39 research outputs found

    SecureCyclon: Dependable Peer Sampling

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    Overlay management is the cornerstone of building robust and dependable Peer-to-Peer systems. A key component for building such overlays is the peer-sampling service, a mechanism that continuously supplies each node with a set of up-to-date peers randomly selected across all alive nodes. Arguably, the most pernicious malicious action against such mechanisms is the provision of arbitrarily created links that point at malicious nodes. This paper proposes SecureCyclon, a peer-sampling protocol that deterministically eliminates the ability of malicious nodes to overrepresent themselves in Peer-to-Peer overlays. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first protocol to offer this property, as previous works were able to only bound the proportion of excessive links to malicious nodes, without completely eliminating them. SecureCyclon redefines the concept of node descriptors from just being containers of information that enable communication with specific nodes, to being communication certificates that traverse the network and enable nodes to provably discover malicious nodes. We evaluate our solution with the conduction of extended simulations, and we demonstrate that it provides resilience even at the extreme condition of 40% malicious node participation.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, ICDCS 202


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    Understanding and Hardening Blockchain Network Security Against Denial of Service Attacks

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    This thesis aims to examine the security of a blockchain\u27s communication network. A blockchain relies on a communication network to deliver transactions. Understanding and hardening the security of the communication network against Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks are thus critical to the well-being of blockchain participants. Existing research has examined blockchain system security in various system components, including mining incentives, consensus protocols, and applications such as smart contracts. However, the security of a blockchain\u27s communication network remains understudied. In practice, a blockchain\u27s communication network typically consists of three services: RPC service, P2P network, and mempool. This thesis examines each service\u27s designs and implementations, discovers vulnerabilities that lead to DoS attacks, and uncovers the P2P network topology. Through systematic evaluations and measurements, the thesis confirms that real-world network services in Ethereum are vulnerable to DoS attacks, leading to a potential collapse of the Ethereum ecosystem. Besides, the uncovered P2P network topology in Ethereum mainnet suggests that critical nodes adopt a biased neighbor selection strategy in the mainnet. Finally, to fix the discovered vulnerabilities, practical mitigation solutions are proposed in this thesis to harden the security of Ethereum\u27s communication network

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWe develop a novel framework for friend-to-friend (f2f) distributed services (F3DS) by which applications can easily offer peer-to-peer (p2p) services among social peers with resource sharing governed by approximated levels of social altruism. Our frame- work differs significantly from typical p2p collaboration in that it provides a founda- tion for distributed applications to cooperate based on pre-existing trust and altruism among social peers. With the goal of facilitating the approximation of relative levels of altruism among social peers within F3DS, we introduce a new metric: SocialDistance. SocialDistance is a synthetic metric that combines direct levels of altruism between peers with an altruism decay for each hop to approximate indirect levels of altruism. The resulting multihop altruism levels are used by F3DS applications to proportion and prioritize the sharing of resources with other social peers. We use SocialDistance to implement a novel flash file/patch distribution method, SocialSwarm. SocialSwarm uses the SocialDistance metric as part of its resource allocation to overcome the neces- sity of (and inefficiency created by) resource bartering among friends participating in a BitTorrent swarm. We find that SocialSwarm achieves an average file download time reduction of 25% to 35% in comparison with standard BitTorrent under a variety of configurations and conditions, including file sizes, maximum SocialDistance, as well as leech and seed counts. The most socially connected peers yield up to a 47% decrease in download completion time in comparison with average nonsocial BitTorrent swarms. We also use the F3DS framework to implement novel malware detection application- F3DS Antivirus (F3AV)-and evaluate it on the Amazon cloud. We show that with f2f sharing of resources, F3AV achieves a 65% increase in the detection rate of 0- to 1-day-old malware among social peers as compared to the average of individual scanners. Furthermore, we show that F3AV provides the greatest diversity of mal- ware scanners (and thus malware protection) to social hubs-those nodes that are positioned to provide strategic defense against socially aware malware

    Routing and caching on DHTS

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    L'obiettivo della tesi e' quello di analizzare i principali meccanismi di caching e routing implementati oggigiorno nelle DHT piu' utilizzate. In particolare, la nostra analisi mostra come tali meccanismi siano sostanzialmente inefficaci nel garantire un adeguato load balancing tra i peers; le principali cause di questo fenomeno sono individuate nella struttura, eccessivamente rigida, adottata dalle DHT e nella mancanza di correlazione tra meccanismi di routing e di caching. Viene quindi proposto un diverso overlay, organizzato in base a una struttura ipercubica, che permetta di adottare un algoritmo di routing piu' flessibile e di sviluppare due meccanismi di caching e routing strettamente interconnessi. In particolare, l'overlay ottenuto riesce a garantire che ogni nodo subisca un carico al piu' costante, con una taglia di cache costante e una complessita' di routing polilogaritmica nel caso peggior

