15 research outputs found


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    Knowledge management is the new managerial discipline whose aim is to support the processes of knowledge exploitation, memorization, re-use and learning. Therefore, it can be said that knowledge management has, implicitly or explicitly, a strong relationship with innovation management. Despite this fact, knowledge management and innovation management have developed into two separate fields and two distinct contexts of research. Starting from these assumptions, the purpose of this paper is to examine how the connection between knowledge management (KM) and innovation management has been developed in the last 10 years. In order to achieve our goal, an etic approach is employed which encompasses an external view of meaning associations and real-world events. The research combines the qualitative with the quantitative perspective and the whole multi-stage process is dominated by an inductive approach. The analysis focuses on 894 articles that were published in knowledge management and innovation journals, mostly indexed in Scopus and Thomson Reuters databases, during 2006 - 2016. The main results prove that there is a strong connection between KM and innovation management although the number of KM journals that approach topics related to innovation is higher than the number of innovation journals that focus on knowledge-related issues. The concept of "innovation" is by far the most used in the analyzed KM papers, while the term of "knowledge" is frequently used as a generic keyword in the Innovation papers; only a few papers are about a specific topic such as product development, project management, and process improvement - in the case of KM journals - or organizational learning, social capital, and human capital - in the case of Innovation journals. The research findings have both theoretical and practical implications. On the one hand, it synthesizes how the link between knowledge management and innovation management evolved in the last 10 years. On the other hand, it may serve as a handbook of managerial guidelines; it brings forward the knowledge management approaches and tools which can be used for product or process innovations

    How to promote knowledge sharing in cross-functional NPD teams

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    This paper investigates the common issues that may arise in cross-functional new product development (NPD) teams from a Knowledge Management perspective. The study has been built around a contextualized trigger, where several factors were preventing a new-born NPD team from performing effectively. The purpose of this paper is to give insights of the main dynamics involved in the knowledge sharing process throughout the application of a systematic problem-solving approach to the case investigated by the authors. Due to the impossibility of building a universal recipe suitable for every team in every situation, this work represents a compromise trying to exemplify how to prioritise interventions in a given context, in order to provide a benchmark for similar circumstances. This paper, using an action research method within a single case context, takes shape around the advises and suggestions made by authors to Electronic Connected Ltd (disguised name), a small-medium enterprise (SME) in a situation of NPD paralysis. In particular, the paper emphasizes the importance of effective leadership and supporting environment in facilitating communication, enhancing cohesiveness, fostering joint commitment and giving direction in order to enable knowledge sharing and to leverage capabilities to conclusively deliver new products

    The ShaRInK framework: a holistic perspective on key categories of influences shaping individual perceptions of knowledge sharing

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    Purpose – This paper aims to present a holistic framework, termed ShaRInK (Sharer, Relations, Institution, Knowledge), that depicts key categories of influences that shape individual perceptions of knowledge sharing within an organisational setting. Design/methodology/approach – An exploratory and qualitative case study strategy in which empirical data were gathered from 24 interviewees that were based in four different branches (i.e. China, The Netherlands, the UK and the USA) of a single information technology services organisation. Findings – The findings led to a holistic framework that depicts four key categories of influences that shape knowledge sharing from an individual perspective: attitudes and characteristics of the sharers, relations between the sharers, institutions which act as a united entity on sharer perceptions and knowledge itself. Furthermore, the four key influences not only shape knowledge sharing independently but are intertwined and have a synergistic effect. The ShaRInK framework is formed by combining these. Originality/value – The findings indicate that knowledge sharing from an individual-level perspective is a more complex phenomenon than currently portrayed in the literature. All four key influences, each being fundamentally different in nature, and their relationships should be taken into account. Equally, the ShaRInK framework can be applied by organisations when developing a knowledge-sharing strategy or auditing existing strategies

    Knowledge and capabilities for products/services development: the UK spin-off firms context

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    Purpose – This article explores and investigates the skills and capabilities required in developing products and services within UK university spin-offs (USOs) by considering the model of products/services development (Verona, 1999). Design/methodology approach – mixed methods of 20 in-depth interviews and questionnaire survey with 204 founders of USOs. Findings – The findings contribute in filling the literature gap by demonstrating key knowledge and capabilities required to develop products/services within the unique and non-commercial context, in which USOs are created by academics who do not necessarily have entrepreneurial or business experience. Originality/value – This research contributes to studies of product/service development by adapting and modifying elements within the existing theoretical model to be applicable to the specific firm and country context, such as USOs in the UK. Further, the study extends knowledge on the interplay between knowledge management and product development. The applications of the findings are that they can inform academic entrepreneurs on the capabilities significant in the development process. They can also act as indicators to Technology Transfer Office (TTOs) in what is needed for the provision of appropriate support and training to academic founders/entrepreneurs in order to foster and enhance other entrepreneurial activities

