13 research outputs found

    Assessment of electric field on hdpe-natural rubber biocomposite with sphere to sphere electrode configuration

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    Rapid growth of high voltage technology gives the opportunity to engineer to do a study on the environmental protection. Development of the design and manufacture of polymer insulation materials today make polymer insulation better because polymer insulators have a strength-to weight ratio which is larger than porcelain so that it can reduce manufacturing costs. This project is represented a study to analyse the electric field intensity of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) when added with 10%, 20% and 30% of different types of bio-filler such as coconut coir fibre, pineapple leaves fibre, and oil palm empty fruit bunch. This can be accomplished by creating a two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetric electrostatic model by using the Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) 4.2 software. Based on the results actualize, the inclusion of bio-filler in HDPE increased the maximum electric field intensity when compared with unfilled HDPE. The electric field intensity also varied with the different percentages loading of biocomposite and their permittivity. As a result, the maximum electric field intensity was much lower for HDPE added with a 10% loading of the oil palm empty fruit bunch. Hence, oil palm empty fruit bunch was the best composition as it tends to improve the dielectric properties since it has a lower electric field intensity at the top sphere electrode as compared to other compositions

    The critical success factors for stakeholder management in the restoration of built heritage assets in the UK

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    PurposeBuilt heritage or historic assets (BHAs) constructed in the pre-nineteenth century in the UK are perceived to have certain characteristics which instil cultural significance in them and have seen them become valuable to the economy of the country. The heritage sector makes significant contributions to the UK economy through provision of tourist attractive sites, construction and servicing of heritage assets, heritage conservation, research, and commercial activities carried out within and around heritage assets. These benefits have seen them draw considerable interests from diverse stakeholders within and outside the heritage sector. Hence, a lot of attention is drawn towards restoration of such assets, from stakeholders of different interests, ranging from advocacies for no alteration to complete alteration of the heritage assets. As with construction projects, conflict of interests amongst stakeholder affect the outcome of restoration projects and the purpose of this paper is to examine the critical success factors (CSFs) for managing the stakeholders to achieve the projects’ objectives. Design/methodology/approachThis paper examines the views and experiences of practitioners in the heritage sector who have been involved with BHA restoration projects. A total of 32 CSFs for stakeholder management, obtained through rigorous reviews of literature, were subjected to a severe scrutiny with eight restoration experts to determine the importance of the CSFs in restoration projects. The outcome of the exercise was a modified list of 20 CSFs which were further tested on 52 restoration practitioners in the United Kingdom (UK) using a structured questionnaire to determine the degree of importance of each of the CSFs in restoration projects and their relationships as perceived by the practitioners. FindingsThe results of the analyses performed on the data show that most of the CSFs were perceived by restoration practitioners as truly critical and vital for successful management of stakeholders in restoration of BHAs. The results also indicate that there is a strong consensus amongst a vast majority of practitioners on rankings of the CSFs. Practical implicationsThe identified CSFs could be used by the restoration practitioners as a “road map” for the development of appropriate solutions for successfully managing stakeholders associated with the promotion and BHAs restoration assets. Originality/valueAlthough CSFs for stakeholder management in construction have been studied by many scholars, no specific research could be identified prior to this study to have been done in defining the CSFs for stakeholder management in restoration projects. In this project, the authors have explored BHAs to identify and rank the CSFs for stakeholder management in restoration projects. Keywords: Built Heritage Assets, Stakeholder Management, Critical Success Factors, Restoration Projects, United Kingdom

