51 research outputs found

    A Framework for Implementing Software Measurement Programs in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    The economies of numerous nations, including New Zealand, rely heavily on the contributions of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In the last decade a shift to the provision and use of software services, rather than products, has seen these offerings developed and delivered by multiple parties working in distributed and possibly transient networks, indicating that software SMEs could not only survive but can, in fact, thrive long-term at a small scale. Most research on software success and failure, however, has been conducted in large organizations working on large-scale projects. Given the new work context described above, it is imperative that we also understand the circumstances that enable SMEs to be successful in software development. In general terms, software measurement has been considered to be one of the keys to success. The use of measurement is common in everyday life, such as checking the shortest path to your destination or weighing your luggage before taking a flight. It is also accepted in many science and engineering disciplines such as electrical and mechanical engineering. In spite of its acknowledged importance and rather obvious benefits, the use of measurement in software engineering has been variable. Software measurement is particularly conceived as a complex procedure, and therefore as a challenging and potentially costly endeavour, by software SMEs (SSMEs). The aim of this research is to comprehensively understand and then contribute to more effective planning, deployment, operation and management of measurement programs specifically in the context of SMEs. The research reported in this thesis explores in detail the particular challenges that are encountered by SMEs when they embark on a software measurement initiative. It then proceeds to identify ways in which SMEs could effectively and efficiently implement light-weight software measurement programs (SMPs). In doing so the research combines elements of observation, design, intervention and evaluation under the umbrella of a Design Science Research (DSR) methodology. In three DSR the research conducts 1) problem identification through a literature review (via a mapping study) and an industrial review (via practitioners’ interviews), 2) solution design through field studies, and 3) evaluation through a survey. A mix of quantitative and qualitative methods is used as appropriate for each phase. In the first phase, a comprehensive systematic mapping study is first conducted to review prior literature that had addressed SMPI in SMEs, to understand the state-of-the-art. The mapping study leads to the identification of a research gap which is further investigated through an industrial review. In the industrial review, 22 face-to-face interviews are conducted with professionals from SMEs. Hereafter, data analysis methods based on Grounded Theory (GT) enable the development of exploratory frameworks of four aspects of software measurement program implementation – challenges, obstacles, benefits and success factors – which forms one of the primary contributions of this research. Based on these intermediate findings the second phase of this research involves the development of a novel framework which is intended to overcome (or at least reduce the severity of) measurement implementation challenges faced by SMEs. Implementing and sustaining a framework for the efficient planning and management of measurement programs remains a challenge for many software organizations, and particularly SMEs. Therefore, in this research phase, a comprehensive framework is proposed and refined, based on field studies that consider its adequacy in relation to the identified challenges and obstacles. The framework, referred to as the Software Measurement Framework for SMEs (SMF4SME), as developed and enhanced in the field over three cases, is a further novel contribution of this research. The last major research phase validates the SMF4SME by seeking the insights of a sample of software practitioners working in SMEs, with respect to its perceived usefulness. An industrial survey is designed and distributed to potential participants to get their feedback. More than 100 respondents provide favourable indications regarding the coverage and potential utility of the framework in SSMEs. Overall, this research work contributes to both theory and practice by providing an improved understanding of SMPI in SMEs along with a validated SMF4SME intended to overcome (or at least reduce the severity of) measurement implementation challenges in SMEs

    The measurement process in micro and small software maintenance companies: empirical study

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    With the dissemination of quality models and the need for measurement-based management for software organizations, a variety of approaches and models are emerging to support organizations on this journey. According to a Systematic Review of Literature that selected 30 of 692 papers returned from search sources, it was noticed the need for guidelines and guides regarding the measurement process in a specific sector: micro and small companies that work with software maintenance. In this work, an empirical study was carried out to understand how the measurement process aligned with quality models can be implemented in these organizations. The field study followed the implementation of an improvement program based on CMMI¼ level 2 in 7 Brazilian companies from Maringá, Paraná. Finally, it was found that the process for the definition of a measurement guide can be common to a specific group of companies, taking steps and guidelines for its execution, always aligned with the organization’s strategy, giving top management an objective view work and process, supporting decision making

