38 research outputs found

    A component framework for personalized multimedia applications

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    Eine praktikable Unterstützung für eine dynamische Erstellung von personalisierten Multimedia-Präsentationen bieten bisher weder industrielle Lösungen noch Forschungsansätze. Mit dem Software-technischen Ansatz des MM4U-Frameworks („MultiMedia For You“) wird erstmals eine generische und zugleich praktikable Unterstützung für den dynamischen Erstellungsprozess bereitgestellt. Das Ziel des MM4U-Frameworks ist es den Anwendungsentwicklern eine umfangreiche und anwendungsunabhängige Unterstützung zur Erstellung von personalisierten Multimedia-Inhalten anzubieten und damit den Entwicklungsprozess solcher Anwendungen erheblich zu erleichtern. Um das Ziel eines Software-Frameworks zur generischen Unterstützung der Entwicklung von personalisierten Multimedia-Anwendungen zu erreichen, stellt sich die Frage nach einer geeigneten Software-technischen Unterstützung zur Entwicklung eines solchen Frameworks. Seit der Einführung von objektorientierten Frameworks, ist heute die Entwicklung immer noch aufwendig und schwierig. Um die Entwicklungsrisiken zu reduzieren, sind geeignete Vorgehensmodelle und Entwicklungsmethoden erstellt worden. Mit der Komponenten-Technologie sind auch so genannte Komponenten-Frameworks entstanden. Im Gegensatz zu objekt-orientierten Frameworks fehlt derzeit jedoch ein geeignetes Vorgehensmodell für Komponenten-Frameworks. Um den Entwicklungsprozess von Komponenten-Frameworks zu verbessern ist mit ProMoCF („Process Model for Component Frameworks“) ein neuartiger Ansatz entwickelt worden. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein leichtgewichtiges Vorgehensmodell und eine Entwicklungsmethodik für Komponenten-Frameworks. Das Vorgehensmodell wurde unter gegenseitigem Nutzen mit der Entwicklung des MM4U-Frameworks erstellt. Das MM4U-Framework stellt keine Neuerfindung der Adaption von Multimedia-Inhalten dar, sondern zielt auf die Vereinigung und Einbettung existierender Forschungsansätze und Lösungen im Umfeld der Multimedia-Personalisierung. Mit so einem Framework an der Hand können Anwendungsentwickler erstmals effizient und einfach eine dynamische Erstellung ihrer personalisierten Multimedia-Inhalte realisieren

    Context-driven smart authoring of multimedia content with xSMART

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    In recent years, many highly sophisticated multimedia au-thoring tools have been developed. Up to today, these sys-tem’s integration of the targeted user context, however, is limited. With our Context-aware Smart Multimedia Author-ing Tool (xSMART) we developed a semi-automatic author-ing tool that integrates the targeted user context into the dif-ferent authoring steps and exploits this context to guide the author through the content authoring process. The design of xSMART allows that it can be extended and customized to the requirements of a specific domain by domain-specific wizards. These wizards realize the user interface that meets best the domain-specific requirements and effectively sup-ports the domain experts in creating their content targeted at a specific user context

    Context-Aware Adaptation of Mobile Multimedia Presentations

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    With increasing capabilities of mobile devices, the number of mobile multimedia services grows steadily. Usage of multimedia services and especially the presentation of multimedia content is more challenging in a mobile environment than on stationary devices due to the diversity of mobile devices and their parameters, the sparse resources of the air interface or the changing context. This position paper introduces an approach for context-aware adaptation of mobile multimedia presentations. For this, a middleware architecture is proposed that performs an automatic and distributed adaptation process: while the server provides a pre-processing of the content, the client completes the overall adaptation. To support this task, the Adaptation Rule Language (ARL) was developed which is introduced in this paper as well

