12 research outputs found

    Kajian Literatur Terhadap Peran Transfer Pengetahuan Dalam Konteks Perusahaan Multinasional

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan dan meringkas aspek penting dari transfer pengetahuan (knowledge transfer) dalam konteks perusahaan multinasional Desain / metodologi / pendekatan - Tinjauan aspek SD didasarkan pada 15 jurnal yang diterbitkan dari tahun 2005 sampai dengan tahun 2015 database akademik yaitu Emerald, dengan melihat kata kunci  "knowledge transfer” dan "Multinational Corporation”. Temuan - Melalui tinjauan literatur, makalah ini merekomendasikan Untuk meningkatkan keunggulan-keunggulan kompetitif dari suatu perusahaan global, aktivitas-aktivitas SDM yang  perlu untuk memfokuskan diri pada pengembangan kemampuan- kemampuan internasional yang dimiliki. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah berhasil mengglobalkan aktivitas-aktivitas SDM mereka memerikan 5 karakteristik penting yang ditemukan dalam kajian literatur. Keterbatasan penelitian / implikasi –Hanya menggunakan 15 jurnal sebagai sumber kajian orisinalitas / nilai - penelitian ini menyajikan tinjauan literatur pada aspek penting pada perusahaan multinasional yaitu : transfer pengetahuan (knowledge transfer) Kata kunci- Transfer Pengetahuan (knowledge transfer), Perusahaan Multinasional (multinational corporation


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    Purpose: This paper examines the philosophy behind multinational companies’ global knowledge flows, highlighting links between external actors’ knowledge and expatriate managers’ actions. Applying philosophical pragmatism as a theoretical background, expatriate managers’ perception of external actors’ knowledge is presented as a tool enabling successful knowledge transfer. Design/methodology/approach: Data obtained via a survey on a sample of expatriate managers in Croatia is used. Using a partial least square structural equation modeling method, the correlations between external actors’ impact and subsidiary investment and headquarter benefits are explored. Findings and implications: Expatriate managers believe that headquarters benefit from a stronger impact of external actors on subsidiaries and an increase in subsidiaries’ internal investment. Our findings direct managers towards the harmonization of their priorities, highlighting the importance of inter- and intra-organizational agreements, suggesting that financial means should be directed towards widening internal knowledge bases and exploiting the potential of external knowledge. Limitations: Expats relevance perception priorities may be disrupted when headquarters impose performance evaluation criteria. This paper is also subject to expatriate managers’ experience limitations, which decreases their likelihood of recognizing relevant knowledge. Originality/value: Focusing on the psychology of expatriate managers, this paper introduces philosophical pragmatism as a theoretical framework underpinning successful knowledge transfer actions. Originating from pragmatism, successful actions are made through a manager’s perception of relevant knowledge. Expatriate managers’ actions are thus not passive reflections of their reality, but rather the result of their perception of relevant knowledge.Svrha: Ovaj rad istražuje filozofiju globalnih tokova znanja multinacionalnih kompanija, fokusirajući se na adsorpciju znanja od vanjskih aktera te aktivnosti ekspatrijata. Primjenjujući filozofski pragmatizam kao teorijsku pozadinu, percepcija ekspatrijata predstavljena je kao alat koji omogućava uspješan prijenos znanja. Dizajn/Metodologija/Pristup: Korišteni su podaci prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom na uzorku ekspatrijata u Republici Hrvatskoj. Za izračun korelacije vanjskih aktera, odnosno investicija podružnice i koristi središnjice, primijenjena je metoda parcijalnih strukturnih jednadžbi. Rezultati i implikacije: Ekspatrijati smatraju kako koristi za središnjicu multinacionalne kompanije dolaze od snažnijeg utjecaja vanjskih aktera na podružnicu te rasta investicija podružnica. Rezultati upućuju na nužnost harmonizacije prioriteta podružnice i središnjice. Također, naglašava važnost proširivanja inter-organizacijske ali i intra-organizacijske suradnje ulaganjem u rast interne baze znanja. Ograničenja: Ovaj rad oslanja se na istraživanje percepcije ekspatrijata o relevantnosti znanja s kojim se susreću, međutim, uvođenjem evaluacijskih kriterija od strane središnjice, prioriteti expatrijata mogu biti nametnuti, te njihova percepcija može izgubiti na važnosti. Također, limitirano iskustvo ekspatrijata može utjecati sposobnost fokusiranja na važno znanje. Originalnost rada: Fokusirajući se na psihološku komponentu expatriajata, ovaj rad uvodi filozofski pragmatizam kao teoretski okvir za uspješan transfer znanja. Potječući iz pragmatizma, uspješni potezi rezultat su percepciju relevantnog znanja menadžera. Postupci ekspatrijata nisu pasivni odraz njihove stvarnosti, već rezultat percepcije relevantnog znanja