    A conceptual framework for SPI evaluation

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    Software Process Improvement (SPI) encompasses the analysis and modification of the processes within software development, aimed at improving key areas that contribute to the organizations' goals. The task of evaluating whether the selected improvement path meets these goals is challenging. On the basis of the results of a systematic literature review on SPI measurement and evaluation practices, we developed a framework (SPI Measurement and Evaluation Framework (SPI-MEF)) that supports the planning and implementation of SPI evaluations. SPI-MEF guides the practitioner in scoping the evaluation, determining measures, and performing the assessment. SPI-MEF does not assume a specific approach to process improvement and can be integrated in existing measurement programs, refocusing the assessment on evaluating the improvement initiative's outcome. Sixteen industry and academic experts evaluated the framework's usability and capability to support practitioners, providing additional insights that were integrated in the application guidelines of the framework

    An Evaluation of Software Measurement Processes in Pakistani Software Industry

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    Implementing a successful measurement process is a challenging task. Most measurement studies report measurement models, experiences, and lessons learned based on pilot projects or case studies in a limited scope to overcome specific challenges. This paper identifies 14 basic measurement practices and proposes a model of 18 success factors for implementing measurement processes with respect to the identified measurement theories in our systematic literature review (SLR), i.e., A systematic literature review on software measurement programs, by Tahir et al. , 2016. In addition, a survey is conducted to evaluate the state of measurement practices and to validate the proposed model based on the feedback from 200 software professionals working in Pakistani software industry. The state of measurement practices in the industry is mostly not according to the identified measurement theories in the SLR. For instance, more than 50 measurement models reported in the literature but only 10% software organizations follow any measurement model. 75% of organizations do not follow any measurement standard. 80% software organizations do not use any measurement tool. The proposed model is validated by applying structural equation modeling on the survey data. Furthermore, among 18 success factors, it is statistically significant that Pakistani software professionals strongly believe in necessity of three factors for successful implementation of a measurement process, i.e., synchronization between measurement process and software process improvement, use of measurement standards, and use of measurement models. In addition, they also believe that a successful measurement process will improve prediction, monitoring and management of software projects, and support in achievement of individual and organization-wide objectives. Software organizations might consider this paper in planning and improving their measurement processes

    Um Método de aquisição de conhecimento para customização de modelos de capacidade/maturidade de processos de software

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnoclĂłgico, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Engenharia e GestĂŁo do Conhecimento, FlorianĂłpolis, 2011A Engenharia do Conhecimento provĂȘ mĂ©todos que possibilitam o entendimento das estruturas e processos utilizados por especialistas, no intuito de criar uma melhor integração da tecnologia da informação em suporte ao trabalho intelectual. Um dos principais processos da Engenharia do Conhecimento Ă© a aquisição de conhecimento, que consiste em extrair o conhecimento necessĂĄrio a partir de suas diversas fontes, de modo a poder codificĂĄ-lo e reutilizĂĄ-lo. O conhecimento representado na forma de melhores prĂĄticas constitui-se no encapsulamento de experiĂȘncias que, quando repetidas, levam a alcançar resultados semelhantes. Nesse sentido, os Modelos de Capacidade/ Maturidade de Processo de Software (SPCMMs) sĂŁo frameworks de melhores prĂĄticas de desenvolvimento de software e tĂȘm sido customizados para atender as necessidades especĂ­ficas de qualidade de cada domĂ­nio de desenvolvimento de software. Neste sentido, esta tese apresenta um mĂ©todo de aquisição de conhecimento para customização de SPCMMs para domĂ­nios especĂ­ficos, desenvolvido com base nas experiĂȘncias de desenvolvimento de SPCMMs relatadas na literatura, nos processos e tĂ©cnicas de aquisição de conhecimento, processos de desenvolvimento de normas de qualidade e em frameworks de desenvolvimento de modelos de qualidade de processo. O mĂ©todo Ă© avaliado por especialistas e utilizado na customização de dois SPCMMs. Os resultados observados revelam primeiros indĂ­cios de que o mĂ©todo Ă© adequado e aplicĂĄvel Ă  aquisição de conhecimento para a customização de SPCMMs. O mĂ©todo desenvolvido contribui para a Engenharia do Conhecimento na pesquisa atual em aquisição do conhecimento a partir de fontes nĂŁo estruturadas e na ĂĄrea de aplicação em Engenharia de Software fornecendo um suporte sistemĂĄtico para a customização de SPCMMs

