84 research outputs found

    Management of Virtual Machines on Globus Grids Using GridWay

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    Virtual machines are a promising technology to over-come some of the problems found in current Grid infras-tructures, like heterogeneity, performance partitioning or application isolation. In this work, we present an straight-forward deployment of virtual machines in Globus Grids. This solution is based on standard services and does not re-quire additional middleware to be installed. Also, we assess the suitability of this deployment in the execution of a high throughput scientific application, the XMM-Newton Scien-tific Analysis System

    Secure Integration of Desktop Grids and Compute Clusters Based on Virtualization and Meta-Scheduling

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    Reducing the cost for business or scientific computations, is a commonly expressed goal in today’s companies. Using the available computers of local employees or the outsourcing of such computations are two obvious solutions to save money for additional hardware. Both possibilities exhibit security related disadvantages, since the deployed software and data can be copied or tampered if appropriate countermeasures are not taken. In this paper, an approach is presented to let a local desktop machines and remote cluster resources be securely combined into a singel Grid environment. Solutions to several problems in the areas of secure virtual networks, meta-scheduling and accessing cluster schedulers from desktop Grids are proposed

    AstroGrid-D: Grid Technology for Astronomical Science

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    We present status and results of AstroGrid-D, a joint effort of astrophysicists and computer scientists to employ grid technology for scientific applications. AstroGrid-D provides access to a network of distributed machines with a set of commands as well as software interfaces. It allows simple use of computer and storage facilities and to schedule or monitor compute tasks and data management. It is based on the Globus Toolkit middleware (GT4). Chapter 1 describes the context which led to the demand for advanced software solutions in Astrophysics, and we state the goals of the project. We then present characteristic astrophysical applications that have been implemented on AstroGrid-D in chapter 2. We describe simulations of different complexity, compute-intensive calculations running on multiple sites, and advanced applications for specific scientific purposes, such as a connection to robotic telescopes. We can show from these examples how grid execution improves e.g. the scientific workflow. Chapter 3 explains the software tools and services that we adapted or newly developed. Section 3.1 is focused on the administrative aspects of the infrastructure, to manage users and monitor activity. Section 3.2 characterises the central components of our architecture: The AstroGrid-D information service to collect and store metadata, a file management system, the data management system, and a job manager for automatic submission of compute tasks. We summarise the successfully established infrastructure in chapter 4, concluding with our future plans to establish AstroGrid-D as a platform of modern e-Astronomy.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures Subjects: data analysis, image processing, robotic telescopes, simulations, grid. Accepted for publication in New Astronom

    Virtual Machine Image Management for Elastic Resource Usage in Grid Computing

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    Grid Computing has evolved from an academic concept to a powerful paradigm in the area of high performance computing (HPC). Over the last few years, powerful Grid computing solutions were developed that allow the execution of computational tasks on distributed computing resources. Grid computing has recently attracted many commercial customers. To enable commercial customers to be able to execute sensitive data in the Grid, strong security mechanisms must be put in place to secure the customers' data. In contrast, the development of Cloud Computing, which entered the scene in 2006, was driven by industry: it was designed with respect to security from the beginning. Virtualization technology is used to separate the users e.g., by putting the different users of a system inside a virtual machine, which prevents them from accessing other users' data. The use of virtualization in the context of Grid computing has been examined early and was found to be a promising approach to counter the security threats that have appeared with commercial customers. One main part of the work presented in this thesis is the Image Creation Station (ICS), a component which allows users to administer their virtual execution environments (virtual machines) themselves and which is responsible for managing and distributing the virtual machines in the entire system. In contrast to Cloud computing, which was designed to allow even inexperienced users to execute their computational tasks in the Cloud easily, Grid computing is much more complex to use. The ICS makes it easier to use the Grid by overcoming traditional limitations like installing needed software on the compute nodes that users use to execute the computational tasks. This allows users to bring commercial software to the Grid for the first time, without the need for local administrators to install the software to computing nodes that are accessible by all users. Moreover, the administrative burden is shifted from the local Grid site's administrator to the users or experienced software providers that allow the provision of individually tailored virtual machines to each user. But the ICS is not only responsible for enabling users to manage their virtual machines themselves, it also ensures that the virtual machines are available on every site that is part of the distributed Grid system. A second aspect of the presented solution focuses on the elasticity of the system by automatically acquiring free external resources depending on the system's current workload. In contrast to existing systems, the presented approach allows the system's administrator to add or remove resource sets during runtime without needing to restart the entire system. Moreover, the presented solution allows users to not only use existing Grid resources but allows them to scale out to Cloud resources and use these resources on-demand. By ensuring that unused resources are shut down as soon as possible, the computational costs of a given task are minimized. In addition, the presented solution allows each user to specify which resources can be used to execute a particular job. This is useful when a job processes sensitive data e.g., that is not allowed to leave the company. To obtain a comparable function in today's systems, a user must submit her computational task to a particular resource set, losing the ability to automatically schedule if more than one set of resources can be used. In addition, the proposed solution prioritizes each set of resources by taking different metrics into account (e.g. the level of trust or computational costs) and tries to schedule the job to resources with the highest priority first. It is notable that the priority often mimics the physical distance from the resources to the user: a locally available Cluster usually has a higher priority due to the high level of trust and the computational costs, that are usually lower than the costs of using Cloud resources. Therefore, this scheduling strategy minimizes the costs of job execution by improving security at the same time since data is not necessarily transferred to remote resources and the probability of attacks by malicious external users is minimized. Bringing both components together results in a system that adapts automatically to the current workload by using external (e.g., Cloud) resources together with existing locally available resources or Grid sites and provides individually tailored virtual execution environments to the system's users