    Improving subsidiaries' innovation through knowledge inflows from headquarters and peer subsidiaries

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    This study develops a conceptual model that compares the intensity of the impact of knowledge inflows from peer subsidiaries and from the headquarters in the promotion of a focal subsidiary's innovation activities, moderated by socialization mechanisms and national cultural distance. The authors test hypotheses with a dataset comprised of survey data from 202 multinational corporations (MNC) Portuguese subsidiaries. The results indicate that although knowledge inflows from both the headquarters and peer subsidiaries promote the focal subsidiary's innovations capabilities, headquarters' knowledge transfer is a superior and more efficient source of knowledge in the promotion of a subsidiary's new product development. Moreover, socialization mechanisms, both lateral and vertical integrating mechanisms, act as critical instruments that facilitate the incorporation of the incoming knowledge flows into innovation. This study extends the literature on knowledge transfer in MNCs by exploring how two sources of knowledge transfer, the headquarters and peer subsidiaries, influence a focal subsidiary's new product development, investigating socialization mechanisms and national cultural distance moderating effects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Infipats. Why do they stay and how does it influence cross border knowledge transfer?

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    Tot i que la investigació sobre la transferència transfronterera de coneixement (CBKT) a través de cessionaris internacionals ha anat creixent constantment i s'ha investigat des de múltiples perspectives i angles, actualment les assignacions reeixides es reflecteixen en la repatriació o en la reassignació. A la pràctica, però, no tots els expatriats segueixen aquestes opcions, sinó que decideixen quedar-se indefinidament en assignació al seu país d'acollida. Aquesta tesi investiga aquest fenomen i explora qui són aquests infipats (expatriats que es queden indefinidament), per què decideixen quedar-se i, en particular, les implicacions altament beneficioses de la seva decisió per al CBKT organitzatiu. Atesa la manca d'investigació sobre aquest fenomen, primer es proporciona una metaanàlisi sobre els antecedents i els resultats de la CBKT a través de cessionaris internacionals en general per servir de base en la qual basar-se a l'hora d'investigar els infipats i els seus CBKT. Les troballes van mostrar la importància relativa dels antecedents individuals, relacionals, de coneixement i contextuals. A continuació, es van realitzar dos estudis de cas exploratoris, basats en 26 entrevistes amb infipats, nacionals del país d'acollida (HCN) i col·legues de la seu, realitzades a Malàisia i la Xina. Els resultats van mostrar que les principals raons per romandre indefinidament depenen molt de la ubicació. A la Xina, la raó principal per quedar-se va ser la carrera i els factors de desenvolupament, mentre que a Malàisia la decisió es va veure influenciada sobretot per consideracions familiars i de parella. Infipats va resultar especialment valuós per a CBKT, ja que es beneficien d'estar ben ajustats i de tenir bones relacions amb HCN, així com de fortes xarxes locals que milloren el seu accés al coneixement. Això els va permetre canviar la direcció de transferència de coneixement d'uni a bidireccional, convertint-los en el pont de coneixement perfecte entre la seu i la filial. En general, aquesta tesi crida l'atenció sobre el fenomen infipat i en particular les seves implicacions CBKT.Si bien la investigación sobre la transferencia transfronteriza de conocimientos (CBKT) a través de cesionarios internacionales ha crecido constantemente y se ha