33 research outputs found

    Fab labs : a systematic review

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    O objetivo deste artigo é mapear quais temáticas vêm sendo abordadas em produções científicas acerca de laboratórios de fabricação, e quais tipos de metodologias são empregadas nestes estudos, a partir de uma revisão sistemática de artigos e dissertações que tenham esse tipo de espaço como tema central. A busca se deu em bases de dados como Web of Science, SciELO, Scopus e Google Acadêmico (utilizado pela escassez de trabalhos desenvolvidos no Brasil nas outras bases de dados), incluindo trabalhos publicados entre 2014 e 2018, em português, inglês e espanhol. Foram analisados 26 artigos que continham os termos “Fab Lab” ou “Textile Lab” no título, palavras-chave ou resumo. Os resultados mostram que todos os trabalhos empregam uma abordagem qualitativa para coleta e análise de dados; sete diferentes eixos temáticos foram encontrados e a maioria dos artigos traz estudos sobre as relações de aprendizado no contexto Fab Lab.The purpose of this article is to map which themes have been approached about manufacturing laboratories, and what types of methodologies are used in these studies. To do so, a systematic review of articles and dissertations were employed. The search was done in databases such as Web of Science, SciELO, Scopus and Google Scholar (used for the shortage of works developed in Brazil in other databases), including works published between 2014 and 2018 in portuguese, english and spanish. 26 articles that contained the terms "Fab Lab" or "Textile Lab" in the title, keyword or abstract were analyzed. The results show that all the studies use a qualitative approach for data collection and analysis; seven different thematic axes have been found and most of the articles present studies on learning relationships in the Fab Lab context

    “It’s not just hacking for the sake of it”: a qualitative study of health innovators’ views on patient-driven open innovations, quality and safety

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    Background Open do-it-yourself (DIY) health innovations raise new dilemmas for patient-oriented and service-oriented scholars and healthcare providers. Our study aimed to generate practical insights into quality and safety issues to patient care raised by two volunteer-run, open DIY solutions: Nightscout Project (patient-driven, open-source software for type 1 diabetes management) and e-NABLE (volunteers who design and three-dimensionally print upper-limb assistive devices). To this end, we examined the views of health innovators who are knowledgeable about medical devices standards and regulations. Methods We applied a multimedia-based, dataelicitation technique to conduct indepth interviews with a diversified sample of 31 health innovators practising in two Canadian provinces (Quebec and Ontario). An exploratory thematic analysis approach was used to identify respondents’ reasoning processes and compare their overall judgements of Nightscout and e-NABLE. Results Respondents pondered the following quality and safety issues: importance of the need addressed; accessibility; volunteers’ ability to develop and maintain a safe solution of good quality; risks involved for users; consequences of not using the solution; and liability. Overall, innovators see Nightscout as a high-risk DIY solution that requires expert involvement and e-NABLE as a low-risk one that fills a hard-to-meet gap. Conclusion Health innovators generally support patient-driven initiatives but also call for the involvement of professionals who possess complementary skills and knowledge. Our findings provide a list of issues healthcare providers may discuss with patients during clinical consultations to document potential risks and benefits of open DIY solutions. To inform new policy approaches, we propose the development of publicly funded umbrella organisations to act as intermediaries between open DIY solutions and regulatory bodies to help them meet quality and safety standard

    Maker Networks Fighting Covid-19: Design Guidelines for Redistributed Manufacturing (RDM) Models

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    Maker Networks indicate how society organizes itself to overcome significant challenges, such as the lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyze initiatives that produced PPE for frontline health staff to propose design guidelines for implementing RDM-Maker Networks: networks of people and organizations in the Maker Movement that collaboratively produce goods or services organized in a redistributed manufacturing (RDM) model. This paper has two main results: five Maker Networks in Brazil analyzed in terms of their RDM features and the subsequent design guidelines. We selected cases through several criteria like their location and the type of one of their nodes. Those criteria also represent limitations that further works can address

    A New Player for Tackling Inequalities? Framing the Social Value and Impact of the Maker Movement

