6,917 research outputs found

    Optical Micromanipulation Techniques Combined with Microspectroscopic Methods

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    Předložená dizertační práce se zabývá kombinací optických mikromanipulací s mikrospektroskopickými metodami. Využili jsme laserovou pinzetu pro transport a třídění živých mikroorganismů, například jednobuněčných řas, či kvasinek. Ramanovskou spektroskopií jsme analyzovali chemické složení jednotlivých buněk a tyto informace jsme využili k automatické selekci buněk s vybranými vlastnostmi. Zkombinovali jsme pulsní amplitudově modulovanou fluorescenční mikrospektroskopii, optické mikromanipulace a jiné techniky ke zmapování stresové odpovědi opticky zachycených buněk při různých časech působení, vlnových délkách a intenzitách chytacího laseru. Vyrobili jsme různé typy mikrofluidních čipů a zkonstruovali jsme Ramanovu pinzetu pro třídění mikro-objektů, především živých buněk, v mikrofluidním prostředí.The subject of the presented Ph.D. thesis is a combination of optical micromanipulation and microspectroscopic methods. We used laser tweezers to transport and sort various living microorganisms, such as microalgal or yeast cells. We employed Raman microspectroscopy to analyze chemical composition of individual cells and we used the information about chemical composition to automatically select the cells of interest. We combined pulsed amplitude modulation fluorescence microspectroscopy, optical micromanipulation and other techniques to map the stress response of cells to various laser wavelengths, intensities and durations of optical trapping. We fabricated microfluidic chips of various designs and we constructed Raman-tweezers sorter of micro-objects such as living cells on a microfluidic platform.

    Three-dimensional holographic optical manipulation through a high-numerical-aperture soft-glass multimode fibre

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    Holographic optical tweezers (HOT) hold great promise for many applications in biophotonics, allowing the creation and measurement of minuscule forces on biomolecules, molecular motors and cells. Geometries used in HOT currently rely on bulk optics, and their exploitation in vivo is compromised by the optically turbid nature of tissues. We present an alternative HOT approach in which multiple three-dimensional (3D) traps are introduced through a high-numerical-aperture multimode optical fibre, thus enabling an equally versatile means of manipulation through channels having cross-section comparable to the size of a single cell. Our work demonstrates real-time manipulation of 3D arrangements of micro-objects, as well as manipulation inside otherwise inaccessible cavities. We show that the traps can be formed over fibre lengths exceeding 100 mm and positioned with nanometric resolution. The results provide the basis for holographic manipulation and other high-numerical-aperture techniques, including advanced microscopy, through single-core-fibre endoscopes deep inside living tissues and other complex environments

    Measurement of particle motion in optical tweezers embedded in a Sagnac interferometer

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    We have constructed a counterpropagating optical tweezers setup embedded in a Sagnac interferometer in order to increase the sensitivity of position tracking for particles in the geometrical optics regime. Enhanced position determination using a Sagnac interferometer has previously been described theoretically by Taylor et al. [Journal of Optics 13, 044014 (2011)] for Rayleigh-regime particles trapped in an antinode of a standing wave. We have extended their theory to a case of arbitrarily-sized particles trapped with orthogonally-polarized counterpropagating beams. The working distance of the setup was sufficiently long to optically induce particle oscillations orthogonally to the axis of the tweezers with an auxiliary laser beam. Using these oscillations as a reference, we have experimentally shown that Sagnac-enhanced back focal plane interferometry is capable of providing an improvement of more than 5 times in the signal-to-background ratio, corresponding to a more than 30-fold improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio. The experimental results obtained are consistent with our theoretical predictions. In the experimental setup, we used a method of optical levitator-assisted liquid droplet delivery in air based on commercial inkjet technology, with a novel method to precisely control the size of droplets.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Assembly and force measurement with SPM-like probes in holographic optical tweezers