    Analysis of design for environment requirements for future consumer electronics

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    Abstract. The scope of the study was to outline the critical areas of ‘Environment’ as a key stakeholder of product development. The aim of the research was three-folded. First, in the literature part, the aim was to understand design for environment (DFE) and capability creation concepts and resolve how to combine them into a concept. Second, in the empirical analysis part, the aim was to find the generic design for environment stakeholders and requirements for product development in the electronics industry. Finally, in the further analysis and discussion part, the methods and concepts to combine stakeholders and requirements for design for environment were generated at a generic level. A literature study was utilised to understand the topic, where general ideas and aspects around design for environment and capability creation were collected. An empirical survey was then conducted by interviewing experts and managers at three electronics and high technology companies in Finland. The survey was conducted via an online Teams meeting guided by a questionnaire related to design for environment and its related aspects. Finally, the analysis of the answers was performed using common knowledge and understanding. DFE is a product development approach that seeks to enhance a product’s environmental attributes throughout its lifecycle. The ultimate objective is to meet sustainability goals, and the early involvement of design for the environment facilitates product development in creating sustainability capabilities. Design for environment and sustainability capability creation are counterpart activities that support each other in a cycle loop. They both require and utilize identifying and assessing critical environmental stakeholders during the product development process for long-term sustainability. The empirical study indicates that there are two types of environmental stakeholders. They are internal stakeholders and external stakeholders. Business groups, design teams, quality teams, and experts are the internal stakeholders within the organization that participate actively in the product design and development process and have power in the decision-making process. Customers, suppliers, investors, and peers are the external stakeholders who strongly influence the product development process but do not have decision-making power. The key environmental stakeholders present essential environmental requirements that should be considered in making distinct changes and improvements in the new product development process. The central design for environment requirements are legal requirements, customer requirements, materials and energy requirements, and voluntary requirements. In conclusion, it can be stated that design for environment is a lifecycle thinking approach to product development that supports continuous improvement and development of sustainable products. Therefore, it is critical to identify and prioritise the key environmental stakeholders and their environmental requirements for better decision-making and focusing on fulfilling the sustainability targets. This study highlights the key areas of the environment where companies, especially the electronics industry, have to rethink the design for environment activities and recognise the concept to develop in an effective and organised way

    Design for Assembly aplicado ao projeto de habitações em Light Steel Frame

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal a proposição de diretrizes para o desenvolvimento do Design for Assembly (DFA) para a produção de habitações unifamiliares. Tais diretrizes envolvem considerações a respeito da apresentação dos projetos e sobre a padronização das informações que definem a sequência de montagem dos principais elementos de uma edificação em LSF, visando a melhorar a construtibilidade dos projetos. Foi desenvolvido um exemplo de aplicação do DFA a um elemento de uma edificação em LSF. Este estudo foi baseado em conceitos obtidos na revisão bibliográfica, relacionados com a Engenharia Concorrente, Lean Design e DFA. Além disso, visando a destacar a importância na inovação de processos na construção, o atual contexto de projeto do LSF no Brasil foi caracterizado por meio de entrevistas com profissionais que têm utilizado esta tecnologia. O produto final deste artigo visa a contribuir para o avanço dos estudos a respeito do processo de projeto do LSF, além de promover o uso de conceitos pouco abordados na indústria da construção, como o DFA

    Stakeholder management and prioritization in a Positive Energy District project

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study is to construct a model for stakeholder management in a Positive Energy District (PED) project. PED projects are implemented in a context where stakeholders play a vital role in the accomplishment of the project objectives and impact project success with their actions. As all stakeholder claims cannot be fulfilled equally, they have to be balanced and prioritized by project management. Required actions for stakeholder prioritization in inter-organizational projects are examined in the literature review. In the empirical part of the research, a qualitative case study with a narrative approach is conducted in order to analyze the stakeholder prioritization of the case PED project. Based on the findings a model for PED stakeholder management was created, consisting of six steps: — Optimized detailed plans and land use agreements — Stakeholder analysis and prioritization — Early involvement of relevant stakeholders — Management of collaboration and communication — Clarification of ecosystem structure and business models — Involvement of local residents The study expanded understanding on PED projects’ complex stakeholder network and the challenges that are faced in these types of energy ecosystem projects. The findings can be utilized in future PED projects and other inter-organizational energy projects executed in an urban environment.Sidosryhmähallinta ja -priorisointi Positive Energy District -projektissa. Tiivistelmä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda malli Positive Energy District (PED) -projektin sidosryhmähallinnalle. PED-projektit toteutetaan kontekstissa, jossa sidosryhmien rooli projektin tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa ja projektin onnistumisessa on merkittävä. Koska kaikkien sidosryhmien intressejä ja toiveita ei voida toteuttaa tasavertaisesti, niitä on tasapainotettava ja priorisoitava projektijohdon toimesta. Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa esitellään vaadittavat toimet sidosryhmien priorisoinnille yhteistoiminnallisessa projektissa. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena ja narratiivisena tapaustutkimuksena, jossa analysoitiin tutkitun PED-projektin sidosryhmien priorisointia. Tulosten pohjalta muodostettiin PED-projektin sidosryhmäjohtamisen malli, joka koostuu kuudesta vaiheesta: — Optimoitu asemakaava ja maankäyttösopimukset — Sidosryhmäanalyysi ja -priorisointi — Relevanttien sidosryhmien aikainen osallistaminen — Yhteistyön ja kommunikaation johtaminen — Ekosysteemin rakenteen ja liiketoimintamallien selventäminen — Paikallisten asukkaiden osallistaminen Tämä tutkimus laajensi ymmärrystä PED-projektien sidosryhmäverkostosta ja haasteista, joita vastaavanlaisissa energiaekosysteemiprojekteissa kohdataan. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevissa PED-projekteissa ja muissa yhteistoiminnallisissa kaupunkiympäristön energiahankkeissa

