290 research outputs found

    Variability in Surface BRDF at Different Spatial Scales (30 m-500 m) Over a Mixed Agricultural Landscape as Retrieved from Airborne and Satellite Spectral Measurements

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    Over the past decade, the role of multiangle remote sensing has been central to the development of algorithms for the retrieval of global land surface properties including models of the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), albedo, land cover/dynamics, burned area extent, as well as other key surface biophysical quantities represented by the anisotropic reflectance characteristics of vegetation. In this study, a new retrieval strategy for fine-to-moderate resolution multiangle observations was developed, based on the operational sequence used to retrieve the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Collection 5 reflectance and BRDF/albedo products. The algorithm makes use of a semiempirical kernel-driven bidirectional reflectance model to provide estimates of intrinsic albedo (i.e., directional-hemispherical reflectance and bihemispherical reflectance), model parameters describing the BRDF, and extensive quality assurance information. The new retrieval strategy was applied to NASA's Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR) data acquired during the 2007 Cloud and Land Surface Interaction Campaign (CLASIC) over the well-instrumented Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART) site in Oklahoma, USA. For the case analyzed, we obtained approx.1.6 million individual surface bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) retrievals, from nadir to 75 off-nadir, and at spatial resolutions ranging from 3 m - 500 m. This unique dataset was used to examine the interaction of the spatial and angular characteristics of a mixed agricultural landscape; and provided the basis for detailed assessments of: (1) the use of a priori knowledge in kernel-driven BRDF model inversions; (2) the interaction between surface reflectance anisotropy and instrument spatial resolution; and (3) the uncertain ties that arise when sub-pixel differences in the BRDF are aggregated to a moderate resolution satellite pixel. Results offer empirical evidence concerning the influence of scale and spatial heterogeneity in kernel-driven BRDF models; providing potential new insights into the behavior and characteristics of different surface radiative properties related to land/use cover change and vegetation structure

    Influence of snow properties on directional surface reflectance in Antarctica

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    The significance of the polar regions for the Earth’s climate system and their observed amplified response to climate change indicate the necessity for high temporal and spatial coverage for the monitoring of the reflective properties of snow surfaces and their influencing factors. Therefore, the specific surface area (SSA, as a proxy for snow grain size) and the hemispherical directional reflectance factor (HDRF) of snow were measured for a 2-month period in central Antarctica (Kohnen research station) during austral summer 2013/14. The SSA data were retrieved on the basis of ground-based spectral surface albedo measurements collected by the COmpact RAdiation measurement System (CORAS) and airborne observations with the Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem (SMART). The snow grain size and pollution amount (SGSP) algorithm, originally developed to analyze spaceborne reflectance measurements by the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), was modified in order to reduce the impact of the solar zenith angle on the retrieval results and to cover measurements in overcast conditions. Spectral ratios of surface albedo at 1280 and 1100 nm wavelength were used to reduce the retrieval uncertainty. The retrieval was applied to the ground-based and airborne observations and validated against optical in situ observations of SSA utilizing an IceCube device. The SSA retrieved from CORAS observations varied between 29 and 96 m2 kg-1. Snowfall events caused distinct relative maxima of the SSA which were followed by a gradual decrease in SSA due to snow metamorphism and wind-induced transport of freshly fallen ice crystals. The ability of the modified algorithm to include measurements in overcast conditions improved the data coverage, in particular at times when precipitation events occurred and the SSA changed quickly. SSA retrieved from measurements with CORAS and MODIS agree with the in situ observations within the ranges given by the measurement uncertainties. However, SSA retrieved from the airborne SMART data underestimated the ground-based results. The spatial variability of SSA in Dronning Maud Land ranged in the same order of magnitude as the temporal variability revealing differences between coastal areas and regions in interior Antarctica. The validation presented in this study provided an unique test bed for retrievals of SSA under Antarctic conditions where in situ data are scarce and can be used for testing prognostic snowpack models in Antarctic conditions. The HDRF of snow was derived from airborne measurements of a digital 180° fish-eye camera for a variety of conditions with different surface roughness, snow grain size, and solar zenith angle. The camera provides radiance measurements with high angular resolution utilizing detailed radiometric and geometric calibrations. The comparison between smooth and rough surfaces (sastrugi) showed significant differences in the HDRF of snow, which are superimposed on the diurnal cycle. By inverting a semi-empirical kernel-driven model for the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), the snow HDRF was parameterized with respect to surface roughness, snow grain size, and solar zenith angle. This allows a direct comparison of the HDRF measurements with BRDF products from satellite remote sensing