investigado desde múltiples perspectivas y ángulos, las cesiones exitosas actualmente se reflejan en la repatriación o en la reasignación. En la práctica, sin embargo, no todos los expatriados siguen estas opciones, sino que deciden permanecer indefinidamente en misión en su país de acogida. Esta tesis investiga este fenómeno y explora quiénes son estos infipats (expatriados que se quedan indefinidamente), por qué deciden quedarse y, en particular, las implicaciones altamente beneficiosas de su decisión para la organización CBKT. Dada la falta de investigación sobre este fenómeno, primero se proporciona un metaanálisis sobre los antecedentes y los resultados de CBKT a través de cesionarios internacionales en general para que sirva como base en la que confiar al investigar a los infipats y su CBKT. Los hallazgos mostraron la importancia relativa de los antecedentes individuales, relacionales, de conocimiento y contextuales. Luego, se realizaron dos estudios de casos exploratorios, basados en 26 entrevistas con infipats, nacionales del país anfitrión (HCN) y colegas de la sede, realizadas en Malasia y China. Los resultados mostraron que las principales razones para quedarse indefinidamente dependían mucho de la ubicación. En China, la principal razón para quedarse fueron factores de carrera y desarrollo, mientras que en Malasia la decisión estuvo influenciada principalmente por consideraciones familiares y de pareja. Infipats demostró ser especialmente valioso para CBKT, ya que se benefician de estar bien adaptados y tener buenas relaciones con HCN, así como sólidas redes locales que mejoraron su acceso al conocimiento. Esto les permitió cambiar la dirección de transferencia de conocimiento de unidireccional a bidireccional, lo que los convirtió en el puente de conocimiento perfecto entre la sede central y la subsidiaria. En general, esta tesis llama la atención sobre el fenómeno infipat y, en particular, sus implicaciones CBKT.While research on cross-border knowledge transfer (CBKT) via international assignees has been growing consistently and has been investigated from multiple perspective and angles, successful assignments are currently reflected to either end in repatriation or in being reassigned. In practice, however, not all expatriates follow these options, but rather decide to stay indefinitely on assignment in their host country. This thesis investigates this phenomenon and explores who these infipats (expatriates who stay indefinitely) are, why they decide to stay, and in particular the highly beneficial implications of their decision for organizational CBKT. Given the lack of research on this phenomenon, first a meta-analysis on antecedents and outcomes of CBKT via international assignees in general is provided to serve as a base to rely on when investigating infipats and their CBKT. The findings showed the relative importance of individual, relational, knowledge, and contextual antecedents. Then, two exploratory case studies were conducted, based on 26 interviews with infipats, host country nationals (HCN) and headquarter colleagues, conducted in Malaysia and China. The results showed that the main reasons to stay indefinitely were very dependent on location. In China the main reason to stay were career and development factors, while in Malaysia the decision was mostly influenced by family and partner considerations. Infipats proved especially valuable for CBKT, as they benefit from being well adjusted and through having good relationships with HCNs, as well as strong local networks which improved their knowledge access. This enabled them to change the knowledge transfer direction from uni- to bidirectional, making them the perfect knowledge bridge between HQ and the subsidiary. Overall this thesis draws attention to infipat phenomenon and in particular its CBKT implications

    Reverse knowledge transfer: making sense of two decades of academic research

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    Purpose – This study aims to synthesize extant literature on the concept of reverse knowledge transfer (RKT) built up over the past two decades with the help of bibliometric analyssis and also to suggest promising new areas for research in this field. Design/methodology/approach – The study adopts a literature review methodology combined with bibliometric and network analysis based on 117 papers identified from the Scopus database. In particular, this study has tried to identify and capture themes not previously fully captured or evaluated by other reviews on this topic. Findings – The authors have identified research themes and research gaps in the area of RKT. Overall, the review shows the main outlets that have published papers on RKT and the theoretical background this research is built on. This study exhibits core themes in this area that have persisted and grown consistently such as the subsidiary’s role in RKT. In addition, the review highlights less researched themes such as role of boundary spanning in RKT, which open exciting avenues for new research opportunities. Research limitations/implications – This study finds that RKT research has experienced remarkable growth from a complete viewpoint in recent years. There was a surge in publications in the area from 2008 onwards, and many of its influential papers seemed to have been published between 2013 and 2018. Prominent themes in this body of research have been identified and potential for future studies has been explored. Originality/value – To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to map, synthesize and discuss the literature concerning RKT. Keywords Reverse knowledge transfer, International knowledge transfer, Knowledge spillover, Co-citation, Bibliometric analysis Paper type Research pape

    Repatriate knowledge transfer : Individual perspective

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    Tämä tutkimus käsittelee pitkiltä ulkomaankomennuksilta palanneiden työntekijöiden tiedonsiirtoa organisaatioissa. Tarkemmin ottaen kohderyhmänä on organisaatioon palanneet työntekijät, jotka ovat olleet ulkomaankomennuksella työnantajan lähettämänä vähintään vuoden mittaisen ajan (eng. long-term corporate repatriate). Ulkomaankomennuksen aikana työntekijät kartuttavat tyypillisesti yrityksille arvokasta ja vaikeasti kopioitavaa tietoa, esimerkiksi uusia verkostoja, tietoa kohdemaan markkinoista, kulttuurista ja toimintatavoista sekä kehittävät johtamistaitojaan. Tutkimukset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet paluuvaiheen tiedonsiirrossa olevan haasteita, eikä palanneiden ekspatriaattien kartuttamaa tietoa usein saada hyödynnettyä tehokkaasti organisaatioiden sisällä. Lisäksi paluuvaiheen tiedonsiirtoon keskittyviä tutkimuksia, erityisesti yksilötason näkökulmasta, on määrällisesti vähän. Tämä tutkimus pyrkii vastaamaan tähän tarpeeseen ja lisäämään ymmärrystä paluuvaiheen tiedonsiirrosta ulkomailta palaavien työntekijöiden näkökulmasta. Tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälaista tietoa työntekijät kartuttavat ulkomaankomennusten aikana, minkälaista tietoa he siirtävät eteenpäin palatessaan ja mitkä yksilötason tekijät vaikuttavat paluuvaiheen tiedonsiirtoon. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksessa haastatellaan yhdeksää ulkomaankomennukselta palannutta työntekijää eri toimialoilta ja yrityksistä. Tutkimuksen löydökset osoittavat, että ulkomaankomennuksen aikana kertyneen tiedon luonne, työntekijän persoonallisuuteen liittyvät piirteet sekä ulkomaankomennuksen jälkeinen asema organisaatiossa vaikuttavat työntekijöiden motivaatioon, kyvykkyyteen ja mahdollisuuksiin siirtää tietoa organisaation sisällä. Tulokset osoittavat, että organisaatiot voivat edesauttaa tiedonsiirtoa tarjoamalla ulkomaankomennuksilta palaaville työntekijöille tiedonsiirtoa tukevan aseman ja tehtäviä, missä työntekijä voi hyödyntää ja siirtää tietoa mahdollisimman monipuolisesti organisaation sisällä. Lisäksi formaalit tiedonkeruun menetelmät voivat viestittää työntekijöille, että heidän kerryttämää tietoa arvostetaan ja edelleen lisätä työntekijöiden motivaatiota osallistua tiedonsiirtoon