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    We report a high fidelity tomographic reconstruction of the quantum state of photon pairs generated by parametric down-conversion with orbital angular momentum (OAM) entanglement. Our tomography method allows us to estimate an upper and lower bound for the entanglement between the down-converted photons. We investigate the two-dimensional state subspace defined by the OAM states ±ℓ and superpositions thereof, with ℓ=1, 2, ..., 30. We find that the reconstructed density matrix, even for OAMs up to around ℓ=20, is close to that of a maximally entangled Bell state with a fidelity in the range between F=0.979 and F=0.814. This demonstrates that, although the single count-rate diminishes with increasing ℓ, entanglement persists in a large dimensional state space

    Holographic optical trapping Raman micro-spectroscopy for non-invasive measurement and manipulation of live cells

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    We present a new approach for combining holographic optical tweezers with confocal Raman spectroscopy. Multiple laser foci, generated using a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator, are individually used for both optical trapping and excitation of spontaneous Raman spectroscopy from trapped objects. Raman scattering from each laser focus is spatially filtered using reflective apertures on a digital micro-mirror device, which can be reconfigured with flexible patterns at video rate. We discuss operation of the instrument, and performance and viability considerations for biological measurements. We then demonstrate the capability of the instrument for fast, flexible, and interactive manipulation with molecular measurement of interacting live cell systems

    Position clamping in a holographic counterpropagating optical trap

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    Optical traps consisting of two counterpropagating, divergent beams of light allow relatively high forces to be exerted along the optical axis by turning off one beam, however the axial stiffness of the trap is generally low due to the lower numerical apertures typically used. Using a high speed spatial light modulator and CMOS camera, we demonstrate 3D servocontrol of a trapped particle, increasing the stiffness from 0.004 to 1.5μNm<sup>−1</sup>. This is achieved in the “macro-tweezers” geometry [Thalhammer, J. Opt. 13, 044024 (2011); Pitzek, Opt. Express 17, 19414 (2009)], which has a much larger field of view and working distance than single-beam tweezers due to its lower numerical aperture requirements. Using a 10×, 0.2NA objective, active feedback produces a trap with similar effective stiffness to a conventional single-beam gradient trap, of order 1μNm<sup>−1</sup> in 3D. Our control loop has a round-trip latency of 10ms, leading to a resonance at 20Hz. This is sufficient bandwidth to reduce the position fluctuations of a 10μm bead due to Brownian motion by two orders of magnitude. This approach can be trivially extended to multiple particles, and we show three simultaneously position-clamped beads

    A practical review on the measurement tools for cellular adhesion force

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    Cell cell and cell matrix adhesions are fundamental in all multicellular organisms. They play a key role in cellular growth, differentiation, pattern formation and migration. Cell-cell adhesion is substantial in the immune response, pathogen host interactions, and tumor development. The success of tissue engineering and stem cell implantations strongly depends on the fine control of live cell adhesion on the surface of natural or biomimetic scaffolds. Therefore, the quantitative and precise measurement of the adhesion strength of living cells is critical, not only in basic research but in modern technologies, too. Several techniques have been developed or are under development to quantify cell adhesion. All of them have their pros and cons, which has to be carefully considered before the experiments and interpretation of the recorded data. Current review provides a guide to choose the appropriate technique to answer a specific biological question or to complete a biomedical test by measuring cell adhesion

    Influence of rotational force fields on the determination of the work done on a driven Brownian particle

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    For a Brownian system the evolution of thermodynamic quantities is a stochastic process. In particular, the work performed on a driven colloidal particle held in an optical trap changes for each realization of the experimental manipulation, even though the manipulation protocol remains unchanged. Nevertheless, the work distribution is governed by established laws. Here, we show how the measurement of the work distribution is influenced by the presence of rotational, i.e. nonconservative, radiation forces. Experiments on particles of different materials show that the rotational radiation forces, and therefore their effect on the work distributions, increase with the particle refractive index.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure