584 research outputs found

    Magic graphs and the faces of the Birkhoff polytope

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    Magic labelings of graphs are studied in great detail by Stanley and Stewart. In this article, we construct and enumerate magic labelings of graphs using Hilbert bases of polyhedral cones and Ehrhart quasi-polynomials of polytopes. We define polytopes of magic labelings of graphs and digraphs. We give a description of the faces of the Birkhoff polytope as polytopes of magic labelings of digraphs.Comment: 9 page


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    In this report, we survey results on distance magic graphs and some closely related graphs. A distance magic labeling of a graph G with magic constant k is a bijection l from the vertex set to {1, 2, . . . , n}, such that for every vertex x Σ l(y) = k,y∈NG(x) where NG(x) is the set of vertices of G adjacent to x. If the graph G has a distance magic labeling we say that G is a distance magic graph. In Chapter 1, we explore the background of distance magic graphs by introducing examples of magic squares, magic graphs, and distance magic graphs. In Chapter 2, we begin by examining some basic results on distance magic graphs. We next look at results on different graph structures including regular graphs, multipartite graphs, graph products, join graphs, and splitting graphs. We conclude with other perspectives on distance magic graphs including embedding theorems, the matrix representation of distance magic graphs, lifted magic rectangles, and distance magic constants. In Chapter 3, we study graph labelings that retain the same labels as distance magic labelings, but alter the definition in some other way. These labelings include balanced distance magic labelings, closed distance magic labelings, D-distance magic labelings, and distance antimagic labelings. In Chapter 4, we examine results on neighborhood magic labelings, group distance magic labelings, and group distance antimagic labelings. These graph labelings change the label set, but are otherwise similar to distance magic graphs. In Chapter 5, we examine some applications of distance magic and distance antimagic labeling to the fair scheduling of tournaments. In Chapter 6, we conclude with some open problems

    Vertex-Magic Total Labeling on G-sun Graphs

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    Graph labeling is an immense area of research in mathematics, specifically graph theory. There are many types of graph labelings such as harmonious, magic, and lucky labelings. This paper will focus on magic labelings. Graph theorists are particularly interested in magic labelings because of a simple problem regarding tree graphs introduced in the 1990’s. The problem is still unsolved after almost thirty years. Researchers have studied magic labelings on other graphs in addition to tree graphs. In this paper we will consider vertex-magic labelings on G-sun graphs. We will give vertex-magic total labelings for ladder sun graphs and complete bipartite sun graphs. We will also show when there is no vertex-magic total labeling for other types of G-sun graphs

    Vertex-Magic Graphs

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    In graph theory, a graph labeling is an assignment of labels to the edges and vertices of a graph. There are many different types of graphs labelings. Some include graceful labelings, harmonious labelings, and magic labelings. In this project we will focus on a type of magic labeling. A vertex-magic total labeling is a labeling such that the vertices and edges are assigned consecutive integers between 1 and v+e, where v is the order of the graph and e is the size of the graph. When the sum of the labels of a vertex and its incident edges results in the same integer for each vertex, we have a vertex-magic total labeling. This integer is called the magic number of the graph and the graph is called a vertex-magic graph. There has been previous research on vertex-magic total labelings and we know a lot about certain classes of graphs. In this project, we are considering crown graphs. We will give upper and lower bounds of the magic number, a function that generates vertex-magic total labelings of crown graphs and discuss other results about this kind of labeling

    Labeling Generating Matrices

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    This paper is mainly devoted to generate (special)(super) edge-magic labelings of graphs using matrices. Matrices are used in order to find lower bounds for the number of non-isomorphic (special)(super) edge-magic labelings of certain types of graphs. Also new applications of graph labelings are discussed

    Algebraic Combinatorics of Magic Squares

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    We describe how to construct and enumerate Magic squares, Franklin squares, Magic cubes, and Magic graphs as lattice points inside polyhedral cones using techniques from Algebraic Combinatorics. The main tools of our methods are the Hilbert Poincare series to enumerate lattice points and the Hilbert bases to generate lattice points. We define polytopes of magic labelings of graphs and digraphs, and give a description of the faces of the Birkhoff polytope as polytopes of magic labelings of digraphs.Comment: Ph.D. Thesi

    Application of the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz to Integer-magic Graph Labelings

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    Let AA be a nontrivial abelian group and A∗=A∖{0}A^* = A \setminus \{0\}. A graph is AA-magic if there exists an edge labeling ff using elements of A∗A^* which induces a constant vertex labeling of the graph. Such a labeling ff is called an AA-magic labeling and the constant value of the induced vertex labeling is called an AA-magic value. In this paper, we use the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz to show the existence of Zp\mathbb{Z}_p-magic labelings (prime p≥3p \geq 3 ) for various graphs, without having to construct the Zp\mathbb{Z}_p-magic labelings. Through many examples, we illustrate the usefulness (and limitations) in applying the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz to the integer-magic labeling problem. Finally, we focus on Z3\mathbb{Z}_3-magic labelings and give some results for various classes of graphs
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