    Design for manufacturing in flexible electronics production

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    Länsimaisissa teolliset yritykset erityisesti elektroniikan valmistuksen alalla ovat jatkuvan tiukan kilpailun kohteena. Tämän seurauksena yritysten on länsimaissa kiinnitettävä erityistä huomiota tuotantonsa tehokkuuteen. Näiden yritysten on mahdotonta kilpailla halpatuotantomaita vastaan, mikäli niiden tuottavuus on samalla tasolla halpatuotantomaiden kanssa. Japanilaiset valmistajat osoittivat lean-ajattelun avulla saavutettavat edut ja siksi länsimaiset valmistajat ovat myös ryhtyneet soveltamaan näitä periaatteita. Valmistettavuuden suunnittelu on ollut toinen seikka, jolla tuotantoa on tehostettu ja sen kustannuksia pystytty pienentämään. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan lean-ajattelun ja valmistettavuuden yhdistämistä tuotteen tuotekehitysvaiheessa elektroniikkateollisuudessa. Lean-ajattelun osalta keskitytään erityisesti tuotantosolujen toimintaan. Lisäksi tässä työssä on esitetty, miten esimerkkiyrityksen yhden tuotteen loppukokoonpanoon on tehty lean-muutos. Tämän esimerkkitapauksen avulla tunnistettiin ne keskeiset seikat tuotteen valmistettavuudessa, jotka tulee ottaa huomioon, jotta tuote voidaan valmistaa leantuotantomenetelmillä mahdollisimman tehokkaasti.Western companies especially in the field of electronics manufacturing are facing strong competition. Consequently, companies must pay special attention to the efficiency of their production. They cannot compete against companies in countries with significantly lower labor costs, even if their productivity is at the same level. Japanese manufacturing companies have shown the benefits that can be achieved by implementing lean thinking in manufacturing. As result, also western companies have started to adopt the lean principles in their own production. In search of efficiency, improvements, and cost reductions, companies have also started to implement the design for manufacturing principles. This thesis examines how to combine design for manufacturing and lean principles in a product development project in the electronics industry. Lean thinking is primarily discussed with reference to lean production cells. In addition, this study describes how a lean transformation is done to the final assembly line of an electronic device. The analysis of this example product provides the basis for determining the critical factors in design for manufacturability that affect our ability to manufacture the product according to the principles of lean thinkin