    Workload Schedulers - Genesis, Algorithms and Comparisons

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    In this article we provide brief descriptions of three classes of schedulers: Operating Systems Process Schedulers, Cluster Systems, Jobs Schedulers and Big Data Schedulers. We describe their evolution from early adoptions to modern implementations, considering both the use and features of algorithms. In summary, we discuss differences between all presented classes of schedulers and discuss their chronological development. In conclusion, we highlight similarities in the focus of scheduling strategies design, applicable to both local and distributed systems

    Resource Brokering in Grid Computing

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    Grid Computing has emerged in the academia and evolved towards the bases of what is currently known as Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT). The vast collection of resources that provide the nature for Grid Computing environment is very complex; multiple administrative domains control access and set policies to the shared computing resources. It is a decentralized environment with geographically distributed computing and storage resources, where each computing resource can be modeled as an autonomous computing entity, yet collectively can work together. This is a class of Cooperative Distributed Systems (CDS). We extend this by applying characteristic of open environments to create a foundation for the next generation of computing platform where entities are free to join a computing environment to provide capabilities and take part as a collective in solving complex problems beyond the capability of a single entity. This thesis is focused on modeling “Computing” as a collective performance of individual autonomous fundamental computing elements interconnected in a “Grid” open environment structure. Each computing element is a node in the Grid. All nodes are interconnected through the “Grid” edges. Resource allocation is done at the edges of the “Grid” where the connected nodes are simply used to perform computation. The analysis put forward in this thesis identifies Grid Computing as a form of computing that occurs at the resource level. The proposed solution, coupled with advancements in technology and evolution of new computing paradigms, sets a new direction for grid computing research. The approach here is a leap forward with the well-defined set of requirements and specifications based on open issues with the focus on autonomy, adaptability and interdependency. The proposed approach examines current model for Grid Protocol Architecture and proposes an extension that addresses the open issues in the diverged set of solutions that have been created

    Applications Exploiting e-Infrastructures Across Europe and India Within the EU-IndiaGrid Project

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    In the last few years e-Infrastructures across Europe and India faced remarkable developments. Both national and international connectivity improved considerably and Grid Computing also profited of significant developments. As a consequence scientific applications were in the position of taking substantial benefits from this progress. The most relevant cases are represented by High Energy Physics (with the contribution to the program of Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva) and Nano Science (exploiting NKN-TEIN3-GEANT interconnection for crystallography experiments with the remote access & control of experimental facility at the ESRF Synchrotron based in Grenoble, France directly from Mumbai, India). Other relevant application areas include Climate Change research, Biology, and several areas in Material Science. Within this framework, in the last five years period two specific EU funded projects (the EU-IndiaGrid and EU-IndiaGrid2) played a bridging role supporting several applications that exploited these advanced e-Infrastructures for the benefit of Euro-India common research programs. A crucial important part in the projects activity was the support offered to selected applications which ranges from the training the user communities behind up to the porting of their scientific applications on the grid computing infrastructure. This article aims to present and review the main e Infrastructures development in India and their full exploitation by scientific applications with a focus on the role played by the EUIndiaGrid and EU-IndiaGrid2 projects

    Advances in Grid Computing

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    This book approaches the grid computing with a perspective on the latest achievements in the field, providing an insight into the current research trends and advances, and presenting a large range of innovative research papers. The topics covered in this book include resource and data management, grid architectures and development, and grid-enabled applications. New ideas employing heuristic methods from swarm intelligence or genetic algorithm and quantum encryption are considered in order to explain two main aspects of grid computing: resource management and data management. The book addresses also some aspects of grid computing that regard architecture and development, and includes a diverse range of applications for grid computing, including possible human grid computing system, simulation of the fusion reaction, ubiquitous healthcare service provisioning and complex water systems
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