    Adaptation of scalable multimedia documents

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    Several scalable media codecs have been standardized in recent years to cope with heterogeneous usage conditions and to aim at always providing audio, video and image content in the best possible quality. Today, interactive multimedia presentations are becoming accessible on handheld terminals and face the same adaptation challenges as the media elements they present: quite diversified screen, memory and processing power capabilities. In this paper, we address the adaptation of multimedia documents by applying the concept of scalability to their presentation. The Scalable MSTI document model introduced in this paper has been designed with two main requirements in mind. First, the adaptation process must be simple to execute because it may be performed on limited terminals in broadcast scenarios. Second, the adaptation process must be simple to describe so that authored adaptation directives can be transported along with the document with a limited bandwidth overhead. The Scalable MSTI model achieves both objectives by specifying Spatial, Temporal and Interactive scalability axes on which incremental authoring can be performed to create progressive presentation layers. Our experiments are conducted on scalable multimedia documents designed for Digital Radio services on DMB channels using MPEG-4 BIFS and also for web services using XHTML, SVG, SMIL and Flash. A scalable image gallery is described throughout this article and illustrates the features offered by our document model in a rich multimedia example

    The Ticker, May 2, 1950

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    The Ticker is the student newspaper of Baruch College. It has been published continuously since 1932, when the Baruch College campus was the School of Business and Civic Administration of the City College of New York

    Semantic multimedia document adaptation with functional annotations

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    laborie2009aInternational audienceThe diversity of presentation contexts (such as mobile phones, PDAs) for multimedia documents requires the adaptation of document specifications. In an earlier work, we have proposed a semantic adaptation framework for multimedia documents. This framework captures the semantics of the document composition and transforms the relations between multimedia objects according to adaptation constraints. In this paper, we show that capturing only the document composition for adaptation is unsatisfactory because it leads to a limited form of adapted solutions. Hence, we propose to guide adaptation with functional annotations, i.e., annotations related to multimedia objects which express a function in the document. In order to validate this framework, we propose to use RDF descriptions from SMIL documents and adapt such documents with our interactive adaptation prototype

    Tehnološki proces izrade transformatorskog poklopca SGB

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    U završnom radu opisan je Tehnološki proces izrade SGB transformatorskog poklopca, u poduzeću Novi feromont d.o.o. iz Donjeg Kraljevca. Tehnološki proces izrade započinje odabirom polaznog materijala ploče poklopca, slijedi ulazna kontrola lima, te rezanje i markiranje ploče poklopca plazmom. Daljnji tijek proizvodnog procesa prikazan je po fazama izrade, zajedno sa postupcima izrade dijelova koji se tokom proizvodnje montiraju i vare na ploču poklopca. Razrađena je strojna obrada odvajanjem čestica na klasičnim i CNC strojevima uz kompjutersko programiranje. Nakon opisa postupka izrade i strojne obrade, slijedi opis brtvljenja i kontrole brtvi. Na kraju su opisane završne aktivnosti vezane uz zaštitu i pripremu za sačmarenje, odnosno bojanje transformatorskog poklopca

    04441 Abstracts Collection -- Mobile Information Management

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    From 24.10.04 to 29.10.04, the Dagstuhl Seminar 04441 ``Mobile Information Management\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Can conscious agency be saved?

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    This paper is concerned with the role of conscious agency in human action. On a folk-psychological view of the structure of agency, intentions, conceived as conscious mental states, are the causes of actions. In the last decades, the development of new psychological and neuroscientific methods has made conscious agency an object of empirical investigation and yielded results that challenge the received wisdom. Most famously, the results of Libet's studies on the 'readiness potential' have been interpreted by many as evidence in favor of a skeptical attitude towards conscious agency. It is questionable, however, whether action initiation should be regarded as the touchstone of conscious agency. I shall argue that the traditional folk-psychological view, but also some of the objections leveled against it, rest in part on an over-simplified conception of the structure of agency, that neglects both the role of control processes after action initiation and the role of planning processes before action initiation. Taking these processes into account can lead to a reassessment of the relation between intentions and action and of the role of conscious agency in action production