    Pengaruh Atribut Produk dan Komunikasi dari Mulut ke Mulut (Wom) Terhadap Niat Pembelian Ulang di Toko Online Shopee

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of product attributes, product information, product quality, product prices, and the influence of WOM on the intention to buy online at shopee. Also , this study aims to identify which of the independent variables (word of mouth and product attributes) provide more impact toward purchase intention. The data set is collected through self-administered questionnaire and conveniently. The data set is collected through self-administered questionnaire and conveniently collected using non probability random sampling method. A sample of 100 was collected from Surabaya city. In this study concluded about product information, product quality, product prices, word of mouth significantly influence the purchase commitment in shopeee online stores. This is evident in the hypothesis of F arithmetic of 16.743 with a significance value of 0,000 significance values ≤0.05. Based on these results, the intention to buy at shopee online stores in Surabaya is influenced by four variables, namely. Product information, product quality, product prices, word of mouth. With this variable, it is expected that the Surabaya people will have more to buy at shopee online stores in Surabaya. Keywords: Product Attributes, Product Information, Product Quality, Product Price, Word Of Mouth (Wom), Intention To Repurchas

    Inovação em eletrodomésticos: protótipo de um liquidificador

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    Este trabalho contém o projeto de desenvolvimento de um produto muito utilizado nas cozinhas das residências e empresas – o liquidificador. Sua concepção é renovada, por meio do design para tornar-se mais prático, atraente aos olhos do consumidor e versátil em sua utilização no preparo de alimentos. A partir da adaptação da metodologia de Baxter foi possível buscar a melhor oportunidade de mercado para o surgimento do novo produto. Chegou-se à conclusão que o projeto é perfeitamente viável sob todos os ângulos que envolvem o design: estética, materiais, funcionalidade e praticidade, custos, produção em série, segurança, manutenção, ergonomia e ecologia. Embora, se acredite que o produto seja perfeitamente viável e atenda as necessidades do mercado, outras variáveis devem influenciar para que o produto tenha sucesso, como a estratégia de vendas e o comportamento do consumidor

    Ambidestria Organizacional – Exploração e Explotação: Um Estudo Bibliométrico nas Bases de Dados Internacionais

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    O objetivo deste artigo é bibliografar o tema ambidestria organizacional nas bases de dados internacionais, ProQuest e EBSCO, fornecendo resultados sobre o estado da arte deste assunto e as características dos trabalhos científicos já publicados. O método utilizado foi a bibliometria. Investigando uma amostra de 52 artigos de um universo de 2.656. Os trabalhos analisados compreenderam o período de 1993 a 2010. Os resultados sugerem que: a) durante o período analisado diversas redes sociais de pesquisadores e instituições se formaram para estudar este tema; b) o trabalho de March (1991) é o principal influenciador das pesquisas e considerado o trabalho seminal sobre o assunto, embora, o estudo de Duncan (1974) tenha sido mencionados por muitos pesquisadores como sendo o primeiro a abordar, de maneira singela, a questão da ambidestria organizacional; e; c) a pesquisa sobre ambidestria organizacional vem conquistando cada vez mais espaço nas agendas de pesquisas dos pesquisadores, instigando novas investigações. Esta pesquisa concluiu que a forma para a sua mensuração não pode ser normatizada, visto que cada segmento possui características distintas, sendo necessário a adaptação das variáveis de exploração (pesquisa, variação, aceitação do risco, experimentação, concorrência, flexibilidade, descoberta e inovação) e explotação (refinamento, escolha, produção, eficiência, seleção, implementação e execução), no entanto, algumas direções já foram testadas e habilitam-se para servir de espelho a novas pesquisas.