    Intercomparison of desert dust optical depth from satellite measurements

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    This work provides a comparison of satellite retrievalsof Saharan desert dust aerosol optical depth (AOD)during a strong dust event through March 2006. In this event,a large dust plume was transported over desert, vegetated,and ocean surfaces. The aim is to identify the differencesbetween current datasets. The satellite instruments consideredare AATSR, AIRS, MERIS, MISR, MODIS, OMI,POLDER, and SEVIRI. An interesting aspect is that the differentalgorithms make use of different instrument characteristicsto obtain retrievals over bright surfaces. These includemulti-angle approaches (MISR, AATSR), polarisationmeasurements (POLDER), single-view approaches using solarwavelengths (OMI, MODIS), and the thermal infraredspectral region (SEVIRI, AIRS). Differences between instruments,together with the comparison of different retrievalalgorithms applied to measurements from the same instrument,provide a unique insight into the performance andcharacteristics of the various techniques employed. As wellas the intercomparison between different satellite products,the AODs have also been compared to co-located AERONETdata. Despite the fact that the agreement between satellite andAERONET AODs is reasonably good for all of the datasets,there are significant differences between them when comparedto each other, especially over land. These differencesare partially due to differences in the algorithms, such as assumptionsabout aerosol model and surface properties. However,in this comparison of spatially and temporally averageddata, it is important to note that differences in sampling, relatedto the actual footprint of each instrument on the heterogeneousaerosol field, cloud identification and the qualitycontrol flags of each dataset can be an important issue


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    Land surface albedo, defined as the ratio of the surface reflected incoming and outgoing solar radiation, is one of the key geophysical variables controlling the surface radiation budget. Surface shortwave albedo is widely used to drive climate and hydrological models. During the last several decades, remotely sensed surface albedo products have been generated through satellite-acquired data. However, some problems exist in those products due to instrument measurement inaccuracies and the failure of current retrieving procedures, which have limited their applications. More significantly, it has been reported that some albedo products from different satellite sensors do not agree with each other and some even show the opposite long term trend regionally and globally. The emergence of some advanced sensors newly launched or planned in the near future will provide better capabilities for estimating land surface albedo with fine resolution spatially and/or temporally. Traditional methods for estimating the surface shortwave albedo from satellite data include three steps: first, the satellite observations are converted to surface directional reflectance using the atmospheric correction algorithms; second, the surface bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) models are inverted through the fitting of the surface reflectance composites; finally, the shortwave albedo is calculated from the BRDF through the angular and spectral integration. However, some problems exist in these algorithms, including: 1) "dark-object" based atmospheric correction methods which make it difficult to estimate albedo accurately over non-vegetated or sparsely vegetated area; 2) the long-time composite albedo products cannot satisfy the needs of weather forecasting or land surface modeling when rapid changes such as snow fall/melt, forest fire/clear-cut and crop harvesting occur; 3) the diurnal albedo signature cannot be estimated in the current algorithms due to the Lambertian approximation in some of the atmospheric correction algorithms; 4) prior knowledge has not been effectively incorporated in the current algorithms; and 5) current observation accumulation methods make it difficult to obtain sufficient observations when persistent clouds exist within the accumulation window. To address those issues and to improve the satellite surface albedo estimations, a method using an atmospheric radiative transfer procedure with surface bidirectional reflectance modeling will be applied to simultaneously retrieve land surface albedo and instantaneous aerosol optical depth (AOD). This study consists of three major components. The first focuses on the atmospheric radiative transfer procedure with surface reflectance modeling. Instead of executing atmospheric correction first and then fitting surface reflectance in the previous satellite albedo retrieving procedure, the atmospheric properties (e.g., AOD) and surface properties (e.g., BRDF) are estimated simultaneously to reduce the uncertainties produced in separating the entire radiative transfer process. Data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra and Aqua are used to evaluate the performance of this albedo estimation algorithm. Good agreement is reached between the albedo estimates from the proposed algorithm and other validation datasets. The second part is to assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, analyze the error sources, and further apply the algorithm on geostationary satellite - the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) onboard Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). Extensive validations on surface albedo estimations from MSG/SEVIRI observations are conducted based on the comparison with ground measurements and other satellite products. Diurnal changes and day-to-day changes in surface albedo are accurately captured by the proposed algorithm. The third part of this study is to develop a spatially and temporally complete, continuous, and consistent albedo maps through a data fusion method. Since the prior information (or climatology) of albedo/BRDF plays a vital role in controlling the retrieving accuracy in the optimization method, currently available multiple land surface albedo products will be integrated using the Multi-resolution Tree (MRT) models to mitigate problems such as data gaps, systematic bias or low information-noise ratio due to instrument failure, persistent clouds from the viewing direction and algorithm limitations. The major original contributions of this study are as follows: 1) this is the first algorithm for the simultaneous estimations of surface albedo/reflectance and instantaneous AOD by using the atmospheric radiative transfer with surface BRDF modeling for both polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite data; 2) a radiative transfer with surface BRDF models is used to derive surface albedo and directional reflectance from MODIS and SEVIRI observations respectively; 3) extensive validations are made on the comparison between the albedo and AOD retrievals, and the satellite products from other sensors; 4) the slightly modified algorithm has been adopted to be the operational algorithm of Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) in the future Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series (GOES-R) program for estimating land surface albedo; 5) a framework of using MRT is designed to integrate multiple satellite albedo products at different spatial scales to build the spatially and temporally complete, continuous, and consistent albedo maps as the prior knowledge in the retrieving procedure