    Demographic change: towards a framework to manage IT- personnel in times of scarcity of talent

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    En un entorno en el que el crecimiento demogrĂĄfico negativo es una realidad en la mayorĂ­a de los estados europeos, las organizaciones deben enfrentar necesidades incrementos de la productividad laboral y una menor disponibilidad de empleados competentes. Uno de los sectores en que la situaciĂłn expuesta es mĂĄs evidente es el de las TencnologĂ­as de la InformaciĂłn. Las teconologĂ­as de la informaciĂłn son cruciales para casi cualquier organizaciĂłn en cualquier sector y para cualquier persona. En un entorno socioeconĂłmico en continuo cambio las organizaciones y sus departamentos de tecnologĂ­as de la informaciĂłn deben asumir los cambios en el mercado y ser capaces de desenvolverse de una forma ĂĄgil y con una orientaciĂłn al cliente sin precedentes. Para las organizaciones, y en particular para sus elementos organizacionales mĂĄs relacionados con las tecnologĂ­as de la informaciĂłn, la productividad de los empleados es un componente clave. De esta forma, la gestiĂłn de los recursos humanos, abarcando aspectos como su selecciĂłn, desarrollo y retenciĂłn es un aspecto clave para las organizaciones. El reto para las organizaciones es lograr la mejora en el ĂĄmbito de los procesos corporativos incluyendo como una parte importante de los mismos la gestiĂłn de los recursos humanos. La simbiosis de disciplinas como las tecnologĂ­as de la informaciĂłn, la economĂ­a, la psicologĂ­a y la gestiĂłn puede lograr el incremento de la lealtad de los empleados. Para los profesionales modernos, los cambios de empleador se consideran dentro de la normalidad hasta encontrar un entorno adecuado que colme sus expectativas y necesidades. Dichas expectativas no se encuentran basadas Ășnicamente en incentivos econĂłmicos, por lo que las organizaciones deben anticipar las expectativas y alinear sus estrategias a las expectativas de su fuerza laboral. La temĂĄtica de este trabajo ha tenido repercusiĂłn en la literatura cientĂ­fica, sin embargo, no existe un estudio que identifique los factores que se presentan y determinan la retenciĂłn de los trabajadores de las tecnologĂ­as de la informaciĂłn en los entornos organizacionales. Este es el objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral. Para ello, el primer paso que se pretende dar es concretar los aspectos organizacionales que son relevantes para el estudio del fenĂłmeno. A partir de esta identificaciĂłn, el autor diseña un marco en el que las partes identificadas se encuentran conectadas. El citado marco de trabajo presenta cinco niveles. Estos cinco niveles son: los salarios, la educaciĂłn y capacidad de fuerza laboral, salud psicolĂłgica, salud fisiolĂłgica y balance de la vida laboral y profesional. Adicionalmente, el marco de trabajo presenta una aproximaciĂłn jerĂĄrquica. Cada nivel presenta diferentes factores y mĂ©tricas para definir y medir la situaciĂłn organizacional ofreciendo oportunidades de derivar medidas para mejorar la situaciĂłn. El marco de trabajo presenta 22 factores y 44 mĂ©tricas. Adicionalmente, se ha desarrollado un modelo de implantaciĂłn para el mĂ©todo propuesto. Con vistas a refinar el marco de trabajo y su modelo de implantaciĂłn, se han llevado a cabo pruebas cualitativas y cuantitativas en el seno de un departamento de tecnologĂ­as de la in-formaciĂłn perteneciente a una organizaciĂłn dedicada a los servicios financieros en Alemania. Se formularon y respondieron diversas preguntas de investigaciĂłn en relaciĂłn a ĂĄmbitos como el cambio demogrĂĄfico, el estrĂ©s y los factores para el rendimiento laboral. Los resultados demuestran que el estrĂ©s estĂĄ determinado por diferentes factores y que la mayorĂ­a de ellos deben ser tomados en consideraciĂłn en la asignaciĂłn de tareas y en el diseño de los entornos de trabajo. De la misma forma, se presentan diversos factores que incrementan la productividad laboral. Algunos de ellos como la conciliaciĂłn de la vida laboral y la personal, la cultura organizacional o el salario deben ser tomados en consideraciĂłn en las estrategias de gestiĂłn de recursos