    Relação de colaboração entre universidade e indústria de software com base na gestão do conhecimento: uma abordagem exploratória

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    The current environment that characterizes the software industry is extremely dynamic and somewhat complex demanding high-performance solutions, rapid development and cost efficiency. The collaboration relationship with universities has been represented a key resource, to the extent that together more easily can promote technological development that underpins innovation solutions. In addition, several studies point out knowledge sharing as an important and strongly influential factor in a collaboration relationship. In this context, the present thesis aims to identify a set of factors that can enhance and/or facilitate the collaboration relationship between the university and the software industry in a sustainable way, based on knowledge management. In line with the general objective three research questions were defined: (i) What are the main motivations that lead to the decision of establishing a collaboration relationship?; (ii) What are the management mechanisms used in the governance of collaboration relationships?; (iii) What are the principles and culture of knowledge management and of knowledge sharing in these organizations? In order to answer those questions and, consequently, achieve the general objective, an initial quantitative study based on a questionnaire was conducted. This study aims to explore and understand the practice of knowledge sharing and collaboration in the context of a university. Overall it was concluded that, knowledge sharing positively affects the collaboration behavior. The obtained results also showed that in order to promote and encourage knowledge sharing and, consequently, to foster collaboration relationships, it is important to work mechanisms based on intrinsic motivation and networking. Subsequently, it was conducted a qualitative study based on interviews in order to identify a set of factors that could enhance/facilitate the collaboration relationship between the university and the software industry in a sustainable way, based on knowledge management. Participants with complementary visions and different experiences in the two types of involved industries and simultaneously, with decisionmaking positions were interviewed. The results revealed that collaboration relationships established among these organizations are set-up only as a ‘connection’. This ‘connection’ is characterized by being a simple exchange, without building a sustainable collaboration relationship; although, those involved point to advantages in the existence of a sustainable collaboration relationship. The results also revealed that the collaboration relationships are usually conducted through informal communication channels, which makes it difficult to capture and disseminate knowledge to other remaining members of each involved organizations. In nutshell and in practical terms, this work contributes to the identification and analysis of a set of factors that enhance a collaboration relationship between university and software industry. This result can support organizations in the strategies definition for the development of actions, in order to promote a sustainable collaboration relationship. In theoretical terms, this work contributes to the increase of the body of knowledge in the area, with empirical results, since the literature point the lack of empirical studies as the main gap in this area of knowledge.O atual ambiente que carateriza a indústria de software é extremamente dinâmico e, de certa forma complexo, exigindo soluções de alto desempenho, de desenvolvimento rápido e eficientes em termos de custos. A relação de colaboração com as universidades pode representar um recurso fundamental, na medida em que juntas mais facilmente podem promover o desenvolvimento tecnológico que está na base de soluções de inovação. Adicionalmente, são os vários estudos que apontam a partilha de conhecimento como um fator importante e fortemente influenciador de uma relação de colaboração. Neste contexto, a presente tese tem como objetivo identificar um conjunto de fatores que possam potencializar e/ou facilitar a relação de colaboração entre a universidade e a indústria de software de forma sustentável, com base na gestão do conhecimento. Em consonância com o objetivo geral, foram definidas três questões de investigação: (i) Quais são as principais motivações que levam à decisão de estabelecer uma relação de colaboração?; (ii) Quais são os mecanismos de gerenciamento usados na governança das relações de colaboração?; (iii) Quais são os princípios e a cultura da gestão do conhecimento e da partilha de conhecimento nessas organizações? Por forma a responder àquelas questões e, consequentemente, ao objetivo geral, numa fase inicial foi conduzido um estudo quantitativo através da aplicação de um questionário cujo objetivo foi o de explorar e compreender a prática da partilha de conhecimento e de colaboração no contexto de uma universidade. De uma maneira geral, concluiu-se que a partilha de conhecimento afeta positivamente o comportamento de colaboração. Os resultados obtidos mostram ainda que, por forma a promover e incentivar a partilha de conhecimento e, consequentemente, fomentar as relações de colaboração, é importante trabalhar os mecanismos baseados na motivação intrínseca e no networking. Seguidamente, foi conduzido um estudo qualitativo com base em entrevistas, com o objetivo de identificar um conjunto de fatores que pudessem melhorar e/ou facilitar a relação de colaboração entre a universidade e a indústria de software de forma sustentável, com base na gestão do conhecimento. Foram entrevistados participantes com visões complementares e experiências diferentes nos dois tipos de indústria envolvidas e, simultaneamente, que ocupassem posições com poder de decisão. Os resultados revelaram que as relações de colaboração estabelecidas entre essas organizações são configuradas apenas como uma ‘conexão’. Esta ‘conexão’ é caracterizada por ser uma troca simples, sem construir uma relação de colaboração sustentável; embora os envolvidos apontem vantagens na existência de uma relação de colaboração sustentável. Os resultados revelaram ainda que as relações de colaboração são, normalmente, conduzidas através de canais informais de comunicação, o que dificulta a captura e disseminação do conhecimento pelos restantes membros de cada uma das organizações envolvidas. Em jeito de conclusão e em termos práticos este trabalho contribui com a identificação e análise de um conjunto de fatores potenciadores de uma relação de colaboração entre a universidade e a indústria de software, podendo auxiliar as organizações envolvidas na definição de estratégias para o desenvolvimento de ações futuras, a fim de promover uma relação de colaboração sustentável. Em termos teóricos, este trabalho contribui para o aumento do corpo de conhecimento na área, com resultados provenientes de estudos empíricos, uma vez que a literatura aponta como principal lacuna a ausência daqueles (estudos empíricos), por forma a complementar e validar a teoria existente.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Influencia del valor percibido de marca bajo la perspectiva del cliente en la intención de compra: caso carnes y parrillas