    Retrieval of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from AERONET Photopolarimetric Measurements

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    Atmospheric aerosols play an important role in earth climate by scattering and absorbing solar and terrestrial radiation, and indirectly through altering the cloud formation, life- time, and radiative properties. However, accurate quantification of these effects is in no small part hindered by our limited knowledge about the particle size distribution (PSD) and refractive index, the aerosol microphysical properties essentially pertain to aerosol optical and cloud-forming properties. The research goal of this thesis is to obtain the aerosol microphysical properties of both fine and coarse modes from the polarimetric solar radiation measured by the SunPhotometer of the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). We achieve so by (1) developing an inversion algorithm that integrates rigorous radiative transfer model with a statistical optimization approach, (2) conducting a sensitivity study and error budgeting exercise to examine the potential value of adding polarization to the current radiance-only inversion, and (3) performing retrievals using available AERONET polarimetric measurements. The results from theoretical information and error analysis indicate a remarkable increase in information by adding additional polarization into the inversion: an overall increase of 2–5 of degree of freedom for signal comparing with radiance-only measurements. Correspond- ingly, retrieval uncertainty can be reduced by 79% (57%), 76% (49%), 69% (52%), 66% (46%), and 49% (20%) for the fine-mode (coarse-mode) aerosol volume concentration, the effective radius, the effective variance, the real part of refractive index, and single scattering albedo (SSA), respectively, resulting in their retrieval errors of 2.3% (2.9%), 1.3% (3.5%), 7.2% (12%), 0.005 (0.035), and 0.019 (0.068). In real cases, we demonstrate that our retrievals are overall consistent with current AERONET operational inversions, but can offer mode-resolved refractive index and SSA with sufficient accuracy for the aerosol composed by spherical particles. Along with the polarimetric retrieval, we also performed radiance-only retrieval to reveal the improvements by adding polarization in the inversion. The comparison analysis indicates that with polar- ization, retrieval error can be reduced by over 50% in PSD parameters, by 10–30% in the refractive index, and by 10–40% in SSA, which is consistent with the theoretical results. Adviser: Jun Wan

    Improved estimation of surface biophysical parameters through inversion of linear BRDF models

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    A direct algorithm for estimating land surface broadband albedos from MODIS imagery

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    Forest structure and aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from MODIS and MISR

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    Red band bidirectional reflectance factor data from the NASA MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) acquired over the southwestern United States were interpreted through a simple geometric–optical (GO) canopy reflectance model to provide maps of fractional crown cover (dimensionless), mean canopy height (m), and aboveground woody biomass (Mg ha−1) on a 250 m grid. Model adjustment was performed after dynamic injection of a background contribution predicted via the kernel weights of a bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) model. Accuracy was assessed with respect to similar maps obtained with data from the NASA Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) and to contemporaneous US Forest Service (USFS) maps based partly on Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data. MODIS and MISR retrievals of forest fractional cover and mean height both showed compatibility with the USFS maps, with MODIS mean absolute errors (MAE) of 0.09 and 8.4 m respectively, compared with MISR MAE of 0.10 and 2.2 m, respectively. The respective MAE for aboveground woody biomass was ~10 Mg ha−1, the same as that from MISR, although the MODIS retrievals showed a much weaker correlation, noting that these statistics do not represent evaluation with respect to ground survey data. Good height retrieval accuracies with respect to averages from high resolution discrete return lidar data and matches between mean crown aspect ratio and mean crown radius maps and known vegetation type distributions both support the contention that the GO model results are not spurious when adjusted against MISR bidirectional reflectance factor data. These results highlight an alternative to empirical methods for the exploitation of moderate resolution remote sensing data in the mapping of woody plant canopies and assessment of woody biomass loss and recovery from disturbance in the southwestern United States and in parts of the world where similar environmental conditions prevail