humanos en ĂĄmbitos organizacionales. Una estrategia de gestiĂłn de recursos humanos debe incluir adicionalmente aspectos relativos al reclutamiento, teniendo en cuenta la complentaridad con los factores anteriormente expuestos. Los resultados obtenidos tambiĂ©n revelan que no existen evidencias de diferencias de gĂ©nero o de edad en la importancia de los factores de productividad o en los factores de estrĂ©s.Due to an unsatisfying demographic development in most European states, companies have to solve a trade-off between a needed increase of productivity on the one hand and fewer highly skilled employees on the other hand. One of the first sectors that will be influenced by this development is the Information Technology-industry (IT). Information technology is crucial for every company in every industry and for the people itself. In a permanently changing business environment, companies and especially their IT-departments must adapt to changes in the market and be more agile and customer oriented than ever before. To succeed in the IT sector, the productivity of employees is the key comonent. Therefore, the allocation and retention of these scarce resources in the best possible way is even more important. The challenge for companies is to improve the enterprise not only on the side of the organizational and process level, but to develop new strategies and approaches in human resource management. Only a symbiosis of the disciplines information technology, economics, psychology and management will enable relevant and indispensable employees to promote loyalty to the company. For a well-trained professional, frequent change of the employer, is as long associated with normality until the employees find the most suitable environment for fulfilling their needs and expectations. These expectations are no longer just based on financial incentives, consequently companies need to anticipate these expectations and align their strategies to them. Although the topic is quite popular in scientific literature, there is not a study devoted to identify these factors in organizational contexts. This Thesis is aimed to bridge this gap. The first step to achieve this goal is creating transparency over all parts of an organisation that are relevant to this topic. The author created a method that connects these relevant parts in one holistic framework. The framework consists of five layers. These layers are baseline wages, education and employee pool, psychological healthiness, physiological healthiness and work live balance. Also, the framework follows a hierarchical approach. Every layer has distinct factors and metrics to define and measure the status of the company and offers opportunities to derive measures to improve this situation. In total the framework consist of 22 factors and 44 metrics. Besides the framework, the author developed an implementation model for the proposed method. To refine the developed framework and implementation model, qualitative and quantitative tests were conductedn the IT-department of a financial service company in Germany. X Several research questions regarding demographic change, psychological stress and factors for employee performance were analysed and answered. The results show, that stress is influenced by several different stressors and the most of them need to be considered by companies when they allocate work or design workspaces. On the other side, there are several factors that promote employee productivity. Some of them, like work-life balance, company culture or salary are more important and should be a relevant part of every human resource management (HRM) strategy. A HRM strategy should involve proper measures for the recruiting and the development of employees because they complement each other and should be considered with the same importance. The results also show, that there is no evidence suggesting an age or gender related difference of the importance or the impact of productivity factors or psychological stressors.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a InformĂĄticaPresidente: Antonio de Amescua Seco.- Secretario: Edmundo Tov0ar Carlo.- Vocal: Cristina Casado Lumbrera