    Infrarakennusurakan aloitusvaiheen tehostaminen

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    Tiivistelmä. Infrarakentamisen pääurakointi on perinteikäs ja kilpailtu toimiala. Tuottavuuden nostaminen sujuvien toimintamallien kautta on elinehto urakointia harjoittaville yrityksille. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli löytää keinoja erityisesti urakan aloitusvaiheen tehostamiseen. Tutkimusta varten suoritettiin aluksi kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa etsittiin onnistuneen infrarakennusurakan perusedellytyksiä. Perusedellytyksiä tunnistettiin yhteensä seitsemän, eli yhteistoiminnallisuus ja kommunikaatio, kustannusten hallinta, laadun hallinta, turvallisuus, ajallinen hallinta, resurssit ja hankinta sekä ympäristövastuullisuus. Empiriavaiheessa tutkittiin näiden perusedellytysten toteutumista urakan aloitusvaiheessa ja kohdeyrityksen toiminnassa. Tutkimusmetodeina käytettiin asiakirjakatsausta sekä haastattelututkimusta kohdeyrityksen tuotantojohdolle. Tutkimuksen tuloksena esitettiin kehitysehdotuksia kohdeyrityksen urakointitoimintaan. Tutkimuksen loppuvaiheessa toteutettiin näistä kaksi, eli aloitusvaiheen muistilista sekä mittausohje koneenkuljettajille. Toteutettujen kehitystoimenpiteiden vaikutukset arvioitiin validoinnin perusteella myönteisiksi. Validointi toteutettiin case-kohteessa, joka oli kohdeyrityksen urakoima katusaneerauskohde. Kohdeyritykselle laadittiin lopuksi myös uusi toimintamallikaavio urakan aloitusvaiheeseen. Tutkimuksen perusteella tärkeimpiä tekijöitä aloitusvaiheen tehostamiseen ovat tuotantojohdon selkeä ja laaja vastuuttaminen, osapuolten aikainen osallistaminen sekä toimintamallin selkeys. Työn tuloksia hyödynnetään jatkossa kohdeyrityksen toiminnan kehittämisessä ja ne ovat yleistettävissä myös moneen muuhun tarkoitukseen.Optimizing of infraconstruction project’s starting phase. Abstract. The main contracting of infra projects is a traditional and highly competed field. Productivity increase through smooth operational models is vital for construction companies. The aim of this thesis was to find the ways to optimize especially the starting phase of the project. In the thesis, a literature review was conducted, where the basic requirements for the successful infra construction project were mapped. Overall, seven basic requirements were identified: integration and communication, cost management, quality management, safety, schedule management, resources and purchase and also environmental responsibility. Actualizing of these basic requirements in starting phase of the project and in client company’s procedures were studied in thesis’ empirical phase. As a research method, document review and study interview for the company’s production management, were used. As a result of a survey, development proposals for the company’s contracting procedures were presented. In the end-phase of the study, two of these development proposals were implemented; the checklist for starting phase and measuring guide for the excavator operators. The effects of these implemented development proceedings were evaluated to be positive. Validation was actualized in the case-site, which was a street renovation project constructed by client company. Finally, the new operational model diagram for the starting phase of the project was formed to the company. According to this survey, the main factors for optimizing the starting phase are clear and comprehensive share of responsibilities among production management, early stakeholder involvement and clarity of operational model. The results of this thesis are utilized in developing client company’s operation and it’s also possible to generalize them in many other purposes

    Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Rules and Guidelines for Engineering

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    Companies’ competitiveness can be improved either by optimizing production processes or by developing a product and components to fit better to existing production processes. The latter is sought by designing a product so that previously encountered production and manufacturability anomalies can be avoided. Various Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, DFMA, -methods are developed to design better and more easily manufacturable products. DFMA methods are used to simplify the product structure, to reduce manufacturing and assembly costs, and to analyse and identify improvement targets. DFMA has evolved over time to become a philosophy of optimizing the total product from the standpoint of assembly, part design and total life cycle cost. The practice of applying DFMA is to identify, quantify and eliminate waste or inefficiency in a product design. Early consideration of manufacturing issues shortens overall product development time, minimizes development costs, and ensures a smooth transition into production. Thesis was written in cooperation with Sandvik Mining and Construction. The thesis project was initiated because variable rules and guidelines to aid manufacturing and assembly existed in different production and development units at the company. There was no common practice in utilising DFMA for designing and engineering. As a result, it was seen that general guidelines to harmonize design practices were needed. Accordingly, the objective of the thesis was to create and initiate a first version of a common DFMA rules and guidelines for the company. Work was conducted in collaboration with three main Product Development Centers, Tampere (Finland), Turku (Finland) and Zeltweg (Austria). Company offers a wide range of products and thereby rules and guidelines were designed to consist of both generic and product specific sections. Furthermore, design instructions were divided into concept and detail design sections to efficiently support product designing and to emphasise the importance of early design decisions. The DFMA rules and guidelines aim to compile and share best design practices among different Product Development Centers in order to harmonize product designing. Moreover, DFMA seeks to enhance collaboration practices between design and production departments to enable better product design. /Kir1

