859 research outputs found

    JISC Preservation of Web Resources (PoWR) Handbook

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    Handbook of Web Preservation produced by the JISC-PoWR project which ran from April to November 2008. The handbook specifically addresses digital preservation issues that are relevant to the UK HE/FE web management community”. The project was undertaken jointly by UKOLN at the University of Bath and ULCC Digital Archives department

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Intelligent Agents and Their Potential for Future Design and Synthesis Environment

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    This document contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Agents and Their Potential for Future Design and Synthesis Environment, held at NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, September 16-17, 1998. The workshop was jointly sponsored by the University of Virginia's Center for Advanced Computational Technology and NASA. Workshop attendees came from NASA, industry and universities. The objectives of the workshop were to assess the status of intelligent agents technology and to identify the potential of software agents for use in future design and synthesis environment. The presentations covered the current status of agent technology and several applications of intelligent software agents. Certain materials and products are identified in this publication in order to specify adequately the materials and products that were investigated in the research effort. In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement of products by NASA, nor does it imply that the materials and products are the only ones or the best ones available for this purpose. In many cases equivalent materials and products are available and would probably produce equivalent results

    Personalised privacy in pervasive and ubiquitous systems

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    Our world is edging closer to the realisation of pervasive systems and their integration in our everyday life. While pervasive systems are capable of offering many benefits for everyone, the amount and quality of personal information that becomes available raise concerns about maintaining user privacy and create a real need to reform existing privacy practices and provide appropriate safeguards for the user of pervasive environments. This thesis presents the PERSOnalised Negotiation, Identity Selection and Management (PersoNISM) system; a comprehensive approach to privacy protection in pervasive environments using context aware dynamic personalisation and behaviour learning. The aim of the PersoNISM system is twofold: to provide the user with a comprehensive set of privacy protecting tools and to help them make the best use of these tools according to their privacy needs. The PersoNISM system allows users to: a) configure the terms and conditions of data disclosure through the process of privacy policy negotiation, which addresses the current “take it or leave it” approach; b) use multiple identities to interact with pervasive services to avoid the accumulation of vast amounts of personal information in a single user profile; and c) selectively disclose information based on the type of information, who requests it, under what context, for what purpose and how the information will be treated. The PersoNISM system learns user privacy preferences by monitoring the behaviour of the user and uses them to personalise and/or automate the decision making processes in order to unburden the user from manually controlling these complex mechanisms. The PersoNISM system has been designed, implemented, demonstrated and evaluated during three EU funded projects

    Sports in Digital Era

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    The thesis's primary purpose is to demonstrate the growth of the digital era on the sports industry for awareness and better management. Moreover, it aims to explain the digital technology revolution and its effect on physical activities and sports. The paper presents a social analysis of sports regarding the effects of the IV Industrial Revolution, driven by an unprecedented level of development in materials sciences, digital technology, and biology. The future views on the evolution of the sports industry and options for the sports manager in the phase of digital transition are illustrated. The conclusion summarizes the implications and represents the direction of the sports industry.O objetivo desta tese é demonstrar o crescimento da era digital na indrústia desportiva para a consciencialização e uma melhor gestão. Além disso, visa explicar a revolução tecnológica digital e a sua influência na atividade física e desporto. O documento apresenta uma análise social do desporto em relação aos efeitos da IV Revolução Industrial, impulsionada pelo sem precedente nível de desenvolvimento nas ciências materiais, tecnologia digital e biologia. O futuro da evolução da indústria do desporto e as opções dos gestores desportivos na fase de transição do digital. A conclusão resume as implicações e reflete a direção da indústria do desporto

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationClinical decision support systems (CDSS) and electronic health records (EHR) have been widely adopted but do not support a high level of reasoning for the clinician. As a result, workflow incongruity and provider frustrations lead to more errors in reasoning. Other successful fields such as defense, aviation, and the military have used task complexity as a key factor in decision support system development. Task complexity arises during the interaction of the user and the tasks. Therefore, in this dissertation I have utilized different human factor methods to explore task complexity factors to understand their utility in health information technology system design. The first study addresses the question of generalizing complexity through a clinical complexity model. In this study, we integrated and validated a patient and task complexity model into a clinical complexity model tailored towards healthcare to serve as the initial framework for data analysis in our subsequent studies. The second study addresses the question of the coping strategies of infectious disease (ID) clinicians while dealing with complex decision tasks. The study concluded that clinicians use multiple cognitive strategies that help them to switch between automatic cognitive processes and analytical processes. The third study identified the complexity contributing factors from the transcripts of the observations conducted in the ID domain. The clinical complexity model developed in the first study guided the research for identifying the prominent complexity iv factors to recommend innovative healthcare technology system design. The fourth study, a pilot exploratory study, demonstrated the feasibility of developing a population information display from querying real complex patient information from an actual clinical database as well as identifying the ideal features of population information display. In summary, this dissertation adds to the knowledge about how clinicians adapt their information environment to deal with complexity. First, it contributes by developing a clinical complexity model that integrates both patient and task complexity. Second, it provides specific design recommendations for future innovative health information technology systems. Last, this dissertation also suggests that understanding task complexity in the healthcare team domain may help to better design of interface system

    Influencing process and cultural change in the aerospace industry

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 69).Aerospace equipment manufacturers have expressed considerable frustration with the lack of success in implementing process and cultural change initiatives within their organizations. The objective of this report is to offer more successful methods of designing and executing change initiatives in the aerospace industry. This report provides an analysis of three particular change initiatives in execution at Pratt&Whitney Aircraft at the time of this writing. The successes and failures of three initiatives are analyzed and compared in the context of the major barriers to change faced by the industry. The arguments made in the discussion and in the following conclusions suggest that success depends on the application of entrepreneurial marketing and negotiations theories: 1. Solving a quantifiable, pressing source of pain for the customer 2. Results selling by providing a solution versus solely a technology 3. Focusing on a single customer with the budget and power to employ the new technology 4. Understanding the positions and interests of the parties involved 5. Establishing a bargaining range when faced with resistance 6. Enabling a give and take of concessions and tradeoffs in the bargaining process.by Adam B. Kohorn.S.M

    Feature-based generation of pervasive systems architectures utilizing software product line concepts

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    As the need for pervasive systems tends to increase and to dominate the computing discipline, software engineering approaches must evolve at a similar pace to facilitate the construction of such systems in an efficient manner. In this thesis, we provide a vision of a framework that will help in the construction of software product lines for pervasive systems by devising an approach to automatically generate architectures for this domain. Using this framework, designers of pervasive systems will be able to select a set of desired system features, and the framework will automatically generate architectures that support the presence of these features. Our approach will not compromise the quality of the architecture especially as we have verified that by comparing the generated architectures to those manually designed by human architects. As an initial step, and in order to determine the most commonly required features that comprise the widely most known pervasive systems, we surveyed more than fifty existing architectures for pervasive systems in various domains. We captured the most essential features along with the commonalities and variabilities between them. The features were categorized according to the domain and the environment that they target. Those categories are: General pervasive systems, domain-specific, privacy, bridging, fault-tolerance and context-awareness. We coupled the identified features with well-designed components, and connected the components based on the initial features selected by a system designer to generate an architecture. We evaluated our generated architectures against architectures designed by human architects. When metrics such as coupling, cohesion, complexity, reusability, adaptability, modularity, modifiability, packing density, and average interaction density were used to test our framework, our generated architectures were found comparable, if not better than the human generated architectures