    Information systems project maturity framework for level 2 compliance

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    Chapter 1 unpacked the problem identified by the Standish Chaos Reports (2014), where it appears that projects across the globe are often not managed successfully for earned value. A general overview placed software project management in context while proposing that a focus on process management using the PMIS emplacement may alleviate many of the challenges faced. Chapter 1 also explained the problems and resultant inability to unlock capability maturity requirements needed to move out of CM L1 behaviourSchool of Computin

    AproximaciĂłn holĂ­stica a la integraciĂłn de modelos SPI en entorno microempresa

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    MenciĂłn Internacional en el tĂ­tulo de doctorEn todo el mundo, una abrumadora mayorĂ­a de las empresas son muy pequeñas o pequeñas. Es asĂ­ que la industria del software no es la excepciĂłn. Aunque las pequeñas empresas de software juegan un papel importante en la mayorĂ­a de economĂ­as, especialmente en los paĂ­ses en desarrollo, tienen que trabajar duro para sobrevivir. Por lo general, les resulta difĂ­cil dedicar tiempo y esfuerzo a mejorar sus operaciones y procesos. AdemĂĄs, los conocimientos tĂ©cnicos y las herramientas no son suficientes. Su capacidad para gestionar las cuestiones humanas es un aspecto importante y particularmente difĂ­cil que apenas se ha estudiado. Por lo tanto, es importante abordar tales necesidades mediante la introducciĂłn de un marco que especifique las maneras de hacer las cosas mientras que conscientemente les anima a mejorar su capacidad de mejorar. A pesar del hecho de que hay muchos enfoques de mejora de procesos de software, ninguno de ellos aborda los factores humanos de las pequeñas empresas de una manera integral y holĂ­stica. En consecuencia, esta tesis se dirige a la definiciĂłn de un marco para integrar los factores humanos en el trabajo cotidiano como una forma de abordar ese reto. La resoluciĂłn del problema se ha abordado desde un punto de vista humano teniendo en cuenta aspectos que pertenecen a otras disciplinas tales como el pensamiento visual, la psicologĂ­a y la gestiĂłn. La soluciĂłn propuesta proporciona un marco, llamado Samay, para apoyar los factores humanos en las microempresas de software que pueda ser adaptado a la situaciĂłn real y concreta de cada organizaciĂłn, y que proporciona tĂ©cnicas adecuadas para mejorar los factores humanos envueltos en el desarrollo de software. AdemĂĄs, este estudio sugiere gestionar los factores humanos a partir del ciclo de vida del proceso de software. El objetivo es converger hacia una mejora continua por medio de mecanismos alternativos que afecten a las personas. Este marco fue desarrollado en base a las revisiones de normas relevantes (tales como ISO/IEC 29110, ISO 10018, OMG Essence e ISO/IEC 33014) y estudios publicados previamente en este campo. Este marco se compone de un nĂșcleo, que corresponde a un proceso de desarrollo de software, y dos grupos de elementos llamados complemento y soporte. El primer grupo estĂĄ directamente vinculado al proceso de desarrollo, el cual incluye: flujo de proceso de desarrollo de software, roles y responsabilidades, y competencias y niveles de competencia. El segundo grupo estĂĄ intentando facilitar la adopciĂłn del marco por medio de dos componentes: la iniciaciĂłn y la gestiĂłn del cambio. El desarrollo de esta tesis ha seguido una metodologĂ­a de investigaciĂłn consistente e integral que incluye una revisiĂłn sistemĂĄtica de la literatura y mĂ©todos cualitativos como entrevistas y grupos focales. AdemĂĄs, una revisiĂłn de expertos y los hallazgos de validaciĂłn respaldan la visiĂłn de que Samay podrĂ­a apoyar a los profesionales cuando las pequeñas empresas de software quieren comenzar a mejorar sus formas de trabajo. En la Ășltima etapa de la metodologĂ­a de investigaciĂłn se ha realizado una validaciĂłn empĂ­rica por medio de la implementaciĂłn en un caso de estudio para verificar la aplicabilidad del marco. Los datos obtenidos de la validaciĂłn indican que la aplicaciĂłn del marco introduce un cambio positivo en la satisfacciĂłn laboral y la comunicaciĂłn. Finalmente, se concluye que la satisfacciĂłn laboral y la comunicaciĂłn en el desarrollo de software sigue siendo un desafĂ­o. Para reducir esta dificultad, esta tesis da luz sobre el tema proporcionando un marco para desencadenar los factores humanos diariamente.Around the world, an overwhelming majority of enterprises are very small or small. So that software Industry is not the exception. Although small software companies play a major role in most economies, particularly in developing countries, they have