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    The Maker Movement has raised great expectations towards its potential for tackling social inequalities by mediating technology-related skills to everybody. Are maker spaces new players for social inclusion in digital societies? How can this potential impact be framed? While scientific discourse has so far identified broad value and impact dimensions of the Maker Movement, this article adds empirical insight into the potential for tackling social inequalities. The study is based on 39 interviews with makers and managers of maker initiatives and ten self-reporting surveys filled in by maker initiative managers throughout Europe, which have been analyzed qualitatively. We found four main domains in which makers address social inclusion: First, by mediating skills and competences not only in the field of digital technologies but in the broader sense of empowering people to “make” solutions for encountered problems. Second, we found that makers actively strive to provide democratized access to digital fabrication and the knowledge on how to use them. Third and fourth, we found different ambitions articulated by makers to change society and social practices towards a society providing better opportunities for individuals. As an entry point for further research and actions, we derived a maker typology that reflects the diverse and various types of relationships to be found in the maker community. This typology could be used for exploring further collaborations between social actors and the Maker Movement. We conclude with an outlook on potential trajectories of the Maker Movement and specify which could influence the inclusion of marginalized persons

    The Maker Faire of Rome as a window of observation on the new perspectives for local economic development and the new urban entrepreneurial ecosystems

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    The rise of the Maker Movement – representing small businesses active in the digital fabrication and the creative industry field – is indicative of the emergence of a new type of urban economy and labour regulations in many cities. Trade fairs have been central to the dynamics of these makers as well as an institutional tool to build an economic reputation for the place hosting them. This paper draws upon a survey of exhibitors at, and interviews with organizers of, the Maker Faire of Rome 2015 to describe the features of this unfolding entrepreneurial world. The findings indicate that, although cities are once again the nexus of contemporary innovation trends, these are deeply intertwined with the surrounding socio-political context. Specifically, and in some contrast to the extant literature on creativity, the Rome case indicates the salience of Makers to those urban economies most in need of regeneration

    Impact Assessment and Recommendations: Making Sense H2020 CAPS Project

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    The aim of this report is to address the impact of Making Sense, considering not only citizens and communities involved on the ground level, but also the organizations behind it. We chose to aggregate, summarize and break down our review into five dimensions, adopting a STEEP model and looking into sub-topics inside each of them: Social (Values, representations and practices; Community extension effects; Collective events as awareness raising; Internal communication; Inclusion and fairness; Exchanges and synergies with other organisations), Technoscientific (Open hardware, software and other open tools; Training and education; Materials and tools for local communities; Technical and scientific outputs; Open source platforms), Economic (New entrepreneurial initiatives; Alternative relationships with economic assets; Job creation; Direct exploitation and transfer), Environmental (Igniting environmental changes; Reducing environmental harm; Collective measuring and calibration events; Networking effects; Sustainability plan), Policy (New ways and channels of participation; Communities capacity to impact policy decisions; Organisational influence in political or power dynamics). Through our strategies to measure and assess impact we were able to conclude that Making Sense impact goals were clearly fulfilled, recalling its main intended impacts established at the beginning, first divided in societal objectives: “Make visible and tangible the invisible”, “Understand their environment”, “Turn data and insight into compelling stories & action”, “Using public networks of low cost, open source sensors”, and second into desired results: “Better informed, more engaged citizens”, “Impactful dialogues between citizens and governments”, “More data, more insight, better policies”, “More enjoyable, social, inclusive, healthy & livable cities”.JRC.I.2-Foresight, Behavioural Insights and Design for Polic


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    Makerspaces are community areas where members share access to tools to produce goods. The managers of these sites tend to develop businesses closely related to areas of their own interest. In other words, assuming managers are decision makers who define organizational policies and strategies, we can note that everyone’s motivation impact on decisions made for the space. This study focuses on investigating manager characteristics to find possible convergences and divergence between them. The research is based on an exploratory qualitative analysis, which includes an interview with three makerspaces’ manager in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The research is part of a program developed by researchers of the Design Postgraduation Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. This research’s purpose is to combine the knowledge between management and the maker philosophy. Three typologies were arranged by the results: (1) entrepreneur manager, who is characterized by high social awareness and orientation to the future; (2) artisan manager, who is characterized by fidelity to education and traditional practices; and (3) technical manager, who presents a profile focused on exploring new technologies and supports collaboration in digital networks. This study’s development has brought to light an understanding that makerspaces can have the same physical structure, however, they can have different characteristics according to their managers’ profile.Espaços makers são ambientes comunitários nos quais os membros compartilham o acesso a ferramentas com a finalidade de produzir bens físicos. Os gestores destes espaços tendem a desenvolver negócios estreitamente relacionados às suas áreas de interesse pessoal. Ou seja, ao considerar gestores como tomadores de decisão capazes de definir políticas e estratégias adotadas na organização, observa-se que as motivações de cada indivíduo influenciam nas decisões tomadas a respeito do espaço. Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar os perfis dos gestores a fim de identificar possíveis convergências e divergências entre esses. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de análise qualitativa exploratória, com aplicação de entrevista semiestruturada, com três gestores dos espaços makers profissionais em Porto Alegre (RS). A pesquisa faz parte de um estudo desenvolvido pelos pesquisadores do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, com a intenção de aproximar os conhecimentos de gestão ao movimento maker. No resultado, foram identificadas três tipologias: (1) gestor de espaço maker empresário, que se caracteriza por uma alta consciência social e orientação para o futuro; (2) gestor de espaço maker artesão, que se caracteriza pela fidelidade à educação e às práticas tradicionais; e (3) gestor de espaço maker tecnológico, que apresenta perfil curioso para novas tecnologias e apoia a colaboração em redes digitais. O desenvolvimento deste estudo revelou que espaços makers podem convergir em suas estruturas físicas, entretanto, terão características distintas, geradas de acordo com o perfil de sua gestão