    On the scalability of LISP and advanced overlaid services

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    In just four decades the Internet has gone from a lab experiment to a worldwide, business critical infrastructure that caters to the communication needs of almost a half of the Earth's population. With these figures on its side, arguing against the Internet's scalability would seem rather unwise. However, the Internet's organic growth is far from finished and, as billions of new devices are expected to be joined in the not so distant future, scalability, or lack thereof, is commonly believed to be the Internet's biggest problem. While consensus on the exact form of the solution is yet to be found, the need for a semantic decoupling of a node's location and identity, often called a location/identity separation, is generally accepted as a promising way forward. Typically, this requires the introduction of new network elements that provide the binding of the two names-paces and caches that avoid hampering router packet forwarding speeds. But due to this increased complexity the solution's scalability is itself questioned. This dissertation evaluates the suitability of using the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP), one of the most successful proposals to follow the location/identity separation guideline, as a solution to the Internet's scalability problem. However, because the deployment of any new architecture depends not only on solving the incumbent's technical problems but also on the added value that it brings, our approach follows two lines. In the first part of the thesis, we develop the analytical tools to evaluate LISP's control plane scalability while in the second we show that the required control/data plane separation provides important benefits that could drive LISP's adoption. As a first step to evaluating LISP's scalability, we propose a methodology for an analytical analysis of cache performance that relies on the working-set theory to estimate traffic locality of reference. One of our main contribution is that we identify the conditions network traffic must comply with for the theory to be applicable and then use the result to develop a model that predicts average cache miss rates. Furthermore, we study the model's suitability for long term cache provisioning and assess the cache's vulnerability in front of malicious users through an extension that accounts for cache polluting traffic. As a last step, we investigate the main sources of locality and their impact on the asymptotic scalability of the LISP cache. An important finding here is that destination popularity distribution can accurately describe cache performance, independent of the much harder to model short term correlations. Under a small set of assumptions, this result finally enables us to characterize asymptotic scalability with respect to the amount of prefixes (Internet growth) and users (growth of the LISP site). We validate the models and discuss the accuracy of our assumptions using several one-day-long packet traces collected at the egress points of a campus and an academic network. To show the added benefits that could drive LISP's adoption, in the second part of the thesis we investigate the possibilities of performing inter-domain multicast and improving intra-domain routing. Although the idea of using overlaid services to improve underlay performance is not new, this dissertation argues that LISP offers the right tools to reliably and easily implement such services due to its reliance on network instead of application layer support. In particular, we present and extensively evaluate Lcast, a network-layer single-source multicast framework designed to merge the robustness and efficiency of IP multicast with the configurability and low deployment cost of application-layer overlays. Additionally, we describe and evaluate LISP-MPS, an architecture capable of exploiting LISP to minimize intra-domain routing tables and ensure, among other, support for multi protocol switching and virtual networks.En menos de cuatro décadas Internet ha evolucionado desde un experimento de laboratorio hasta una infraestructura de alcance mundial, de importancia crítica para negocios y que atiende a las necesidades de casi un tercio de los habitantes del planeta. Con estos números, es difícil tratar de negar la necesidad de escalabilidad de Internet. Sin embargo, el crecimiento orgánico de Internet está aún lejos de finalizar ya que se espera que mil millones de dispositivos nuevos se conecten en el futuro cercano. Así pues, la falta de escalabilidad es el mayor problema al que se enfrenta Internet hoy en día. Aunque la solución definitiva al problema está aún por definir, la necesidad de desacoplar semánticamente la localización e identidad de un nodo, a menudo llamada locator/identifier separation, es generalmente aceptada como un camino prometedor a seguir. Sin embargo, esto requiere la introducción de nuevos dispositivos en la red que unan los dos espacios de nombres disjuntos resultantes y de cachés que almacenen los enlaces temporales entre ellos con el fin de aumentar la velocidad de transmisión de los enrutadores. A raíz de esta complejidad añadida, la escalabilidad de la solución en si misma es también cuestionada. Este trabajo evalúa la idoneidad de utilizar Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP), una de las propuestas más exitosas que siguen la pauta locator/identity separation, como una solución para la escalabilidad de la Internet. Con tal fin, desarrollamos las herramientas analíticas para evaluar la escalabilidad del plano de control de LISP pero también para mostrar que la separación de los planos de control y datos proporciona un importante valor añadido que podría impulsar la adopción de LISP. Como primer paso para evaluar la escalabilidad de LISP, proponemos una metodología para un estudio analítico del rendimiento de la caché que se basa en la teoría del working-set para estimar la localidad de referencias. Identificamos las condiciones que el tráfico de red debe cumplir para que la teoría sea aplicable y luego desarrollamos un modelo que predice las tasas medias de fallos de caché con respecto a parámetros de tráfico fácilmente medibles. Por otra parte, para demostrar su versatilidad y para evaluar la vulnerabilidad de la caché frente a usuarios malintencionados, extendemos el modelo para considerar el rendimiento frente a tráfico generado por usuarios maliciosos. Como último paso, investigamos como usar la popularidad de los destinos para estimar el rendimiento de la caché, independientemente de las correlaciones a corto plazo. Bajo un pequeño conjunto de hipótesis conseguimos caracterizar la escalabilidad con respecto a la cantidad de prefijos (el crecimiento de Internet) y los usuarios (crecimiento del sitio LISP). Validamos los modelos y discutimos la exactitud de nuestras suposiciones utilizando varias trazas de paquetes reales. Para mostrar los beneficios adicionales que podrían impulsar la adopción de LISP, también investigamos las posibilidades de realizar multidifusión inter-dominio y la mejora del enrutamiento dentro del dominio. Aunque la idea de utilizar servicios superpuestos para mejorar el rendimiento de la capa subyacente no es nueva, esta tesis sostiene que LISP ofrece las herramientas adecuadas para poner en práctica de forma fiable y fácilmente este tipo de servicios debido a que LISP actúa en la capa de red y no en la capa de aplicación. En particular, presentamos y evaluamos extensamente Lcast, un marco de multidifusión con una sola fuente diseñado para combinar la robustez y eficiencia de la multidifusión IP con la capacidad de configuración y bajo coste de implementación de una capa superpuesta a nivel de aplicación. Además, describimos y evaluamos LISP-MPS, una arquitectura capaz de explotar LISP para minimizar las tablas de enrutamiento intra-dominio y garantizar, entre otras, soporte para conmutación multi-protocolo y redes virtuales