    Conception pour la fabrication additive, application à la technologie EBM

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    Nowadays, the use of Additive Manufacturing processes keeps growing in the industry. Among the numerous kinds of AM processes, metallic additive manufacturing processes, and metallic Additive Layer Manufacturing in particular, are the most interesting from a mechanical designer point of view. Several research studies have been conducted on the topic of Design For Additive Manufacturing, mostly discussing the choice of AM processes or presenting the redesign of parts. There is no specific design methodology for ALM processes that takes their specificities into account.During this PhD thesis, the changes that ALM processes bring to the design space were investigated. The designer has the opportunity to easily manufacture thin parts, complex parts, lattice structures or mechanisms that don't need any assembly. These processes also have specific manufacturing constraints compared to conventional processes. The heat dissipation is the most important factor since it can cause distortions and porosities. Powder removal, surface and geometrical quality also need to be considered during design. A specific design for additive manufacturing methodology is necessary to take these changes into account.This work focuses on the Electron Beam Manufacturing process. Experiments were conducted and analyzed to assess the manufacturability regarding the thermal phenomena (during melting), the powder removal and the quality of the parts produced by EBM. The impact of the part geometry on manufacturing duration and manufacturing cost was also established.In order to use allow designers to use these pieces of information, we suggested a designing methodology. From the requirements of the parts, one or several parts are generated by the designer or by using topological optimization tools. The orientation of the part inside the manufacturing space is set before designing a refined parametric geometry. This parametric geometry is optimized in order to meet the user requirements as well as the EBM requirements. The last step is the modification of the geometry to comply with the finishing operations (machining allowances for example) and the placement of supports, if needed. This methodology was illustrated with the redesign of two example parts and showed important mass savings from the parts (while meeting user and process requirements).The prospects discovered and highlighted during this work, some of which were preliminary investigated, are presented in a specific chapter.Les procédés de fabrication additive sont aujourd'hui de plus en plus utilisés dans l'industrie. Parmi les différentes technologies existantes, les procédés additifs métalliques, et notamment les procédés en couches, sont les plus prometteurs pour la conception de produits mécaniques. Des travaux ont été menés sur la thématique de la conception de produits réalisés par ces moyens, il traitent principalement du choix du procédé le plus adapté, de l'optimisation de formes ou présentent des cas de reconception. Il n'existe cependant pas de démarche globale de conception de produits qui permettent de prendre en compte les spécificités des procédés additifs en couches, notamment leurs contraintes de fabrication.Lors de ce travail de thèse, les changements que ces procédés introduisent dans le domaine des possibles en conception de produits ont été montrés et illustrés par des pièces réalisées par EBM. De nouvelles opportunités s'offrent au concepteur, comme l'accès à l'ensemble du volume de fabrication, la facilité de réalisation de pièces complexes, la possibilité de réaliser des treillis tridimensionnels et la capacité de produire des mécanismes sans assemblage. Les contraintes de fabrication de ces procédés sont spécifiques. Les phénomènes thermiques lors de la fabrication ont une incidence sur la fabricabilité et la qualité des pièces. La phase de retrait de poudre impose quant à elle des contraintes d'accessibilités. Pour prendre en compte cette évolution, il est nécessaire de concevoir spécifiquement les pièces pour la fabrication additive.Le procédé EBM est au centre du travail réalisé. Il s'agit d'un moyen de fabrication additive en couches, par fusion, à l'aide faisceau d'électrons. Les phénomènes thermiques, qui peuvent causer déformations et mauvaise intégrité de la matière, l'opération de dépoudrage et la problématique de la qualité des pièces fabriquées par EBM ont fait l'objet de caractérisations expérimentales. La durée de fabrication et le coût de revient technique des pièces réalisées par EBM ont également été étudiés, afin d'établir la relation entre durée, coût et géométrie des pièces.Pour de prendre en compte les contraintes explicitées auparavant, et pour bénéficier des importantes libertés que ce procédé offre aux concepteurs, une démarche de conception a été proposée. Cette démarche consiste à générer une ou plusieurs géométries initiales, soit directement par le concepteur, soit par l'utilisation d'outils d'optimisation topologique, à partir de données extraites du cahier des charges. Une fois le balançage de la pièce choisi (en prenant en compte les contraintes de fabrication, le tolérancement de la pièce et la productivité de la fabrication), la pièce est modélisée en incluant un jeu de paramètres pour effectuer une optimisation paramétrique. Cette optimisation permet de dimensionner la pièce, tout en prenant en compte les contraintes de fabrication. A l'issue de cette phase d'optimisation, la géométrie finale est obtenue en prenant en compte les exigences des opérations de parachèvement éventuelles et en définissant les supports, s'ils sont nécessaires. Cette démarche a été illustrée par la reconception de deux pièces mécaniques qui répondent aux exigences de leur cahier des charges fonctionnel, sont fabricables à l'aide du procédé EBM et offrent des gains de masse importants.Enfin, un chapitre particulier est consacré aux perspectives mises en évidence (et ayant parfois fait l'objet de travaux préliminaires) à l'occasion de ce travail de thèse