    Multidimensional Knowledge Flow Dynamics in Context

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    Knowledge is a sustainable advantage and knowledge assets can increase value with use. A snowball effect of knowledge advantage advocates effective knowledge management and fosters its continual growth as it flows. Knowledge, however, flows unevenly throughout an organization and the problem is that the fundamental dynamics of these flows are still not well characterized in theoretical and computational models. This study built on existing work—knowledge-flow theory, need knowledge generation, and the critical success factors for enterprise resource planning implementation—to examine the multidimensional knowledge-flow phenomenon in context, and used the case study methodology for knowledge-flow theory building. The research question was two-pronged: how can need knowledge and its flow across stakeholders within an organization be explained using a multidimensional knowledge-flow model and how can Nissen’s five-dimensional knowledge-flow model be validated using a real-life immersion case? The researcher relied on three sources of evidence for this case study: project-related documentation, archival records, and interviews. Data triangulation yielded three results components: (a) a chronology of key events that obstructed knowledge flow, (b) a logic model depicting themes that contributed to knowledge-flow obstruction, and (c) explanations of the knowledge-flow patterns. This case study suggested enabling need knowledge determinants and obstructing conditions are in play that determine the path of need knowledge flow. These two research artifacts should be considered together to provide a fresh research avenue towards better understanding of knowledge flow dynamics

    Reverse knowledge absorptive capacity of MNE-HQ (RKAC): conceptualization, theoretical framework, and empirical testing

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    Despite the increasing importance of reverse knowledge for innovation and competitive advantage of multinational enterprises (MNEs), the issue of how to make reverse knowledge transfer (RKT) more effective is under-explored. Specifically, what constitutes the absorptive capacity of MNEs' headquarters (HQ), the receiver of reverse knowledge, remains conceptually vague and empirically inconsistent. This study develops a broad conceptualization of MNE-HQs' reverse knowledge absorptive capacity--the RKAC--that integrates two major perspectives, namely motivation-ability view, and process-based view of absorptive capacity. Departing from previous studies that treat absorptive capacity as a generic construct, the broad construct of RKAC is developed for each specific HQ-subsidiary dyad. This study also proposes a theoretical framework that accounts for the antecedents, outcomes, and boundary conditions of RKAC. The proposed model was empirically tested with survey data collected from 206 executive mangers of subsidiaries operating in China. The results supported the theoretical conceptualization and the majority of the proposed hypotheses.Includes bibliographical references

    Reverse Knowledge Transfer from Multinational Subsidiaries to their Headquarters in the GCC – the mediating effects of social equity, transfer mechanisms, trust and willingness

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    Organisational knowledge can be reasonably regarded as a valuable organisational asset, and particularly so where multinational enterprises (MNEs) share knowledge between parent and subsidiary to secure competitive advantage. Traditionally, much of the research in this field has focused on unilateral flows of knowledge from the parent to the subsidiary, with less attention directed towards the reversed relationship of knowledge flows from the subsidiary back to the parent. As internationalisation has increased, closer scrutiny has been directed towards this relationship of so-called reverse knowledge transfer or RKT. As more research attention has been directed towards RKT it has become apparent that there are a range of factors mediating variables which influence the nature of RKT. These factors include, but are not limited to trust between the parent and subsidiary, the existence of social equity (i.e. perception of some degree of parity) between the parent and the subsidiary, a willingness on the part of the subsidiary to share knowledge, and the mechanisms of knowledge transfer, which are also shown to affect the speed efficacy of knowledge transfer and completeness and contextualisation. This study focuses on the relationship of RKT, but explores an emergent aspect of RKT, whereby the parent firm is in a developing/emerging economic region - the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), and the subsidiary is in a developed economy. It is the position of this research that there is something about this relationship with the parent is in the GCC, and the asset which holds the greatest interest for the parent, is the knowledge held by the subsidiary in a developed economy. It is only relatively recently, that multinational firms located in developing/emerging economies have begun to expand internationally and proactively seek knowledge, and whilst there is some research into this same scenario of the parent in a developing economy, such as China or India, there is, it is argued little to no formal academic research which has examined the situation of RKT where the parent is in the GCC. This research determines that consistent with existing literature, trust is a key component in the effectiveness of RKT in this setting, as is the relationship of power between the parent and the subsidiary, which it is held in the study is a unique aspect because the sociocultural norms of the GCC