. This research project was developed with the goal of applying data visualization and data mining techniques to the field of Codicology and Digital Humanities. Using Hebrew manuscript data as a starting point, this dissertation proposes an environment for exploratory analysis to be used by Humanities experts to deepen their understanding of codicological data, to formulate new, or verify existing, research hypotheses, and to communicate their findings in a richer way. To improve the scope of visualizations and knowledge discovery we will try to use data mining methods such as Association Rule Mining and Formal Concept Analysis. The present dissertation aims to retrieve information and structure from Hebrew manuscripts collected by codicologists. These manuscripts reflect the production of books of a specific region, namely "Sefarad" region, within the period between 10th and 16th.A presente dissertação tem como objetivo obter conhecimento estruturado de manuscritos hebraicos coletados por codicologistas. Estes manuscritos refletem a produção de livros de uma região específica, nomeadamente a região "Sefarad", no período entre os séculos X e XVI. O objetivo é fornecer um modelo de dados apropriado, usando um vocabulário comum, para diminuir a natureza heterogénea desses conjuntos de dados, bem como sua incerteza inerente causada pela natureza descritiva no campo da Codicologia. Este projeto de investigação foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de aplicar técnicas de visualização de dados e "data mining" no campo da Codicologia e Humanidades Digitais. Usando os dados de manuscritos hebraicos como ponto de partida, esta dissertação propõe um ambiente para análise exploratória a ser utilizado por especialistas em Humanidades Digitais e Codicologia para aprofundar a compreensão dos dados codicológicos, formular novas hipóteses de pesquisa, ou verificar existentes, e comunicar as suas descobertas de uma forma mais rica. Para melhorar as visualizações e descoberta de conhecimento, tentaremos usar métodos de data mining, como a "Association Rule Mining" e "Formal Concept Analysis"

    Semantic Exploration of Text Documents with Multi-Faceted Metadata Employing Word Embeddings: The Patent Landscaping Use Case

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    Die Menge der Veröentlichungen, die den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt dokumentieren, wächst kontinuierlich. Dies erfordert die Entwicklung der technologischen Hilfsmittel für eine eziente Analyse dieser Werke. Solche Dokumente kennzeichnen sich nicht nur durch ihren textuellen Inhalt, sondern auch durch eine Menge von Metadaten-Attributen verschiedenster Art, unter anderem Beziehungen zwischen den Dokumenten. Diese Komplexität macht die Entwicklung eines Visualisierungsansatzes, der eine Untersuchung der schriftlichen Werke unterstützt, zu einer notwendigen und anspruchsvollen Aufgabe. Patente sind beispielhaft für das beschriebene Problem, weil sie in großen Mengen von Firmen untersucht werden, die sich Wettbewerbsvorteile verschaffen oder eigene Forschung und Entwicklung steuern wollen. Vorgeschlagen wird ein Ansatz für eine explorative Visualisierung, der auf Metadaten und semantischen Embeddings von Patentinhalten basiert ist. Wortembeddings aus einem vortrainierten Word2vec-Modell werden genutzt, um Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Dokumenten zu bestimmen. Darüber hinaus helfen hierarchische Clusteringmethoden dabei, mehrere semantische Detaillierungsgrade durch extrahierte relevante Stichworte anzubieten. Derzeit dürfte der vorliegende Visualisierungsansatz der erste sein, der semantische Embeddings mit einem hierarchischen Clustering verbindet und dabei diverse Interaktionstypen basierend auf Metadaten-Attributen unterstützt. Der vorgestellte Ansatz nimmt Nutzerinteraktionstechniken wie Brushing and Linking, Focus plus Kontext, Details-on-Demand und Semantic Zoom in Anspruch. Dadurch wird ermöglicht, Zusammenhänge zu entdecken, die aus dem Zusammenspiel von 1) Verteilungen der Metadatenwerten und 2) Positionen im semantischen Raum entstehen. Das Visualisierungskonzept wurde durch Benutzerinterviews geprägt und durch eine Think-Aloud-Studie mit Patentenexperten evaluiert. Während der Evaluation wurde der vorgestellte Ansatz mit einem Baseline-Ansatz verglichen, der auf TF-IDF-Vektoren basiert. Die Benutzbarkeitsstudie ergab, dass die Visualisierungsmetaphern und die Interaktionstechniken angemessen gewählt wurden. Darüber hinaus zeigte sie, dass die Benutzerschnittstelle eine deutlich größere Rolle bei den Eindrücken der Probanden gespielt hat als die Art und Weise, wie die Patente platziert und geclustert waren. Tatsächlich haben beide Ansätze sehr ähnliche extrahierte Clusterstichworte ergeben. Dennoch wurden bei dem semantischen Ansatz die Cluster intuitiver platziert und deutlicher abgetrennt. Das vorgeschlagene Visualisierungslayout sowie die Interaktionstechniken und semantischen Methoden können auch auf andere Arten von schriftlichen Werken erweitert werden, z. B. auf wissenschaftliche Publikationen. Andere Embeddingmethoden wie Paragraph2vec [61] oder BERT [32] können zudem verwendet werden, um kontextuelle Abhängigkeiten im Text über die Wortebene hinaus auszunutzen