    Comprehensive tool for calculation of radiative fluxes: illustration of shortwave aerosol radiative effect sensitivities to the details in aerosol and underlying surface characteristics

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    The evaluation of aerosol radiative effect on broadband hemispherical solar flux is often performed using simplified spectral and directional scattering characteristics of atmospheric aerosol and underlying surface reflectance. In this study we present a rigorous yet fast computational tool that accurately accounts for detailed variability of both spectral and angular scattering properties of aerosol and surface reflectance in calculation of direct aerosol radiative effect. The tool is developed as part of the GRASP (Generalized Retrieval of Aerosol and Surface Properties) project. We use the tool to evaluate instantaneous and daily average radiative efficiencies (radiative effect per unit aerosol optical thickness) of several key atmospheric aerosol models over different surface types. We then examine the differences due to neglect of surface reflectance anisotropy, nonsphericity of aerosol particle shape and accounting only for aerosol angular scattering asymmetry instead of using full phase function. For example, it is shown that neglecting aerosol particle nonsphericity causes mainly overestimation of the aerosol cooling effect and that magnitude of this overestimate changes significantly as a function of solar zenith angle (SZA) if the asymmetry parameter is used instead of detailed phase function. It was also found that the nonspherical–spherical differences in the calculated aerosol radiative effect are not modified significantly if detailed BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function) is used instead of Lambertian approximation of surface reflectance. Additionally, calculations show that usage of only angular scattering asymmetry, even for the case of spherical aerosols, modifies the dependence of instantaneous aerosol radiative effect on SZA. This effect can be canceled for daily average values, but only if sun reaches the zenith; otherwise a systematic bias remains. Since the daily average radiative effect is obtained by integration over a range of SZAs, the errors vary with latitude and season. In summary, the present analysis showed that use of simplified assumptions causes systematic biases, rather than random uncertainties, in calculation of both instantaneous and daily average aerosol radiative effect. Finally, we illustrate application of the rigorous aerosol radiative effect calculations performed as part of GRASP aerosol retrieval from real POLDER/PARASOL satellite observations

    Measurements and modeling of optical-equivalent snow grain sizes under arctic low-sun conditions

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    The size and shape of snow grains directly impacts the reflection by a snowpack. In this article, different approaches to retrieve the optical-equivalent snow grain size (ropt_{opt}) or, alternatively, the specific surface area (SSA) using satellite, airborne, and ground-based observations are compared and used to evaluate ICON-ART (ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic—Aerosols and Reactive Trace gases) simulations. The retrieval methods are based on optical measurements and rely on the ropt_{opt}-dependent absorption of solar radiation in snow. The measurement data were taken during a three-week campaign that was conducted in the North of Greenland in March/April 2018, such that the retrieval methods and radiation measurements are affected by enhanced uncertainties under these low-Sun conditions. An adjusted airborne retrieval method is applied which uses the albedo at 1700 nm wavelength and combines an atmospheric and snow radiative transfer model to account for the direct-to-global fraction of the solar radiation incident on the snow. From this approach, we achieved a significantly improved uncertainty (<25%) and a reduced effect of atmospheric masking compared to the previous method. Ground-based in situ measurements indicated an increase of ropt_{opt} of 15 ”m within a five-day period after a snowfall event which is small compared to previous observations under similar temperature regimes. ICON-ART captured the observed change of ropt_{opt} during snowfall events, but systematically overestimated the subsequent snow grain growth by about 100%. Adjusting the growth rate factor to 0.012 ”m2^{2} s−1^{-1} minimized the difference between model and observations. Satellite-based and airborne retrieval methods showed higher ropt_{opt} over sea ice (<300 ”m) than over land surfaces (<100 ”m) which was reduced by data filtering of surface roughness features. Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) retrievals revealed a large spread within a series of subsequent individual overpasses, indicating their limitations in observing the snow grain size evolution in early spring conditions with low Sun