    Applications of digital fabrication in architecture, design and construction: processes of technological appropriation and socio-technical adaptation in experiments in South America

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    The article presents a taxonomy of projects related to the application of digital fabrication technologies in architecture, design, and construction, developed in the context of South America. As part of ongoing research, the material refers to the themes of technological appropriation, socio-technical adequacy, and social innovation. The objective is to categorize part of the design experiments identified during the investigation, showing a local perspective of the production strategies. The methods include a literature review and systematic review, mapping, questionnaire and case studies. The recent context of the installation of digital fabrication laboratories started in 2007 and has been expanded in institutions through teaching and research, in addition to the consolidation of the Fab Lab model. The practical results are very heterogeneous, still limited in scale and strongly based on the hybrid articulation between analog and digital, due to the available materials, the type of accessible machinery and the technical expertise required to produce them, but already directed to a problem-solving dynamics in the social aspect.El artículo presenta una taxonomía de proyectos relacionados con la aplicación de tecnologías de fabricación digital en arquitectura, diseño y construcción, desarrollados en el contexto de América del Sur. Como parte de una investigación en curso, el material se refiere a los temas de apropiación tecnológica, adecuación socio-técnica y innovación social. El objetivo es enumerar algunos de los experimentos de diseño identificados durante la investigación, para presentar una perspectiva local de las estrategias de producción. Los métodos utilizados incluyen revisión de la literatura y revisión sistemática, mapeo, cuestionario y estudios de casos. El reciente contexto de instalación de laboratorios de fabricación digital, iniciado en 2007, se ha expandido en las instituciones a través de la enseñanza y la investigación, además de la consolidación del modelo Fab Lab. Los resultados prácticos son muy heterogéneos, aún de escala limitada y fuertemente basados ​​en Articulación híbrida entre lo analógico y lo digital, debido a los materiales disponibles, el tipo de maquinaria accesible y la experiencia técnica necesaria para producirlos, pero ya dirigida a la dinámica de resolución de problemas en el aspecto social.O artigo apresenta uma taxonomia de projetos relacionados à aplicação das tecnologias de fabricação digital na arquitetura, design e construção, desenvolvidos no contexto da América do Sul. Como parte de uma pesquisa em andamento, o material remete aos temas da apropriação tecnológica, adequação sociotécnica e inovação social. O objetivo é elencar alguns dos experimentos projetuais identificados durante a pesquisa, para apresentar uma perspectiva local das estratégias de produção. Os métodos utilizados englobam a revisão da literatura e revisão sistemática, mapeamento, questionário e estudos de caso. O contexto recente de instalação dos laboratórios de fabricação digital, iniciado em 2007, foi se ampliando nas instituições por meio do ensino e pesquisa, além da consolidação do modelo Fab Lab. Os resultados práticos são muito heterogêneos, ainda limitados em escala e fortemente baseados na articulação híbrida entre o analógico e o digital, devido aos materiais disponíveis, tipo de maquinário acessível e da especialização técnica necessária para produzi-los, mas já direcionados às dinâmicas de solução de problemas no aspecto social

    Mapping Participatory Sensing and Community-led Environmental Monitoring Initiatives: Making Sense H2020 CAPS Project

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    This report presents a summary of the state of the art in urban participatory sensing and community-led environmental monitoring, the types of engagement approaches typically followed, contextual examples of current developments in this field, and current challenges and opportunities for successful interventions. The goal is to better understand the field and possible options for reflection and action around it, in order to better inform future conceptual and practical developments inside and outside the Making Sense project.JRC.I.2-Foresight, Behavioural Insights and Design for Polic