to work hard in order to survive. They usually find it challenging to spend time and effort on improving their operations and processes. Moreover, technical knowledge and tools are not enough. Their ability to manage human issues is an important and particularly challenging aspect which has been scarcely studied. Therefore, it is important to address such needs by the introduction of a framework that specifies ways of getting things done while consciously encourage them to enhance their ability to improve. In spite of the fact that there are many software process improvement approaches, none of them address the human factors of small companies in a comprehensive and holistic way. Consequently, this thesis is aimed at the definition of a framework to integrate human factors in the daily work as a way to deal with that challenge. The resolution of the problem has been approached from a human point of view taking in consideration aspects belonging to others disciplines such as visual thinking, psychology and management. The proposed solution provides a framework, called Samay, to support the human factors in software microenterprises that can be tailored to the actual and concrete situation of each organization, and that provides suitable techniques to enhance human factors involved in software development. Furthermore, this study suggests managing human factors but pointing out the software process life cycle. The purpose is to converge toward a continuous improvement by means of alternative mechanisms that impact on people. This framework was developed based upon reviews of relevant standards (such as ISO/IEC 29110, ISO 10018, OMG Essence and ISO/IEC 33014) and previously published studies in this field. This framework is composed of a kernel, corresponding to a software development process, and two groups of elements called complement and support. First group is directly linked to the development process which includes: software development process flow, roles and responsibilities, and competencies and competency levels. Second group is trying to facilitate the adoption of the framework by two components: initiation and change management. The development of this thesis has followed a consistent and integral research methodology that has included a systematic literature review and qualitative methods such as interviews and focus group. Moreover, an expert review and validation findings supported the view that Samay could support practitioners when small software companies want to start improving their ways of work. In the last phase of the research methodology an empirical validation has been performed through its implementation in one case study in order to verify the applicability of the framework. The data obtained from the validation indicate that the application of the framework introduces a positive change of the job satisfaction and communication. Finally, it is concluded that the job satisfaction and communication in software development remains a challenge. To reduce this difficulty, this thesis sheds some light on the topic by providing a framework to trigger human factors in daily basis.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a InformĂĄticaPresidente: Gonzalo Cuevas AgustĂ­n.- Secretario: JosĂ© A. Calvo-Manzano VillalĂłn.- Vocal: Mirna Ariadna Muñoz Mat

    Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth

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    In the last years sustainability has become a topic of global concern and a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities and organisations. Significant changes in business landscape, the emergence of new technology, including social media, the pressure of new social concerns, have called into question established conceptualizations of competitiveness, wealth creation and growth. New and unaddressed set of issues regarding how private and public organisations manage and invest their resources to create sustainable value have brought to light. In particular the increasing focus on environmental and social themes has suggested new dimensions to be taken into account in the value creation dynamics, both at organisations and communities level. For companies the need of integrating corporate social and environmental responsibility issues into strategy and daily business operations, pose profound challenges, which, in turn, involve numerous processes and complex decisions influenced by many stakeholders. Facing these challenges calls for the creation, use and exploitation of new knowledge as well as the development of proper management models, approaches and tools aimed to contribute to the development and realization of environmentally and socially sustainable business strategies and practices