    Adding structure to Gnutella to improve search performance in a real-world deployment

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    Gnutella is still one of the most popular P2P systems with millions of users. The advantages of Gnutella are its low maintenance overhead, its excellent robustness properties, and its query processing flexibility. Recent improvements, such as the introduction of ultrapeers and augmented node degrees also significantly reduced its excessive network bandwidth usage which was one of Gnutella's major drawbacks. Despite these improvements, Gnutella is still inefficient for rare queries in terms of low success rates and massive message propagation overhead. In this paper we augment the unstructured Gnutella network with a structured overlay network of ultrapeers based on the Kademlia DHT to address the problem of rare queries in Gnutella. We present the required query, maintenance, and ultrapeer election algorithms which use both overlays at their optimal efficiency, describe the protocols and architecture of our hybrid system, and present our implementation on the basis of the LimeWire Gnutella client and the Azureus Kademlia implementation. To demonstrate the advantages and efficiency of our hybrid approach we provide experimental results from large-scale experiments with hybrid ultrapeers running on PlanetLab which were connected to the live LimeWire Gnutella and Azureus Kademlia networks, with approximately 4 million (LimeWire) and 800 thousand (Azureus) connected users during the experiments

    Kadcast: A Structured Approach to Broadcast in Blockchain Networks

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    In order to propagate transactions and blocks, today’s blockchain systems rely on unstructured peer-to-peer overlay networks. In such networks, broadcast is known to be an inefficient operation in terms of message complexity and overhead. In addition to the impact on the system performance, inefficient or delayed block propagation may have severe consequences regarding security and fairness of the consensus layer. Therefore, we introduce Kadcast, a novel peer-to-peer protocol for block propagation in blockchain networks. Kadcast utilizes the well-known structured overlay topology of Kademlia to realize an efficient broadcast operation with tunable overhead. As our protocol is based on UDP, we incorporate forward error correction (FEC) to increase reliability while still maintaining its lightweight protocol architecture. To this end, we build a probabilistic model to analyze Kadcast’s resilience to packet losses as well as random and adversarial node failures. Moreover, we evaluate Kadcast’s block delivery performance, broadcast reliability, efficiency, and security based on advanced network simulations, which confirm the merits of the Kadcast protocol

    Towards a Framework for DHT Distributed Computing

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    Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) are protocols and frameworks used by peer-to-peer (P2P) systems. They are used as the organizational backbone for many P2P file-sharing systems due to their scalability, fault-tolerance, and load-balancing properties. These same properties are highly desirable in a distributed computing environment, especially one that wants to use heterogeneous components. We show that DHTs can be used not only as the framework to build a P2P file-sharing service, but as a P2P distributed computing platform. We propose creating a P2P distributed computing framework using distributed hash tables, based on our prototype system ChordReduce. This framework would make it simple and efficient for developers to create their own distributed computing applications. Unlike Hadoop and similar MapReduce frameworks, our framework can be used both in both the context of a datacenter or as part of a P2P computing platform. This opens up new possibilities for building platforms to distributed computing problems. One advantage our system will have is an autonomous load-balancing mechanism. Nodes will be able to independently acquire work from other nodes in the network, rather than sitting idle. More powerful nodes in the network will be able use the mechanism to acquire more work, exploiting the heterogeneity of the network. By utilizing the load-balancing algorithm, a datacenter could easily leverage additional P2P resources at runtime on an as needed basis. Our framework will allow MapReduce-like or distributed machine learning platforms to be easily deployed in a greater variety of contexts