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    El presente trabajo de investigación realizado tiene como finalidad analizar la influencia del valor Marca percibido por el consumidor en la intención de compra en negocios de carnes y parrillas ubicados en la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana. Nuestra investigación se realizó basándose principalmente en la revisión de literatura e investigación acerca de la influencia del valor de marca en la intención de compra, la cual permitió determinar variables independientes que tienen influencia en el valor de marca y su vez que influyen en la intención de compra de los consumidores. La investigación consideró la guía gastronómica Summum del diario El Comercio, identificando a los principales restaurantes de carnes y parrillas de la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana. Se realizó análisis probabilísticos determinando una muestra probabilística, a partir de la población de consumidores de carnes y parrillas en personas mayores de 18 años, para lo cual se realizaron encuestas basados en el modelo seleccionado en la revisión de la literatura. Con toda la información obtenida en el inventario y exploración de marca mediante una técnica de recolección de datos, encuestas, se pudo analizar el valor de marca de los cuatros restaurantes seleccionados y diagnosticar el estado actual de la misma. Se concluyó que estos restaurantes mantienen un valor capital de marca positivo debido a que las actividades de marketing empleadas por la marca han repercutido de manera favorable en los bloques constructores y se recomendó actividades para el mejor performance de la marca.The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of the brand value perceived by the consumer in the purchase intention in meat and grill businesses located in the city of Metropolitan Lima. Our research was mainly based on the review of literature and research on the influence of brand value on the intention to purchase, which allowed to determine independent variables that influence brand value and the intention of consumer purchase. The investigation considered the Summum gastronomic guide of the newspaper El Comercio, identifying the main restaurants of meats and grills in the city of Metropolitan Lima. Probabilistic analyzes were performed determining a probabilistic sample, based on the population of meat and grill consumers in people over 18 years, for which surveys were made based on the model selected in the literature review. With all the information obtained in the inventory and brand exploration through a data collection technique and surveys, it was possible to analyze the brand value of the four selected restaurants and diagnose the current state of it. It was concluded that these restaurants maintain a positive brand capital value because the marketing activities employed by the brand have had a favorable impact on the building blocks and activities were recommended for the best performance of the brand.Tesi

    Critical management studies in South Africa

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    This book shows how Critical Management Studies (CMS) scholarship is starting to develop a character of its own in South Africa. It attests to CMS slowly gaining momentum and acquiring an identity of its own amongst South African scholars. However, management studies in South Africa is dominated by capitalist ideology and positivist methodology. Although Interpretive scholarship has gained some momentum, it still falls within the parameters of ‘mainstream’, capitalist thinking. Scholarship outside the domain of capitalist thinking, such as critical scholarship, remains sorely underexplored. Being entrenched in the positivist tradition is arguably a major Achilles’ Heel for the progression of management as a field of inquiry. CMS presents a vehicle for alternative epistemologies to be heard in the management discourse. With its focus on power imbalances, struggles for emancipation from oppression, and distrust of capitalism, CMS provides the peripheral point of view with a voice. CMS presents a space where scholars can engage with South African realities surrounding political, cultural, social, and historic contexts and issues in management. This book is promoting CMS to the scholarly community, to show that there are exciting possibilities being offered by a different approach to management scholarship. This book also forms part of a larger project of growing CMS in South Africa, and is a collection of original works by academics actively working in CMS, following various methodological approaches which can be categorised into two broad methodological categories, namely, conceptual work and empirical work following an Interpretive approach